L02-Water Reclamation and Sludge Recycling

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Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 369e378

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Water reclamation and sludge recycling scenarios for sustainable

resource management in a wastewater treatment plant in Kinmen
islands, Taiwan
Huan-Yu Shiu, Mengshan Lee, Pei-Te Chiueh*
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 10617, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sustainable resource management in small islands is very challenging. To address the challenges, four
Received 23 December 2016 water and waste management strategies were proposed for a wastewater treatment plant in the Kinmen
Received in revised form islands, Taiwan. Life cycle assessment was employed for evaluation of the environmental impacts and
16 March 2017
benefits (i.e., avoidance of impacts) associated with the resource management strategies at the plant. The
Accepted 16 March 2017
results showed that the energy requirements (mainly electricity consumption) for water and sludge
Available online 27 March 2017
treatments in the wastewater treatment plant had the most remarkable impact as high as 98.6%. Sig-
nificant environmental advantages could be achieved by reusing the reclaimed wastewater for agricul-
tural applications (27.8% reduction in eutrophication potential), reusing the sludge for land applications
Life cycle assessment (157% reduction in global warming potential), and generating energy from incineration of recycled sludge
Agricultural application (impacts were neutralized). Impacts from addition of tertiary treatment for wastewater reclamation
Fertilizer could be offset by preventing discharge of nutrients (i.e. N and P) into the environment. The reclamation
Energy recovery also reduced the demand from groundwater pumping and associated impacts. Reuse of sludge for energy
Incineration generation was more favorable than for land applications. This was mainly because eutrophication
impact could not be avoided when the sludge was applied to soil (excess in nutrients), and, relatively
higher reduction in global warming potential was observed for energy generation (197 kg CO2 eq/m3)
than for land applications (18.8 kg CO2 eq/m3).
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction islands is usually poorly managed by inappropriate disposal (UNEP,

2012). Despite the fact that the challenges are obvious and well-
Small islands are vulnerable to natural disasters and human recognized, solutions or strategies (e.g., sustainable management
activities (Kurniawan et al., 2016). Development expansion, such as practices) to address these challenges were seldom investigated in
population growth, increased tourism and poor infrastructure small islands.
management, makes sustainable management in small islands very Domestic wastewater is now being seen as a resource than as a
challenging from water resource and solid waste management waste. It offers opportunities to recover water, energy and fertil-
perspectives. The challenges of freshwater and waste management izing nutrients in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (McCarty
generally come from its limited land size, resource availability and et al., 2011). An Amsterdam based study quantified the organic
physical characteristics (Mohee et al., 2015). For instance, water matter and phosphorus in wastewater using material flow analysis
sources in small islands are extremely vulnerable, as most of the and sketched out strategies for recovering the resources (van der
surface water flows quickly into the sea instead of into catchment Hoek et al., 2016). Reclamation of wastewater is also regarded as
areas (Ma n~ ez et al., 2012). Contamination of the freshwater by an important and attractive approach for effective and sustainable
seawater intrusion is also a major concern for water management management of water resource (Chang et al., 2017). Opher and
(Polido et al., 2014a,b). On the other hand, the solid waste in small Friedler (2016) further compared four urban wastewater manage-
ment approaches and pointed out that decentralized systems (i.e.
onsite treatment systems) are generally perferrabler than central-
* Corresponding author.
ized ones.
E-mail address: ptchueh@ntu.edu.tw (P.-T. Chiueh). Through wastewater reuse, energy can be indirectly conserved

0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
370 H.-Y. Shiu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 369e378

from production of potable water and treatment of wastewater. a useful demonstration for making of more environmentally sus-
Moreover, it reduces the need for exploring energy-intensive water tainable wastewater treatment plant for developing areas.
sources, such as desalination, and the impacts associated with
freshwater use (Lyons et al., 2009). Reducing of freshwater 2. Study site description
abstraction by pumping was found to be the key contributor to the
reduction in Freshwater Ecosystem impact for water reclamation Kinmen is a group of islands that governed by Taiwan with area
(Amores et al., 2013). Addition of tertiary treatment in existing only 153.1 km2. Kinmen has population of approximately 132,800
wastewater treatment system for wastewater reclamation showed in 2015 and a relatively high person-times of tourists as many as 1.5
little increment in most of the environmental impacts but a notable million people as recorded in 2014. The full-year average annual
net saving of freshwater (Meneses et al., 2010). Reuse of the rainfall of the islands is 1047 mm, whereas the average rainfall in
reclaimed water for agricultural applications was viewed as the the world in 2013 was 1,064 mm (NOAA, 2014). The extremely
most environmentally friendly approach (Meneses et al., 2010), and uneven distribution of rainfall resulted in water shortage in the
its environmental benefit (avoidance of the acidification and Kinmen islands.
eutrophication impacts) was proportional to the amount of treated Water sources for the Kinmen islands mainly come from
wastewater (Renzoni and Germain, 2007). groundwater (79%), followed by surface water from catchments
Similarly, reuse of waste sludge is proposed for advanced (19%) and desalinated seawater (2%), in which the agricultural
management of sludge. Combining the applications of sludge as sector uses up to 43% of the water, residential sector uses about 29%,
fertilizer, fuel and raw material replacements was found to be the tourism uses as much as 3%, and the remainder goes to industrial
most environmental option for the final destination of the sludge and military uses. Kaoliang (sorghum) wine making is the main
(Pasqualino et al., 2009). Productive use of sludge such as agricul- industry in Kinmen, therefore, its quality requirement for source
tural application (i.e., serves as fertilizers) was reported to improve water is high and does not accept reclaimed wastewater.
the environmental performance and offered the greatest environ- Kinmen Jincheng WWTP, the largest WWTP plant in Kinmen,
mental offsets in eutrophication and acidification impacts of was chosen for this case study. The design capacity of the WWTP is
WWTPs (Murray et al., 2008). The impact from presence of 3000 m3, and the real processing capacity is 4500 m3. Oxidation
emerging micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals and personal ditch is the main method for biological treatment of wastewater.
care products in the sludge was found to be minimal (Hospido et al., The wastewater treatment processes in the WWTP include
2010). Economic benefits from recycling of sludge for agricultural screening, settling, oxidation, final settling and disinfection. Sludge
applications also made it an attractive option for sludge manage- from the WWTP was treated with thickening and dehydration,
ment (Kleemann and Morse, 2015). before to be landfilled. According to “The Planning and Demon-
Moreover, recycling of sludge for electricity or heat generation stration Project for Reclaimed Water in Kinmen islands”, Jincheng
could potentially reduce use of natural resources, occupation of WWTP will upgrade its existing secondary treatment to tertiary
land, energy consumption and generation of end products, and treatment. The tertiary wastewater treatment involves sand filtra-
consequently avoid environment impacts associated with sludge tion, ozone disinfection, and micro-membrane filtration in its sys-
treatment. Thermal processes such as incineration or pyrolysis tem (WRA, 2009). The electricity mix in Kinmen contains 67% from
presented opportunities for energy recovery with little nutrient heavy fuel oil, 27.7% from light diesel oil, 4.2% from wind power and
loss (Hospido et al., 2005). Bravo and Ferrer (2011) suggested that 0.6% from solar power (ITRI, 2011).
increase in biogas production through anaerobic digestion of
sewage sludge could enhance the environment performance of the 3. Material and methods
WWTPs due to the recovery of energy and nutrient. The sludge
could be potentially utilized as substitution for fossil fuels in co- 3.1. Life cycle assessment
incineration in power plants or cement kilns (Remy et al., 2013),
or acted as an alternative fuel in industrial processes (Valderrama Life cycle assessment was applied to quantify overall environ-
et al., 2013). A considerably low carbon footprint (11.6 kg CO2 mental impacts associated to proposed sustainable management of
equivalent per population equivalent chemical oxygen demand) water or waste resources, by following the international standard
was reported in a study of co-incineration of sludge in cement kilns methodology ISO14040 (ISO, 2006). SimaPro 8.0.5, the leading
(Remy et al., 2013). The co-incineration also presented high eco- software tool for LCA (Herrmann and Moltesen, 2015) equipped
nomic benefits than environmental benefits (Hong et al., 2013). All with Ecoinvent v3.1 life cycle inventory database and impact
of these management strategies were seldom reported for devel- assessment methods, was used in this study. The CML 2 baseline
oping areas such as small islands. 2000 (V2.05) method was used to quantify the environmental
Kinmen islands is one of the small islands in Taiwan that faces impacts. This impact assessment method was widely used by the
difficulties in sustainable management of their resources. As the LCA of wastewater treatment plants (Renou et al., 2008).
government in the islands are putting efforts to find sustainable World 1995 values were selected as normalization factors for all
solutions in addressing the issues, their associated environmental impact categories. The global normalization factors are recom-
benefits is therefore need to be quantified, particularly for policy mended for regional assessment of undefined systems (Huijbregts
making purpose. This study aims to evaluate the environmental et al., 2003). Normalization method translates impact value into
performances of four sustainable resource management scenarios relative contribution to a reference dimensionless value (Sleeswijk
for Jincheng WWTP, the largest WWTP in Kinmen islands, et al., 2008), hence, allowing direct comparison between impact
including reclamation of wastewater for agricultural and urban categories.
uses and recycling of waste sludge for agricultural use and energy
production from incineration. The studied scenarios are specially 3.1.1. System boundary and functional unit
designed for the islands, considering the economic activities and Fig. 1 displays the system boundaries considered in this study.
geographical constraints in the area. Improvements in future This study focused on the operational stage of the Jincheng WWTP,
electricity mix of the islands is also considered in this study. including pre-treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment,
Environmental performances for the studied scenarios are quanti- tertiary treatment and water reclamation for water line, and, sludge
fied using life cycle assessment approach. This study could provide treatment, sludge final disposal and recycling for waste line.
H.-Y. Shiu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 369e378 371

Fig. 1. System boundaries for sustainable resource management scenarios (water reclamation and sludge recycling) for Jincheng WWTP in Kinmen islands. In water reclamation
scenarios, the reclaimed water was targeted to be use for (1) agriculture sectors or (2) urban use, and the sludge was landfilled; in sludge recycling scenarios, the recycled sludge
was used for (3) agricultural application or (4) energy generation after proper treatments, and the secondary effluents were discharged into the sea.

Transport of the chemical, materials and sludge was also consid- Data for the inventory was mostly retrieved from either internal
ered. Input and output flows of energy and resources were incor- reports or personal interviews at the plant. For instance, the values
porated into the inventory data. The reclaimed water was targeted of flow rates (influent and effluent), water quality parameters (e.g.
to be used for agricultural irrigation (line 1) or urban uses such as BOD, COD, SS, total phosphorus and total nitrogen) and sludge
watering flowers and landscapes (line 2). Sludge was intended to be analysis (e.g., heavy metals) were empirical measurements. Inputs
reused in agricultural applications (line 3), and energy can be of sand and oxygen for operation of tertiary treatment were
recovered from incineration (line 4). accessed from Barrios et al. (2008) and Mun ~ oz et al. (2009),
The functional unit in this study was defined as 1 m3 of treated respectively. The sludge sample was tested for eight different heavy
water, a common functional unit for water systems (Corominas metals, including mercury, chromium, selenium, chromium (VI),
et al., 2013). All material, energy consumption, wastewater emis- lead, arsenic, copper and barium. But, only chromium (VI) and
sions and resources recovery were based on this functional unit. barium were detected in the sludge sample (Table 2). Electricity
consumption was recorded from its electricity bills. Kinmen's
electricity grid mix was employed for the evaluation of environ-
3.1.2. Life cycle inventory (LCI) and data collection mental impacts of energy inputs. Other inventory data like energy
Table 1 and Table 2 present the inventory data for the operation uses for sludge treatment (concentration, dehydration and incin-
of Jincheng WWTP for baseline and water or waste management eration) was collected from literature (Hong et al., 2009). Approx-
scenarios. The LCI in this study included mainly chemicals, mate- imately 51% of the electricity generated from incineration of sludge
rials, energy consumption and wastewater discharge at operation was assumed to be used for supporting process-related energy uses
phases. The inventory was categorized as several groups based on (Hong et al., 2009).
their material flows and emission routes within the studied system
boundary. Consumption of energy was mainly attributed to treat-
ment of wastewater or sludge. Energy requirements for sludge 3.1.3. Assumptions and limitations
treatment was found to be greater than that for wastewater This study assumed that the environmental impacts from con-
treatment (Xu et al., 2014). struction of the infrastructures were small, mainly due to its long
372 H.-Y. Shiu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 369e378

Table 1
Life cycle inventory data for basic scenario and water reclamation scenarios.

Basic scenario Scenario 1 ereuse for agricultural irrigation Scenario 2 - reuse for urban applications

Input/Output flows Unita Value Input/Output flows Unita Value Input/Output flows Unita Value

Water line Water line Water line

Energyb MJ 1.4 Energyb MJ 1.4 Energyb MJ 1.4
Chlorine tabletsb g 1.1 Chlorine tabletsb g 1.1 Chlorine tabletsb g 1.1
Polymerb g 0.5 Polymerb g 0.5 Polymer b
g 0.5
Tertiary treatment Tertiary treatment Tertiary treatment
Energyc MJ 1.6
Sandc,d g 20
Oxygenc,e g 140
Avoided potable water treatment Avoided potable water treatment Avoided potable water treatment
Energy MJ 1.9
Chlorine dioxideb mg 2.4
Sodium hypochlorite mg 5.2
Sludge treatment Sludge treatment Sludge treatment
Energy (landfill)b,f MJ 102.3 Energy (landfill)b,f MJ 102.3 Energy (landfill)b,f MJ 102.3
Outputs to ocean Outputs to ocean Outputs to ocean
BODb g 9.9 Total Phosphorusb g 3.5
SSb g 10.7
CODb g 29.6
Total Phosphorusb g 3.5
Outputs to soil Outputs to soil Outputs to soil
Chromium VIb g 0.01 BODb g 9.9 Chromium VIb g 0.01
Bariumb g 0.8 SSb g 10.7 Bariumb g 0.8
CODb g 29.6
Chromium VIb g 0.01
Bariumb g 0.8
1 kJ ¼ 2.78*104 kWh.
KWP (2012).
WRA (2009).
Barrios et al. (2008).
Mun~ oz et al. (2009).
Hong et al. (2009).

Table 2 lifespan (more than 50 years) (Lyons et al., 2009). This assumption
Life cycle inventory data for sludge recycling scenarios. was considered acceptable, as the environmental impacts from
Scenario 3 - reuse for agricultural Scenario 4 e reuse for energy constructing and dismantling the infrastructure were negligible
applications (works as fertilizer) generation by incineration when compared to that in the operation phase (Rodriguez-Garcia
Input/Output flows Unita Value Input/Output flows Unita Value
et al., 2011).
This study also assumed that the inflows to the WWTP remained
Water line Water line
stable and showed little variation during dry and wet season. Dif-
Energyb MJ 1.4 Energyb kJ 1.4
Chlorine tabletsb g 1.1 Chlorine tabletsb g 1.1 ferences in impacts between humid and dry seasons were not
Polymerb g 0.5 Polymerb g 0.5 required as the results were practically equal for both situations
Outputs to ocean Outputs to ocean (Hospido et al., 2004). Results of the impact assessment were
BODb g 9.9 BODb g 9.9
shown on average. Dynamic change of the impacts was not
SSb g 10.7 SSb g 10.7
CODb g 29.6 CODb g 29.6
considered in this study.
Total Phosphorus g 3.5 Total Phosphorusb g 3.5
Sludge line Sludge line
3.2. Scenario analysis
Energy (Thinkening)c MJ 313.1 Energy (Thinkening)c MJ 313.1
Energy (Dewatering)c MJ 122.4 Energy (Dewatering) c MJ 122.4
Flocculantc kg 3.1 Flocculantc kg 3.1 In the basic scenario of Jincheng WWTP without any reuse, the
Energy (Compost)c MJ 122.4 treated wastewater is discharged into sea after secondary treat-
Sludge application as fertilizer Sludge incineration ment, and the final disposal of waste sludge is landfilled. To assess
c 3
Natural gas m 6.3 Energy (Incineration)c MJ 533.1
Nitrogen oxidesc g 339.3 Natural gasc m3 22.6
possible environmental benefits from implementations of different
Ammoniac kg 0.9 Recovered Energyc MJ 1624 water or waste management strategies, four scenarios (two for
Carbon dioxidec kg 8.4 water and two for sludge), as shown in Fig. 1, are proposed in this
Oil kg 13.4 study. Detailed descriptions for the proposed scenarios are as
Outputs to soil
Chromium VIc g 0.01
Bariumc g 0.8
Avoided outputs to air (agricultural 3.2.1. Scenario 1: Reuse of reclaimed water for agricultural
Methanec kg 9.2
Nitrous oxidec g 92.3 The water quality of secondary effluent from Jincheng WWTP is
Sulfur oxidesc g 411.2 in line with the water quality standards for irrigation (Table A1),
1 kJ ¼ 2.78*104 kWh therefore, the reclaimed water can be directly sent for agricultural
KWP (2012). irrigation. Reuse of the reclaimed water is expected to provide
Hong et al. (2009). alternative water source for the existing groundwater supply.
Direct reuse of secondary effluent for irrigation could potentially
H.-Y. Shiu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 369e378 373

reduce the use of fertilizer. 4. Results and discussion

3.2.2. Scenario 2: Reuse of reclaimed water for urban applications 4.1. Characterization and contribution analysis for the basic
Tertiary treatment, in addition to the existing secondary treat- scenario
ment, is applied for advanced treatment of reclaimed wastewater
for water security purpose (Meneses et al., 2010; Pasqualino et al., Operation of the Jincheng WWTP uses significant amount of
2011; Zhang et al., 2010). The reclaimed water is aimed to be used electricity, accounting for approximately 0.24% of the islands’ total
for urban applications such as landscape irrigation, recreational electricity usages. The WWTP currently has an average electricity
impoundments, as well as for non-potable in-building uses consumption of approximately 0.38 kWh (1.36 MJ) for production
(flushing toilets or cooling water for air conditioning). As wine of 1 m3 of treated water. This value is comparable with the value
making is the main industry in Kinmen, reuse of the reclaimed reported by Gallego et al. (2008) with similar operation capacity of
water is preferable for urban applications than for industrial uses. less than 20,000 population equivalent and wastewater treatment
This scenario includes additional use of resources (energy and process.
chemicals) from tertiary treatment but avoids those from potable Use of oxidation deep ditch for biological treatment of the
water treatment. wastewater contributed to majority of the electricity consumption
in the wastewater treatment procedures, and it could account for
up to 70% of the total energy consumption of a typical WWTP (Yang
3.2.3. Scenario 3: Reuse of recycled sludge for agricultural
et al., 2011). Higher electricity consumption was reported for the
applications (works as fertilizers)
facilities used extended aeration (Gallego et al., 2008). The energy-
This scenario assumes that the sludge could be reused as fer-
use-efficiency in this WWTP was considered high, as the quality
tilizers for local agricultural applications after proper treatments
and quantity of the inflow wastewater were relatively stable as
such as thickening, dewatering, and composting. Local reuse of
compared to other urban areas, and its electricity consumption was
recycled sludge reduces the impacts associated to transportation of
at the lower end of the reported value in literature. The energy
the sludge. Given the fact that the sludge is enriched in phospho-
intensity of WWTPs was reported to be between 0.08 and 1.5 kWh/
rous and nitrogen, use of recycled sludge for soil conditioner can
m3 in a comparative analysis for the USA, Germany, China and
return the nutrients back to the soil (Hong et al., 2009). In addition,
South Africa (Wang et al., 2016), while a typical range of
gaseous emissions such as methane, nitrous oxides and sulfur ox-
0.58e2.11 kWh/m3 with an average of 1.17 kWh/m3 was mentioned
ides from anaerobic digestion can be avoided.
in the review study by Loubet et al. (2014).
Table 3 summarizes the environmental profiles by character-
3.2.4. Scenario 4: Reuse of recycled sludge for energy generation by ization and normalization methods for all the studied scenarios for
incineration the Jincheng WWTP. The global warming potential was estimated
While use of recycled sludge for agricultural application was at about 0.426 kg CO2 equivalent for production of 1 m3 of treated
considered as an insecure approach (Lundie et al., 2004), inciner- water (at wastewater line only). A relatively higher value was found
ation of the sludge could provide a means for simultaneous sludge in the impacts of global warming and marine aquatic ecotoxicity,
treatment and energy generation (Naamane et al., 2016). Inciner- which could be attributed to its high electricity consumption. Re-
ation also posed advantages of elimination of pathogenic organ- searches on evaluation of environmental profiles of WWTPs usually
isms and volatile contents (Naamane et al., 2016). Incineration of showed that electricity consumption for operation of the plants has
sludge is popular in countries like Japan (Hong et al., 2009), the largest contribution on the overall environmental impacts
Singapore (You et al., 2016) and Hong Kong (Lam et al., 2016), where (Gallego et al., 2008). The electricity mix in Kinmen led to a rela-
have relatively limited resources (e.g. land area). Sludge handling tively higher contribution of electricity-related environmental im-
was reported in decrease by approximately 18% for landfilling and pacts in this study than in a Spain based study. The electricity mix
in increase by about 10% for incineration (Kelessidis and Stasinakis, in Spain is made of 57.6% of fossil fuels, 23% of nuclear energy, and
2012). In this scenario, the sludge was assumed to be applied for 19.4% of renewable energy (Gallego et al., 2008).
electricity generation by incineration, therefore, significant portion Moreover, the electricity grid in the Kinmen islands relies
of the energy requirements could be met by the recovered energy mainly on heavy oil burning power plants, which emits not only
from the incineration. carbon dioxide (contribute to global warming) but also trace heavy
metals including cobalt, thallium and selenium that potentially
3.3. Comparative analysis for improvement in future electricity mix contaminated the marine environment. Similar results were found
in Santoyo-Castelazo et al. (2011) that heavy oil contained metals
Electricity generation by diesel and heavy fuel oil is in wide- such as nickel, vanadium, magnesium and copper which could be
spread use in developing areas such in small islands (Dornan and released from electricity generation in Mexico. Heavy oil power
Jotzo, 2015). This implies that any variation in oil price would plants also contributed to atmospheric acidification and heavy
strongly influence the energy policy or structure in a region. Elec- metal contamination (NTN, 2009), a significant risk to marine and
tricity generated by renewable energy sources such as wind or coastal environments due to oil contamination of cooling water
solar, on the other hand, is less affected by the variation in oil price discharge.
and can potentially reduce energy associated environmental im- Wastewater discharge from WWTPs contributed remarkable
pacts (Aguirre and Ibikunle, 2014). environmental impacts in eutrophication (38.29%) and terrestrial
Therefore, this study further investigates the potential benefits ecotoxicity (20.38%), as illustrated in Fig. 2. Discharge of nutrients
from future improvements on energy policy, particularly for the of nitrogen and phosphorous was the largest sharer to the impacts
increase in renewable energy sources. Wind power and solar power of eutrophication and ecotoxicity (Venkatesh and Brattebo, 2011),
are potential renewable energy sources in the Kinmen islands. To even after secondary treatment. Renzoni and Germain (2007) re-
maintain a stable power supply system in the islands, the portion of ported that acidification, in addition to eutrophication, could also
the renewable energy (including wind power and solar power) was be an important environmental impact from the discharge. All of
suggested to be as high as 20% (ITRI, 2011). This could be achieved these findings are indicative of proper treatment of wastewater for
by either solar or wind power, especially during winter. reducing overall environmental impacts in the urban water
374 H.-Y. Shiu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 369e378

Table 3
Environmental impact characteristics for studied scenarios in Jincheng WWTP.

Basic scenariob Scenario 1c Scenario 2d Scenario 3e Scenario 4f

Abiotic depletion, ADP (kg Sb eq) 2.15E-01 2.15E-01 2.15E-01 1.66Eþ00 8.93E-01
Acidification, AP (kg SO2 eq) 2.77E-01 2.77E-01 2.76E-01 1.58Eþ00 1.72Eþ00
Eutrophication, EP (kg PO 4 eq) 2.98E-02 8.29E-03 1.87E-02 1.33E-01 1.02E-01
Global warming, GWP (kg CO2 eq) 3.24Eþ01 3.24Eþ01 3.23Eþ01 1.88Eþ01 1.97Eþ02
Ozone layer depletion, ODP (kg CFC-11 eq) 5.90E-06 5.90E-06 5.89E-06 1.01E-04 3.68E-05
Human toxicity, HTP (kg 1,4-DB eq) 1.07Eþ01 1.05Eþ01 1.07Eþ01 7.70Eþ01 6.28Eþ01
Fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity, FAETP (kg 1,4-DB eq) 1.56Eþ00 1.48Eþ00 1.58Eþ00 1.23Eþ01 8.14Eþ00
Marine aquatic ecotoxicity, MAETP (kg 1,4-DB eq) 6.87Eþ03 6.56Eþ03 6.91Eþ03 4.82Eþ04 3.73Eþ04
Terrestrial ecotoxicity, TETP (kg 1,4-DB eq) 3.46E-01 3.38E-01 3.45E-01 1.62Eþ00 1.73Eþ00
Photochemical oxidation, CED (kg C2H4 eq) 1.07E-02 1.07E-02 1.07E-02 9.45E-03 6.48E-02
Total (Normalized value)a 1.90E-11 1.82E-11 1.90E-11 1.24E-10 1.02E-10
Impacta e 1.82E-11 1.93E-11 1.29 E-10 1.80 E-10
Benefita e 7.65E-14 3.25E-13 5.65 E-12 2.82 E-10
Normalized value was based on World 1995 value.
Basic scenario: include impacts from treatments of wastewater and sludge.
Scenario 1:reuse of reclaimed water for agricultural uses.
Scenario 2: reuse of reclaimed water for urban uses.
Scenario 3: reuse of recycled sludge for agricultural application.
Scenario 4: reuse of recycled sludge for energy generation.

systems. were also observed (Table 1).

There was only little environmental benefits from reuse of
reclaimed wastewater for urban uses (scenario 2). Even though the
4.2. Comparative analysis for enhanced resource management
reclaimed water is not intended for potable use, a tertiary treat-
ment is required for the reclamation. Addition of tertiary treatment
made the reuse showed very little (approximately 0.02%) envi-
Figs. 2 and 3 present the results of contribution analysis for all
ronmental benefits from reduced electricity consumption from
studied scenarios in the Jincheng WWTP. The results showed that
switching potable water treatment to tertiary treatment (Fig. 2).
electricity consumption has the largest impact in all scenarios. The
The environmental impacts from tertiary treatment have the same
environmental impact caused by electricity comprises 98.6%, 94.4%,
order of magnitude as the impacts from potable water treatment
75.0%, and 93.4% of the overall environmental impact in scenario 1,
(Amores et al., 2013). Additionally, discharge of nutrients (i.e. N and
2, 3 and 4 (without consideration of energy recovery), respectively.
P) that contributed to eutrophication could be avoided from the
This is true for most of the WWTP studies since its treatment
reclamation, but it was much less as compared to the benefits from
procedures were generally powered by electricity, and those pro-
Scenario 1 (direct reuse for agricultural irrigation). This result is
cedures were usually energy-intensive. Energy consumption in
similar to the findings in Meneses et al. (2010) that the impacts
operation phase of a WWTP accounted for the largest share of its
from tertiary treatment could be traded off by reusing the
total energy demand (Xu et al., 2014) up to nearly 70% (Singh and
reclaimed water for agricultural or urban uses. The trade-off was
Kansal, 2016). Lemos et al. (2013) reported that the electricity
more significant for agricultural reuse than for urban uses.
consumption was the largest contributor to the environmental
impacts. The total impacts from transportation of chemicals and
materials were negligible.
4.2.2. Sludge recycling scenarios
The electricity consumption in a WWTP is typically proportional
4.2.1. Wastewater reclamation scenarios to the amount of sludge and the complexity of sludge treatment
Reuse of reclaimed water provided flexibility to the water sup- procedures. Thus, sludge treatment plays an important role for its
ply system, and consequently avoided the impacts from potable recycling, and the treatment usually accounts for significant
water treatment. In reclaimed water scenarios, both scenario 1 and amount of environmental impacts from its energy requirements. In
scenario 2 demonstrated environmental benefits (Table 3 and the sludge reuse scenarios, the environmental impacts caused by
Fig. 3) as compared to the impacts from the basic scenario. electricity comprised 74.99% and 93.42% of the overall environ-
Scenario 1 has approximately 4.48% of the reduction in total mental impacts in scenario 3 and scenario 4, respectively (Fig. 3),
environmental impact (Table 3). As groundwater is the main source without consideration of energy recovery.
for agricultural water uses, little benefits was received from When the recycled sludge was targeted for agricultural appli-
replacing potable water with reclaimed wastewater. The energy cations (Scenario 3), the overall environmental impact was 6.53
requirements at a global level are 0.0002e1.74 kWh/m3 for surface times more than that in basic scenario (Table 3). The increase in
water supply and 0.37e1.44 kWh/m3 for groundwater pumping total environmental impact was mainly due to intensive electricity
(Wakeel et al., 2016). Direct reuse of reclaimed secondary effluent usages from sludge thickening, dewatering and composting.
for irrigation avoided additional treatment of the wastewater and Application of nutrient rich sewage sludge in soils also had notable
discharge of nutrients (N-fertilizer and P-fertilize) to water body. eutrophication impacts (Table 3) from release of excessive amount
Impacts from production of fertilizers and its associated energy of nutrients (Amores et al., 2013). When the sludge is applied to
consumption were also reduced (Meneses et al., 2010). These all soil, eutrophication could not be avoided. However, as the sludge
made a remarkable decrement (27.8%, Fig. 2) in the eutrophication was used as replacements of fertilizers, significant amount of global
impact, one of the major direct impacts generated by urban water warming impact (from 32.4 to 18.8 kg CO2 eq) as well as photo-
systems (Loubet et al., 2014). Relatively small reductions in impacts chemical oxidation impact could be reduced. It also lowered the
of human toxicity (1.9%), fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity (5.1%), emissions of methane, nitrous oxide and sulfur oxides to air, which
marine aquatic ecotoxicity (4.5%) and terrestrial ecotoxicity (2.3%) consequently reduced the two impacts (Hong et al., 2009). Fine and
Fig. 2. Relative contribution of environmental impacts for studied scenarios. S1: reuse of reclaimed water for agricultural uses; S2: reuse of reclaimed water for urban uses; S3:
reuse of recycled sludge for agricultural application; S4: reuse of recycled sludge for energy generation. ADP: abiotic depletion; AP: acidification; EP: eutrophication; GWP: global
warming; ODP: ozone layer depletion; HTTP: human toxicity; FAERP: fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity; MAETP: marine aquatic ecotoxicity; TETP: terrestrial ecotoxicity; POCP:
photochemical oxidation.
376 H.-Y. Shiu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 369e378

Fig. 3. Comparison of normalized total impacts between scenarios. S1: reuse of reclaimed water for agricultural uses; S2: reuse of reclaimed water for urban uses; S3: reuse of
recycled sludge for agricultural applications; S4: reuse of recycled sludge for energy generation.

Hadas (2012) also reported a potential reduction of approximately renewable energy in the electricity mix was controlled at 20%, its
5e24% in GHG emissions could be achieved by fertilizers preser- environmental performance was not greatly varied with the
vation using recycled sludge. changes in renewable energy (Fig. A1). However, when the future
Given the fact that treatment of sludge has a great energy de- electricity mix was applied to all studied scenarios, reduction in
mand, Scenario 4 further considered energy recovery from incin- overall environmental impacts were observed at 15.36% on average.
eration of recycled sludge. This resulted in 1.02  1010 Although this result was not dependent on the energy management
(2.82  1010 of benefits out of 1.80  1010 impacts) of benefits for of the wastewater system but rather on national energy policies
normalized environmental impacts (Table 3 and Fig. 2). In fact, the and strategies, it still showed great benefits from reducing most of
electricity consumption in this case was still large, but the energy the energy-related environmental impacts (Lemos et al., 2013). In
generated from sludge incineration was about 67% greater than the particular, the impacts associated with air emissions (e.g. heavy
energy requirement, thus, significantly reduced the overall envi- metals) could be avoided from reducing the use of heavy oil for
ronmental impact in the Scenario 4. Specifically, a great amount of electricity generation.
global warming emissions were avoided from the incineration to
energy (Hong et al., 2009). Moreover, owing the fact that little 5. Conclusions
heavy metals were presented in the sludge from the WWTP, its
human toxicity impact from incinerated ash in the melting unit The Jincheng WWTP in Kinmen, Taiwan is currently powered by
process was less. All of these findings confirmed that reuse of heavy oil based electricity mix, which generated significant adverse
sludge for energy recovery was the best option over land applica- environmental impacts of global warming, eutrophication and
tions (Mo and Zhang, 2013), from both energy and environmental ecotoxicity. Environmental impacts of proposed water and waste
perspectives. management strategies for the plant was conducted in this study,
using life cycle assessment approach. Electricity consumption is the
4.3. Comparative analysis for future electricity mix key element in overall environmental performance of the WWTP,
which contributed the most significant environmental impact as
This study further investigates the potential benefits from future high as 98.6%.
improvements on energy policies. Analysis of environmental ben- Reclaimed wastewater for agricultural or urban uses had sub-
efits from switching current electricity mix to projected ones with stantial benefits. When reclaimed water was targeted for agricul-
increased portion of renewable energy source was conducted. tural applications (direct use from secondary effluent), its nutrient
Results from the analysis with current and future electricity contents (i.e. N and P fertilizers) could be recovered, thus,
mixes are summarized in Table 4. In the case that the amount of decreased the impact of eutrophication (27.8%). Addition of tertiary

Table 4
Variation of overall environmental impacts (normalized) for increased percentage of renewable energy for electricity generation. Note that the total amount of renewable
energy sources (i.e. wind and solar) was controlled at 20%.

Electricity mix Basic scenario Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Current 1.90E-11 1.82E-11 1.90E-11 1.24E-10 1.02E-10

20% of renewable 1.61E-11 1.53E-11 1.62E-11 1.08E-10 8.30E-11

Reduction (%) 15.25% 15.96% 14.97% 12.64% 17.99%

H.-Y. Shiu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 369e378 377

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