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Write the molecular formula of the following

compounds and draw their electron dot structir.
Subjective Questions
(i) Ethane i) Ethene
(ii) Ethyne
16. What is meant byisomers? Draw the structuresof
isomers of butane, C4Ho. Explain, why we bwo anot
Short Answer Type have isomers of tirst three members of alkane series'

1. What do you mean by covalent bonding? 17. Draw the possible isomers ofthe compound with
molecular formula C3HgO and also give their
covalent bond using the
2. Explain the nature of the (NCERT) electron dot structures. (NCERT Exemplar)
bond formation in CH,Cl.
What would be the electron
dot structure of carbon 18. What by functional group in carbon
is meant
3. Write in tabular form the structural
dioxide which has molecular
formula CO,? (NCERT) compounds?
calcium chloride with the
formula and the functional group present in the
4. () Explain the formation of following compounds:
help of electron dot structure. ) Ethanol (i) Ethanoic acid
(Atomic numbers of Ca 20; Cl =17)

(ii) Why do ionic compounds not

conduct electricity in 19. Describe the applications of homologous series.
solid state but conduct electricity in molten and 20. Why is homologous series of carbon compounds so
aqueous state?
called? Write the chemical formula of two
5. Carbon a group (l4) element in the periodic consecutive members of any homologous
series and
table, is known to form compounds with many that determines
state the part of these compounds
elements. Write an example ofa compound formed their ) physical and (i) chemical properties.
) chlorine (group 17 of periodic table) 21. Write the next higher order homologous of CH,O,
i) oxygen (group 16 of periodic table)(NCERT Exemplar) CaH and C,H, COOH.
6. Why covalent compounds are volatile in nature withLong Answer Type Questions
low boiling and low melting point? 22. State the reason why carbon can neither form C
7. State the valency of each carbon atom in
cations nor C* anions, but forms covalent
6) an alkane and i) an alkyne why
compound. Also state r e a s o n s to explain
8. Covalent compounds are generally poor conductors covalent compounds
of electricity. Why? (CBSE 2020)
() Are bad conductors of electricity?
9. Diamond is a poor conductor of electricity while
(ii) Have low melting and boiling point? and
graphite is a good conductor. Assign reason. molecule an
23. Explain the formation of oxygen (O)
10. Why diamond has high melting point? sulphur (Sg) molecule.
11. What are the main factors that enables carbon to 24. What are covalent compounds? Why are they
form large number of compounds? their
from ionic compounds? List
12. Select saturated hydrocarbons from the characteristics properties.
following: called as hydroca
C3H: CsHo: C,Hjo: C.H,: CH4 Z8. Why organic compounds a r e homologous seric

13. What will be the formula and formula for

electron dot structure Write the general and also draw

of cyclopentane? alkanes, alkenes and alkynes

(NCERT) structure of the first
member of each
14. Answer the
following the functional group present in
i) Carbon is a versatile 26. Identify
element. Give reason. following compounds
i) Explain the structural H HH
difference between saturated
and unsaturated hydrocarbons with H
each. two examples
(i) What is functional group? Write

examples of four
(i) H-C-C-OH
i) H-C
different functional groups. H
l Science x
any reterence to space, the phenomenon is called
H-C-CHO iv) H-C-C-Br structural isomerism. In other words, structural
isomers are compounds that have the same molecular
H formula but different structural formulas, i.e. they are
HH different in the order in which different atoms are
linked or they have different connectivities depending

H-C-C-C-C-H upon the order they are put together. In these

compounds, carbon atoms can be linked together in the
HH H form of straight chains, branched chains or even rings.
i) Name any set of compound that have same molecular
Case Based Questions formula but different structural formula.
(i) Which property of carbon leads to formation of
27. Read the following and answer the questions from (i) branched chains?
to 'v) given below
(ii) How many isomers of pentane are possible?
Compounds which contain only carbon and iv) Name two compounds that contains six carbon atoms
hy drogen are called hydrocarbon. Among these, the and have cyclic structure.
compounds containing all single covalent bonds are (v) What is the minimum number of carbon atoms
called saturated hydrocarbons while the compounds required to form an isomer?
containing atleast one double or triple bond are
called unsaturated hydrocarbons. 29. Read the following and answer the questions from (i) to
(v) given below
Saturated hydrocarbons after combustion give a
clean flame while unsaturated hydrocarbons given a Hydrocarbons are the simplest organic compounds and
are regarded as parent organic compounds. All other
yellow sooty flame. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are
compounds are considered to be derived from them by
more reactive than saturated hydrocarbons.
the replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms by
Unsaturated hydrocarbons add hydrogen in the other atoms or group of atoms.
presence of catalysts such as palladium or nickel to
Functional groups is an atom or group of atoms which
give saturated hydrocarbons.
makes a carbon compound (or organic compound)
Study the table related to three hydrocarbons A, B, C reactive and decide it's properties. A series of organic
and answer the questions that follows compounds having same functional group with similar
or almost identical chemical characteristics in which
Organic compound Molecular formula
all the members can be represented by the same
general formula and two consecutive members of series
differ by -CH2 group in their molecular formula is
CHo called a homologous series.
C,Hg H H
i) What is the name of compound Br
1) Write two differences between saturated and H-C=C-Ç-H, H-C-Br, H-C- -OH
unsaturated hydrocarbons. H
n unsaturated compounds, what is the minimum P) HH
number of carbon atoms and why? H H
Among compounds A, B and C,
which ofthe
1ollowing is saturated hydrocarbon
Compound C belongs to which category of
H-C-C-H H-C=c-H"c-c/
formula ?
hydrocarbon and what is it's general HH (U
28. the followingand answer the questions from (i)
(i) Which compounds belongs to same
i)What is the functional group of homologous series?
to (v)
given below
Or c compounds with same molecular formula
(ii) Compound Tbelongs to which compound R?
but different chemical and physical properties are

(iv) Among the P, ST and U homologous series?

called isomers. This is called
alkane series? compounds which belongs to
Whenthe isomerist
rism is due to
difference in ()With respect to Q. R, Sand U
within the
without an unsaturated hydrocarbon? compounds which one is
angement of atoms

of pentane C,H,, is
10. (c) The H H HH

Objective Questions

in the
form ofcarbon
in H--C C-C-H
also occurs

exists in also
(only 0.03%). c a r b o n a t e s . It H H H H
1. c) in air like
(CO,) minerals
dioxide gas
the form of c o m p o u n d s , wood bonds.
cerust in organic 16 covalent
the earth's form fossil fuels, It contains
it resembles with thesgeter
in the of alkane
to is an
is benzene wtich
and wool,
valence electrons.
Thus, 11. (a) CH, i.e. C,H2n+2: GgHg
formula of alkane, double bonds in alternate carbon
six (6) another o x y g e n
atom has bond with
having of alkyne and
Oxygen double
2. (b) forms
octet, it
complete its
cyclic ring the general formula
resembles with
atom to get O
molecule as
CH because
number H-atoms are
of douh
is an alkene
C.H atoms.
or O=0 that of
carbon atoms
and 'yne' showsDreve
has the structural formula
Eth' represents
12. (a) ethyne
Shared electrons
of a triple bond. Thus, known as acetylene.
(covalent bond H-C=C-H Itis also have double o r triple bnda
formation) hydrocarbons
have double carbon-carb
number 7) is . 13. (c) Both (ii) and (iv)
of N (atomic 2 5 their s t r u c t u r e .
3. (d) bonds in their alternate single and doube
electrons to complete its Benzene
molecule contains
three more 14. (c)
Therefore, it needs electrons to form

bonds. Its formula C,H6.

atom shares
three is
octet. Each nitrogen
alternate positiozs
not at
molecule of Ng as s t r u c t u r e (a),
double bonds a r e d, t
formula is CHg and in structure
In s t r u c t u r e (b),
:N formula is CgHs
15. (a) Structure (i) is n-butane.
Structure (ii) is iso-butane.
electron in its-valence shell, while hydrogen molecular formula is same, only structures ar
4. (c) Carbon has 4
Since, isomers while
structure (
has one electron in its valence shell. different. So, (i) and (ii) are

respectively, they form formula C4Hg

To complete their octet and duplet iv) have molecular
4 valence electron and thecorrect explanation
covalent bonds. Carbon utilises its and Rare true andRis
forms 4 covalent bonds with 4 hydrogen
atoms, using one 76. (a) Both A molecules and
consist of
atom. Covalent compounds
valence electron with each hydrogen
which can transfer charge. lanatir

has only single bonds and correct eypa

5. (a) A molecule of ammonia (NH,) R is not the
these are covalent bonds. 17. (6)Both A and R a r e true but
of A. ofthe
Lone pair
conductor of electricity because
Diamond is not good
absence of free electrons. ationof.
HNxH orH-N-H the correct expa
18. (a) Both A and Rare true and
Ris atorms

layers of
A graphite crystal consists of various atoms

to three otntom
in which each carbon atom is joined
The various layers carares
6. (b)8 covalent bonds are formed in S molecule. of forc

strong covalent bonds.

are held together by
weak van der Waa
graphite o no f

making it slippery to touch.

is the correct expaentin
(a) Both A and Rare true and R

of the sane
Catenation is the bonding of atoms
Crown shaped (Ss) molecule forms

a series, called as chain.

readily with carbon. wh
n longcchain

7. (d) Graphite can not be used for making insulated plates, as Catenation occurs more
other C-atoms
it is a good conductor of electricity. strong covalent bond with
8. (d) C Si and Gebelongs to group 14 and their valency is 4. and structures. the

But oxygen has electronic configuration 2, 6. So, its valency Rare true and R is the
correct e S o

20. (a) Both Aand

is 2. Hence, it does not show tetravalency. The alchohols have general formula C2erent of
9. (6) Friedrich Wohler accidently prepared urea from alcohols have the series of formula fromm eding a
the suceee
ammonium cyanate and the synthesis of urea discarded the different between
compounds with
vital force theory. preceding molecules being a-CH2un
Science X
bThe structures of the folowing given
compounds are s the structure of diamond and 111 1s the structure
of Buckminster fullerene as ther structure resembles
O S= o N= N with geodesic domes
111 HCT I NH iv) bIn graphite, only three valence electrons are used
for bond formation and hence fourth electron 1s free to
H-C H-NH move which makes it a good conductor of electricity
()d Coke is an evample of amorphous form of carbon
which is obtained as a residue in destructive distillation
1. Ill andIN do not contain a
tnple bond. Hence of coal.
option 'bi 1s coTect

uaO. contains double Subjective Questions

bond between it's atoms
The structures of the 1. Carbon shares it's valence electrons with other atoms of
given compounds are
carbon or with atoms of other elements in order to complete
a00 = 0 it's octet. These shared electrons belong to the outermost
bN.N=N shells of both atoms and in this way. both atoms attain the
H nearest noble gas configuration. This type of bonding is
called covalent bonding
c CH H-C-H
2. The bonds that are formed by sharing electrons are known
as covalent bond. In covalent bonding. both atoms share the
valence electrons, i.e. the shared electrons belong to the
valence shells of both the atoms. CH Cl is called
d H-0 chloromethane, which contains 1 carbon atom. 3 hydrogen
H atoms andl chlorine atom.
(c) in chlorine molecule. both chlorine atoms Electronic configuration of carbon, 6 = 2, 4
contribute one electron and thus share single electron
pair to form single covalent bond. As electrons are Electronic configuration of hydrogen, 1 = 1
shared by both atoms. they acquire inert gas
configuration of argon atom in valence shell. Electronic configuration of chlorine.17= 2, 8, 7KL
Carbon atom has four outermost electrons, each
atom has one electron and chlorine has seven outermost
or : E orCl-C
electrons. Carbon shares its four outermost electrons with
3 hydrogen atoms and l chlorine atom to form
One shared ciectron pair

v c) The number of electrons shared between two atoms

to complete their octet is knowm as the covalency of
that atom. Therefore, the covalency of nitrogen is
three because it needs three electrons to complete it's
V a The shared pair of electrons constitute a single H
between the two H-atoms, which is represented bya
3. Atomic number of C =6
Single line between two H-atoms.
Electronic configuration 5.

or HH Atomic number of O = 8

Electronic configuration =
Single bond showing H, molecule
To attain the stable electronie
2 c) Each
Each atom is covalently bonded
to four other atoms
configuration. carbon
electrons, while oxygen needs 2 electrons. needs
atoms. Thus,
bonded to four more So, in CO, each
which in turn, are
similarto that of oxygen atom share two electrons from carbou.
agiant molecule and has a
consists and carbon both Thus, oxygen
lanond Substance X is not a compound as it
complete their octet.
ot only one type of atons Before
held After
carbon atoms are combination
In the structure of diamond, combination Shared elecurons
a covalent bonds a s this is a rigid
ether by single cach 0:Cö:
network structure because

arbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms.

structure of graphite
crystal whichcarbon Or
dis the
a t o s sheets ofor
CODsists oflayers of carbon arbon dioxide
atoms (CO,) molecule
12 CBSE Tem l
4.(i) The formation of calcium chloride with the help of 6. Covalent compounds
have low melting
electron dot structure. due to small intermolecular forces of and boilinu.
Electronic attraction et
Element Atomic
number configuration 7.
atoms. weewt
(i) Valency of each carbon atom in an alkane
is fou
Calcium (Ca) 20 2,8,8,2 (i) Valency of each carbon atom in an
8. Covalent
alkyne is fow
Chlorine (C) 17 2,8,7 compounds are poor conductors of electricit
because covalent bonds are formed
by sharing of elect
Cl between atoms.
Ca+ So, they don't have a free electron that is
required for
electricity transfer (electricity is the flow of free
Thus, they are bad conductors. electro
Ca2 +2CI CaCl 9. In the structure
Two valence electrons of calcium attack the
of diamond, all the four valence electronudl
valency of carbon are involved in the formation of covalent
two chlorine to attain the noble
gas configuration. Thus, no free electrons are available. bonds
(i) lonic compounds do not conduct electricity in solid state Whereas, in the structure of graphite, three electrons
but conduct electricity in molten and
aqueous state valence shell of carbon are involved in covalent bond in the
because in solid state, there is no free ion to move and formation and the fourth electron is free to move.
pass electricity. Whereas in the molten and Theretore, graphite is a good conductor of
state, there is free ions to move and
pass electricity. 10. Diamond has a giant structure that consists
in which each carbon atom is bonded to four carbon
5. () Electronic configuration of carbon, C(6) is other carbon
2, 4. atoms forming a rigid three-dimensional network structure
which is responsible for it's hardness.
Electronic configuration
of chlorine, cl(17) isKL M
2, 8, 7. So, a lot of energy is required to break the network
To attain theelectronic configuration of the nearest noble of strong covalent bonds. That's why it has
gas, carbon needs 4 electron and chlorine needs
high melting
1electron. point.
So, with chlorine, carbon forms 11. The main factors that enables carbon to form large number
carbon tetrachloride.
Electron dot structure and structural formula of compounds are
follows of CCl,
is as
6) Catenation The tendency of carbon to form chains of
identical atoms is known as catenation. Carbon forms
C long chains by combining with other carbon atoms
through covalent bonds.
Gci:) or Ci-c-CI (i) Tetravalency It has 4 valence electrons, so it can lo
4 covalent bonds with four different atomus,
double bonds or a single and a triple bond with olher
atoms. This tendency helps carlbon to form a large
Carbon tetrachloride (CCI) number of compounds.
(i) Electronic K (i) Tetravalency Carbon forms strong bonds with mest
configuration of oxygen, O(8) is 2, 6. other elements like H, 0, N, S, Cl ete., due to t
With oxygen, carbon forms carbon dioxide. To attain the Small size which helps it to attract more number
electronic configuration of the
needs 4 electrons and nearest noble gas, carbon electrons.
oxygen needs 2
electrons. 12. The hydrocarbons in which all the carbon atoms are
Therefore, in CO, each oxygen atom shares connected by only single bonds are called saturanula o
with carbon. Electronic configuration
2 electrons
of carbon (6) is hydrocarbons or alkanes or paraffins. The genetu

2 these
where, n = number of carbon atoms in one molecu
electron dot structure and structural formula
is as follows: hydrocarbon.
of CO2 mongst, the given compounds, only C,Hho and d
to the formula of C,Ie 2.Therefore,
CH4 are saturated hydrocarbons.
or O=C=0 13. Ceneral formula of cycloalkane - C,}ln

In cyclopentane, n =5
Carbon dioxide (CO) '. Formula of cyclopentane, C1, . so
X 13
Electron dot structure of cyclopentane
The structures of possible isomers of butane (C,H! are

#- -f-f-H H--¢-C-H
Or H
n-butane H-C-H
H Iso-butane
14 ) Carbon is a versatile element because of its The first three members of alkane series are:
It shows the property of catenation due to which it ) CH, (methane)
forms a large number of compounds. Carbon is (i) CH, (ethane)
tetravalent. Due to this, it forms covalent compounds (ii) C,Hs (propane)
only. In the above members of alkane series, it is not possible to
() Saturated hydrocarbons contain carbon-carbon single have different arrangements of carbon atoms, because
bonds. e.g. Methane (CH,), ethane (C,H,). Unsaturated branching is not possible from either first or last carbon.
hydrocarbons contain atleast one carbon-carbon double Thus, we cannot have isomers of first three members of
or triple bond. e.g. Propene
(CH,), butyne (C,H) alkane series.
i) Functional group is an atom or group of atoms joined in 17. There are four isomers possible for the molecular formula
a specific manner which is responsible for the CgHO. These are as follows:
characteristies chemical properties of the organic H H HH
compounds. ) CH,CHCHO or CH,CH,-¢»H:C:C:C::0:
Examples are alcohols (-OH), aldehyde group
(-CHO) carboxylie group(-COOH), ketone (-cO) H
etc. H

15. (G) Molecular formula of ethane is CH, Its electron dot

i) CH-f-CH HC: C:c:H
structure is
(i) CH-CH=CHOH H:c:c::C:0;H
C,H,. Its electron dot
i) Molecular formula of ethene is H
structure is (iv) CH= CH-CH-OH H:C::C:C:0:H
18. An atom or a group of atoms present in a molecule which
largely determines it's chemical properties is called functional

Compound Structural formula Functional group

) Ethanol H H -OH
Its electron dot (CH,OH)
) Molecular formula of ethyne is CH2. Alcobolic)
structure is H-- -OH
i) Ethanoic acid O
molecular -C-OH
Isomers are those olecules which
have s a m e
ditferent H
(Carboxylic acid)
formula, i.e. show
ula but different
14 CBSE Tem l
19. Application of homologous series are as follows shell. So, it requires 2
All members of homologous series shows similar chemical
electrons to complete its
attaining noble gas configuration. Hence, it sharesoctet fh
properties and generally prepared through one common electrons with another atom of oxygen to make two
method, e.g. all alkenes are prepared by dehydration of oxygen.
a molecule s

corTesponding alcohols. By doing so, both the atoms of oxygen get 8 electrons
outermost shell. Thus, a double bond is formed in the
The physical properties ofthe members change gradually, between
oxygen atoms which consists of four electrons.
i.e. show gradation in properties as the number of carbon
atom per molecule increased. Before After
combination combination
Ahomologous series the
is family of compounds
having the same functional group, similar chemical
Shared electrons
properties but the successive (adjacent) members of the
series are differ by a CH2 unit or 14 mass units.
Consecutive members of the homologous series of alcohols
(3)- -)9)
Oxygen atoms Oxygen molecule
or O=0

CH,OH Formation of Sulphur Molecule (S,)

CH,OHhey ditter by-CH
The atomic number of sulphur is 16 and electronic
The physical properties are determined by alkyl group/ configuration is 2, 8, 6. It also has 6 electrons in it's outermost
hydrocarbon part/part other than the functional group. shell and requires 2 electrons to complete it's octet
The chemical properties are determined by functional So, each sulphur atom shares two electrons, 1 with each
group such as-OH group.
adjoining sulphur atom by single covalent bonds and thus
complete it's octet.
21. Add-CH2 group to each compound to obtain next
homologous. Before After
Compounds combination combination
Homologue compounds
CH,0 CH,0, CH,0,CH..
CH CH,CH,. CsHg.
22. Atomic number of carbon is six. This means that it has
electrons in its outermost shell and it needs four more
electrons to attain noble gas electronic
configuration. It
does not form C** cation, as the removal of four valence 8 covalent bonds are formed
electrons will require a huge amount of energy.
The cation formed will have six protons and two electrons.
This makes it highly unstable. Carbon is unable to form
Canion as its nucleus with six protons will not be able to S
hold ten electrons due to its small size. Thus, carbon Crown shaped (Sa) molecule
achieves noble gas electronic
four electrons either with same configuration by sharing its Eight sulphur atoms form a puckered ring or crown strue

or difterent other
atoms, to form an eight atom molecule.
i.e. it forms covalent
compounds. 24. Covalent compounds are those compounds which are lo

i) Covalent compounds does not have free ions, due to

between the atoms.
this they are bad conductors of
electricity in solid, by sharing of valence electrons of

molten or aqueous state. molecule is formed by mutual sharing ele

(ii) Covalent compounds are formed between two hydrogen atoms. pounds

by covalent bonds and coe

They are different from ionic compounds ionic
it has been found that the
intermolecular force of are formed by the complete transfer of electrons trou
attraction in covalent compounds are weak.
to another, e.g. NaCl is formed when one vacer shell
Thus, low amount of energy is required to break these atom to ou

force of attraction. Hence, their electron of sodiu m gets pletely


points are quite low.

melting and boiling of chlorine atom. The characteristic properties
23. Formation of compounds are er

Oxygen Molecule (O,) insoluble or less soluble **

The atomic number of
oxygen is 8 and electronic
) They are generally
soluble in organic solvents.
configuration is 2, 6, i.e. has 6 electrons in it's outermost have low melting and boiling
(i) They
l Science X
CBSE Term 15
They do not conduct electricity as
they do not contain H O H
ions. H
(ivThey are volatile in nature. () H- -C
% Organic compounds are called hydrocarbons because

thevare made up of only the H H H

elements-carbon (C) and
hydrogen (H).
General formula tor the homologous series of alkanes is This compound contains
functional group
CH which are classified as saturated hydrocarbons or which belongs to ketone.
alkanes. First member ot the alkane family is "methane". 27. (i) Compound B has molecular formula as C^H1o and
contains five number of carbon atoms, i.e. n =5.

It resembles with the general formula of alkene which

H-Ç-H is CH2
So, the name of this compound is pent + ene = pentene.
H When five number of carbon atoms are present, it is
General formula for the homologous series of alkenes is
named as "pent.
CHa which are classitied in the category of unsaturated
hydrocarbons. They are known as alkenes or olefins. First i ) aturated Unsaturated hydrocarbons
member of the alkene family is "ethene". hydrocarbons
HC=CH .These hydrocarbons These hydrocarbons contains at
are linked by only least one double or triple bond
General formula for the homologous series of alkynes is single covalent along with single bonds.
bond. They are divided into two
CHn-2and they are also in the category of unsaturated
hydrocarbons. First member of the alkyne family is "ethyme". categories
H-C= C-H > Alkenes or Olefins
> Alkynes.
26. The functional group present in the following compounds are Ceneral formula of General formula of alkene is
these compounds is C,H, and general formula of
CH2n2 alkyne is C,Han-2*
) H-C-C-OH
ii) The minimum number of carbon atoms present in an
H unsaturated compound is two because formation of
double or triple bonds is possible only between two
This compound contains- -OH functional group carbon atoms.
which is the formula of carboxylic acid. (iv) The molecular formula of compound A is CgHg, i.e.
H H H contains three number of carbon atoms and resembles
with the general formula of alkanes which is
So, A is saturated hydrocarbon.
i) H-
fOH- H While the molecular formula of compounds B and C is
H CH1o and CH, which resembles with the general
is present
In this compound,-OHfunctional group formula of alkene and alkyne. So, B and C are
which is the formula of alcohol. unsaturated hydrocarbon.
H (v)The molecular formula of compound C is CH, which
resembles with alkyne because there is four
number of
ii H-C-CHO carbon atoms and 6H-atoms, i.e. number of H-atoms
are only increased by 2. So, the general formula of
H alkyne is C,H2n-2
contains-CHO functional group
This compound the formula of aldehyde. 28. (i) Butane and iso-butane are the compounds that
which belongs to have same molecular formula but different



HH functional group
contains halo (bromo) Iso-butane
nis compound
CBSE Ternm I Sclente

16 (v) Minimum four

carton alonisare quned to sheu
hel Maslie
forms long because hranching is

of carbon, it isomerism
catenation different sizes. carbon-1. 2 and 3
i ) Due to and rings of
branched chains
straight or C(3 artm atm
three structural isomers i.c.
(ii) Pentane (C,H12) has
C H - C H - C H - C H - C H ,

n-pentane Se

CH-CH-CH,-CH C (4cautnnatm

Isv-pentane Y

CH3 that bekngs to same
29. (i) Pand Tare the compounds are alkv
Both these conmponds
CH-C-CH, homologous series. molocular fomala
tunit in thein
and differ by --CH, Ollwluh
CH (R) is

(ii) The funetional group ofcomounds

Neo-pentane alcolhol.
is the fornnula of
and benzene (CH,) are two
(iv) Cyclohexane (C,H|14) and havee alkyne having general
lormula of C,
compounds that contain six carbon atoms (ii) (7) is an

cyclic structure.

HH (iv) Compond (S), i.e. H-(- -H belongs to an

alkane series having general
formula of C,H
H HH is unsatrated
H H H i.e.
(v) Compound (U), H
HH contain clouble
bond. ie

hydrocarbon becuase it
CH12 CgH belongs to alkene.
Cyclohexane) (Benzene)

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