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Winning The Interview Using The


Ian Jenkins
Job Search Coach

• Notice how the attached one-page Flipped Resume focuses on the employer and their needs. This is a
key difference from the traditional resume.
• Focus on content over format. Eighty percent of the resume should focus on the employer.
• Preparation is the key to success when making a persuasive Flipped Resume. This implies time to learn
about all you need to know about the employer.
• We recommend maintaining a target list of 3-5 companies which you target using the Flipped Resume.
o Sort and prioritize a list of target companies by
a) whether someone in your network works at the company
b) you’re inspired to work there
c) they are in hiring mode (do they have openings on their sites on job board)
• When possible, add a chart, diagram or graphic to explain a point.


When should you use a Flipped Resume?

• If the company is actively seeking to fill an open position a Flipped Resume can be used to:
o Send directly to the hiring manager (i.e.: email, LinkedIn)
o Attached to a cover letter when applying to a job
o Used as a professional and persuasive summary after the first interview
• If the company has a need and isn’t actively looking for your talent
o Send directly to the hiring manager (i.e.: email, LinkedIn)
o Call the hiring manager and follow-up with the document
o After first meeting the hiring manager follow-up with the document

How should I deliver the attached resume?

• The Flipped Resume equips you to communicate with potential employers with a fresh approach.
While it’s most easily delivered as a pdf, it can also be delivered via overnight mail, courier and
summarized in voice and email communication.

What do I do if I don’t know what the employer’s pains and gains are?
• If you feel your understanding of the employer’s top initiatives is insufficient your Flipped Resume will
suffer. You have one chance to make a good first impression. Create a list of what you don’t know and
keep researching until you find the answer. You goal is complete understanding.

How many pages?

• Less is more. One page is best, but two pages works if needed. Remember, the goal of his document is
to get the face-to-face meeting with a hiring manager. Cover both the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of your
recommendation. Then use the interview to go deeper into how you will help the manager.
Acme Sales Growth in the Midwest
How to beat your sales goal in 2019

Based on my discussions with Lisa in your NYC office, Acme Inc’s ambitious growth plans for 2019 include
expanding to the Midwest. The additional sales office in the Chicago area will help Acme expand its footprint
further into the manufacturing space and also open the door to explore new markets within the heavy
equipment space.

To achieve Acme’s growth goals, hiring the right salespeople and implementing best practice sales processes
must be done as soon as possible. To have an impact on the sales next year, Acme must hire and train its new
sales team by March.

The cost of entering new markets in the Midwest can be high. Partnering with key distributors in the region
will keep entry costs down and allow Acme to “test the waters” before investing heavily in a new market.

3-Point Growth Strategy

Hiring Enablement Partners

• Hire the top talent starting with a ‘low hanging fruit’ strategy. Create an employee referral program
designed to leverage the social networks of existing employees. Invite top candidates to an ‘open house’
experience in your new office to meet colleagues. Also, use two competing recruiters on a ‘no cure, no pay’
agreement to drive both speed and quality in the hiring process.
• Document sales best practices from the eastern region and develop a sales enablement program that
focuses on industry insight, product knowledge, and selling skills.
• Review channel strategy and engage with top three Midwest distribution partners to explore expansion
into new markets. This will speed time-to-market by leveraging the partner’s existing customer relationships
and give them something new to offer their clients.

• I have experience with growing sales revenue in the Midwest region by 203% YOY by building a network of
the best sales talent in the manufacturing industry.
• I’ve evaluated eight different sales training programs and implemented the best one designed to reduce
the ‘time to value’ of new hire sales people to 2 ½ months.
• I helped a niche player within manufacturing become listed on the Inc 500 list three years in a row.
• Certified in more sales method and negotiation methods than any human should endure.

Next step
We should get together and talk about how I can help you reach your ambitious growth plans and sales
targets in the Midwest. I’ll call you tomorrow at 8 am to discuss meeting next Thursday after 1 pm.

Ian Jenkins
(407) 825-8561
Aspiring Acme Employee
Acme Sales Growth In The Midwest
How To Beat Your Sales Goals In 2019

Based on my discussions with Lisa in your NYC office, Acme Inc’s ambitious growth plans for
2019 include expanding to the Midwest. The additional sales office in the Chicago area will help
Acme expand its footprint further into the manufacturing space and also open the door to explore
new markets within the heavy equipment space.
To achieve Acme’s growth goals, hiring the right salespeople and implementing best practice
sales processes must be done as soon as possible. To have an impact on the sales next year,
Acme must hire and train its new sales team by March.
The cost of entering new markets in the Midwest can be high. Partnering with key distributors in
the region will keep entry costs down and allow Acme to “test the waters” before investing heavily
in a new market.
3-Point Growth Strategy

Hiring Enablement Partners


• Hire the top talent starting with a ‘low hanging fruit’ strategy. Create an employee referral program
designed to leverage the social networks of existing employees. Invite top candidates to an ‘open
house’ experience in your new office to meet colleagues. Also, use two competing recruiters on a
‘no cure, no pay’ agreement to drive both speed and quality in the hiring process.

• Document sales best practices from the eastern region and develop a sales enablement program
that focuses on industry insight, product knowledge, and selling skills.

• Review channel strategy and engage with top three Midwest distribution partners to explore
expansion into new markets. This will speed time-to-market by leveraging the partner’s existing
customer relationships and give them something new to offer their clients.

• I have 4 years’ experience with growing sales revenue in the Midwest region by 203% YOY by
building a network of the best sales talent in the manufacturing industry.

• I’ve evaluated eight different sales training programs and implemented the best one designed to
reduce the ‘time to value’ of new hire sales people to 2 ½ months.

• I led a niche player within manufacturing become listed on the Inc 500 list three years in a row.

• Certified in more sales method and negotiation methods than any human should endure.


I recommend we meet in person and talk in more detail about how I can help you reach your ambitious
growth plans and sales targets in the Midwest. I’ll call you tomorrow at 8 am to discuss meeting next
Thursday after 1 pm.

Best regards,
<<Your Name>>

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