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Class : XI M. Marks: 25
Subject: English Time: 1hr.
General Instructions:-
This question paper contains 5 questions and has 3 printed sides.
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (10)

It’s been said countless times that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. But not
many people seem convinced. Some school- children and office –goers are still leaving home
without it and weight- watchers are still giving breakfast a miss. “I am not hungry in the
morning” is the commonest explanation. Even if you don’t recognize it as hunger, the body
does give out signals that it is low on fuel. For instance, studies of school-children (aged 9-
11) show that those who skip breakfast have a slower reaction time and more muscle fatigue
in school sports. The average scores are lower on written tests, compared to breakfast eaters.
To the teacher, such children could look listless, which they maybe because they haven’t had
the protein that really wakes up the brain.(After an overnight fast, the blood sugar level drops.
Strangely it takes protein, not sugar, to build it up again.)

Office workers who skip breakfast are usually big consumers of office tea and coffee- a
means of staying alert and suppressing hunger. Adult breakfast skippers may have trouble
concentrating on work and show lower work output. They are also likelier to be irritable and
impatient at work. Clock – watching frequently for the lunch-hour.
Fatigue, anxiety, forgetfulness, confusion, and indecision-all these have been linked to low
blood sugar levels, usually caused by hunger. If any of that sounds familiar, may be what you
need is breakfast.

Some nutrients like protein and calcium are better absorbed if they are taken in small
quantities several times a day. A packed lunch and a big dinner cannot make up for nutrition
missed in the ‘a.m.’ What goes into a good breakfast? Protein for mental alertness and
carbohydrates to give the body some get-up and go. Small amounts of fat and sugar are okay
but just enough to tempt the appetite.

1. What consequence do adult breakfast-skippers not face?

a. High work output
b. Low concentration on work
c. High temper
d. Become irritable

2. What happens when you are hungry?

a. You feel extremely tired
b. Your blood-sugar levels drop
c. You feel anxious
d. You are easily confused

3. Find a word in the passage similar in meaning to "extreme tiredness".
a. Drop
b. Fatigue
c. Low on fuel
d. Signals

4. Find a word in the passage opposite in meaning to "comfortable".

a. Indecisive
b. Impatient
c. Anxious
d. Irritable

5. Two nutrients that are better absorbed if taken in small quantities are:
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Calcium
D. Sugar
a. Only B and D
b. Only A and D
c. Only A and C
d. Only A and B

6. The most common explanation for skipping breakfast is:

a. One must not take a heavy breakfast
b. One must not eat in the morning
c. Who is hungry in the morning?
d. Who eats in the morning?

7. Office – Workers drink lots of coffee or tea in order to:

a. Stay Hungry
b. Suppress Appetite
c. Stay Awake
d. Skip food

8. Children who do not take breakfast have reaction time and suffer from
muscle fatigue.
a. Slow, less
b. Fast, more
c. Faster, less
d. Slower, more

9. Which is the most important meal of the day?

a. Snacks
b. Lunch
c. Dinner
d. Breakfast

10. When blood sugar level drops, one must have:

a. Proteins

b. Sugars
c. Calcium
d. Vitamins


2. Water supply will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on 6th of August for
cleaning of the water tank. Write a notice in about 50 words advising the residents to store
water for a day. You are Karan Kumar/Karuna Bajaj, Secretary, Janata Group Housing
Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool.   (4)

3. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences: (2)

a) we / up / have / to / insects / been brought / fear.

b) than / regard them / we /as / creatures / unnecessary / which / more harm / do / good.

4. Fill in the blanks: (8x.5=4)

When I first graduated a)_____ a college in Lucknow, I found that b) ____ weren’t a lot of
opportunities for me in the city. I knew I c)____ a career, and so I moved d)____ Mumbai in
search of e) ____. However, I understood early on that f)____ I might have had the hard
skills for the jobs I was applying to, I did not have the soft skills g)____ young people from
Mumbai h)_____.


5. Answer in about 30-40 words: (2.5x2=5)

a) Whose feet are considered ‘terribly transient’ and why?.

b) Why was the grandmother disturbed when the narrator started going to the city school?


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