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Backward Glavses - Denvtddiea Tribes ~ Change in the Nomenclature of Denotificd Tribes as Denctified communities ~ Instructions w Zagued. @.0.Ma.No.t310 Dated 430-7 1979+ Readt- 4) From the Government of India, Ministry of : Hone Affaire, New Delht letter No.11019/ 18/7BuSCT-V dated +.11.78. 2) From tne Coveriment of Indioy Mintatry. of Hone aPfaire, Hew Delhi, letter No.BC— 11026/2.79 in LTT Dated 20.43.99. ORDER: In its report dated August 1978, the yoridng Group on Sqliednled Castes and other Backward Classes during Medium Term Plan 1978-83, has obgerved that there arg 258 1 hare fegignated as Deaeti tie, om aiie communities , that” these’ are’ groups besitiss Scheduled Castes and gcheduled Likes wich eré included. in the definition of Bankward Classes as afopted by the ‘Government of Tndla and chat the these groups have their distinctive features ded within them 2ach, hotmmunity has its om socie-ceonomie and historical backer ound. In view of the eheve, the working Croup on Schednled Castes and other Backward lasses has used the word "dommmities" in the place of " 2, This Govertirent have considered the Patter and have Gecides that tha at "Tribe! shall not be used for tthe Denetificd, Nom nd Gemi—nowadle Tribes" in future. Tustead chey shall be called as ‘the Dewerified, Novedie aad SemjNomadl ¢ Cuunmdtie only. = Be (BY ORUER UY THE GOvIERTCR) " +8, RAMAKRESHN AN ADEE TIGH., SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To = DE Director of Raskvard Classes jinaras 5 The Director of Harijan & Tribal Welrare Madras ALL Goliretora ALL Other Heads of Tepartments The Registrara of all Universities in Tarif, Nadu. The Registrar of High Court Madras—(we) The Secretary, Tamil Wadu Public Service Commission ALL Departments of th> Secretaria’ Madras 03 Gory to 412 Sections dn Sogiel Welfare Department The Government of India, Winlstry of ome Affaira,wew Delhd (with referenso to their Ir.30.11 26/2/79 LCBCD D ‘Dk .20.3.79) Copy to Dorsonnel & Administrative Reforms (eor.R) De partinnt,) ‘Forwarded /By order sses and Minorities Welfare 10, Social Welfare Department, Backward Classes, Most Sack’ Department — Withdrawal of G.O.P dated, 30.7.1979 - Orders - S, Welfare(BCC) Department Dated:08.03.2019 Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2050 Vilambi Aandu Masi 24 Read: O)Msste-ts1u, Social Welfare Department, dated 30.7.1979 Ms.No.73, BC, MBC & MW Department, dated 13.11.2018 eport of the Committee to examine the request for the change of nomenclature from DNC to DNT, dated 4,3.2019. jer: In the reference first read ebove, based on the report of the Working Group on Scheduled Cestes and Other Backward Classes during Medium Term Plan 1978-83 of Government of India, the Government ordered that the word “Tribes” shall not be used for the Denotified, Nomadic and Seml-Nomadic Tribes” In future. Instead they shall be called as "the Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomacic Communities” arty. 2) In the reference second read above, considering the request from Denotified Communities Associations, the Government had constituted a Committee to examine the withdrawal of G.O.Ms.No.1310, Social Welfare Department, dated. 30.7.1979 in which orders were issued for change of nomenclature irom Denotified Tribes to Denotified Communities, under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary to Government, Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Secretariat, Chennai. 3) The Committee, in its repert dated 4.3,2019, has observed that ag the matter is relating only to withdrawal of G.O.Ms.No.1310, Social Welfare Department, dated 30.7.1979, without any change in the reservation percentage and roaster system or any ather principle of social inclusion, it may not jeopardize the Tamil Nadu Act 45 of i994. The Committee is of the conclusion that the term Denotified Communities used in Tamil Nadu identifies only the Denotified Tribes anc none else. Both the terms Denotified Tribes and Genulifed Communities ere synonymous to indicate one and the same groups of communities affected by the erstwhile Criminal Tribes Act and the Committee recor G.0.Ms.No.1310, Social Welfare Department, dated. 30.7.1973 be withdrawn as it is only a change In nomenclature reviving the old name for the purpose of getting benefits of Government of India for Deno Tribes. 4) The Government after careful consideration decided to accept the recommendation of the Committee that Denotified Tribes and Denotifi Communities are synonymous and indicates one and the same groups of communities affected by the erstwhile Criminal Tribes Act and to withdraw G.O.Ms.No.1310, Social Welfare Department, dated 30.7.1979, Accordingly, the Government hereby withdraw the said Government Order. It is also ordered that for the Purpose of availing State Communal Reservation and benefits under State welfare schemés, the 68 communities classified as Denotified Communities would continue to be called as Denotified Communities and the said 68 communities would be called as Denatified Tribes for the Purpose of availing the benefits of ‘Government of India welfare schemes. (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) A.KARTHIK SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To The Principal Secretary to Government, Revenue and Disaster Management, Secretariat, Chennai-9 The Additional Chief Secretary /Commissioner Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation, Chepauk, Chennai - 5 The Director of Backward Classes Welfare, Chennai -5. ‘The Director of Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, Chennai -5. The Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission, Chennai - 4 The Director of Minorities Welfare, Chennai-2. The Director of Technical Education, Chennai -25, The Director of Medical Education, Chennai -6 ‘The Director of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Chennai -5. The Director of School Education, Chennai -6. ‘The Director of Collegiate Education, Chennai -6. ‘The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai -3. All District Collectors, All Head of Departments. All Public Sector Undertakings. The Registrar, High Court, Chennal -104 All District Magistrates and District Judges. The Registrar, University of Annemalai University Chidhambaram / Madurai - Kama ersity, Madurai / Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore / Bharathlyar University, Tirichirapalli / Tamil University, Thanjavur / Alagappa University, Karaikudi / Mather Theresa University, Chennai -35 / Anna University, Guridy, Chennai -25. The Registrar, MGR Medicial University, Chennai. The Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundarener University, Tirunelveli. The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Veterinary end Animal Sciences University, Chennal -7. All Departments of Secretariat. ‘The Director of Information end Public Relatiens, Infarmation and Tourism Department, Chennai -9. The P& AR Department, Chennai -9. The Principal Secretary II to Hon‘ble C.M., Chennai -9 The Law Department, Chennai -9. Copy to The Hon'ble Chief Minister Office, Secretariat, Chennai - 9. The Private Secretary to Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister, Chennai-9. Senior Private Secretary to Secretary to Government, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department, Chennal-9. exc Section Officer. // Forwarded by Order // ABSTRACT Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare - Issuance of DNC Community Certificate ~ Clarifications - Issued. Backward Classes, Most Backward Cla: - Welfare(BCC) Department G.O. (Ms}.No. 28 Dated:08.03.2019 Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2050 Vilambi Aandu Masi 24 Read: L rMs,No.95, BC, MBC & MW Department, dated 28.10.2009. 2. Report of the Committee to examine the request for the change of nomenclature from DNC to DNT, dated 4.3.2019, RDER: In the Government order first read above orders were issued that the members of communities notified as BC, MBC or DNC with area restrictions as and when they migrate to the other area may be Issued same community certificate in the migrated area as in their originating areas. 2, The Government carefully examined the observation of the committee that although in Government Order first read above, order was issued to mitigate the difficulties being experienced by the people of such communities which have been notified as BC, MBC or DNC in specific Districts and Taluks to get the same category of community certificates in other parts of the State, there are still widespread grievances of non issuances of DNC certificates to families who have migrated to districts not notified tn the list. 3. The Tamil Nadu Second Backward Classes Commission {Ambasankar Commission) has recorded the prevalence of DNC Population in Districts other than notified DNC Districts. Accordinaly, considering the existence of the DNC population outside the notified territorial areas In the year 1983, as per the Ambasankar Commission’s Caste Based Socio-Educational cum Economic Survey, the Government 2 clarifies that. DNC community certificates may be issued to theog communities in such non DNC notified districts identified as per 1983 Ambasankar Commission Survey. 4. The Commissioner of Revenue Administration is requested to give suitable instructions to the community certificate Issuing authorities to follow the clarification issued in para 3 above while issulng community certificate to migrated Denotified Communities. (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) A.KARTHIK, SECRETARY TO GOWERNMENT To The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue and Disaster Management, Secretariat, Chennai-9. The Additional Chief Secretary /Commissioner of Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation, Chepauk, Chennai-5. The Director of Backward Classes Welfare, Chennai -5. The Director of Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, Chennai -5. The Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission, Chennal - 4. The Director of Minorities Welfare, Chennai-2. The Director of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Chennai -5. all District Collectors. Copy to The Principal Secretary IT to C.M., Chennal -9, The Hon'ble Chief Minister Office, Chennai-9 The Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister Office, Chennai-9. The Special PA to Hon’ble Minister for Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare,Chennai-9, The Chief Secretary to Government Office, Chennal-9. Tne Law Department, Chennai -9. //Forwarded/By order// R ee Section Officer COMMIS SIONERATE GF REVENUE ADMINISTRATI: AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT From To Dr. K, Satyagopal, 1.A.5., Alll District Collectors (w.e) Additional Chief Secratary (By Name Cover) Commissioner of Revenue Administration Ezhilagam;, Chepauk, Chennai — 800005. Lr. NoRAS5(3} (047145 1 21 Gated: 29.06.2019 Sir/Madam, Sub; Most Backward Classes & Donatified Communities welfare Department Change of nomenciature from DNC as ONT — orders issued communicated ~ regaeding, Ref, 1. GO (Ms) No26, BC, MBC & MW (BCC) Deparment, dated 08.63.2049. 2. GO (Ms) Ne28, BC, MBC & MW (BCC) Department, dated 05.03.2018. 3. Directorate of Most Backward Classes and Denottied Communities Velfare, Chennal - 5 R.C. fetter No:02/6285/18-1, dated 14.05.2019, | invite attention to the references clted. 2) in thig regard, it is informed that in the G.O 1" cited, the nomenclature of ONT was changed into DNC vide G.O(Ms) No-i3i0 SWD dated 30.07.1979, As various DNC Associations requester! to withdraw the G.O.(Ms) No:1310 SWD, Department, dated 30.07.1878, a commitice was constituted under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary to Govemment, Revenue and Disaster Management Depariment, Secretariat, Chennal -9 to examine the request and to report. In the G.0.1* cited, it has been ordered to withdraw the said G.O Ms.No:1310, SWD Department, dated 30.07.1879 and also ordered that for the Burpose of availing Stale Communal Reservation and benefits under State Welfare Schemes the 68 communities classified as ONGs would continue to be called 28 DNCs and the said 68 communities would be called 2s DNTs for the purpose of avaliing the benefits of Government of india welfare schemes, 3) Further, in G.O 2" cited it hes been clarified that the existence of the DNC population outside the notified termitorial areas in the year 1983, az per Ambasankar Commission's Caste Based Sccio-Educational cum Economic Survey, the Goverment clerifies thet ONG cornmunity certificates may be issued to these communities in such non ONG notified distrots identified es par 1982 Ambasanker Commission Survey and has requestad the Commissioner of Revenue Administration to give instructions to community certificate Issulng ‘authorities to follow these clarification while issuing community certificate to Migrated Denotified Communities. 4) The Coliactors are hereby directed to strictly adhere to the insiruotions issued in the @.Os referred to ebove without any omission and sensitize the subordinates accordingly while issuing community cerllficate to migrated denotified communities and for availing State Communal Reservation | State Welfare Schemes! Central Welfare Schemes, 5) The receipt of the letter may be acknawledged Yours faithfully Sd/- K.Batyagopal Additional Chief Secretary / Cornmissioner of Revenue Administration Copy to: Thiru.V.Sampath, IAS. Director, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, Welfare Deparment, Chennai = 5. Ji forwarded by order /? Backward Classes, Most Backwan) Classes and Minories ‘Welfare(BCC} = Department, Secretariat, Chennal-®. Lotter No.4191/8CC/2018- 4, Dated 08. 49 From Thiru, A.Karthik, LAS. Secretary to Government. To The Additional Chief SecretaryiCommissioner, Ravenue Administration, Disaster Management ‘and Mitigation, Chepauk, Chennai 05. All District Collectors, ‘The Chief Executive Officer, Tamil Nadu e-Governance agency. Alwarpet, Chennai 18 Sir, Sub: Change of nomenclature of (Denotified Communities a& Denotified Tribes - Copies of Orders — Sent - Regarding. Ref: 1. G.O.(Ms)No.26, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department, datad 08.03.2019. 2. GO.(Ms)No28, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities. Welfare Department, dated 08.03.2048. 3. PR, Ramachandran, State Joint Seoretary, Anarthu Maravar -Kootamaipu. Tirunelveli ‘District dated. 27.6.2018. 4, Tmt P.Thavamani Devi, Denofified Tribes Welfare ‘Association, Madurai, datad, 03.07 2018 | am directed to enclose the two Government Orders cited in the reference relating to issuance of community certificates for Denotified Communities for necessary action and to request you fo Instruct the certificate igsuing authorities to issue ONT certificate for availing Government of india benefits. 2) |arh also directed to request the Tamil Nadu _@-Governance Age°ry ta upload the details as. ordered, in the Government Orders in the reference cited for issuance of ‘community certffeatss through online and Gi then directions may be issued for issuance manual certificates. Yours faithfully, eae tor Secretary to Gevernment

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