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Filmmaking Lab: Art, Technology and Tools

Fall 2011 Tues., 11:40PM to 2:40PM Prof. Jeremy Brooke, New School Film Production Office: (212) 229-5899 Course Description: To realize an artistic vision in film, the filmmaker needs a thorough understanding of the technology, process, and tools of filmmaking. In this hands-on course, students explore advanced concepts and techniques in film and digital media production through in-class assignments and exercises evolving into increasingly complex collaborative projects. The class covers a range of topics, including operation of advanced 16mm film and HD digital cameras, film stocks and video formats, the structure of a film crew and the responsibilities of its members, lenses and lighting equipment, shooting exteriors and interiors, gripping, production design, field sound recording, preproduction planning and breakdowns, film and HD workflows, and the collaborative process. Working as a team, students set up and shoot several scenes in class and two scenes on location using sync-sound film and HD cameras and rotating crew positions. The class screens and reviews the scenes afterward. Students hone their skills and work collaboratively to master various aspects of film production, gaining the technical knowledge necessary to successfully execute advanced film and video projects. (3 credits) Recommended Texts Cinematography: Theory and Practice: Image Making for Cinematographers. Directors. And Videographers. Blain Brown, Focal Press, 2002

Filmmakers Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age. Edward Pincus and Steven Ascher, Plume/Penguin, 2008 Assignments Most of this class is dedicated to the completion of shooting your individual films. In order to accomplish this task, you must complete all the required preproduction work and technical exams. All written assignments must be typed. Course Work Students will primarily be completing all assignments as part of a large group or smaller sub-group. Depending on the size of the class, large groups may vary from 6-8 students. Group Assignments For the out of class assignments, students are broken into 2 larger groups (Production Companies), each responsible for producing 2 movies one shot on 16mm film and one shot digitally over the course of the semester. Each Production Company is then split into sub-groups Producers and Crew for each of the two projects that the Production Company is responsible for. Each student will do opposite duties on Film and HD projects. All movies must meet criteria as assigned in class for length and content to be accepted.

NFLM3632 Filmmaking Lab: Art, Technology and Tools | Fall 2011 | Prof. Jeremy Brooke,

Work individual student is responsible for: (Ex. for student in Production Company AD, responsible for 16mm Movie A and Digital Movie B): Work in small group to write 2-5 page script (Producers A) Work in small group to do script breakdown and secure needed materials and cast for Movie A (producers A) Work in small group to do shot list, lighting plan for Movie B (Crew B) Work in larger group to plan and execute 3 day shoot of Movie A Work in larger group to shoot and crew 3-day shoot of Movie B Individually complete peer review of group members for both productions Work in small group to edit Movie A/Screen Final Film (producers A) Participation: You must be present and actively involved in class discussion, in-class shoots, workshops and exercises (see below).

Grading Summary Grades will be determined individually at the instructors discretion. While some assignments will get a group grade, each student will be assigned grades at the end of the course based on their individual effort and course work. Your final grade will not be determined as a group and will be based on the following: 5% Movie A Script Producer 2-5 minute film (3-6 pages) 5% Movie A Script Breakdown Producer 5% Movie B Shot list Crew 20% Produce and Direct Movie A 20% Crew Movie B + Footage 10% Edit Movie A 10% Peer Review Crew / Producers 20% Attendance / Participation in class shoots 5% Passing Both HD and ARRIFLEX SR Camera Test Attendance & Participation This is VERY important, as the class requires that you fully grasp the technical aspects of the equipment. Missing more than two class sessions without instructor permission will result in failure and the revocation of equipment access privileges. An excused absence requires contacting me 24 hours prior to class, and my affirmative response that the absence is excused. Excessive or repetitive lateness to class is not acceptable; it will affect your grade. While in class. Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions and exercises.
Note: No incompletes will be given in this course. For anyone needing a grade or an approval in the class, the absolute last day to turn in work is December 15th. While there are possibly circumstances where students cannot, for some external reason, fulfill the attendance or crewing requirement of the class, I do not make judgments about them. These are often personal and difficult circumstances, however, the class requirements remain the same for everyone. In other words, you must attend all requisite class sessions and meet ALL out of class production requirements.

NFLM3632 Filmmaking Lab: Art, Technology and Tools | Fall 2011 | Prof. Jeremy Brooke,

Shooting and Crewing Commitments In the third week of class, you will all commit to shooting and crewing dates for the 10th and 12th weeks of class. Dates will be assigned to you based on the Production Studio you are in and students may not change them. Each student will be on two shoots, one over a weekend and one during the early part of a week. You!!!!!!! attend both shoots, at the call times set by the director/producer of the film, and perform all assigned duties to pass the class. As we will discuss, students in our class must have a substantial crew role on each class project (DO NOT ask a fellow student to be a PA). If there is conflict I will intervene. Please remember that you are a community of filmmakers and that everyone is here to learn a highly specialized craft. The quality of the projects is very important, but the learning environment of the class is paramount. Additionally, students in each Production Studio are responsible financially for any loss or damage to the equipment while it is on your shoot. While using outside crew in primary positions is not allowed for these projects, if you do ask people outside of class to round out your crew, it is in your best interest to ensure that they know how to use the equipment and that they are people you trust. Practical Exam You must attend and pass the 16mm film and HD practical exams (date TBA) in order to check out equipment. If you do not pass the practical exam, you will not have clearance to check out equipment and you will not pass the course.

NFLM3632 Filmmaking Lab: Art, Technology and Tools | Fall 2011 | Prof. Jeremy Brooke,

SCHEDULE Due to the time constraints of the class and specific needs of the students as judged by the instructor, some changes may be made to the syllabus or curriculum during the course of the semester. SESSION 1 | Aug 30 SESSION 4 | Sep 20 Introduction/Review of course requirements, goals, Camera exercise 1#2 shooting 16mm for sync; and objectives Arriflex SR Camera Lecture: General production concerns, Lecture: Depth of Field (DoF) review, Sound Kit, Crews/Collaborative filmmaking, Overview of Tascam digital recorder (double system), Mics Assignments (boom, lay), Working w/ Multiple Mics. Discussion: Shooting film vs. HD, Discuss In-class exercise: Arriflex SRII Practice shoot w/ Production Studios Sound shooting 16mm for sync In-class demonstration: Get to know the Assignment for next session: Movie Scripts or equipment (Arriflex SRII) Experimental Project Outline Begin Production planning SESSION 2 | Sep 6 SESSION 5 | Sep 27 | Scripts Due Discussion: Assign Large Groups, Shooting Schedule, Film Review, film stock & processing Screen and discuss: Camera Exercise footage choices. Discussion: On-Set realities, Cooperating with Arriflex SR Camera Workshop: Basics of camera Crew, Presentation of Scripts (4), Begin work functions, operation, loading, filters, batteries shopping scripts Lenses, Mounting the camera on the tripod, the video tap. Lecture: Script Breakdown/Shot lists Casting In-class exercise: Loading the Arriflex mag. Camera tech (hands on) Assignment for next session: Production Planning / Problem solving Assignment for next session: Catch up on any Group Assignment for session 7: Shot 16mm tech as necessary List/Breakdowns for all Films SESSION 6 | Oct 4 SESSION 3 | Sep 13 Discussion: Review Scripts / Production Concerns, Discussion: Split Groups into Producers and The Laboratory, Processing. Crews (3&3 depending) for each film, Assign shooting dates, Discuss Props/Character Lecture: Basics of shooting HD, Shooting to edit, requirement HD Cam (AF-1OO) Tech Lecture: Arriflex SR camera ctnd, Lenses & Focus Assignment for next session: Production (Arriflex), Accessories, Dealing w/ Camera on set, Planning/Problem solving. DP/AC duties (Arriflex) Dealing with Film on Set

Group Assignment for session 5: Movie Scripts or Experimental Project Outline

NFLM3632 Filmmaking Lab: Art, Technology and Tools | Fall 2011 | Prof. Jeremy Brooke,

SESSION 7 | Oct 11 Shot List Breakdowns Due Discussion: Shot lists/breakdowns Lecture: HD cam Advanced Techniques, Lenses & Accessories (HD), Video Dailies / flow of Post, Log & Capture/Log & Transfer (FCP) Assignment for next session: Production Planning / Problem solving, Prepare for Camera Tests. *TBA-Weekend Film & HD Camera Test Review Session SESSION 8 | Oct 18 Camera exercise #2 shooting HD for sync; Panasonic Camera Lecture: Dealing with AVCHD footage on set, Drives and Backups, Lighting & Gripping intro. In-class exercise: Camera exercise #2 Panasonic AF-100 camera & Double System, Basic lighting composition Assignment for next session: Production Planning / Problem solving, Prepare for Camera Tests ****TBA-MANDATORY FILM & HD CAMERA TEST**** SESSION 9 | Oct 25 Screen and discuss: Camera Exercise footage Discussion: Lighting and Grip package, Lighting procedures and safety, Lighting Technique, Grip and shaping light *****SHOOTING BEGINS***** SESSION 10 | Nov 1 - 16mm FILM SHOOTS (Possible no class) Production Troubleshooting

SESSION 11 | Nov 8 Production Troubleshooting Lecture: Syncing in FCP Group Assignment for session 13: Begin Post- Production (sync and prep) Assignment for session 15: Written Peer Review/Self-Evaluation SESSION 12 | Nov 15 Digital HD MOVIE SHOOTS Production Troubleshooting/Screen Dailies **Thanksgiving Break November 24th to Nov 28th** **NO CLASS NOVEMBER 22nd** SESSION 13 | Nov 29 Workshop: Critique Project Dailies. Lecture: Discuss Shoots, Preparing for Edit, FCP Ingesting Review and Project Concerns, Contd FCP Syncing, other techniques SESSION 14 | Dec 6 Rough Cuts Lecture: FCP advanced techniques In-Class exercise: Editing week SESSION 15 | Dec 13 Screening; Self-Evaluation Due Workshop: Critique Final Cuts

NFLM3632 Filmmaking Lab: Art, Technology and Tools | Fall 2011 | Prof. Jeremy Brooke,

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