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Section - D

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to recommend Isha Parihariya for the electrical engineering scholarship

offered by your esteemed institution. I have had the pleasure of teaching Isha in
several courses and can attest to their academic excellence and strong passion for
electrical engineering.

Isha has consistently demonstrated exceptional problem-solving abilities and

analytical skills in my courses. Their eagerness to explore the intricacies of electrical
engineering is a testament to their dedication and passion for the field. I have no
doubt that they will excel in any academic program related to electrical engineering.

Additionally, Isha has demonstrated a strong work ethic and a remarkable ability to
collaborate with their peers. Their team spirit and willingness to assist others have
contributed immensely to the success of group projects.

Moreover, I have had the opportunity to observe her volunteering at community

outreach events, where they have been actively involved in initiatives focused on
promoting science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education among
underprivileged students. This dedication to giving back to the community is a
testament to their character and commitment to making a positive impact on the

In summary, Isha possesses a combination of intellectual curiosity, analytical ability,

team spirit, and community engagement that makes them an ideal candidate for the
electrical engineering scholarship. I am confident that they will use this opportunity
to advance their skills and knowledge in the field, and will continue to make valuable
contributions to society.



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