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Dear Emily,

Why? Why have you made me do this? This world is not right. We should not
believe in deviations my dear sister. Yesterday, when I came over to your home,
my sister’s home, I was praying for a little bit of hope. However, I was proven
wrong by all of you unkind human beings without a heart. You are my sister, and
you could have helped me. That’s what family is for, to love each other and care for
each other. I should have known anyway. Emily, it was such a little thing... At the
beginning I didn’t want the baby either, since I knew they weren’t going to approve
her, but then I realized that she is a lovely baby, and that there are no such things
as deviations.

Anything that differs from your “beliefs” is a crime. You people don’t even realize
that this only makes matters worse. This has created a society that is intolerant to
anything that goes against what you preach or belief. This is not normal. Just a
simple little thing as a birth mark can end a person’s life. This cannot continue like
this, and something must be done. If you think about it, it is quite ironic. God is
loving and forgiving and protects everyone. This mocking society doesn’t realize
this. God should love everyone, despite the form they come from. It is not fair, it is
not logical to take away people’s happiness just because of a “deviation”. Like I
told you yesterday, I really pray God to send charity into this terrible world,
sympathy for the weak, and love for the unfortunate. My dear Emily, do you really
think that it is God’s will to make a child suffer, for just a little blemish in the body?
There is no such thing as the “perfect” form of a human. This is simply ridiculous.
Everyone is different in their own way. A quality every human being should have is
love, which people in this society don’t even have. Nobody has the right to decide
how all humans should be. The problem in this society is that people want to be
like the Old People. What is the point, when they weren’t the image people from
today’s society want? If we try to be like them, we will repeat all their mistakes.
What is even more shocking of you people is that you treat women as inferiors.
Your stupid husband told me to “cleanse” myself, as if I was the one who produced
this deviation. Why shouldn’t Henry be responsible for this? This is disgusting, and
I have nothing more to say.

These are my last words my dear sister. I really hope that God cleanses your
unkind soul and heart, in order to make you realize what you have done. I pray that
God sends help to you all…



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