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QUESTION: What is the difference between Nucleotides of Prokaryotic and

Eukaryotic Cells?


Prokaryotic DNA Eukaryotic DNA
Location Found freely in the central Found within the nucleus.
portion of the cytoplasm.
Occurrence Occurs as a covalent closed Occurs as a linear form of DNA
circular form of DNA. with two ends.
Size The size of the DNA is less The size of the DNA is high,
than 0.1 pg in a prokaryote. usually more than 1 pg.
Introns Introns are absent in the coding Introns are present in the coding
region of DNA. region of DNA.
Nucleosome There is no formation of There is a formation of
nucleosomes. nucleosomes.
Quantity of the DNA The quantity of DNA is The quantity of the DNA is
comparatively less. more.
DNA Replication DNA replication occurs in the DNA replication occurs within
cytoplasm of the cell. the nucleus of the cell.
Number of Genes Prokaryotic DNA contains a Eukaryotic DNA contains a
small number of genes. large number of genes.
Transposons Prokaryotic DNA lacks Eukaryotic DNA consists of
transposons. transposons.
Number of Chromosomes Prokaryotic DNA is organized Eukaryotic DNA is organized
into a single chromosome. into many chromosomes.
Histone Proteins Do not interact with the histone Associated with the histone
proteins. proteins.

Prokaryotic DNA
The prokaryotic DNA is smaller and circular and is found in the cytoplasm. The DNA is naked and is
not surrounded by proteins. The genome is compact and contains repetitive DNA without any

Eukaryotic DNA
Eukaryotic DNA is large and linear, present inside the nucleus. It is bound to histone proteins. A
large amount of repetitive DNA is found in the genome. The eukaryotic DNA also contains introns.

 Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes process their ribosomal and transfer RNAs. The major
differences in RNA processing, however between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is in the
processing of messenger RNAs.

 The process of transcription in eukaryotes initiates in the nucleus. The mRNA travels out of
the nucleus and moves to the cytoplasm, where the process of translation takes place. 
 The process of transcription in prokaryotes initiates in the cytoplasm. RNA processing is not
required in prokaryotes. This is because the structural gene in prokaryotes is polycistronic in
nature. This process of transcription is also known as bacterial transcription.
 In prokaryotes, there is a little or no processing of mRNA transcripts. Prokaryotic mRNA is
degraded very rapidly from 5′ end. Therefore, to rescue from degradation it is translated
before being finally transcribed.

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