GROUP C Research Gr.9 SSC1 Kadalisayan

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Cucumber(Cucumis sativus)
Peel,Moringa(Moringa oleifera),Rice(Oryza
sativa),and Coconut(Cocos nucifera)Pulp:An
Alternative Poultry Feeds

Winslet Nicole T. Tapan

John Kevin T. Nicoleta
Pauline A.Ungriano
Zhaina Joyce Embestro

Alabat Island National High School


Title Page ………………….. 1

Table Of Content ……………………2
Abstract ……………………3
Introduction ……………………4
Significance of the Study …………………….8
Objectives of the Study …………………….9
Hypothesis …………………….10
Scope and Limitation ………………………11
Definition of Terms …………………….12


Review of Related Literature …………………..15
Research Paradigm …………………..20

Research Design ……………………21
Research Procedure ……………………22
Tools and Equipment ……………………20
Experimental Treatment …………………….20
Research Instrument …………………….21
Locale ……………………21
Data Processig and Treatment ………………..22
References …………………….23
Poultry production is the fastest growing animal protein.The
wide application of in-feed antibiotics in poultry production
has created public health hazards.A driving force for the
interest of using natural feed ingredients and mixture is to
establish the atibiotics alternative in poultry producton that has
been reported in the literature.The purpose of this study is to
see how Cucumber(Cucumis sativus)peel,Moring(Moringa
oleifera),Rice(Oryza sativa),and Coconut(Cocos nucifera)pulp
as an alternative fed affects chicken performance,growth,and
health.The experiment will be carried out with two
treatments:Treatment group(1/4 kg cucumber peel,5 pieces
stem of moringa,1/4kg of rice and one piece of coconut);and
the other group that recieves o treatment.The study includes
ten(10) broiler chickens divided into two groups. This chapter
discusses the alternative feedstuffs that can be incorporated in
poultry feeds. In addition, the nutritive content and availability
are examined as well as how to improve the nutritive quality
of such nontraditional feedstuffs.The controlled group(also
called the experimental group)may achieve the higher daily
growths,better fooder use and higher resistance to diseases.

Chapter I
Background of the Study
An alternative also known as “non-traditional”,raw
materials is normally referred to as a feed ingredient that is
available locally,but not regularly included in commercial
poultry diets,and its nutritional value and optimum
includion level are not well defined (Dale,2008).Sourcing
of quality and sustainable feed ingredients at acceptable
prices has become the major challenge for the
industry.The most obvious strategy is to search for
potential alternative (or unconventional) ingredients and
their feeding value has been researched locally.These
ingredients are chosen for a number of reasons,including
cost,effectiveness,comparable or improved
functionality,promotion of health benefits,a more desirable
source from which ingredient is derived,labeling
advantages,ready availability,ease of use,or overall
marketbility.Chickens can eat cucumbers,cucumber
peel,and cucumber seeds.Cucumbers provide vitamin
C,vitamin B,vitamin K,folic acid,along with minerals like
cooper,phosphorus,potassium,and magnesium.Cucumbers
are also full of atioxidants that are beneficial to your
chickens.Cucumber scraps like peels and pith can be fed to
chickens.It is healthy and also cost-effective,plus it
reduces waste.The leaves of M. oleifera are the most
nutritious part,being a significant source of vitamin B
complex,vitamin C,pro-vitamin A as beta-carotene,vitamin
K,manganese and protein among other essentials
nutrients.Moringa oleifera is very useful as feed
suplement for animals,as its leaves are highly
nutritious.Moringa oleifera leaves have antimicrobial roles
and are rich with fats,proteins,vitamins,and minerals.Rice
especially brown rice,has the potential to replace corn as a
feedstuff for poultry.It is an inexpensive local feed source
with high availability and low production and processing
cost.The nutrients contained in brown rice are suitable for
poultry,especially chickens and broilers,because brown
rice has a high energy value and low fiber content and is
balanced amino acids.In tropical cultures,coconut pulp
residue,which is high in protein and fiber,has been a
traditional feed ingredient for poultry and other livestock
for many generations.Coconut is the fruit of the coconut
palm(cocos nucifera),which is commonly used for its
water,milk,oil and tasty meat.Coconut is an excellent
source of fiber,potassium,manganese,and selenium.In
addition,Mahfuz et al. Reported that poultry scientists are
now dedicated to applying unconventional natural feed
supplement,which may play a role in possible therapies to
improve the health as well as production performance of
chickens.Thus,poultry researchers are searching for
potential natural feed resources that will be both
environmentally friendly and safe for human society.
Significance of the Study

There are the groups of people that could benefit from

this research.They are the following:

Poultry Farmers:This study will help the poultry

farmers to reduce their cost on buying pellets on
markets and this will also help to improve chicken
health and growth.

AINHS Students:The result of this study will give

ideas to them get some ideas that they’ll need for
their future research study.It can also help them do
their research easily by following this research study
as an example.

Local Residents:This study will help the local

residents who are interested in raising their own
broiler chickens or those who have chicken on their
home or backyards to reduce their cost and also to
improve the chicken health and growth.

Future Researchers:This will be a great help to them

to use as reference for related studies or for product
innovation.This will serve as their guidelines and
source of information.
Objectives of the Study
Following are the objectives of the study:
1.Make natural feed ingredients and mixtures
for livestock and poultry
a.Cucumber peel
b. Coconut pulp
c. Rice
d. Moringa
2.Determine the effectiveness of alternative
feed mixture on the health and growth of
broiler chicken.
3.Find out the significant differences in the
level of effectiveness between the alternative
feed mixture and commercial feed on the
health and growth of broiler chicken.

H0:There is no substantial difference

between commercial poultry feeds
and alternative feed ingredients and
mixtures in terms of effectiveness.
Ha:Commercial poultry feeds and
alternative feed ingredients and
mixtures have a substantial variation
in effectiveness.
Scope and Limitation

The study focuses on making chicken feeds

that will help poultry owners to lower
expenses in raising chickens while making
the chicken healthy and energetic as well
as focusing in making chicken feeds that
can surpass commercial feeds because
commercial feeds are expensive and the
price for chicken feeds are rising day by
day. By the end of this study the
researchers should determine the
difference between the homemade feeds
and commercial feeds.
Definition of Terms

Chicken and poultry feed comes in three forms: crumbles,

pellets, and mash. Crumbles are excellent if you can get
them, but pellets are sometimes the only form available.
Mash is usually used for baby chicks, but it can be mixed
with warm water to make a thick oatmeal-like treat for
Broiler chicken is any chicken that is bred and raised
specifically for meat production. Most commercial broilers
reach slaughter weight between four and seven weeks of age,
although slower growing breeds reach slaughter weight at
approximately 14 weeks of age. Typical broilers have white
feathers and yellowish skin.
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely-cultivated creeping
vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family that bears usually
cylindrical fruits, which are used as vegetables. Considered
an annual plant, there are three main varieties of cucumber
— slicing, pickling, and burpless/seedless — within which
several cultivars have been created.
Moringa(Moringa oleifera) is a fast-growing, drought-
resistant tree of the family Moringaceae, native to the Indian
subcontinent. Common names include moringa, drumstick
tree, horseradish tree, and ben oil tree or benzolive tree.
Rice(Oryza sativa,) commonly known as Asian rice, is the
plant species most commonly referred to in English as rice.
It is the type of farmed rice whose cultivars are most
common globally, and was first domesticated in the Yangtze
River basin in China 13,500 to 8,200 years ago.
Cocnut(Cocos nucifera )(L.) is an important member of the
family Arecaceae (palm family) popularly known as
coconut, coco, coco-da-bahia, or coconut-of-the-beach (1).
The plant is originally from Southeast Asia (Malaysia,
Indonesia, and the Philippines) and the islands between the
Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Chapter II
Related Literature
The globalization of the food value chain is increasing
rapidly,and its necessary to address the challenges
associated with it in sustainable way.To overcome the
challenges,the poultry sector will have to focus more on
sustainability of production and cheap protein
sources.The animal production efficiency could be
improved by reducing the output of nutrientsas waste to
the environment.(Peric,L.,2011)The production of broiler
chickens must achieve the objective of sustainability,as
climate change concerns have major effects on its future
growth performance(Rodic,v.,2011)Feed cost represents
approximately 65-75% and is considered the major cost
of poultry production(Fasuyi,A.O.,2005).Many attempts
have been made to decrease the cost of feeding to the
minimun levels.These attempts include replacing the
expensive feedstuffs by cheaper and more abundant by-
products to support the sustainability of poultry
production.(Aftab,U.,2009)Soybean meal (SBM) is often
the major dietary plant protein source in broiler diets,and
other protein sources other than SBM are used
occasionally at competetive prices.
(Leeson,S.,2012)However,there is a range of possible
alternative feed ingredients that can partially or fully
replace SBM in poultry diets.Moringa oleifera is very
useful as a feed supplement for animals, as its leaves are
highly nutritious. The leaves of M. oleifera are the most
nutritious part, being a significant source of vitaminB
complex, vitamin C, pro-vitamin A as beta-carotene,
vitamin K, manganese, and protein among other essential
nutrients (Leone A,2015). Moringa oleifera leaves have
antimicrobial roles and are rich with fats, proteins,
vitamins, and minerals (Onunkwo D.N., George O.S.
2015). The extracts from leaves of Moringa
oleifera contain low amounts of polyphenols, which
might have effects on blood lipid metabolism [Abbas
T.E. 2013]. Moringa oleifera can be used as a source of
micronutrient and as a dietary supplement in poultry
[Makkar H.P.,Mahajan S., 2007]. In addition, Moringa
oleifera leaf powder has anti-septic and detergent
properties due to presence of different phytochemicalsin
the leaves [Torondel B., 2014]. Moringa oleifera was
reported to be an excellent source of vitamins and amino
acids that reportedly boost immune systems [ Olugbemi
T.S.,2010]. The seed extracts of moringa are rich in
polyunsaturated fatty acid [Anwar F., 2007]. Moringa
oleifera exhibits anti-oxidant properties that can suppress
formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free
radicals [Ogbunugafor H.A.,Sofidiya
M.O.,2006].Alnidawi et al. has conducted an experiment
with a view to examining the effects of Moringa
oleifera leaf on health status in broilers.This study
ensured that total cholesterol content was lower with
higher level (at 15% and 20%)of M. oleifera fed in
broiler diets. Similarly, high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (HDL) content in serum was increased and
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) was decreased
with higher level of supplementation of M. oleifera in
broilers. It was hypothesized that higher amounts of
natural fiber in moringa leaves may have a role in
lowering cholesterol level by increasing lipid metabolism
in the host body. In addition, the blood parameters, like
hemoglobin percent, total red blood cells number, and
total packed cell volume, were found to be higher at 20%
supplementation levels than the control diet
(Ali,F.,2016). M. oleifera leaf powder was considered as
dietary supplement with 0.6%, 0.9%, 1.2% and 1.5%
levels in broilers on growth performance and intestinal
microarchitecture (Khan,I.,2007). Global production of
coconut in 2017 was 60.8 million tons and 31.2% of the
production was contributed
by Indonesia (Sundu,B.,2012). Today, Indonesia has
been the largest coconut producer in the world. The
product of coconut is coconut oil, derived from the meat
of the nut. Two common ways to produce
coconut oil in Indonesia are through wet and dry
processes, generating coconut dregs and copra cake
respectively. Although these two coconut by-products
are abundantly produced in the coconut-producing
provinces in Indonesia, their utilization in poultry feed is
still limited due to the presence of fibrous
carbohydrates, particularly mannose-based
polysaccharides (Hatta,U.,2012) and thus negatively
affected the passage time of the diets in the digestive
tract of broilers (Sundu,B.,2009). Although coconut
meal contains up to 25% protein, its quality was low due
to the presences of Maillard product and fibrous fraction
such as mannan. These two components impaired the
digestibility of the
nutrients. Since the coconut protein is partly located
inside the cell wall and the protein might be damaged
due to heat treatments during oil extraction, the amino
acids were not fully available for poultry. Accordingly,
the use of coconut meal in poultry diet could deteriorate
the growth of 3-weeks old broiler chicks
(Kumar,A.,2006).Rice, especially brown rice, has the
potential to replace corn as a feedstuff for poultry. It is an
inexpensive local feed source with high availability and
low production and processing costs. Two local varieties
of brown rice, MR239 and MR257, were investigated for
use as feedstuffs in the poultry industry, including their
composition and TME values (using the force-feeding
technique). The MR239 and MR257 varieties of brown
rice contained nutrients such as CP, fat, ash, and
carbohydrates. The energy content and amino acid
profile of MR239 and MR257 are reported. The
nonstarch polysaccharides in MR239 and MR257
consisted of CF, NDF, ADF, and acid detergent lignin.
The beta-glucan and arabinoxylan contents in MR239
and MR257 were determined. Both varieties of brown
rice were found to be potential sources of feed for
Research Paradigm
Research Title:Cucumber(Cucumis sativus)
Peel,Moringa(Moringa oleifera),Rice(Oryza
sativa),and Coconut(Cocos nucifera)Pulp:An
Alternative Poultry Feeds

Treatment Group PROCESS
a. Cucumber(Cucumis Experimental The effect of
sativus)peel design method cucumber
b. Moringa(Moringa peel,rice,coconut
oleifera) pulp,and moringa a
c. Rice(Oryza sativa) an alternate feed
d. Coconut(Cocos
on broiler chicken
health were
Chapter III
This chapter discuss the research tools,
experimentall design, treatment proportion,
evaluation of the finished product, and the statistical
analysis of the study.

Research Design
This study will use the experimental design
method.Since we will create the treatment and
compare the growth and health responses of broiler
chickens,this will be our preferred method.The
gathering data will be done through daily monitoring
of broiler chickens.To determine wether the
treatment works,the ten(10)broiler chickens are
divided into two groups:a treatment group that will
recieve the treatment and a not control group that
will not recieve any experimental treatment.
Research Procedure






Tools and Equipments

Tools and Equipment Ingredients

Experimental Treatment

The experiment will be carried out with two

treatments:Treatment group(1/4 kg cucumber peel,1/4 kg
rice,one piece of coconut,5 pieces stem of moringa
leaves);Control group that receives no treatment.


Cucumber 1/4kg 0
Coconut Pulp 1pc 0
Rice 1/4kg 0
Moringa 5pcs 0
Research Instrument

Observation will be our instrument for gathering information

to see if cucumber (Cucumis sativus)Peel,moringa(Moringa
oleifera),rice(Oryza sativa),and coconut(Cocos nucifera)are
effective as alternative poultry feeds for broiler chickens
health and growth.We'll use a steelyard or platform
weighing scale, as well as weekly observations and notes, to
determine the growth performance of broiler chickens given
the treatment.It is one of the very important methods for
obtaining comprehensive data.
The study will be conducted in Alabat,Quezon.A
5th class municipality in the province of
Quezon,Philippines. Alabat is politically subdivided
into 19 barangays,5 of which are urban and 14
rural,with a land area of 22.24 square miles.The
researchers live in Alabat, Quezon, and it is the
optimal location for us to acquire samples and
collect data.
Data Proccesing and Treatment
The product was tested through a comparative analysis.Ten chickens of the
same weight and age were tested.The not controlled group ate commercial
feeds while the controlled chicken ate the product mixture of cucumber
peel,moringa,rice,coconut pulp.

1.1 Chicken Growth Test




1.2 Chicken Immunity

1-Very Bad 3-Good
2-Bad 4-Very Good



Mahfuz, S., & Piao, X. S. (2019). Application of moringa (moringa
oleifera) as natural feed supplement in poultry diets. Animals : an open
access journal from

Abdollahi, R., & Ravindran, V. (2021). Alternative feed ingredients

for poultry diets: Challenges and prospects.

Lehman, S. (n.d.). (2021). Coconut Nutrition Facts and health benefits.

Verywell Fit.

Abdollahi, R., & Ravindran, V. (2021). Alternative feed ingredients for

poultry diets: Challenges and prospects. Engormix.

Sundu, B., Mozin, s., Sarjuni, S., Toana, N.,&Hatta,U.,(2020)Coconut

meal as a feed ingredient and source of prebiotic for poultry. (n.d.).

Wolayan,R. F.,& Mandey,S. J.,(2020)effect of orally administrated of

cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L ... (n.d.).

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