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Triplette a bandana cow! by Francesca Caricato It is a peak shaped neckwarmer, initially worked flat, starting from the bottom, then connecting the ends and working in a circle. Hook: 4mm /G Yarn: Koloro Studio fingering (100g x 400m), 1 ball : ch4, 2 de in 4th ch from hook, turn oO “Nees A ©} 2 ye fe , WE 3, 2 de in first st , ch1, 3 de in last st, tum ‘h3, 2 de in first st, *(chl, 3 dc in hole)*, chi, 3 de in last st, turn Repeat row 3 until you get 30 rows in total. After row 30 don't turn, ch1, join with a slip st, make other slip sts to get the next hole. Round! : ch3 and 2dc into the hole, then repeat (ch1, 3dc) until you end the round, making 3 dc on the join stitch and closing the round with a slip stitch. Round2 : get to the next hole with slip sts, then ch3 and 2 de in hole, go on repeating (ch1, 3dc) until you end the round, ending with a slip st. After 16 rounds, make a sc round. Break yarn. Tum the work upside down. Beginning from the backside, work the edge: (Isc between rows, ch3) repeat all over the edge. Note: on the tip make ch6 instead of ch3. On second round, make (Isc, 2dc, 1sc) in each loop, but on the tip: (Isc, Ihalf de, 2dc, 1half dc, Isc). End with a slip stitch, break yarn, wave in ends.

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