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Institute of Technology
Faculty of civil and water resource engineering

Department of Hydraulic Engineering

Post graduate program

Dam Engineering assignment -3

Name: ID

 Belay Mekonen….…… ……. BDU1500619

Submitted to: Mengistie Abate (PhD)

Design of Concrete Dam

Check the stability of the gravity dam section shown in Figure at the section AA' assuming the location of
dam in seismic Zone, Wind velocity 115 km/hr and Fetch length 25 km.

The basic assumptions of analytical two dimensional gravity method analysis are:

 Consider unit length of the dam;

 Work out the magnitude and directions of all the vertical and horizontal forces acting on the dam and
their algebraic sum;
 determine the moment arm of all these forces about the toe;
 Determine the moments of all these about the toe and find out the algebraic sum of all those moments;
 find out the location of the resultant force by determining its distance from the toe;
 Find out the eccentricity of the resultant, which must be less than B/6 in order to ensure that no tension
is developed anywhere in the dam;
 determine the vertical stresses at the toe and heel;
 Determine the maximum normal stresses at the toe and heel; and
 Determine the factor of safety against overturning, sliding and crushing.
 Dam is considered of number of cantilever each of which 1m thick and independent of each other.
 No load is transferred to abutment by beam action
 The foundation and dam behave as single unit

Prepared By: Belay Mekonen Page 1

Design of Concrete Dam

 Assume minimum and maximum of allowable concrete=400 and 4000KN/m^2

Reservoir full condition Case

The stability analysis shall be carried out for Reservoir full condition. When reservoir is at full condition,
the worst condition is occurred at the toe of dam. Hence, I check all of stabilities only about the toe of the
dam in reservoir full condition but not for empty condition.






W1 0.75

3m silt

p silt

W2 2.25m

3m 3m

A A-

3.5m U4 54.75m Yw*3


2m U2

Yw*80 U1

Yw*3+1/3Yw (80-3)

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Design of Concrete Dam

1. Self-Weight of Dam (kN/m)


80m 73m 15m



54.75m 3.75m

W1=ϒc*A1=24*7*85= 14,280KN/m which acts vertically at 54.75+7/2=58.25m from toe.

M1 (+ve)=W1*r1=14280*58.25 = 831,810KN.m/m

W2= 0.5*ϒc*A2 = 0.5*24*54.75*73= 47,961KN/m acts vertical 2/3*54.75=36.5m from toe.

M2 (+ve) = W2*r2= 47,961*36.5= 1,750,576.50KN.m/m

W3=0.5*ϒc*A3= 0.5*24*3.75*15= 675KN/m acts vertically 54.75+1/3*3.75=56m from toe.

M3 (+ve) = W3*r3=675*56 = 37,800.00 KN.m/m

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Design of Concrete Dam

2. U/S Vertical Water Column Supper Imposed Load


Pv, w1

Pv,w1=ϒw*Aw=9.81*3.75*62= 2,280.825KN/m acts vertically at 54.75+7+3.75/2=63.625m from toe.

M,Pv,1 (+ve) = Pv,w1*r1=2,280.825*63.625=145,117.49KNM/m

3. Vertical Submerged Silt Supper Imposed Load

Pv1 silt

Pv2 sil

3.1 Pv1,silt = ϒsi*Asi=18.885*3*3.75= 212.448K/m acts vertically at 54.75+7+3.75/2=63.625m from toe.

M, Pv1,silt (+ve) = Pv1,silt*r1=212.448*63.625= 13,517.00KN.m/m

ϒsi=1925*9.81 for Vertical Submerged Silt Supper Imposed Load from most experiments.

3.2 Pv2,sil=ϒsi*Asi=18.885*0.5*3.75*15= 531.14KN/m acts vertical 54.75+7+2/3*3.75=64.25m from toe

M,Pv2(+ve)= Pv2,silt*r2= 531.14*64.25=34,125.75KN.m/m

ϒsi=1925*9.81 for Vertical Submerged Silt Supper Imposed Load from most experiments.

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Design of Concrete Dam

4. U/S Hydrostatic Pressure (Ph)



Ph,w = 0.5*ϒw*hw^2=0.5*9.81*62^2= 18,854.82KN/m acts downward at 18+hw/3=18+62/3=38.666m

from base of dam.
M, Ph, w(-Ve)= Ph,w*r1=18,854.82*38.666=729,040.47KN.m/m

5. Horizontal Submerged Silt Load (Psilt)

ϒsi=1360*9.81 for horizontal submerged silt from most experiments.

P silt 18m

Psilt = 0.5*Ka*ϒsi*hsi^2=0.5*0.333*13.34*18^2 = 720.447KN/m acts downward at h,silt/3=18/3=6m

from base of dam, =30

M,Psilt(-Ve)= Psilt*r = 720.447*6=4,322.68KN.m/m

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Design of Concrete Dam

6. D/S Horizontal Water Pressure (Tail Water Depth)


Pv2 Psilt


P,tail=0.5*ϒw*hw^2=0.5*9.81*3^2 = 44.145KN/m acts upward at h,tail/3=3/3=1m from base.

M,Ptail(+ve) =P,tail*r = 44.145*1=44.145KN.m/m

7. D/S Vertical Water Column Supper Imposed Load

Pv,2 = ϒw*Aw=0.5*9.81*2.25*3 = 33.109 KN/m acts downward at 2/3*2.25=1.5m from toe.

M,Pv2 (+Ve) = Pv,2*r = 33.109*1.5=49.664KN.m/m

8. Hydrodynamic Wave


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Design of Concrete Dam

acts downward at 80+0.375hw=80+0.375*1.873=80.703m from base of the dam.

M,P,wave (-Ve)= P,wave*r =68.83*80.703=5,554.75KN.m/m

9. Effect of Earthquake Force on retained Water (Hydrodynamic Pressure Force)


that acts 0.41*hw=0.41*80=32.8m

M, PeH,T(-Ve)=0.299(C*αh*ϒw*hw^2)= 0.299*0.735*0.1*9.81*80*80^2=110,382.189KN.m/m

10. Earthquake Force on Dam Body

10.1 Due to Effect of Horizontal Acceleration, αh=0.152

Fh = 5/9*W,total*αh=0.555*62,916*0.152=0.1*W,tota l= 5,312.91K.N/m

Which acts upward at (W1*r1+W2*r2+W3*r3)/W,total=41.646m

M,Fh(-Ve)= F,h *r =5,312.91*41.646=221,261.45KN.m/m

10.2 Due to Effect of Vertical Acceleration, αv=0.152/2

Fv =5/9*W,total*αh/2=0.555*62,916*0.152/2=0.05*W,tota l= 2,656.45

Acts vertically downward (W1*r1+W2*r2+W3*r3)/W, total=41.646m

M,Fv(-Ve)= Fv*r =2,656.45*41.646=110,630.52KN.m/m

11. Uplift Pressure force

5.25m 60.875m

Yw*3+1/3Yw (80-3)

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Design of Concrete Dam


11.1 U1 = ϒw*hw*crack length=9.81*80*2 = 1,569.60KN/m.

Acts upward vertically at 58.25+5.25+2/2=64.5m from toe.

M,U1(-Ve)= U1*r =1,569.60*64.5=101,239.20KN.m/m

11.2 U2 = ϒw*h,tail+1/3ϒw(H-h)*5.25=9.81*3+1/3*9.81(80-3)*5.25 = 1,476.41KN/m

Acts vertically upward at 58.25+5.25/2=60.875m from toe of dam.

M,U2(-Ve)=U2*r =1,476.41*60.875=89,876.46KN.m/m

11.3 U3 = 0.5*ϒw(H-(h+1/3(H-h))*5.25=0.5*9.81*(80-(3+1/3(80-3))*5.25 =1,321.90 KN/m

Acts vertically upward at 58.25+5.25*2/3=61.75m from toe of dam.

M,U3(-Ve)=U3*r =1,321.90 * 61.75=81,627.33KN.m/m

11.4 U4 = ϒw*h.tail*(54.75+7/2)=9.81*3*58.25 =1,714.30 KN/m

Acts vertically upward at 58.25/2=29.125m from toe of dam.

M,U4(-Ve)= U4*r =1,714.30*29.125=49,928.93KN.m/m

11.5 U5 =0.5*ϒw((h+1/3(H-h)-h)*58.25=0.5*9.81*((3+1/3(80-3)-3)*58.25=7,333.38KN.m/m

Acts vertically upward at 58.25*2/3=38.833m from toe of dam.

M,U5(-Ve)=U5*r =7,333.38*38.833=284,779.59KN.m/m

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Design of Concrete Dam

A. When Resevoir is full Condition

S.N Force Symbol Formula Force in KN/M Lever Arm (m) Moment about
o Toe (KN.M/M)
Stabilizing Destabilizin Posetive Negative
1 Self Weight of Dam (W)
W1(+Ve) ϒc*A1=24*7*85 14,280 54.75+7/2=58.25 831,810
W2(+Ve) 0.5*ϒc*A2=0.5*24*54.75*73 47,961 2/3*54.75=36.5 1,750,576.
W3(+Ve) 0.5*ϒc*A3=0.5*24*3.75*15 675 54.75+1/3*3.75=56 37,800.00
2 U/S Vertical Water Column Supper Imposed Load
PV,W1(+Ve) ϒw*Aw=9.81*3.75*62 2,280.825 54.75+7+3.75/2 145,117.5
3 Vertical Submerged Silt Supper Imposed Load
3.1 PV1,Silt(+Ve) ϒsi*Asi=18.885*3*3.75 212.448 54.75+7+3.75/2 13,517.00
3.2 PV2,Silt(+Ve) ϒsi*Asi=18.885*0.5*3.75*15 531.14 54.75+7+2/3*3.75 34,125.75
4 U/S Hydrostatic Pressure (Ph)
Ph,w(-Ve) 0.5*ϒw*hw^2=0.5*9.81*62^2 18,854.82 18+hw/3=18+62/3 729,040.47
5 Horizontal Submerged Silt Load (Psilt)
Psilt,(-Ve) 0.5*Ka*ϒsi*hsi^2 720.447 h,silt/3=18/3=6 4,322.68
6 D/S Horizontal Water Pressure (Tail Water Depth)
P,tail(+Ve) 0.5*ϒw*hw^2 44.145 h,tail/3=3/3=1 44.145
7 D/S Vertical Water Column Supper Imposed Load
PV,W2(+Ve) ϒw*Aw=0.5*9.81*2.25*3 33.109 2/3*2.25=1.5 49.664
8 Hydrodynamic Wave
P,wave(-Ve) 2*ϒw*hw^2 68.83 80+0.375hw= 5,554.75
=2*9.81*1.873^2 80+0.375*1.873
9 Effect of Earthquake Force on retained Water
( Hydrodynamic Pressure Force)
PeH,T(-Ve) 0.726*C*αh*ϒw*hw^2 3,350.22 0.41*hw=0.41*80=32.8 0.299*57.6
=0.726*0.735*0.1*9.81*80^ 8
2 *80^2
10 Earthquake Force on Dam Body
10.1 Due to Effect of Horizontal Acceleration

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Design of Concrete Dam
F,h(-Ve) 5/9*W,total*αh 5,312.91 (W1*r1+W2*r2+W3*r3) 221,261.45
=0.555*62,916*0.152 /W,T
=0.1*W,total =41.646
10.2 Due to Effect of Vertical Acceleration
F,v(-Ve) 5/9*W,total*αv 2,656.45 (W1*r1+W2*r2+W3*r3) 110,630.52
=5/9*62,916*0.152/2 /W,T
=0.05*W =41.646
11 Uplift Pressure force
11.1 U1(-Ve) ϒw*hw*crack length 1,569.60 58.25+5.25+2/2=64.5 101,239.20
11.2 U2(-Ve) ϒw*h,tail+1/3ϒw(H-h)*5.25 1,476.41 58.25+5.25/2=60.875 89,876.46
11.3 U3(-Ve) 0.5*ϒw(H-(h+1/3(H-h))*5.25 1,321.90 58.25+5.25*2/3=61.75 81,627.33
11.4 U4(-Ve) ϒw*h.tail*(54.75+7/2) 1,714.30 58.25/2=29.125 49,928.93
11.5 U5(-Ve) 0.5*ϒw((h+1/3(H-h)-h)*58.25 7,333.38 58.25*2/3=38.833 284,779.59

∑FV=Sum of Stabilizing Force=66,018 KN/m

∑FH=Sum of destabilizing force=44,379.26KN/m

∑M+ve=Sum of Resisting moment=2,813,041KN.m/m

∑M+ve=Sum of Overturning moment=1,678,261.37KN.m/m

A. Factor of safety against overturning, Fo

= =1.676163562 > 1.5 (Safe, acceptable/desirable)

B. Sliding Factor (SF)

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Design of Concrete Dam

= = 0.75*1.487579299= 1.116 > 1 Safe

C. Shear friction factor, SFF


Tension Failure

It may occur when the resultant strikes outside the middle third. If it is so, the tension develops at the
upstream edge (heel). Hence, at the heel, the dam loses contact with the foundation and the effective
width is reduced. This results in an increase in the maximum compressive stress at the toe. A tension
crack by itself does not cause failure of the dam but it leads to the failure of the dam by crushing or by

Location of Resultant Force

X= = =


Eccentricity (e) = – X= 15.561m > this implies that the resultant

acts near the toe of one third of the base from the toe and slight tension will be developed at heel because
of considering the all the worst conditions (worst direction and loading system) except ice load. I take
hydrodynamic force, earthquake acceleration in horizontal and vertical direction but if I take the worst
direction one only, it will be safer against tension failure and compression failure too. And Eccentricity (e)
is located within the limit B/6=10.92m.

Maximum and Minimum Normal Stress

To determine the vertical stress at the base of the dam at Reservoir full condition

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Design of Concrete Dam

i. Average Vertical Stress

ii. Vertical Stress at toe (d/s edge)

= ( ) < 4000KN/M^2 maximum concrete allowable stress (safe)

iii. Vertical Stress at heel (u/s edge)

= ( ) =1007.91*(-0.426) = -1436.71KN/M6^2 <400 minimum concrete allowable

stress (safe)

iv. Principal Vertical stress at Toe

d fyd *sec2  -tail water pressure *tan^2=Fyd*(1+0.75^2)-29.43

= *1.5625*16.555 = 3,803.17m<4000KN/M^2(safe)

v. Shear Stress at Toe

d fyd * tand=2444.617*0.75=1833.463<4000KN/M^2(safe)
Average shear strength of the joint varies from 1400-4000 for poor to good rocks respectively. Consider
the worst condition case and take q=1400KN/M^2 and u=0.65-0.75, take u=0.75

Generally, the section of gravity dam should be chosen in such a way that it is the most economical section
and satisfies all the conditions and requirements of stability. This dam is safe throughout all conditions as

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Design of Concrete Dam

discussed above; against overturning, sliding, and shear friction factor even when the seismic forces are

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