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149 Perkin Warbeck begins his imposture in The fact that he’s chosen Ireland shows the same people behind lambert
Cork, Ireland. He claims to be Richard, Duke Simnel were behind him (earl of Kildare, Margaret of Burgundy, john
1 of York, the younger prince in the tower. Taylor (Yorkist rebel) and an Irishman called John Atwater (ex-mayor of
They all make a public declaration that he is Richard IV.
Henry VII sends a small armed force to catch him (shows something if he
sends army)
149 Warbeck flees to France where he is Warbeck tries to raise an army in Ireland, but the Irish won’t fight for him
received by Charles VIII. So, he decides to run away to France, with tensions high from the Briton
2 crisis, he recognises Warbeck as king.
As a result, the Treaty of Etaples was signed emphasising that France
could not harbour pretenders; and so, Warbeck has to flee

149 Embargo on woollen cloth trade with Perkin Warbeck has now gone to Burgundy here he is welcome with open
Burgundy. arms by Margaret and so does the HRE, Maximillian and acknowledged.
3 Margaret gives him prince training, giving him that extra bit, he needs
Henry goes for economic sanctions, with the embargo which ends up
hurting both England and Burgundy alike

149 Warbeck secures the backing of the holy Off the back Of the Treaty of Etaples the HRE is annoyed with Henry as
roman empire. they used, we hate France club
4 And so, he formally recognises Perkin Warbeck
HRE empire could have given Perkin an army, but they were busy fighting
off Charles VIII in a fight over the Italian states

149 Warbeck attempts to invade England for the Sets off from Flanders meaning he’s going to hit the south-east coast (i.e
first time. Kent), with an extremely small force.
5 Henry knew they were coming due to spies- Sir Robert Clifford pretended
to be a Yorkist friend of Perkin Warbeck and reported back to Henry
Perkin Warbeck never got off the boats because they were waiting for
William Stanley was accused of being involved, arrested charged with
treason and executed.
Perkin Warbeck stays on the boat and looks for somewhere to land in
Europe, he turns up in Ireland, expecting them to be welcoming. He was
wrong. Ireland don’t want him.
He then sails to Scotland; James IV recognises him, and they get along.
Perkin then marries Katherine Gordon, the king’s cousin.
At this point Henry’s marriage negotiations to Spain are turbulent.
149 Warbeck’s second invasion of England, It is not really an invasion, its known as a border raid. That is what Perkin
backed by the Scots army. gets himself involved in, it’s not an actual threat to Henry’s throne. He
6 attempts to get support in England but does not receive any. It’s a failure.
Henry chooses diplomacy, he chooses to marry his daughter Margaret to
James’s son, James.
Due to this Scotland is no longer hosting Perkin.
149 Third attempt to invade England. Warbeck He goes back to Ireland, form Ireland he begins his third invasion through
surrenders. Cornwall as the Cornish are in a tax rebellion
7 The reason they are rebelling is because they had to pay for the army to
fight the Scots up north.
Here Perkin joins and leads several thousand Cornishmen; but they are
not very organised or equipped and poorly led.
Henry knows all of this and so sends Lord Daubney to crush the rebellion
in the battle of Black Heath, where the Cornish loose, but Warbeck has
already left.
He originally goes to Scotland but is not wanted then to Ireland and is not
wanted so he goes back to Cornwall where he is crowned in Bodmin.
He realises he has no force and so runs to sanctuary (Beaulieu Abbey-
Southampton) but Perkin didn’t read up on the new changes to sanctuary
and when Henry arrive, he surrenders.

149 Warbeck is imprisoned in the tower of Henry allows Warbeck and Katherine to live at court with him, but he
London. isn’t really slowed to leave court.
8 He tried to leave and fails ending up with him being in the Tower of
149 Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick executed The Earl of Warwick and Edward Earl of Warwick were purposely put in
for treason. cells next to each other where they were supposedly plotting against him.
9 Giving henry the excuse to kill them
Perkin was killed by hanging to show he was a commoner

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