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Y7A English

Rhetorical devices

L.O. Explore how writers use language devices to make their ideas more persuasive.



What dishes are you able to cook? Should all young people be taught to cook in school? Why do
you think this?


What do you think is a ‘rhetorical device’?

Rhetoric: is the art of persuasive speaking.

We use rhetoric devices to add impact to the opinions stated. They include:

Rhetorical questions, direct address, repetition and emotive language.

Rhetorical questions: the writer asks questions without expecting an answer, to draw the reader
into the argument.

Direct address: the writer talks directly to the reader, telling them what they should do.

Repetition: the writer repeats a word or phrase to add emphasis to a key idea.

Emotive language: the writer chooses vocabulary that creates an emotional response in the

Student book

Your tasks:

1. Read the article on page 204 and complete activity 2 on page 205.
2. Scan the article again and complete activity 1 (identifying the writer’s argument)
on page 205.
3. Complete activity 3 on page 206.


Write the function of the following punctuation marks:

Full stop, comma, colon, semi-colon, dash, apostrophe and speech marks.


Complete the punctuation boost (using colons) on page 206 – student book.

Your task:

Activity 4: arguing your point (p207)

Write one paragraph expressing your opinion about the importance of learning to

1. Choose one of the key points on page 207.

2. Write your paragraph while using rhetorical devices to convince the reader.
3. Review you paragraph and don’t forget to add punctuation marks.
4. In the end, highlight your rhetorical devices in yellow and punctuation marks in green.

The work should be completed in your notebooks and will be checked on

April 30th.

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