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Republic of the Philippines


College of Information and Communications Technology
City of Balanga 2100 Bataan


Municipality of Pilar
Panilao Pilar, Bataan

Angelica C. Ilagan
Sangguiang Bayan Secretary

March 6, 2023 May 18, 2023

Submitted By:

Casper Dale D. Pineda

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Major in Network and Web Application

Date Submitted:
May 31, 2023

Submitted to:

OJT Coordinator

Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression of the OJT experience

you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression of the OJT

experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression of the

OJT experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression of

the OJT experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression

of the OJT experience you had…

Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the OJT experience

you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the OJT

experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the

OJT experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on

the OJT experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression

on the OJT experience you had…

Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the OJT experience

you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the OJT

experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the

OJT experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on

the OJT experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression

on the OJT experience you had…

Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the OJT experience

you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the OJT

experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on the

OJT experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression on

the OJT experience you had… Replace this text with an introduction on your general impression

on the OJT experience you had…


I would like to thank Kurl Paguio for helping me apply in the Municipality of Pilar. I am

very pleased to be OJT student in the Municipal Office. I would like to give special thanks to

Secretary Angelica C. Ilagan, Luoisa Bernardo, Philip Empeno, Vice mayor Cecilia Garcia, and

all the other Konsehal for accepting me at the same time guiding me throughout my training.

Table of Contents
Cover Page



Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Company Profile

Brief History of the Company

Products and Services Offered

Rules and Regulations

Organizational Chart

Chapter 2: Compilation of the Daily Accomplishment Reports

Chapter 3: Assessment of the Practicum Program

Learning Experiences

Describing the Company Norms

Highlights of the Training

Program Improvement Recommendations

Suggestions and Advice to Fellow Students

Chapter 4: Pertinent Documents

Copy of Grades (Certified True Copy)

Application Form Sheet A

Application Form Sheet B

Medical Certificate


Letter of Application

Recommendation Letter

Approval Form

Certificate of Registration (Photocopy)

Official Receipt (Photocopy)

Acceptance Letter

Waiver Form

Certificate of Acceptance

Certificate of Completion (Original and Photocopy)

Evaluation Form

Daily Time Record – DTR (Photocopy)

Pictures were taken during the Practicum

Other Forms Accomplished in Relation to Practicum

Chapter 1

The Company Profile

This chapter is a discussion about the company where the university had sent me. This

includes its history, products and services, rules and regulations and its organizational chart.

Brief History

Pilar “The Rice Granary”

Long ago this town was merely a barrio within the jurisdiction of the town of Balanga. 

There were very few inhabitants. 

One day a Spanish galleon was tossed to its shores by a violent storm.  The Spaniards were

greeted by the inhabitants where they landed.  The Spaniards suggested that the place be

named in honor of the image they had with them which was that of the “Lady of the Pillar”.  The

people consented and since that time, the town had been called “Pilar”.

Pilar has a history all of its own tainted with legends, traditions, glory and death.  On March 10,

1801, it was separated from Balanga by the Dominican priests under the spiritual ministration of

Virgen Nuestra Senora del Pilar.  Since then, Pilar has produced great men. 

With the march of time, the once unknown town has risen to unparalleled popularity here and

abroad.  This town is noted for the historical landmarks like the Flaming Sword and the Shrine of

Valor (Dambana ng Kagitingan).  It is visited annually by the war veterans from different places

on Bataan Day ( April 9 ) to reminisce and honor the past.

The industrial activities in the Municipality of Pilar is characterized by small scale industries built

around the urban core and its vicinity.

Products and Services

Replace this text. Include text here. Maximum Page for Chapter 1 is 3 pages only

Rules and Regulations


1. Appropriate Attire. Students/trainees shall be dressed in appropriate attire. The wearing

of “maong” pants, although generally prohibited, may be considered as appropriate attire when

paired with a collared polo/shirt (for male employees), or any appropriate blouse or shirt (for

females employees).


Under Section 5, Rule XVII of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of

Executive Order No. 292, all government officials, and employees are required to render eight

working hours a day for five days a week, or a total of 40 hours a week excluding time for lunch.

The normal working hours shall be from 8 AM to 12 NN, and 1 PM to 5 PM. In order for

students/trainees to experience the schedule of a regular office employee, they are expected to

arrive on or before 7:45 am every Monday to attend the Flag ceremony, and before 8 AM during

regular working days.


In line with Section 2 of Memorandum Circular No. 01, Series of 2017 heads of each

department or agency shall require a daily record of attendance of all the officers and employees

under him including those serving in the field or on the water, to be kept on the proper form and,

whenever possible registered on the bundy clock.


Student/Trainees of the municipal government are encouraged to join the on-going and

future activities/projects sponsored by the municipality.

Attendance will be noted on every activity.

1. Flag Ceremony

2. Flag Retreat

3. Weekly Zumba

Organizational Chart

Replace this text. Add Chart here and describe. Maximum Page for Chapter 1 is 3 pages


Chapter 2

Compilation of the Daily Accomplishment Reports

This chapter includes a compilation of the daily accomplishment reports submitted and

filled-out the OJT student.

Replace this text with a summary of tasks here… Then proceed with the attachment of

the daily accomplishment report

Chapter 3

Assessment of the Practicum Program

This chapter discusses the experiences of the OJT students and some recommendations

for the next trainees. This includes a discussion on the learning experiences, describing the

company norms and culture, the highlights of the training, some recommendations for the

program and suggestions for the next trainees.

Learning Experiences

Replace this text by answering what you have learned from the experience. (2 to 3 paragraphs


Describing the Company Norms

Every Monday the Municipality held a flag raising in the morning. On Wednesdays we

have this so called Municipal Gardening where 1 of the departments would flower the plants in

the Municipal Garden. Thursdays they conduct a zumba class at the afternoon for the employees.

Fridays they held flag retreat at the afternoon.

Highlights of the Training

During my training, I got to meet different types of people especially during the

distribution of Toda I.D. Somewhere hard to please others were easy. I was also able to travel

different areas of our Municipality. I got to unveil hidden areas of the municipality, I also learned

new skills that I never knew. I met politicians and high positioned officers, which help me

throughout the training.

I learned new shortcuts in the different MS offices. I

Program Improvement Recommendations

Replace this text, what are your recommendations for the university in improving the OJT

Program. (2 paragraphs)

Suggestions and Advice to Fellow Students

Replace this text, what is your advice for the next batch of OJT Trainees. (2 paragraphs)

Chapter 4

Pertinent Documents
This chapter includes all documents accomplished by the trainee before, during and after

the actual OJT Program. Below listed are the contents:

A Copy of Grades (Certified True Copy)

B Application Form Sheet A

C Application Form Sheet B

D Medical Certificate

E Resume

F Letter of Application

G Letter of Recommendation/Endorsement

H Approval Form

I Certificate of Registration (Photocopy)

J Official Receipt (Photocopy)

K Acceptance Letter

L Waiver Form

M Certificate of Acceptance

N Certificate of Completion (Original and Photocopy)

O Evaluation Form

P Daily Time Record – DTR (Photocopy)

Q Pictures were taken during the Practicum

R Other Forms Accomplished in Relation to Practicum


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