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Leeds International School – Galle

Dear Parents,

The school has organized the Pre- school Field Trip on 17th March 2023. Starting time will be
8.00 am from school and we hope to come back to school by 2.00 pm.

Places to be visited

 Marketing at Cargills Food City – Karapitiya.

 Lunch (welcome drink, Fried rice and a dessert) at Owinmo Hotel –Uluwitike and
students will practise table manners and etiquette there.

Transport will be provided by school and an individual photo with a frame will be given to
each student as a souvenir.

Total cost for the field trip is Rs.1, 850/-

Thank you.

ys;j;a fouõmshks"

2023 j¾Ih ioyd fmr mdi,a orejka fjkqfjka ixúOdkh jk wOHdmksl iy lafIa;% pdßldj
17$03$2023 oskg fhdÞ .ekSug lghq;= iïmdokh fldg we;' pdßldj WoEik 08 g mdif,ka
wdrïNjk w;r oyj,a 2'00 gmdi,g meñKSug ie,iqïlr we;'

fuysoS orejka iu. iqmsß fj<o ie,lg f.dia NdKav ñ,oS.ekSu" uqo,a Ndú;h"NdKav f;dard
.ekSu"NdKav j¾. ms,sno uQ,sl oekqu ,nd oSug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk w;r wk;=rej W¨úáfla
Túkafuda fydag,h fj; f.dia orejkag osjd wdydrh ,nd oSug n,dfmdfrd;a;= fõ'

fuysoS wdydr .ekSfï oS ksjros wdldrfhka yekao" .Eremamqj Ndú;d lrk wdldrh iy
wfkl=;a lEu fïifhaoS Ndú;d lrk wfkl=;a pdß;% ms,snojo orejka oekqj;a lrkq we;'

orejkag m%jdyk myiqlï imhk w;r iEu orefjlagu Tyqf.a$wehf.a ;ks pdhd rEmhla
f*%aï tlla iu. isysjgkhla f,i ,nd fokq we;'

pdßldj ioyd tla orefjla re'1"850$- l Þhl;ajhla muKla ,ndosh hq;=h'


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