Assignment of ENG 420 (Group - 5)

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Group Assignment of ENG 402

Assignment Topic: Semantics and discourse analysis of the film

“Dhaka Attack”
Course Title: Semantics and Discourse Analysis

Submitted To:
Umme Hani Joher
Department of English
Green University of Bangladesh

Submitted By: (Group-5)

Jhinuka Haque (201020010)
Salman Chowdhury (203020003)
Tanvir An Nayem (203020002)
Department of English
Green University of Bangladesh

Date of Submission: 18th June, 2023

Semantics and discourse analysis of the film “Dhaka Attack”

= We interact and connect with a lot of individuals every day. There are so many people inside
and outside the family with whom we need to speak. Language use to communicate with others
seems to come very naturally to us. On occasion, we can communicate and comprehend the
precise information given. But occasionally we also misread and misinterpret facts. When we act
and react without comprehending and analyzing the dialogues and information provided, this
occurs. It takes understanding of the various potential criteria a conversation may have in order
to look over them and reply appropriately in order to preserve healthy contact with the rest of the
world. Discourse analysis is a branch of linguistics that has been studied to improve
communication and our comprehension of interactions.

Importance of discourse analysis:

"Dhaka Attack" is a Bangladeshi action thriller film that was released in 2017. While movies can
have different impacts on individuals, their importance for regular life can vary from person to
person. Here are a few potential ways in which "Dhaka Attack" could have significance for some

Awareness of Real-Life Events: "Dhaka Attack" is based on a series of real-life events, including
terrorist attacks in Dhaka, Bangladesh. For those who are not familiar with these incidents, the
movie can serve as an introduction and provide information about the challenges faced by law
enforcement agencies in combating terrorism. It may raise awareness about the importance of
national security and encourage discussions about counterterrorism efforts.

Reflection on Social Issues: Movies often depict social issues and challenges that exist in
society. "Dhaka Attack" portrays themes such as terrorism, crime, and corruption. Viewers can
use the film as a means to reflect on these issues and their impact on their own lives and
communities. It may prompt discussions about the root causes of such problems and potential

Inspiration and Resilience: The movie showcases the bravery and resilience of law enforcement
personnel as they face dangerous situations and work to protect the city and its people. Such
portrayals can inspire individuals to develop a sense of responsibility and encourage them to
contribute positively to their communities. It can instill a spirit of resilience and determination in
the face of adversity.

Entertainment and Escapism: Movies are a form of entertainment that allows viewers to escape
from their everyday lives and immerse themselves in different worlds. "Dhaka Attack" provides
an action-packed storyline that can offer a thrilling experience for those who enjoy action
movies. It can be a source of relaxation, entertainment, and enjoyment for regular moviegoers.

Cultural Representation: For Bangladeshis, "Dhaka Attack" represents a locally produced film
that showcases their culture, language, and talent in the global film industry. It can foster a sense
of pride and identity among the audience, promoting local cinema and encouraging the growth of
the Bangladeshi film industry.

Ultimately, the importance of "Dhaka Attack" for regular life depends on the individual viewer
and their personal experiences and perspectives. While some may find it impactful in terms of
raising awareness or inspiring change, others may simply appreciate it as a form of

This paper mainly focuses on the semantics and discourse analysis of a very famous film "Dhaka
Attack". The action of the tale concentrates on a tough operation by the Elite Forces of the
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) against a terrorist group. The attack is a component of
a plan by a few foreign intelligence agencies to weaken the nation and destroy its defenses.
Arifin Shuvo plays the Assistant Commissioner of the DMP and head of the Bomb Disposal
Unit in the movie. Sumon took on the role of a SWAT Force commander. The movie also
stars Mahiya Mahi as a news reporter, Shatabdi Wadud as an intelligence officer, and
Afzal Hossain as the DMP Commissioner.

Things we tried to identify from the movie are:

1. Features of Discourse
2. Speech act Theory

So First let’s have a look at the features of discourse which can be found in this film.
Features of Discourse:

1) Conversation: "Dhaka Attack" showcases multiple conversations among the police

officers as they discuss the progress of the investigation and share insights. These
conversations are vital in strategizing and coordinating their efforts to counter the
terrorist plot. For instance, in a strategy meeting, the officers engage in a dialogue,
discussing the need to analyze the terrorists' patterns and identify potential targets. They
exchange ideas, brainstorm approaches, and pool their collective knowledge to devise
effective strategies.
2) Discourse Opening: At the beginning of the movie, the team leader initiates the discourse
by addressing his fellow officers and setting the mission's objective. He outlines the
challenges they will face, stating, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are up against a highly
organized terrorist network. Our mission is to neutralize their operations and protect the
city from imminent danger." This discourse opening establishes the context and sets the
tone for the subsequent communication among the team members.
3) Discourse Closing: Towards the end of "Dhaka Attack," as the mission concludes, the
team members gather to express gratitude for each other's support and reflect on their
achievements. In a heartfelt moment, one officer addresses the group, saying, "I want to
thank each one of you for your unwavering dedication and bravery. We fought together,
and today we can proudly say that Dhaka is safe." This discourse closing signifies the end
of their shared endeavor and serves as a concluding moment of unity and appreciation.
4) Elicitation in Talk: Throughout the movie, the police officers employ elicitation
techniques to extract information from suspects during interrogations. One example
involves an intense exchange between an officer, played by ABM Sumon, and a suspect.
The officer uses psychological tactics and asks a leading question, stating, "You must be
aware of their plans. Tell me, where are they hiding the explosives? Your cooperation can
save countless lives." This exemplifies the use of elicitation to obtain crucial details
related to the terrorist activities.
5) Speaker Change: Throughout the operation depicted in "Dhaka Attack," the police
officers exhibit smooth speaker change as they coordinate their actions and provide
updates on the situation. They communicate using radio communication and direct
exchanges on the field. The seamless transition from one speaker to another ensures
effective teamwork and information flow. This majorly happens when they raid a camp in

Speech act theory:

1. Locutionary Act: The locutionary act refers to the basic act of producing an utterance or
saying something. It focuses on the literal meaning of the words used and the
grammatical structure of the sentence. In other words, it is the act of making a
meaningful and grammatically correct statement. For example: the locutionary acts in
the movie include character “Zisan” discussing their strategies to tackle a terrorist threat,
exchanging information about the attackers, or conveying their emotions and thoughts in
various situations. These acts form the basis of communication within the film and
contribute to the narrative and dialogue-driven aspects of the story.
2. Illocutionary Act: The illocutionary act refers to the intention or purpose behind the
utterance. It goes beyond the literal meaning of the words and involves the speaker's
intended effect on the listener. It is concerned with the communicative function of the
utterance, such as making a request, giving an order, asking a question, expressing an
opinion, or making a promise. For example could be a character saying, "Evacuate the
building immediately!" with the illocutionary act of giving an urgent command. This
statement is intended to prompt other characters or individuals within the movie to take
immediate action to ensure their safety.
3. Perlocutionary Act: The perlocutionary act refers to the effect or impact of an utterance
on the listener or audience. It focuses on the response or reaction that the speaker intends
to elicit from the listener. It includes the influence, persuasion, or change in the listener's
attitudes, beliefs, or behavior that the speaker hopes to achieve through the utterance. For
example: the film includes intense action sequences, suspenseful moments, or dramatic
events to create a sense of tension and engage the audience emotionally. These scenes are
designed to evoke fear, excitement, or empathy, thereby influencing the viewers'
emotional state and immersing them in the narrative.

Learning from the movie:

The movie "Dhaka Attack" offers several valuable learning points. Firstly, it emphasizes the
significance of effective communication and collaboration within a team, especially in high-
stakes situations. The film showcases how clear discourse, role sharing, turn-taking, and
coordinated efforts can lead to successful outcomes. Secondly, it highlights the importance of
adaptability and quick thinking in challenging circumstances, as demonstrated by the
characters' ability to navigate unexpected obstacles and make timely decisions. Lastly, the
movie underscores the bravery, dedication, and sacrifice of law enforcement personnel who
work tirelessly to protect society from threats, serving as an inspiration to appreciate and
support those who safeguard our communities.

In today's communication-centered environment, understanding discourse analysis is

increasingly important. Discourse analysis enables us to respond appropriately and make
informed judgments by assisting us in fully comprehending what is being said.

As a result, we can categorically state that retaining this knowledge and practice of analyzing
discourses in our daily lives can improve and enhance our quality of life.

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