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BP No.: 2002712031 Date of Birth: 06/12/1961 Email Address:

ID No.: 61061202349 CRN No.: 006005464470 Cellphone: 09124554376

Outstanding Loans

Gross Loan Required Monthly Outstanding

Loan Type Contract No. Loan Status Date Granted Ideal Balance Arrears
Granted Installment Balance
Consolidated Loan - DND 0010004836761 Past Due 09/03/2015 238,644.00 3,449.54 150,102.56 108,216.49 41,886.07
Emergency Loan - DND 0030002265244 Past Due 04/13/2016 40,000.00 1,311.12 40,877.06 0.00 40,877.06

* Ideal Balance refers to the balance of the loan if the required monthly installment is paid on time.

* Arrears refers to the required monthly installment already due but not yet paid.

* DND Due and Demandable means the member is Inactive status or the account is either (i) beyond the payment term or (ii) has no payment for more than six (6) months cumulative.

* Note to Members who are qualified to and availed of the Loan Moratorium due to COVID-19: In case of pre-termination of loan through renewal, full payment or upon
processing of claim benefit, the GSIS will collect all accrued interest, redemption insurance and fire insurance premiums that were deferred during the period of moratorium (GSIS
Memo Circular No. 019, s. 2020).

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