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TOPIC: The distances, time and transportation for students to reach school.

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Content page
Title Page No.
Ackknologyment 3
Introduction 4
Methodology 5
Questionnaire. 6
Figure 1 7
Figure 2 8
Figure 3 9
Analysis of Data 10
Discussion of finding 11

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The successful completion of this SBA would not have been possible without the help of God
who motivated me to conduct research on this topic. Furthermore, I would like to thank my
siblings who gave me the courage and strength to proceed with the aim of the study as the topic
was a bit challenging. Members of my class also have been very encouraging and helpful with
the completion of this SBA.
Finally, my final respect and thanks are given to my inspiring Mathematics
teacher for her continuous guidance.

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Distance is defined as the length of the space between two points. Time is the indefinite
continued progress of existence and events in the present, past, and future. Transportation is
known as the movement of persons or goods from one place to another by various means.
The purpose of the project is to determine the statistical analysis to interpret the usual amount of
time which includes the usage of different public transport. The researcher is doing this survey to
collect information about the distance and how long it takes for students to reach home to school.

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To carry out this investigation the researcher has chosen a survey for the research. To collect
data for this research the method of investigation used is a printed questionnaire. The
questionnaire consists of nine (9) simple questions. These questionnaires were distributed around
my school with a total of 40 students.
This questionnaire requires little time to be completed and can be completed anywhere at your
convenience. It is also very confidential.

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1. What is your gender?
Male Female

2. What is your age?

13-15 16-18 19-21

3. What is your religion?

Muslim Hindu Christian Others

4. What type of transportation do you take?

Bus Car Bicycle Motorcycle

5. How long does your transportation take from home to school?

5-10 minutes 20-30 minutes 40-50 minutes 50-60 minutes

6. What are the different types of transportation available in your area?

Bus Car Boat

7. Is there enough transportation available in your area?

Yes No

8. Does the weather pattern affect your mode of transportation?

Yes No

9. Does your mode of transportation affect the time taken for you to reach school?
Yes No

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Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows how long the transportation takes from the home to School.

Graph showing the time the trans -

portation takes from home to school


Number of students


5-10 mins 20-30 mins 40-50 mins 50-60 mins
Time taken

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Figure 2
Figure 2. shows the type of transportation that is used by students to get to school

Line graph shpwing the type of

transportation used
number of students

Bus Car Motorcycle Bicycle
type of transportation

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Figure 3.
Figure 3 shows whether the weather patterns affect transportation in getting to school.

Pie chart showing whether the weather pattern affects the




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Analysis of Data
In figure 1, it can be shown that 14% of the students take only 5-10 minutes from their homes to
the school. 13% of the students take 20-30 minutes to get to school. 9% of the students take 40-
50 minutes to get to school and lastly, 3% of them take 50-60 minutes to get to school.
In figure 2, it is shown that 12% of the students take the Bus to get to school while 18% take a
car to get to school. 6% take a motorcycle and 4% take a bicycle to get to school. All of these are
shown from the survey that was conducted.
In figure 3, it is shown that 29% of the students choose Yes to having the weather pattern affect
their mode of transportation. 11% stated that whatever the weather pattern is, it does not affect
their mode of transportation.

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Discussion of finding
From the survey that was conducted, there were a total of forty (40) students. 16% of whom were
Males and 24% of whom were females. It just so happens that the females are more than the
males participated in the survey. For the time being there is no explanation as to why that is so
besides it being that more females are enrolled in the school than males. The age ranges were
from 13-15, 16-18, and 19-21. 8% of the students fell under the 13-15 category, 28% were in the
16-18 category and 4% were under the 19-21 category. This is mainly because the questionnaires
were distributed mainly amongst the 16-18 age range group all of whom were willing to be a part
of the survey. Then came the 13-15 age range of students. The older ones in the 19-21 age range
were too busy and occupied that they figured the survey didn’t worth much of their time.
Moving on to the religion of the participants. From the survey it was found that 6% of the
students were Muslims, 7% were Hindus, 19% were Christian and 8% fell under Others. From
my understanding, almost everyone was brought up in a religious household while some have
not been brought up in one or maybe they are just not religious at all.
Depending on what kind of transportation they use, it is going to determine the time they are
going to take to reach their destination which is the school. In this survey, 12% of the students
take a bus to get to school, 18% take a car, 6% takes a motorcycle and 4% take a bicycle. With
the bus having more space than all the other transportation it is going to take more time because
of all the stops it is going to make the car. Because motorcycles and bicycles do not need to
make any stops at all so they are going to take a shorter time than the bus. The survey showed
that 14% of the student take only 5-10 minutes to get to school, 13% take 20-30 minutes to get to
school, 9% take 40-50 minutes to reach school, and 3% take 50-60 minutes to get to school.
From the 14%, we can tell that those are from the students that take the Car or motorcycle.

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