Practical Work Report: KS091302 Introduction To Information System

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KS091302 Introduction to Information System




In this module we will learn about Microsoft Access. In Microsoft Access we can learn about how to make database with table, how to make database query, database form, how to import and export into Microsoft Excel dan using macro.




KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report


PRACTICANT INFORMATION Student id Name 5210100139 June Eka Putri


PRACTICAL WORK INFORMATION Held On Time Friday, 11-March-2011 09.00 AM 11.00 AM

PRACTICAL WORK ASSISTANT No. 01 02 03 04 Student ID 5208100081 5208100707 5208100001 5208100146 Student Name Siti Mariatul Haniah Fia Mahanani Faturrahman Yanuar Yusuf Adika

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KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

TABLE OF CONTENTS This should give a complete list of what the report contains starting with the practical work information (the title page is not included in the contents list).

KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

LIST OF TABLES/FIGURES If the report contains figures or tables a list of these should be provided. The list should give the table or figure number, the title of the table or figure and the page number. If only a few tables and figures are present, they may be treated on onepage. Remember that all figures and tables used must be referred to in the text. For example The class diagram shown in Figure 2.1 ....

KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVES In module 1, this time we will learn how to create a database using Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access is one program that allows you to process the data (database). In Microsoft Access, we are taught a variety of things. The first is how we create a database with a table. It should be regulated also include whether the data type of each component in the table. Does it make the data type Text, Number, Date etc.. In addition we also taught a query from a data. not only that, we were also taught how we create a report from an existing database. Rekapan Report to report the results from the database that we have. And finally we are taught how to create a form of database that we created and the use of macros in Microsoft Access.

KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This section elaborates the basic concepts and theory related to practical work. If you cite from any references please follow APA Style guideline how to cite it in your literature review (APA Guideline is provided). Copy and Paste is strictly prohibited; please reword and rephrase using your own word and give proper citation.

KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report


Before we create a database that we need, it would be nice that we open a Microsoft Access on our PC. Click the Start menu - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Access.

Figure 1. Microsoft Access 2007

Figure 2. Microsoft Access Launch

KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Then we will see a display like the picture above. That is the main display that appears when you start Microsoft Access.

Figure 3. New Database

To create a new database, we can click the Office Button, then Select New.

KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 4. Blank Database

Then create a database name as you wish. Here I use Mahasiswa for my new database.

KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 5. Table 1

After that, it appears Table 1 that the table 1 will be given information on the biodata of student

Figure 6. Table 1

We fill in any necessary student biographical data. Here are some bidata such as NRP, Name, Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Gender, and Codes Department.

Figure 7. View

To change the type of data from the database that we created, we Choose Design View at Home - View.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 8. Save Table

When we want to change the Datasheet View to Design View, can not be directly converted into Design View. The table must be saved first. Here, I store it with the name of the Mahasiswa table.

Figure 9. Design View of Mahasiswa

Inside the design view, we can change the data type of table Mahasiswa. For the NRP, Name, Place of Birth, Gender, and Codes Department to use text data type. NRP using the Primary Key. Why should the Primary Key? Because the NRP is a unique information


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

and can not be a person having the same NRP. Then, to the date of birth using data type Date / Time.

Figure 10. Mahasiswa Table

After that we can fill in data regarding studentrelated. But remember, for the Kode_Jur should not we fill first. Because we're making a relationship between Kode_Jur which is on the Mahasiswa table with Kode_Jur in the Jurusan table. Therefore, we must do first is to create table Department.

Figure 11. Create New Table

To create a new table, we select Create - Table.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 12. New Table

After that appears a new table that we will create.

Figure 13. Save Table

After that save the table named Jurusan. To change the data type you select Design View.

Figure 14. Choose Design View


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 15. Design View

After that save the table named Department. To change the data type you select Design View.

Figure 16. Insert Table Jurusan

After that we input the data in Jurusan Table. Here are 5 majors are available, namely SI TI TF TC and TL. Well, because the question we should be able to give the relationship in the Mahasiswa table and Jurusan table, then we must create a relationship. So when we want to select Kode Jurusan in Student table, then we can drop down on the box Kode Jurusan. The contents of Kode Jurusan was taken from the Jurusan table. Here's how to create a relationship using the Lookup Wizard. Initially, we open the Design View in the Student table.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 17. Design View of Mahasiswa

Then select Lookup Wizard on Kode_jur.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 18. Lookup Wizard

After we select Lookup Wizard, it will appear as above. Because we will link with Jurusan table, then we choose "I want the lookup coloumn to look up the values in a table or query"


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 19. Lookup Wizard

Because we will link with Department table, then we select Table Department.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 20. Lookup Wizard

Add Kode_Jur into selected fields


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 21. Lookup Wizard

Figure 22. Lookup Wizard


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 23. Lookup Wizard

Figure 24. Save Table

We can not change into the Datasheet View without saving any changes.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 25. Select Kode _Jur

We can choose Kode_Jur by the drop down menu at the cell Kode_Jur.

Figure 26. Create New Table

Then create new table with Create Table.

Figure 27. Nilai Table


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 28. Save Table

Figure 29. Design View

Figure 30. Design View of Nilai


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Change the type of data required. For UTS and UAS replaced its data type to Number. Then save the changes. Next, we must make the connection between Mahasiswa table with the Nilai table. Here the NRP on the table does not use the Primary Key value. Because the table of values that serves as link between matkul table and mahasiswa. A link table has no primary key can not stand on its own cause. To connect the two tables, we select the Database Tools - Relationship.

Figure 31. Relationship

Figure 32. Insert Relationship

Drag the NRP from Nilai table into Mahasiswa table. After that will display a dialog box as shown below.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 33. Checking Relationship

After that check all the options. And select Create.

Figure 34. Relationship

Relationship is formed. Means that both tables are connected.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 35. Insert New Table

Then create a new table. In the new table we can fill with Kode_Matkul, Matkul and SKS is taken.

Figure 36. Save Table

If it is table.

completed, save the

table with MataKuliah

Figure 37. Design View MataKuliah

Then we change the data type of Kode_Matkul, Matkul and SKS is taken. For SKS we change the data type number.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 38. Mata Kuliah Tabel

After that fill in Matakul table with the available data. Well, we need to connect between MataKuliah table with the Nilai tables. Here's how. Initially, we went into Nilai table. Then select Design View.

Figure 39. Design View of Nilai Table

We select Lookup Wizard to start the link between the Nilai table with MataKuliah table.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 40. Lookup Wizard

Figure 41. Lookup Wizard


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 42. Lookup Wizard

Figure 43. Lookup Wizard


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 44. Lookup Wizard

Figure 45. Lookup Wizard


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 46. Save Table

Figure 47. Drop Down

Then appears the results of linking these two tables. II. CREATE FORM After we create a table of data, we will make a Form. Form aims to facilitate in filling in the required data. Only contains some information in several tables that used to be a data. Here is how to create a form.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 48. Form Wizard

We can choose the Create Menu. Then select More Forms -Form Wizard. Using theForm Wizard Form so that we can make quick and easy.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 49. Selected Field

Then, we select the Nilai Table. Include all fields from Nilai table. then click Next.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 50. Change Layout

Then we choose Form what we want. Here I choose Columnar.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 51. Form AutoFormat

After that, there are styles that are offered by Microsoft Access. Here I chose Northwind style.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 52. Finish Create Student Grade

Then give the name of form that we will create. Name the GRADE STUDENT. And click Finish to end.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 53. Fill in NRP

After that we can enter data into the Form. So after the data is entered, then the data will automatically appear in the Value Table.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 54. Fill in Kode_Matkul

Figure 55. Fill in UTS and UAS


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 56. Datasheet View

If we want to see the data that we enter, we just go into Datasheet View.

Figure 57. Insert Kode Matkul

Figure 58. Insert UTS and UAS


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 59. Nilai Table

Value table will be formed with our way enter the data on previous form. III. MAKE A QUERY To create a query, we must create several tables and their relationships. Here is a picture of existing relations between tables.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 60. Relationship

To check whether our relationship is correct or not, we can select the database tools. Then select the relationship. Because already formed relationships with the right, then we can make QUERY.

Figure 61. Query Design

To create a query, we select the Create Menu, then select the Query Design.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 62. Show Table Queries

We can select the table what we need in making a query later.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 63. New Query

Query1 will appears as expected. Then we can save with the name of the Query query1. After that we can display the data what we want to show.

Figure 64. Save Query


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 65. SQL View

Because the question we are asked to display the SQL code. Therefore, we select the View menu. Here we will show what courses taken by students who have NRP 5210100124. Then the SQL View. We type the SQL code like below.

SELECT Nilai.NRP, MataKuliah.Matkul, * FROM (Jurusan INNER JOIN Mahasiswa ON Jurusan.Kode_Jur = Mahasiswa.Kode_Jur) INNER JOIN (MataKuliah INNER JOIN Nilai ON MataKuliah.Kode_Matkul = Nilai.Kode_Matkul) ON Mahasiswa.NRP = Nilai.NRP WHERE (((Nilai.NRP)="5210100124"));


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Figure 66. Run

After that try to run program by pressing RUN button.

Figure 67. Result

After that, it would appears the result of courses followed by the NRP 5210100124. IV. CREATE MACRO



KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND IDEAS This section summarizes the prior sections of the report, in this section you need to put it all together. It differs from the abstract in that, It should be more informative, something that can easily be accomplished because you may devote more words to it. Highlight your finding from practical works. In addition, please give your ideas how your practical work finding can be implemented in your daily lif or in other word how your practical work finding can cope with any business and society problems.


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report



KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

BIBLIOGRAPHY These are very important. Your report should be sufficient to indicate to the reader what you have done, what you found out AND provide enough information for them to repeat the work if they so wished. You will have made us of information from a variety of sources, e.g. the speed of light from a book. In these cases you must include reference to such sources. Please Follow APA Style for Citing References (guideline is included).


KS091302 Introduction To Information System Practical Work Report

Appendices These should be sequentially numbered starting with Appendix 1. Pagination continues form the main body of the document through the appendices.


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