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COMSATS University Islamabad

Sahiwal Campus
Course Title: CCN/DCN Course Code: CSC339 Credit Hours: 04
Course Instructor: Dr. Majid Hussain Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in CS
Semester: 5 Batch: SP-19 Section: A & B Date: 24/04/2021
Time Allowed: 30 Minutes Maximum Marks: 05
Student’s Name: Zain Farooq Reg. No. CUI/ SP19-BCS-059 /SWL
Important Instructions / Guidelines:
Read the question paper carefully and answer the questions according to their statements.
Mobile phones are not allowed. Calculators must not have any data/equations etc. in their memory.
(Department of Computer Science)

Online Quiz # 02
Please answer the following question. Be precise please
What is OSI and why is it needed?
The open systems interconnectedness (OSI) model may be a conceptual model created by
the world organization for Consistency which enables diverse interaction systems to speak using
standard methods. In plain English, the OSI provides a typical for various computer systems to
be ready to connect with one another.
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model provides the basics needed to
arrange both technical issues and risks within a networking stack. Although information security
is shifting to a cloud-first world, the OSI model continues to prove its relevance.

What is the main difference between LLC and MAC Layers?
The MAC (media access control) layer is that the lower a part of the info link layer. The MAC
layer is employed for outlining the working or functionality of which is exclusive for a
specific network technology like Ethernet.
The LLC (logical link control) layer is functionality which may be utilized in all
LANs regardless of the fundamental physical technology which is employed to implement the
LAN. The LLC layer is employed for adding up a field to every Ethernet frame.
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State the main role of ICMP and at what layer it does perform?
ICMP may be a network level protocol. ICMP messages connect information about
network connectivity issues back to the source of the cooperated transmission. It sends control
messages like target network inaccessible, source route failed, and source extinguish. It uses a
knowledge packet structure with an 8-byte header and variable-size data section.
How does ICMP work?
ICMP is employed by a tool, sort of a router, to speak with the source of a knowledge packet
about transmission issues. for instance, if a datagram is not sent, ICMP might report this back to
the host with details to assist determine where the communication went wrong. it is a protocol
that believes in direct communication within the workplace.

What is the concept of CHECK POINTS and which layer ensures it?
A checkpoint, during a virtualization context, may be a picture of the state of a virtual
machine. sort of a restore point in Windows operating systems, a checkpoint allows the
administrator to return the virtual machine to a previous state. Checkpoints are most
ordinarily want to create backups before doing updates.

What is routing? Please state three differences between routing and routed
Network routing is that the process of choosing a path across one or more networks.
The principle of routing can apply to any sort of network, from telephone networks to public
transport. In packet-switching networks, like the web, routing selects the paths for Internet
Protocol (IP) packets to travel from their origin to their target. These Internet routing decisions
are made by specialized pieces of network hardware called routers.
A routed protocol may be a protocol by which data are often routed. samples of a routed
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protocol are IP, IPX, and AppleTalk. Required in such a protocol is an undertaking
scheme. supported the addressing scheme, you will be ready to identify the network to which a
number belongs, additionally to finding that host thereon network. All hosts on an internetwork
(routers, servers, and workstations) can utilize the services of a routed protocol.
A routing protocol, on the opposite hand, is merely used between routers. Its purpose
is to assist routers building and maintain routing tables. the sole two routed protocols you ought
to worry about are IP and IPX (although Cisco has dropped IPX from the newest CCNA
exam, it is helpful to know the concepts behind it).

What is main function of Transport Layer? State any three please.
The transport layer may be a 4th layer from the highest. The main role of the transport
layer is to supply the transmission services on to the appliance processes operating on different
The transport layer provides a logical communication between product processes running on
different hosts. Although the appliance processes on different hosts are not physically
connected, application processes use the logical message provided by the transport layer to send
the messages to every other.
These are the following phases of transparent layer.
• Establishment.
• Data transfer.
• Release.

What would you suggest about the traffic over internet? Should it be connection
oriented or connectionless?
Internet traffic is the flow of data within the whole Internet, or in some network links of its.
The Internet does not employ any officially centralized facilities for traffic managing with similar if
not the same 5-tuple of protocol type. ort is considered to belong to a flow whose managing
application we wish to determine.
It should be connectionless method of traffic on internet.

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