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“How Toxic Masculinity and Violence affects Everyone’s Daily Lives and How to Eliminate It
Through a Film”
For decades, there have been terms to describe masculinity that men aspire to be. In the modern
world, we have “toxic masculinity”, it is a phrase, women used to define toxic men’s ego. In
other words, toxic masculinity is what can come of teaching boys that they can’t express emotion
openly; that they have to be “tough all the time”; that anything other than that makes them
“feminine” or weak.
According to studies, any conflicts related to violent men has been linked with gender
stereotypes, it has led to “aggression and violence”, leaving boys and men at “disproportionate
risk” for school discipline and academic challenges. Men are most likely to end up in prisons due
to their tendency to act irrationally. They are most likely to be the victim as much as they to be
the culprit involving assault.
Men should be able to express their feelings and be vulnerable without shame, if it wasn’t for
how they were raised.
How can one be secure with his masculinity? Stop trying to be masculine or what is at least
considered as “manly”. It is something that society invented to dictate how men should act.
Express yourself, it is normal to cry and feel emotions. It is what makes us human, dropping the
tough guy act will make your life much easier.
Learn to be vulnerable, this is commonly interpreted as to being weak or showing weaknesses.
But, showing vulnerability is not equivalent to being weak. In fact, it is considered as healthy as
it displays emotional maturity and being confident in your own self.
Educating other males must be more challenging than learning it yourself, other men has already
set their mind into being a complete misogynist. They are stubborn, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
Intervene when you see enacting toxic masculinity through aggression, sexism, oppression, or in
any other way. Stop it as soon as possible, not only this would help the man, but also his victims.
To keep them from harm. As much as possible, try not to resolve the problem through fighting,
talk about it like grown men.
I’d like to make a short film on how men live a better life without worrying about their
Masculinity greatly affects men’s ego, it contributes to ongoing issues like mental health stigma,
rape culture and violence by encouraging men to avoid vulnerability, ignore personal traumas
and act on homophobic or misogynistic beliefs. This toxicity is used to define unhealthy and
often traditional characteristics or attributes associated with men. From being unemotional and
power-hungry to narcissistic and violent. Thus, accusations of toxic masculinity often work to
maintain gender hierarchies and individualize responsibility for gender inequalities to certain bad
These can make a difference in our world.
The film will require a budget for the props and food, but as much as possible I’d like to make it
budget-friendly. It will also need actors and representatives as it is the most crucial piece of the
making. People can donate through our contacts for the funding.
Maria Andrea V. Cosico

Mendez, Cavite


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