Assignment - Essentials of High Performance - Raheel Ehsaan

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Essentials of High Performance

Assignment Template

Objective: Apply learnings from the program at work to create business impact and achieve at
least one of the 4 outcomes mentioned in the below table
Deadline: Record your actions and results in the below template and submit this to your HR
Team on or before 28th May 2023.


1. Describe specific actions 1. Describe the results achieved

OUTCOME undertaken by you to achieve the because of the actions undertaken
outcome. by you.
2. Provide details on initiatives taken 2. Share supporting evidence
and share supporting evidence validating your results and
validating your actions accomplishment of the outcome

1. Improved internal /

2. Increase in

3. Improve To improve the operational By automating these processes,

operational efficiency of the Regulatory Ops we have reduced significant
efficiency. team, we have taken initiatives to amount of manual effort where a
automate the manual work. There Solution Engineer must manually
are certain areas in operations monitor processes and compile all
where a Solution Engineer manually the data in Excel or any other
fills in the status and figures. We tabular format and email to
identified the most prominent ones stakeholders and management.
1) Daily EOD Monitoring. What we achieved is that a task
2) For the “Daily Jobs Health check which takes around an hour when
Report”, we setup a Windows we were doing it manually is now
PowerShell script which collects being done in seconds using
various systems/servers’ health data automated script. So, if we see any
like CPU usage, disk, and memory notifications or alerts in red, we
consumption etc., and email all that promptly act accordingly.
information in a tabular format which
is easy to read and identify if any
machine is running short of disk
space or any other resource.

4. Reduction in costs

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