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General Instruction and Introduction

Mark- May I have your kind attention please.

● We will shortly begin the programme.

● I request the gathering to kindly put your phones in silence mode.

Deanne- A pleasant and delighted morning to dear parents , grandparents , well-

wishers and the august gathering.

A warm welcome to everyone.

As our dignitaries arrive , let us put our hands together to welcome and honor
their presence for today’s occasion.

We reckon it a great privilege and pleasure to roll out the red carpet to welcome
the dignitaries of the day:

1. Professor K.C.Janardhan,the Chief Guest of the day

2. Mr. Arun Samuel , the Chairman - Wings group of companies and

Managing Director of Baldwin International School

3. Mr. Suresh Babu, The Chief Finance Officer -Wings Group of Companies

Who are now being escorted by the BIS Core Committee

Mr.Sam Kinsley Joshua ,Chief Operating Officer-Baldwin International School

MS.Supriya Sebastian, Administrations Officer –Baldwin International School

Ms.Rashmi Sumanth, Academic Director- Baldwin International School

Mr.Sunil , Accountant -Baldwin International School

Mr.Venkatesh ,Exam Officer-Baldwin International School

I request the gathering to kindly be seated.

*******wait until everyone are seated*******

Mark- "You have been born anew, not from perishable but from
imperishable seed, through the living and abiding word of God."

A very good morning to the honorable Chief Guest of the day , Distinguished
dignitaries, Respected teachers, dear parents , well-wishers and all my

I, Mark Benjamin of Grade 10,

Deanne-And I ,Deanne Jessica Waring of Grade 9 will be the hosts for the day.

On behalf of the School Management, we take the privilege to extend our cordial
welcome to all the invited guests gathered today to be a part of the Parent
Orientation Programme of the Academic Year 2023-24.

During the course of each academic year, we come across a lot of opportunities,
challenges and sometimes setbacks, but overcoming obstacles brings us genuine
joy, gratification and a step closer towards achievements of our goals.

We are grateful to each and everyone for being a part of another successful year
at Baldwin International School. We are indeed looking forward to stepping into
another milestone with lots of hope ,faith and positivity to achieve our future

Mark- With not much delay let us begin the occasion with an opening prayer.

Opening Prayer

Mark-A Prayer to Almighty God for his blessings is the most befitting gesture to
begin the days endeavour.

To invoke God’s Presence and seek His blessings,we begin this auspicious day
with a prayer.

May I now invite our Chief Operating Officer , Mr Sam Kingsly Joshua to
enlighten this occasion with the prayer.


Thank you Sir for being today’s messenger of the Lord and creating a holistic
ambience around us with words of prayer.

Bible Reading

Mark-The essence of meditation is a period of time , set aside to contemplate the

Lord, Listen to him and allow him to permeate our spirit.

To enlighten us with the Lord’s words,may I call Aadhya of Grade 4 to read the
word of God from the Holy Bible.

Deanne- Thank you Aadhya .

Praise and Worship

Deanne-Rise up,O Lord,in all your power.With music and singing we will celebrate
your mighty acts. - Psalm 21:13
May I now invite our Music instructor Johnathan Sir ,and the BIS choir to lead us
in Praise and Worship.

Thank you for the beautiful and enthralling divine retreat.

Lighting of the Candles

Deanne-Candles represent an incredible link that taps into our past. candles
radiate messages of  passion, security, warmth, hope and spirituality

Light is a reminder of the heart's capacity to overcome darkness and an assurance

of brighter days to come.

Lighting Candles symbolizes dispelling the darkness and bringing in new hope and

I take immense pleasure to invite all the dignitaries of the day to kindly come up
on stage to light the candles .I request our Admission Officer Ms Supriya to lead
the candle lighting ceremony.

(Ms.Rashmi will escort the guests on the stage )

***Supriya Ma’am will give the lighted candle first to the chief guest followed
by the Core Committee members of BIS****

Wait until all the candles are lit

Deanne-We dedicate this month to Our Earth(Our Environment) and hope to

bring awareness to conserve and protect our nature.

We request our Chief guest and guests of honor to sow the seeds in the pots and
water them.

Mark- Thank you all, Please take your seat.

Welcome Address

Mark-A beautiful smile is the best universal welcome. It can make a bad day
good and easily cheer up everyone.

It fills an occasion with warmth and makes one feel welcome


I now request the Academic Director of Baldwin International ,Mrs. Rashmi to

officially Welcome the dignitaries and the gathering.

Thank you ma’am for those warm words of welcome.

To formally introduce and felicitate the dignitaries of the day may I request the
Upper Secondary and Advanced Level Coordinator Mrs. Hellen on the stage.

Ms.Hellen: To be inspired is great,but to be an inspiration is an honor.

We are extremely overwhelmed to have with us honourable Chief Guest of the

dayMr.K.C.Janardhan, , the Maestro Professor

We are indeed privileged to have you Sir.We request that you kindly accept our
token of love.

(Mr.Sam will give the pot to Arun sir, in return Arun sir will give it to the Chief

Thank you

To felicitate our guests of honor ,May I request the Primary Coordinator

Madhumita Ma’am on the stage.

Ms.Madhumita: Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in
themselves.Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.
We are indeed grateful to have with us our Managing Director and the chairman
of Wings Group of companies . Thank you sir for joining us today .

We request you to kindly accept our token of love.

(Ms.Rashmi will the pot to Sam sir and in return Sam sir will give it to Arun Sir)

We are honored to have the presence of the guest of honor Mr.Suresh Babu,the
Chief Finance Officer –Wings Group of companies.A hearty welcome and Thank
you sir for your presence .We request that you kindly accept our token of love
and gratitude.

(Ms.Rashmi will give the pot to Suresh Sir)

Mark- Thank you

Inauguration of ‘COFFEE TABLE BOOK”

Mark-Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice

and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do

"To accomplish great things we must not only act ,but also dream, not only plan
but also believe"

A beautiful journey with Tons of hard work,determination ,perseverance ,hope

and faith has helped Baldwin International School complete 5 successful years.

At this juncture, we would like to pay our heartfelt gratitude to our Bishop
N.L.Karkare, Madam Kamal Karkare, Principals and Managers of the past five
years, who have laid the foundation and have contributed their hard work,
support and guidance.
To make this year a special one and to celebrate the 5th year Jubilee of Baldwin
International School,we have published the ‘Coffee Table Book’- the memories of

To inaugurate the Coffee Table Book,May I request our Chief Guest K.C
Janardhan and Mr. Arun Samuel to untie the ribbon and unwrap the book.

(Ms.Rashmi and Mr.Sam will get the book on the stage)

Deanne-Thank you Sirs for doing the honour.Kindly take your seat.

A special thanks to Johnathan Sir and Hope Ma’am ,who were the masterpieces
behind the design of the Coffee table book.Thank you,Sir.Thank you ,Ma’am

I hope to add on to this beautiful journey, the academic year 2023-24 will be
another year of setting and reaching attainable goals, working harder and smarter
and taking the school and student achievement to the next level of “GREATNESS”.
We look forward to working with all of you and reaching for newer heights.

Catch Up With Emotions (A fusion Performance)

Deanne-Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to
your emotions.

Emotions are feelings that play an important part in human lives. It allows
humans to do many things such as understanding themselves and communicating
with one another. Most importantly, emotions are mostly responsible for
human’s thoughts and actions.

Our happiness completely depends on how well we take care of our physical and
mental health, so we must learn to balance our emotions, that is what we call
emotional intelligence.Our theme for today’s occasion is Emotions.

Mark-We present a fusion performance by the Music interns from Christ

University ,BIS Choir and BIS Dance Troop.
The song is composed by the Interns under the guidance of our Music
Coordinator Johnathan sir. This is an illustrative representation of how our Music
department trains our Baldwinians in Music composition.

Let us welcome them on the stage


Thank you team for presenting us with an amazing performance. Let us give them
a huge round of applause.

Chief Guest Message

Mark-This day would be incomplete unless we listen to a few words from our
Chief Guest of the Day. May I now invite our distinguished Chief Guest
Mr.K.C.Janardhan to address the gathering.


Thank you Sir for your thought provoking and insightful message.

Sir I request you to kindly be on the stage to honor the award winners.

Award Distribution(Grade Toppers and 100% Attendance)

Deanne-To move forward on the next event, we have the Award Distribution to the
BIS students under various categories.

May I invite the Pre-Primary Coordinator Ms.Deborah O’Connor to proceed with

the award ceremony.

Ms. Deborah : Achievements of today are the stepping stones for the future ones.

A very good morning to all .It is indeed a great privilege to announce the award
winners for the academic year 2022-23.

Our first award category is Award of Excellence to all the Grade toppers from Grade
1 to Grade 8.
May I request our Chief Guest Professor K.C Janardhan to present this award to all
the grade toppers.



Congratulations to all the Grade toppers

The next category of award is 100% Attendance

Congratulations Students

Thank you sir for doing the honours.

Kindly take your seat

Special Performance

Mark-We now present to you a special hula hoop performance by our

swimming instructor Mrs. Shoba.

Thank you ma’am for that mind blowing performance.

Address by Mr Arun Samuel
Deanne-“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people
will never forget how you made them feel.”

May I now request our Managing Director to come on the dais to address the
gathering and share his valuable thoughts .

Thank you sir for your inspiring words, I request you to kindly be on the stage to
honor the Special Award Winners.

To announce the Special Award Winners May I request Lower Secondary

Coordinator Amala Ma’am to come on the stage.

Ms.Amala :

Good morning Everyone, I am indeed honored to announce the winners of the

Special Awards.

I request our Managing Director Mr.Arun Samuel to kindly do the honors.

Under the Special Awards ,we have the award titled as ‘Ideal Baldwinian’ and this is
awarded to the students who were exceptionally perfect in all conducts during the
academic year 2022-23

This award goes to…

Congratulations dear ……………. and ……………….

Next we have the Winner of the School Logo Contest .This contest was open for all
the students at BIS to unleash their creativity and design their School Logo.

I am proud to announce the winners of this contest

Finally , we have the Winner of the

Congratulations Students

Thank You Sir for doing the honours.Please take your seat

Over to the MC’s- Let us give a huge round of applause to all winners .

An Escort To our Future Venture

Mark-We now present to you a video ‘An Escort to our Future Venture’ which will
brief you about the functioning of our school.

.Video will be played*******

I hope the video was informative to all the parents and students.We thank Mr John
and Mr Harish for creating an enlightening video.Thank you Sirs.

Vote of thanks

Deanne-Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy;they are the charming
gardeners who make our souls blossom

As we express our gratitude , we must never forget that the highest

appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.

I now invite Soham of Grade 10 to propose the vote of thanks.


Thank you Soham for your words of gratitude.

Closing Prayer and Benediction (Hellen)

Deanne-As we now come to the end of this occasion. Let us conclude with a note
of blessing and thanking our Almighty .May I request Sam Sir to deliver the
closing prayer and pronounce the Benediction.

Mark-Thank you Sir for your words of blessings to start the new
Academic session.

Conclusion-School Anthem and National Anthem

Mark-Once again, thanking you all for being a part of this occasion and
sparing your valuable time .We request you all to kindly join us for lunch.

Wishing you all the very best for the New Academic Year 2023-24.

Let us conclude today's event with our School Anthem, we request the
gathering to kindly rise up for the School Anthem followed by the
National Anthem.


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