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Think about your primary audience. The people who are most likely to need
or want your product or the group of people you would most like to help.

What are their demographics? E.g. Age group, gender, occupation, etc.

What do they care about? What keeps them up at night? What do they
value? What kind of lifestyle do they have? What do they do during the

Give this person a name

Go through stock photo sites and find images of the person who best
represents this person. Paste it here.
Imagine you and this person from your primary audience are having a discussion that
leads to discovering your product. What would the conversation look like? Enter the
name you created in the spaces where they are speaking.







Your secondary audience is the group who also needs your product or
service. They may not be your ideal or most coveted subscriber, but are still
a group of people whom you’d like to help.

What are their demographics? E.g. Age group, gender, occupation, etc.

What do they care about? What keeps them up at night? What do they
value? What kind of lifestyle do they have? What do they do during the

Give this person a name

Go through stock photo sites and find images of the person who best
represents this person. Paste it here.
Imagine you and this person from your secondary audience are having a discussion that
leads to discovering your product. What would the conversation look like? Enter the
name you created in the spaces where they are speaking.







If you do not currently have an email marketing service to send your emails with, use
this chart to compare and help make your decision. Mark each feature that is
important to you.
Feature #1: #2: #3:


Broadcast emails


Action based triggers

Scheduled emails

Conditional content

A/B testing

Team access

Zapier integration

Integrates with my site

Audience segmentation

Site action tracking

Look through your audience worksheets.
What problems do they have that can What questions or objections
be solved by your product or woul they have?
Think of your Lead Magnets as a way to create a relationship
with your followers. It’s all about relationships, right? You want
people to really believe that you’re there to help them. It isn’t all
about the sales, or the money.

Like in so many things in life, you need to give a little to get a

little. Don’t be afraid to give some things away for free – it will
be worth it in the long run.

Your lead magnets will differ, depending upon if you’re a fiction

or non-fiction author. Get creative – use the following
worksheet to brainstorm!
A lead magnet is something valuable you can give people for free when they sign up
to receive emails from you. Below are some basic suggestions. Choose one that is
relevant to your product and start creating. Do not make the mistake of having only
one lead magnet.
Create as many as you can.
Check each one off as you create/complete them and add your own.
Virtual class


Single recorded class

A series of recorded classes

Quiz or test
Free chapter or
Workbook / Worksheet



Free tools/resource
Free tickets / pass

Printable activity or coloring

Focus of

Key points or
to include

Headline 1

Headline 2

Headline 3



There is no universal best time or day to send that works for everyone. The best way
to figure that out is to watch your own list. Use this page to track your list’s behaviors
and look out for emerging patterns. Do this consistently and review every so often
because behaviours do shift as your list grows and new people come to know you.

Date Day Opened # Opened % Clicks # Clicks %

Tracking helps you figure out which messages are hitting the sweet spot, what your
people like, which programs are your most profitable messages, and much more.
It also helps you see patterns and trends that you won’t see otherwise. Use this
page to track how engaged and profitable each message is. Review every now and
then so you can revisit those messages, reuse the tone and style and test your

Date Message # Clicks $ Made EPC

People unsubscribe. Over time, your list will become smaller if you do not take steps
to actively bring people in, and you always want new people because your list
equals leads and leads are important for your business. Challenge yourself to do or
complete as many of these activities as possible, and to do one a month or more.


Host a webinar

Be a webinar speaker

Host a virtual summit

Be a virtual summit speaker

Appear in podcasts

Host a bundle sale

Participate in a bundle sale

Host a joint venture giveaway

Participate in a joint venture giveaway

Host your own giveaway

Advertise your lead magnet

Guest blog

Run a contest

Join a BookFunnel Promotion

Every email you send should be monetized either by pointing them to your own products
of other products you can earn a commission from. When you’re busy figuring out what
to send your people, it may not always be clear what products you can point them to
that fits the email. List all the products - yours or others’ - that you can promote. Often
this list can also become the catalyst for an email topic.

Product Potential earnings ($) Shortened link

Sunday Saturday Frida Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday

Week of:


One of the best things you can do is create short automations specifically to educate
and lead to a specific product. This can be your own or an affiliate product. You can
then attach this automation to lead magnets or products related to your own. Use this
sheet to match a product to a problem and outline your automation messages.

Message Focus:
Message 1:
Message 2:
Message 3:
Message 4:
Message 5:

Message Focus:
Message 1:
Message 2:
Message 3:
Message 4:
Message 5:

Message Focus:
Message 1:
Message 2:
Message 3:
Message 4:
Message 5:
Often, when we set up a lead magnet, we skip some non-essential things just to get it
up and running with the full intention of coming back to clean up, add to it or improve
the process. Take some time to go back to those older lead magnets, webinars and
what not to update, improve and re-promote them. Use this page to help you.

Lead Magnet:

List information or recommendation that needs to be updated:

List links that need to be


What have you learned since that would be valuable to add?

Lead Magnet:
List information or recommendation that needs to be

List links that need to be


What have you learned since that would be valuable to add?

When you first start out with email marketing, you might have been timid about making
offers. Go back to your old automations one at a time and close those open loops with

Where can you make an offer or point to a resource that would

lead to sales further down the road?

Email # Offer Done


Where can you make an offer or point to a resource that

would lead to sales further down the road?

Email # Offer Done

As time goes by and you create more lead magnets, automations and funnels, it
becomes a bit of a tangled mess. This page is to help you keep track of what
connects where.
Lead Magnet:
Opt-in Page or other pages it appears on

Automation(s) attached to this lead magnet

What other automation(s) does this automation trigger?

What other automation(s) flows into this automation?

Hosted a webinar? Wrote a guest post? Don’t waste all your hard work. Re-work them
into your emails or automations. Complete as many of these as possible, add your own.
Print another page, rinse and repeat.

Turn your webinar into an email course

Transcribe your Facebook lives into email content

Add an article you wrote into an automation

Gather your blog posts with similar content to create an email course

Link to a podcast you appeared in

Link to a guest post you wrote

Turn event handouts into a lead magnet

Turn a recorded interview into a lead magnet

Turn a blog post into a content upgrade

The majority of your subscribers won’t engage, but that does not mean you can’t
improve your odds. Try as many of the following as you can to see if you can win
people back.

Set up a re-engagement campaign

Ask unengaged to update their email address

Give subscribers option to select frequency

Try an offer or incentive

Invite them to unsubscribe

Run a poll or survey

Invite them to a virtual hangout

Re-educate them about what you do

Re-educate them about what you do

Use retargeting ads to reach them

And Objectives
Beyond the simple “sell more books”, why do you want to sell more
books? What is your ultimate goal? What do you hope having a best
seller would accomplish?

Specify Your Goals

# of books you want to sell By when?

Your Audience

Who is this book for? Where do these people hang

Everyone is not an answer. Be out online?

Who are the people reading

books like yours?

Who are the key influencers

in their world?

Are there secondary reader groups

different from the first group of readers?
Write them down here.
at a Glance
Done Task
Research influencers, podcasters, and bloggers
Build your street team (ART)
Create the Facebook page for your ART
Create social media images
Create video book trailers
Send advance copies to your team
Research affordable promotion options (BookSends, BuckBooks,
Bknights, Fiverr, Indie Book Butler)
Research keywords and categories
Sell your book for 99 cents on launch day.
Get verified reviews from your ART.
Run Amazon ads
Author Central account
Create and research hashtags for Instagram

Make sure your author website is up-to-date.

Make sure your author Facebook page is up-to-date.
Make sure you have an Instagram profile just for your author
Application Page
Landing Page Copy Key Points

Application Form Questions


Subject: Message #: Completed

Subject: Message #: Completed

Subject: Message #: Completed

What should your launch team be doing? Brainstorm as many as
you can here. Check off the ones you will implement.

Task Implemented
Read an advance copy of your book.
Leave an early review on Goodreads.
Share information about your book with
their followers.
Purchase the e-book from Amazon for 99 cents
on Launch Day.
Leave reviews on Amazon.
Your Launch Team
Date Name Contacted Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Y /N
Distribute the Advance Copies
Use BookFunnel to Distribute Early Digital Copies

BookFunnel is a tool that authors and publishers can use to

deliver digital content to anyone. Often, this content is an ARC
(Advance Reader Copy) but it could be an audiobook or ebook
that you sell directly from your website, or participate in a
promotion to help build your mailing list. It is powerful, and
Website Checklist
Done Task
Buy your domain
Get a web host
Choose publishing platform
Choose a website theme
3D bookshots
Book blurb
Buying options
Audio clip of the book
Video trailer
Book excerpt
Author bio
Sign up for mass email system
Email signup form
Social media links
Contact information
Website Checklist

Done Task
Buy your domain
Get a web host
Choose publishing platform
Choose a website theme
Decide the look and feel of your brand
Get professional headshots
Current or upcoming book
Previous books if any
Buying options
Author bio or story
Sign up for mass email system
Include an email signup form
Social media links
Buying options
Events & appearances
Contact page
Podcasts are a fantastic and often free way of reaching audiences
you can’t reach on your own. Start by writing down all the types of
podcasts your audiences might listen to.

Look for podcasts in those areas and record them. Don’t just choose
the top shows. Look for lesser known shows or up and coming ones.
Once you have several of those under your belt, the more popular
show hosts might be more open to having you as a guest.

Show Host Contact

Don’t overlook book clubs. Many clubs are excited to have authors
visit or make an appearance. From local to online ones - don’t forget
Facebook groups - find and get in touch with these clubs. MeetUp is
a great way to find book clubs.
Club Contact name Contact
Posts and Reviews
The 2020 Book Blogger Directory is available as a Kindle book for
$4.99. It’s chock full of bloggers and reviewers who would love to
check out your book.

Blog Name Contact name Contact

Social media can be powerful and free. So take advantage of it, but be
sure to manage your energy as well. There’s no need to be everywhere
all at once. Pick two where the potential readers of your book are
most likely to be or most fitting for your book. Focus your energy on
creating valuable content and engagement for those two.

Create and complete the profile or page
Tag people or places mentioned in your book
Join groups
Use hashtags to find influencers
Post video clips
Create a content posting schedule
Post video book trailers
Find social media promoters on (Isabella
is a good one!)
Schedule a Twitter campaign (India Book Butler)
Everyone says that you need to get Social Media Influencers to help
promote your book – but what does that really mean? How do you
find them, and what’s the best way to ask for their help?

These instructions are specific to Instagram, but many of these steps

can be applied to other platforms, as well.
Search for relevant hashtags. For example:

Click on one of the accounts

that appear in the search results
for that hashtag. Note the
number of followers, if they
review books frequently, etc.

Ask if they’re willing to read

your book and review it. Offer a
giveaway to their followers.
Make sure that you engage
with them on their account.

Many industry experts agree that paid advertising has become an

important part of an author’s marketing strategy. If you want to sell
books on Amazon, you need to be paying for ads.

Make sure you have a GREAT book cover.
Monitor your success using the Amazon Ad Dashboard
Research similar books
Learn best practices – the Kindlepreneur has a free tutorial.
Write several versions of gripping, engaging copy on your
book page..
Did you know that Amazon will list your book in up to ten categories?
Figure out which categories your book belongs in (Publisher Rocket
helps with this).

Go to your Author Central, click Help – send them an e-mail that

contains the additional categories (up to 10) that you’d like to see your
book added to.

Make sure you choose Kindle categories for your Kindle books. List
your categories on this page.
Media Kit

Author Bio (short, med, long) Contact Information

Book Synopsis Sell Sheet

Fun Facts Book Review Exerpts

Press Release Photos / Headshots

Sample Chapter Interview Questions

Sell Sheet Information

Book cover thumbnails & author photo

Title Genre

Price # of Pages

ISBN Publication Date

Formats Available Available At


Testimonials / Reviews
Your Author Bio
It’s important to have several different versions of your bio, for
different purposes.

Two-Line, 140 Characters

Short - 50 Words
Your Author Bio

Medium - 100 Words

Long - 300 - 600 Words

Opt-In Offers
It is important not to rely on your sales channels itself to sell your
books. Successful authors can “bring their own” traffic. One of the
best ways to build your audience is to build your email list. Start
building now. Do not wait for your book to be complete or ready.

Figure Out Your Opt-In Offer

Gone are the days when you can put up a newsletter subscription
form and get subscribers. Readers are looking for a reason to
subscribe. What’s in it for them? Below are some opt-in offers you
can offer. Start with one, but there’s no reason to stop at one. Vary
them from time to time or put up different offers for different
Free chapter Free book

Free story Free books for life

Bonus material Monthly book drawing

Free chapter Free chapter

Authors today are able to host virtual as well as in-person book
signing events. How does that work?

If you’re unable to host an in-person signing event due to geography

or pandemic, a virtual event is the next best thing! It’s best to work
with a local book seller – provide them with a supply of signed books
for readers to purchase before the event. As an extra treat, give
those readers a free copy of an e-book!

Be creative with event locations – bookstore, café, coffee shop,

restaurant, winery, farmers market

Event Date and Location Event Date and Location

Event Date and Location Event Date and Location

Event Date and Location Event Date and Location

Event Date and Location Event Date and Location

Topic Ideas

Book signing

Promotional pricing

Fun facts

New releases

Sample chapter

Bonus material

Author interviews

Character insights

Supporting research material

Discussion about the book

Review a book

Reader survey

Latest blog post

Lessons you learned


Free resources

Reader of the week

A day in your life

Fun Holidays/Observances
Your Book Launch period should take anywhere from three to
six months.
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
n n e d u i t

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
n n e d u i t

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
n n e d u i t

So! You want to get interviewed. Assuming you commit to this regularly, 6
months from now, what are you hoping would happen because of these

What kind of metrics will you use to measure the effectiveness of your
interviews? List them below and rate how important they are to you. 1 star
being the least important and 5 being the most.





Clarify Your EXPERTISE
Before you reach out or call anyone, nail down what your expertise is. This
helps you communicate why people should interview you.

What do you do, or what does your company offer?

Why are you the right person to interview about this matter?

What are the topics you can talk about?

Prepare Your ABOUT ME Page
When you put yourself out there for interviews, people want to learn more about
you. You’ll want to put your best foot forward and a stellar about me page can
help their decision-making process and wow them at the same time. Use this page
to compile & craft information you want to put on the page.

What is your

What has been your

professional journey?

Have you published

any books or
articles in respected
What are they?

What are you

passionate about?

How do you spend

your free time?

What is one fun fact

about you?

Anything else you

want to share with the
Once you get accepted for an interview, they’ll ask you for information and
pictures of yourself. You can save tons of time preparing for this ahead of time.
Put this on a page that you can point people to each time.

Using the information about your expertise & yourself from the previous pages,
create a short bio of yourself. Work on keeping this to about 30-35 words.

Now build upon that and write another, longer bio. This time, keep it to about
80-100 words.

Use this checklist to complete your media page.

Short bio A black and white logo

Long bio Color codes for your logo
1-2 headshots Link to your website
A small logo Link to a freebie
A larger logo 1-2 fun facts about yourself
Link to all your social profiles you are active on
Polish Your SOCIAL MEDIA Profiles
These days, whenever anyone wants to learn more about you or your company,
they will look to social media. Before approaching anyone for an interview, take
time to check out your social profile. Use the tools provided to you by each
channel. Complete them as much as possible. Use this checklist to help you.

Updated profile image

Current header image
Make a few posts
Update profile description
Links to your site works & is current
Prepare OPENING and CLOSING Statements
It is common for interviewers to ask you to introduce yourself or tell their audience
a little about you. It may seem silly to prepare what to say about yourself, but when
your energy is low, or you get distracted, you may forget pertinent information.
Preparing this also helps you stay consistent.

Write 1-2 succinct statements to introduce yourself to an audience who knows nothing
about you. Be sure to mention your expertise and set the stage for what you will talk

Similarly, at the end of an interview, many hosts ask for a parting statement. Something
you want to leave the audience with.

Write 1-2 points to summarize what you talked about. This can also be something for
people to ponder and hopefully lead them to seek you out.

Not all media outlets ask for a gift for their audience, but some do. Brainstorm what
kind of lead magnet you can set up. Note them and the links here. Also remember to
create shorter, easy to say links.
Your PRIMARY Audience
Everyone is not who you want to reach, even if your product can have wide
appeal. Get clear who your ideal customer is. It’ll also save you time, effort and
resources when you can focus on efforts. Your primary audience is the group of
people you want to serve the most. They can also be the group your product or
service is best suited for.

What are the demographics of this group of people? E.g. age, sex, marital
status, income range.

What does their life look like? E.g. what are their hobbies, how they spend
their weekends, what type of places to they dine or shop at.

What is important to them? E.g. what charities do they contribute to, what
issues do they care about?
Your SECONDARY Audience
Even though you do not want to target everyone, you want to reach as many people as
possible. Your secondary audience is the group of people who may not be your ideal
customer but who need or want your product. This can also be a group who use your
product differently.

What are the demographics of this group of people? E.g. age, sex, marital
status, income range.

What does their life look like? E.g. what are their hobbies, how they spend
their weekends, what type of places to they dine or shop at.

What is important to them? E.g. what charities do they contribute to, what
issues do they care about?
BLOGS My Audience Read
List the blogs your audience frequent. Record them here as you find them. You can also
use this as a master list of the places you need to contact.

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:
PODCASTS My Audience Listen
List the podcasts your audience frequent. Record them here as you find them. You can
also use this as a master list of the places you need to contact.

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:
MAGAZINES My Audience Read
List the magazines - both online and offline - your audience read. Record them here as
you find them. You can also use this as a master list of the places you need to contact.

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:

Contact Info:
Other Places To Find SHOWS & BLOGS
You may not always know where your audience hangs out. And you may not know
who is looking to interview people like you. The good news is, there are places
you can go to find them. Note them here when you come across them.

Name Link

HARO (Help A Reporter Out)

It is much easier to get an interview on podcasts, YouTube, online events and such
than mainstream media. You can always work towards the biggest outlets, but you
have to start somewhere. That means you have to bring your own gear. Use this
checklist to run through initial set up and before each interview.

Date: Date:

Excellent quality, working microphone Excellent quality, working microphone

Decent quality, working webcam Decent quality, working webcam
Camera angle at eye-level Camera angle at eye-level
Clutter-free background Clutter-free background
Sufficient light illuminating the face Sufficient light illuminating the face
Solid color blouse/shirt Solid color blouse/shirt

Date: Date:

Excellent quality, working microphone Excellent quality, working microphone

Decent quality, working webcam Decent quality, working webcam
Camera angle at eye-level Camera angle at eye-level
Clutter-free background Clutter-free background
Sufficient light illuminating the face Sufficient light illuminating the face
Solid color blouse/shirt Solid color blouse/shirt

Date: Date:

Excellent quality, working microphone Excellent quality, working microphone

Decent quality, working webcam Decent quality, working webcam
Camera angle at eye-level Camera angle at eye-level
Clutter-free background Clutter-free background
Sufficient light illuminating the face Sufficient light illuminating the face
Solid color blouse/shirt Solid color blouse/shirt
Influencer/Show PROFILE
As you research more about a show or the influencer you want to pitch, note what
you learn on this page. This helps you remember key pieces of information about
them and their audience so you can craft a pitch that is relevant and shows that
you have done your homework.

Show name:

Host name:
Publishing frequency:

Who is their audience?

Are they my primary or secondary audience?

Primary Secondary Maybe

What topics do they cover?

What is important to the host?

What do you know about the host? E.g. family, background, former work, books
written etc.
Draft Your PITCH
Using the previous page to help you, use this page to draft your pitch or note
key points of your pitch. Remember to provide reasons why are a good fit and to
give reasons why you instead of others. It often helps to have the expertise page
in this workbook in front of you.

Show / Host name:

Draft #1
Draft #2
Show/Host Contact Purpose Date Outcome
Sometimes hosts or interviewers may ask you to provide a list of questions you’d
like them to ask you. Even if they don’t, it might not hurt to attach one - unless
they specifically ask you not to. Brainstorm below all the questions you can think.
Prepare For Your INTERVIEW
Show/Host name:


Date and time confirmed

Confirmed time zone & noted time difference
Requested information/images provided
Outfit picked out
Microphone is working
Camera is working
Reviewed influencer/show profile

Key points to cover in this interview

After Interview TASKS
Don’t be a bad guest. After the interview, here are a few things you should do to
show your appreciation. It helps you and increases the likelihood you’ll get asked
to return.

Email your list about the interview

Share the interview on social media
Link to the interview in relevant older blog posts
Write on Medium on a topic related to the interview and link to it
Expand your thoughts on your blog and link to the interview
Pull quotes from the interview and share it

Email your list about the interview

Share the interview on social media
Link to the interview in relevant older blog posts
Write on Medium on a topic related to the interview and link to it
Expand your thoughts on your blog and link to the interview
Pull quotes from the interview and share it

Email your list about the interview

Share the interview on social media
Link to the interview in relevant older blog posts
Write on Medium on a topic related to the interview and link to it
Expand your thoughts on your blog and link to the interview
Pull quotes from the interview and share it

Email your list about the interview

Share the interview on social media
Link to the interview in relevant older blog posts
Write on Medium on a topic related to the interview and link to it
Expand your thoughts on your blog and link to the interview
Pull quotes from the interview and share it
If you’re in this for the long run (and you should), don’t leave things there. You
already have a foot in the door. You never know who the host knows or what
opportunities they come across that benefit you. Take time to build a personal
relationship with them. Use this checklist to help you.

Show/Host name:


Mail a thank you note immediately after the interview

Mail them a birthday card
Mail them an anniversary card
Mail them a New Year’s card
Follow them on social media
Email them every 6 months or so just because
Recommend someone good for their show
Introduce another influencer or noteworthy person to them
For additional help with your book marketing, and book launch,
please visit or e-mail

We can create a custom marketing plan for you that includes as much
or as little help as you need.

We offer the following marketing assets:

• One Sheet/Sell Sheet

• Video Book Trailers
• Book Mock-Up Images
• Social Media Posts Specific to Your Book

Reach out to us today! We’re happy to answer your questions.

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