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Grade Level Standards: The learner listens for comprehension, speaks clearly and uses appropriate expressions in talking a






*You may enhance the sub


Grade Level Standards: The learner listens for comprehension, speaks clearly and uses appropriate expressions in talking about ones


Recognize rhyming words in nursery rhymes, poems and songs heard

Recognize sentences (telling and asking) and non-sentences

Use words that are related to self, family, and community

Listen to short stories/poems

1. Note important details pertaining to
a. character
b. setting
c. events

2. Give the correct sequence of three events

3. Infer the character's feelings and traits.

4. Identify the cause and effect,/or effect of events.

5. Identify the speaker in the story or problem

6. Predict possible ending of a story read

7. Relate story events to one's experience

8. Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific events

9. Identify the problem and solution

10. Retell a story listened to

11. Ask simple questions about the text listened to.

Use/respond accurately to polite expressions: greetings, leave takings, expressing gratitude and apology, asking permissio

Talk about oneself, one's family, and one's personal experiences

Recognize common action words in stories listened to

Recognize describing words for people,objects,things,and places (color, shape, size, height, weight, length, distance, etc.)

Sort and classify familiar words into basic categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc.)

Give the meaning of words using clues ( TPR, pictures, body movements, etc.)

Follow one-to-two step directions

Give one-to-two step directions.

*You may enhance the sub-competen


ly and other social context interactions.


Identify onset and rimes 3

Name the rhyming words in nursery rhymes, poems and songs
Recognize rhyming words in nursery rhymes, poems and songs
Create rhyming words

Tell what a sentence is 4

Distinguish a sentence from a non-sentence
Give examples of telling and asking sentences
Be familiar with words that are related to self, family and
community 3
Identify words that are related to self, family and cmmunity
Give own examples of words related to self , family and
Write a statement using words that are related to self, family,
and community

Identify the characters in the short story/poem listened to

Describe the setting in the poem/story listened to
Narrate the events in the story/poem listened to
Identify the three important events in the short story/poem
Arrange tothe events from the story/poem listened to from the 4
first to the third
Narrate a story of three events

Recall words that describe the feelings of a character 3

Enumerate the common traits of characters
Infer the character's feelings and traits

Define cause and explain what effect is 3

Determine the cause of something
Predict the effect of a cause
Share the cause and effect of an event
Describe the role of a speaker 1
Analyze who is speaking in the story or problem
Identify the speaker in the story or problem
Identify the events in the story. 3
Show examples of story endings
Predict the possible ending of the story read.
Identify the events in a story 3
Relate the story events to one's own experience
Share one's own experience in relation to the story events
Identify a specific event in the story 2
Discuss a specific event in the story
Illustrate a specific event in the story
Dramatize a specific event in the story
Define problem 2
Explain what solution is
Identify the problem in a story
Propose solutions to a problelem
Take note of the events in a story
Organize the events in the story listened to 3
Share the story listened to with others
Recall what a question is 1
Give examples of questions
Construct simple questions about the text listened to
Explain what polite expressions are 4
Recognize what polite expressions to use in a given situation
Respond accurately to polite expressions
Introduce oneself to the class 4
Describe one's family to the class
Share personal experiences with the class
Tell what action words are 3
Demonstrate certain action words
Recognize the common action words in the story listened to
Construct simple sentences using action words
Identify describing
Use appropriate words forwords
describing people,objects,things,and places
for people,objects,things and 3
Introduce a friend or something using correct describing words
Sort familiar words 4
Classify familiar words
Create categorization of familiar words
Explain what word meaning is 3
Be familiar with the different clues
Give the meaning of words using clues
Listen to one to two-step directions
Understand the one to two-step directions 3
Follow the one to two-step directions
Listen to one to two-step directions 3
Make one to two-step directions
Give one to two-step directions

Grade Level Standards: The learner listens crictically to one-two paragraphs; use appropriate expressions in varied situations; reads texts
for pleasure; and information critically in meaningful thought units, respond properly to environmental prints like signs, posters,
commands and requests; and writes legibly simple sentences and messages in cursive form.

Classify/Categorize sounds heard (animals, Recognize the sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects,
mechanical, objects, musical instruments, environment, speech)
musical instruments, environment, speech)

1 4
Describe the sounds heard
Produce the sounds heard

Classify the sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects,

musical instruments, environment, speech)

Read the alphabets of English and associate to

phonemes Name the alphabets of English

2 5
Produce the sounds of the English alphabets

Reproduce the sounds of phonics from the phonic sounds

Recognize common or proper nouns in simple
3 sentences listened to Define nouns 4
Differentiate common nouns from proper nouns
Give examples of common and proper nouns
Create a list of common and proper nouns found in simple
4 Recognize the use of a/an +noun Identify the use of a/an +noun. 4
Construct examples of a/an + nouns
Use a/an +nouns in a sentence
Identify the English equivalent of words in the Identify the commonly used words in the Mother Tongue or in
5 Mother Tongue or in Filipino Filipino
Recognize the English equivalents of the commonly used words 5
Mother Tongue or in
of English Filipino. of words in the Mother
Tongue or in Filipino.
Write simple sentences in English using the English equivalents
Give the beginning letter of the name of each of commonly used words in the Mother Tongue or in Filipino
6 picture Recall the meaning/concept of beginning letter 5
Identify the beginning letter of the pictures presented
Recognize common action words in retelling, Write the beginning letter of the given picture
7 conversation, etc. Explain what action words are 5
Write examples
List down of common
the common actionaction
used in retelling,
Identify and discuss the elements of a story conversations, etc.
Identify the elements of a story (theme, setting, characters,
8 (theme, setting, characters, and events) and events) 5
Show a simple diagram of the elements of a story (theme,
setting, the elements of the story read
and events)
9 Recognize the common terms in English Point out the parts of a book 5
relating to part of book (e.g. Use the common terms in English to identify the parts of a
cover, title page, etc.) book orientation book
Recognize the common terms in English relating to part of the
10 Generate ideas through prewriting activities Explain how ideas can be generated 5
Enumerate the pre-writing activities that help generate ideas
Create anpre-writing activities
idea map after in orderideas
generating to generate
Write some words, a phrase, or a sentence activities
11 about an illustration or a character Distinguish words from phrases and sentences 5
Construct examples of word description, phrase description or
sentence descriptionof an illustration or a character using
Make a description
Discuss the illustrations on the cover and words, a phrase
Relate the book coveror a sentence
to its content
12 5
predict what the story may be about
Describe the illustrations
Share prediction on what onthethe book
story may cover
be about based on the
Identify title, author and book illustrator and illustrations on the book cover
13 tell what they do Identify
Cite the the title, theof
importance author andofthe
the title illustrator of a book
a book 5

Explain what the author and illustrator of a book do

Make a brief report on the title, author and illustator of a book
Spell high-frequency words with short a, e, i, o
14 and u sound in CVC pattern Show high frequency words using CVC pattern 5
Idenify CVC words in simple sentences
Use common action words in retelling, Chooose high frequency CVC words in simple sentences
15 conversations, etc. Recall
Presentthe meaning
example of of action words
common action words used in retelling, 5
conversation, etc.
Identify the basic sequence of events and Retell a story using common action words
16 make relevant predictions about stories List down the events in a story 5
Arrange the eventsabout
Make predictions in a story
the story based on the sequence of
Use clues to answer questions, clarify
understanding and justify predictions before, Re-write the story heard/read using correct sequence of events
17 during and after reading (titles, pictures) etc. Explain what clues are 6
Use clues to answer questions
Clarify predictions
understandingusing clues
using clues

Make sense of a text by using clues

18 Create or expand word clues Recall what clues are 5
Understand a text through the use of cluess
Recognize that some words may have the
same (synonyms) or opposite ( antonyms) Expand word clues to understand text read better
19 meaning Identify words that have the same meaning 5
Give the oppositive meaning of a word
Recognize the difference between "made-up" Use synonyms
Tell the andbetween
difference antonyms"made-up"
to understand a text in texts
and "real"
20 and "real" in texts listened to listened to 5
Give examples
Construct of "made
sentences thatup"
are and "real" inand
"made-up" text"real"
listened toone's
Identify important details in expository text experience
21 listened Describe an expository text  5
Analyze a sampleexpository text
Identify the details presented in an expository text
Extract details from an expository text listened to
22 Retell and/or reenact events from a story Recall details of the events from a story 5
Retell the events from a story
Make a skit re-enacting the important events from a story
Talk about texts identifying major points and
23 key themes Note details about the texts 5
Find the major points and key themes of a text
Make inferences on the major points and key themes of a text
24 Participate in choral speaking and echo Explain what choral speaking and echo reading are 5
reading of short poems, rhymes and stories Read aloud with fluency and expression in choral speaking and
with repeated patterns and refrains in English echo reading aofcreative presentation
short poems, rhymesinand
choral speaking and
echo reading of poems, rhymes and stories with repeated
Listen and respond to texts to clarify patterns and refrains inabout
Answer wh-questions English
the texts listened to.
25 5
meanings heard while drawing personal
experiences Recall important details from a text to clarify meanings heard
Read words with short e, a, i, o , and u sound Make connections
Recognize of texts
words with shorttovowel
(a, e, i, o, u) in CVC
26 in CVC pattern pattern
Categorize words according to their short vowel sound (a, e, i,
o andand
Read u ) in CVCthe
spell pattern
words correctly(a, e, i, o and u ) in CVC
Match the picture with its sight word pattern
27 Use picture to get the meaning of given sight word 4
Read aloud and spell correctly the given sight word
Spell 2-syllable words with short e, a, i, o, and Match the picture with its sight word
28 u sound in CVC pattern Identify
Connectthe andnumber of syllables
form 2 syllable in ausing
words wordvowels to consonants 4
to form words.
Use personal pronouns(e.g. I, you, he, she, it, Use/
DefineWrite 2-3 CV words.
and identify the personal pronouns(e.g. I, you, he, she,
29 we, they) in dialogues it, we, they)
Describe the personal pronouns in terms of number and 5
Construct simple sentence using personal pronoun.
Use demonstrative pronouns (this/that, Write a dialogue using correct presonal pronouns
30 these/ those) Enumerate
Clarify the usetheof
demonstrative pronouns
each of the demonstrative pronouns 5

Identify the demonstrative pronouns used in sentences

Use the most frequently occurring preposition
(e.g. on, over, under, to from, above, etc.) Make a paragraph
Identify the correctusing correct demonstrative
prepositions pronouns
for the following pictures (e.g.
31 on,
Giveover, under,
example of to, from, above,
sentences using etc.)
the correct prepositions(e.g. 5
on, over,
Write under, to,
sentences from,
using theabove,
preposition from the given
pictures(e.g. on, over, under, to, from, above, etc.)

Differentiate words with different medial

vowels (eg: cap-cop-cup; fan-fin-fun) Match the correct word/name for the following pictures (eg:
32 cap-cop-cup; fan-fin-fun) 5
Identify the correct medial vowel for the following pictures(eg:
cap-cop-cup; fan-fin-fun)
Write sentences using words with different medial vowels (eg:
cap-cop-cup; fan-fin-fun)
33 Read phrases, short sentences and short Recognize the words with short e, a, i. o, and u 3
stories consisting of words
with short e, a, i, o, and u then answer the Give examples of words with short a,e,i,o, andu
Who, What and Where Discuss the answers to the Who, What and Where questions
questions about them Recite a poem consisting of words with short e, a, I, o and u
Provide answers to Who, What and Where questions about the
Write the names of pictures with the short a, poem
34 e, i, o, and u words Identify the pictures with the short a,e,i,o,u words 3

Name the following pictures having short a,e,i,o,u words

Write words with short e,i,a,o,u and use it in a sentence

*You may enhance the sub-competencies


Grade Level Standards: The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written form
in reading to meet various needs. The learner listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses id
written forms; demonstrates confidence in the use of language to meet everyday needs; and reads independently and get
various text types.


Fill-out forms accurately (school forms, deposit and withdrawal
1 slips, etc.)

2 Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using text clues

Use compound and complex sentences to show cause and

3 effect and problem-solution relationship of ideas

Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

4 grammatical structure:
a. Subject - verb agrement

b. Kinds of adjectives

c. Subordinating and coordinating conjunction

d. Adverbs of intensity and frequency

Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

5 gramatical structures:
a. Aspect of verb
b. Modals

6 Identify point- of -view.

Examine images which present particular view-point,

7 e.g.stereotype (gender, age, culture), opinion of an issue.

8 Distinguish among various text types of viewing materials

Distinguish text- types according to purpose and features:

9 classification, explanation, enumeration and time order.
A. Classification

B. Explanation

C. Enumeration

D. Time Order

10 Summarize various text types based on elements.

11 Make stand

12 Provide evidence to support opinion/fact

Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the

12 meaning of a text

Write paragraphs showing: cause and effect, comparison and

13 contrast and problem solution relationships
14 Write a feature article

*You may enhance the sub-competencies


text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demosntrates interests
o news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses ideas accurately in oral and
to meet everyday needs; and reads independently and gets relevant information from

Be familiar with the different forms
Provide accurate information
Demonstrate accuracy and carefulness in filling out forms
Define context clues 5
Identify the different context clues
Analyze the sentence to locate the context clue used
Use context clues to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words in
the given text

Define compound and complex sentences

Construct examples of compound and complex sentences
Use compound sentences to show cause and effect and
problem-solution relationship of ideas

Use complex sentences to show cause and effect relationship

of ideas and problem-solution relationship of ideas
Compose a three-stanza paragraph using compound and
complex sentences to show cause and effect or problem-
solution relationship of ideas

State the rules in subject-verb agreement
Observe agreement of the verb with the subject in constructing
Write a paragraph applying the rules in subject-verb agreement
Define and give example of adjectives
a person oracording to kinds
an object using correct degrees of
descriptive paragraph
difference betweenusing correct adjectives
subordinaating conjunctions
and coordinating conjuctions
Enumerate the subordinating conjunctions
List down the
Construct coordinating
sentences conjunctions
using correct subordinating and
coordinating conjunctions
Write a poem using correct subordinating and coordinating
Recognize adverb of intensity and frequency used in a
Select the correct adverb of intensity and frequency to be used
in a sentence
Construct sentences using adverb of intensity and frequency.
Review the use of be verbs in sentences (subject-verb 10
Compose simple aspectwith
sentences of verbs to progressive
the progressive aspect
aspect of verbs using
S-TV-DO pattern
Compose sentences with the progressive aspect of verbs using
S-IV-Adverb pattern
Name the modal verbs used in a sentence.
Comprehend the different functions/uses of modals.
Usecorrect modals in writing a composition
State what point of view is 5
Distinguish the kinds of point of view
Identify the poin of view used
Use correct point of view in a narrative
Identify common examples of stereotypes 5
Analyze sentences under common examples of stereotype.
Categorize viewpoints text-types.
Identify informational under stereotype (gender, age, culture).
Compare the various types of viewing materials.
Use text types to write for different purposes and audience,
Create smooth and easy reading text types when viewing
Create smooth and easy reading text types when viewing

Define classification text type. 3

Construct a simple paragraph based on the given keyRead words.
Composeexamples of classification
a simple paragrapgh basedtext
the main idea of the
State explanation text-type.
Discuss common explanation texts
Formulate a paragraph of an explanation text
Describe enumeration as a text type 3
Discuss the importance of enumeration as a text type
Compose a paragraph using enumeration
Identifytime order as
significant a textand
events type
the order of time in which they 3
Create a timeline using time order to present the significant
Tell what an element of atext type is 3
Identify the common elements of different text types
Use the elements of different text types to create a summary
Explain the importance of making a stand 3
Clarify one's stand on an issue
Figure out the causes/ reasons for agreeing or disagreeing
Compose a position paper expressing the stand on a particular
issoe or concern
Define evidence 3
Cite an example of evidence
Composeevidence supported
an essay opinions/
providing facts
evidence to support the stand of a
writer on a particular issue
Compare and Contrast visual elements to construct and
confirm meaning of a text. 3
Clarify visual or multimedia elements of a text.
Draw conclusions based on visual images presented
Identify cause-effect relationships and vice- versa. 5
Describe the characteristics of a paragraph that compares or
that contrasts.
Explain problem-solution
Sysnthesize relationship
the points learned from a as a waymaterial
reading to develop a
cause ad effect, comparison and contrast or problem-solution
Compare a feature article with other types of journalistic
Classify the feature artciles based on kinds
Read aneach kind of
example of afeature
article to identify its
Craft a feature article for your school newsletter

*You may enhance the sub-competencies


Grade Level Standards: The learner listens critically to various text types and expresses ideas accurately in both oral and written forms; demonstates
confidence in the use of language to meet everyday needs; and reads independently and gets relevant information from various text types.


1 Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph Identify the meaning of a paragraph
Understand the parts of a paragraph
Read and make sense of a paragraph
Construct a simple paragraph
Use resources such as dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to Describe the following resources: dictionary, thesaurus and
2 find the meaning of words online resources
Differentiate the thesaurus from a dictionary
Explore online resources
Create a List of Unfamiliar Words and Their Meanings using
different resources
3 Note significant details of various text types Identify the different types of text
Compare and contrast the different text types
Scan samples of different text types and note important
Present an oral report of significant details extracted from
different text types read
Identify the structure, purpose and language features of
different text types e.g. narrative, information report,
4 procedure, argument Enumerate the different text types and describe each
Analyze the structure of the different text types
Determine the purpose and the language features of each text
Make a presentation of the structure, purpose and language
Identify meanings of unfamiliar words through structural features of the different text types
5 analysis (word and afiexes: prefixes and suffixes) Define structural analysis
List down commonly used prefixes and their meanings
Explain how a suffix affects the meaning of a word
Analyze a word by identifying the root word, the prefix and the
Create a table of words and their meaning as determined
through structural analysis
6 Identify different meanings of content specific words Differentiate denotation from connotation
( denotation and connotation)
Present examples of denotative meaning of words
Show a presentation
Infer the connotativeof the connotative
meaning of wordsand denotative
meaning of content specific words using powerpoint
Get the meaning of words through word association (analogy) presentation
7 and classification Understand the meaning of word association
and classification
Give the meaning of the words by means of
word association and classification.
Use context clues to find meaning of unfamiliar words: Create word association and classification.
8 definition, exemplification Explain definition and exemplification as context clues
Analyze the given example to get the meaning of an unfamiliar
Look into the definition of a word to understand its meaning
Use clear and coherent sentences employing appropriate Produce a Kit of Definitions and Examples of unfamiliar terms
grammatical structures: Kinds of Nouns-Mass Nouns and Cont
9 Nouns, Possessive Nouns, Collective Nouns Recall the meaning of noun and its kinds
Constructgiven nouns
clear accordingsentences
and coherent to kinds employing appropriate
grammatical structure
Write a short composition using clear and coherent sentences
10 Use personal pronouns in sentences. Define personal pronoun
Identify the personal pronouns in the sentence.
Understand the different cases of personal pronouns
Use correct personal pronouns in sentences.
Narrate a personal experience using correct personal pronouns
11 Use adjectives (degrees of comparison/ order) in sentences Define an adjective
Identify and give examples of adjectives
Describe a person or a thing using adjectives
Formulate the degrees of comparison of certain adjectives
Arrange the series of adjectives in a sentence correctly
Compose a short descriptive paragraph using adjectives
12 Use simple present tense of verbs in sentences. Define verb
Identify the uses of the simple present tense of the verb
Craft the simple present
a paragraph about form
one'sof the using
habit verb inthe
the sentence
simple present
tense of the verb
13 Use the correct time expressions to tell an action in the present Tell the different
Identify time expressions
the time expressions used to
to indicate
indicate present action
the present
Prepare a list of time expressions that indicate present action
14 Use the past form of regular and irregular verbs. Differentiate regular verbs from iregular verbs
Form the past tense of the given irregular verbs
Construct sentences
Report a past expressing
event using past
the past actions
form of regular and irregular
15 Use adverb ( adverbs of manner, place, and time ) Tell the meaning of adverb
Identify the kinds of adverb
Classy adverbs according to kind
Rewrite a story using correct adverbs
16 Write directions using signal words Tell what signal words are
Share examples of signal words
Use correct signal words in sentences
Construct examples
Write a short of directions
paragraph using signal words in giving directions
on how to go to the nearest church in your locality
17 Distinguish between general and specific statements Cite whether the statement is general or specific
Draw spicific statements from a general statement
Make a general statement from specific statements
Distinguish between general and specific statements
Identify the main idea, key sentences and supporting details
18 from the texts listened to
Locate the main idea in a text listened to
Point out the topic sentence in the text
Map the supporting details in the text listened to
Write a 3-paragraph composition providing complete supporting
details to the main idea of each paragraph
19 Use appropriate graphic organizer in text read. Define graphic organizer.
Show different kinds of graphic organizers and explain their
Make sense of the text read using graphic organizers
Summarize the text read using appropriate graphic organizer
20 Infer the speaker's tone, mood and purpose. Identify the tone of the speaker in a speech occasion
Guess the mood of the speaker in a dialogue
Infer the speaker's tone, mood and purpose
21 Analyze a story in terms of its elements Review the different elements of a story.
Discuss each element based on the story read
Makethe elements
a story of the
analysis given story
explaining briefly the elements that make
Write a short story (fiction/non fiction) with its complete up the story
22 elements Compare fiction and non fiction
Discuss the elements
Write a short story withofits
fiction and non-fiction
complete element about a chosen
23 Write a reaction about the story read Explain what reaction is
Present different types of reactions
Cite possible reactions to a story read
Give reaction to a specific story shared
Make a reaction paper about the story read
24 Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative. Explain a fact
Give examples of facts
Define opinion
Express opinion about something
Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative read
25 Identify features of journalistic writing Define journalistic writing
State the features of journalistic writing
Write an example of journalistic writing
Present a sample of journalistic writing highlighting its features
Distinguish among types of journalistic writing (news report, that distinguishes it from other types of writing
26 opinion article, feature article, and sports news article, opinio Identify the types of journalistic writing
article, feature article, and sports news article Classify given journalistic writing according to types
Write an example for each type of journalistic writing
Create a table of journalistic writing distinguishing one from
the other
27 Write a news report using the given facts Define news report
Explain how to write a news report
Gather facts from an event
Write a news report using the facts gathered
28 Write/compose an editorial Define an editorial
Identify the parts of an editorial
Share opinion about an issue
Compose an editorial

*You may enhance the sub-competencies

n forms; demonstates
s text types.






Grade Level Standards: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types
wide range of life's purpose.


1 Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images

Interpret the meaning suggested in visual media through a focus on visual elements, for example, line, symbols, colour,
2 gaze, framing and social distance

3 Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences

4 Identify the purpose, key structural and language features of various types of informational/factual text
5 Recognize evaluative word choices to detect biases and propaganda devices used by speakers

6 Compare and Contrast content of materials viewed to other sources of information (print, online, broadcast)

Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoint on an issue

7 Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements

Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs)

8 Compose a persuasive essay on self-selected topic

*You may enhance the sub-competencies


of proficiency; and reads various text types materials to serve learning needs in meeting a

Explain what real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images 11
Cite examples of real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images

Create a table of real or make believe, fact and non-fact images

Name the elements used in visual media
Describe the meaning suggested in visual media through a
focus on visual elements.
Analyze visual media through a focus on visual elements like
line, symbols, colour, gaze, framing and social distance.
Compose visual media presentation focusing on visual
elements like line, symbols, colour, gaze, framing and social
Connect the information viewed with own personal experience
Cite similarities and differences between the material viewed
and own personal experience
Reflect on the information viewed as related to own personal
Write a 3-paragraph reflection on the information viewed as
related to own personal experiences.
Describe informational/factual text 15
Enumerate the various types of informational/factual text.
Identify the purpose, key structural and language features of
various types of informational/factual text.
Explain the purpose, key structural and language features of
various types of informational/factual text.
Analyze the purpose, key structural and language features of
various types
Compose of informational/factual
informational/factual text.on the key
text based
structural and language features
Explain biases and propaganda devices 14
Detect biases and propaganda devices used by speakers using
Make a listword choices word choices to detect biases and
of evaluative
propaganda devices used by speakers
Be familiar with the other sources of information 10
Source out information from the materials viewed
Make a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the content of
Evaluation the content
materials viewed of other
with the sources
content from of information
other sources of
Describe a coherent, comprehensive report 29
State the importance of having differing viewpoints about an
Use correct signals to introduce a differing opinion or
Make a coherent and comprehensive report on the differing
viewpoints about a current issue
Recall the meaning as well as the elements of a narrative 37
Analyze how the author developed the elements of a narrative
Develop a tool to evaluate how the author developed the
Describe aofclear
a narrative
and coherent sentence 35
Construct sentences using correct grammatical structures
Judge the correctness of the grammatical structure of a
Compose a narrative observing clear and coherent sentences
using appropriate
Distinguish grammatical
a persuasive structures
essay from other types of essay 14
Describe the characteristics of a persuasive essay
Enumerate the steps in composing a persuasive essay
Figure out the steps in choosing a topic for an essay
Compose a persuasive essay on the chosen topic


Grade Level Standards: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of Afro-Asia
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture and those of other countries.


Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect
1 the local culture by noting context clues

2 Use conventions in citing sources

3 Use modals appropriately

4 Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes

5 Note implicit signals used by the writer to indicate coherence

Explain visual-verbal relationship illustrated in tables, graphs,

6 and information maps found in expository texts

7 Share ideas using opinion making signals

Compare and contrast the presentation of the same topic in

8 different viewing genres

Compare and contrasts one’s belief/conviction with those

9 presented in a material viewed
Discern positive and negative messages conveyed in a material
10 viewed

11 Examine biases (for or against) made by the author

Analyze intention of words or expressions used in propaganda

12 technique

Determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed

13 in the text listened to

Analyze literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people

14 with diverse background

15 Use appropriate cohesive devices in various types of speech

16 Use parallel structures

Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to

17 each pattern of idea development
·         General to particular
·         Claim and counterclaim
·         Problem solution
Cause and effect
Expand the others of an outline using notes from primary and
18 secondary sources

19 Synthesize essential information found in various sources

20 Compose effective paragraphs

Develop paragraphs that illustrate each text type(narrative in

literature, expository, explanatory, factual and personal
21 recount, Persuasive)
Deliver a self- composed speech using all the needed speech
22 conventions

*You may enhance the sub-competencies


tive competence through his/her understanding of Afro-Asian literature and other text
of other countries.

Identify the types of context clues
Analyze context clues to arrive at the correct meaning of words
and expressions that reflect local culture

Create a mini-dictionary of words and expressions in the local

culture showing both the meaning and the correct usage in a
Explore on the different sources of information 8
Analyze the conventions in citing sources
Deliver a short speech applying the use of conventions to cite
Recall modals 8
Recognize the modal in a sentence
Differentiate modal verbs from main verbs
Construct sentences using modals
Devise a Learner's Guide on the appropriate use of modals
Explain what persuasive writing is 8
List down the different emphasis markers used in persuasive
Spot the emphasis marker used in a persuasuve text
Develop a persuasive speech using emphasis markers
Cite the meaning and importance of coherence in writing 8
Identify the cohesive devices used in writing
Distinguish the difference between implicit and explicit signals
Give examples of implicit signals used by the writer in order to
Present acoherence
review of a text highlighting the implicit signals used
by the writer to indicate coherence
Discuss the meaning and present an example of expository text 8
Be familiar with the different graphic organizers that can be
used in expository
Analyze texts organizers help in writing as well as in
how the graphic
understanding an expository
Show an analysis of an expositorytext text using appropriate
graphic organizers
Enumerate possible opinion making signals 8
Share opinions on an issue using correct signals
Write an editorial column using opinion making signals
Analyze how the different
a certain viewing
topic genres using different
is presented 8
viewing genres of the different viewing genres that can be
Make a synthesis
used to present a topic
Clarify what conviction or belief is 8
Explain ways on how to express belief or conviction
Examine a material in order to get the writer's belief or
conviction on something
Show understanding of the material viewed by comparing and
contrasting their own belief with what is presented.
Distinguish between positive and negative messages 8
Scrutinize a material viewed for positive and negative messages
Make a report on the positive and negative messages conveyed
in a material viewed
Define bias 7
Present aacritique
materialofand classify the
a material claimsout
pointing of all
made by the author
Define and give examples of propaganda 7
Identify propaganda strategies
Determinethe the
typeofofthe propaganda
propaganda device used in an
Deliver a speech on propaganda techniques and how not to fall
prey of such
Note important details from the listening text 7
Identify the various social, moral, and economic issues
Create in of
a list thesocial,
listening text
moral and economic issues from various
texts listened to
Present literature as a tool in learning different culture and
heritage 7
-Identify the different classifications of literature
U-Generate ideas from the different literary genre
D-Use graphic organizer in analyzing a piece of literature
Recall the different cohesive devices 7
Determine thethe approapriate
different types of speech
cohesive device to be used in a
particular type of speech
Create a portfolio of the various types of speech highlighting
the appropriate cohesive devices used
Define parallelism 7
Review phrases and clauses
Analyze the elements of a sentence using paarallelism as a
Compose a speech observing parallel structures in word,
phrases and sentence
Identify specific and generic terms 7
Show cause and effect relationship
Classify different patterns of developing ideas
Choose the appropriate grammatical signals in developing
different pattern
Craft an essay on of ideas issue applying the use of
a current
appropriate grammatical signals or expressions

Recognize different forms of outlining 7

Organize ideas in an outline form
Highlight primary source
Convert sentence outline into a meaningful paragraph
Explain essential information 7
Determine the essential information found in every source
Synthesize the essential information found in various sources
Review what a paragraph is 7
Explain the different ways of developing a paragraph
Use the appropriate method in developing a paragraph
Compose effective paragraphs in order to create an imposing
Identify the pattern of development used in a paragraph 7
Analyze and describe different text types
Create a compilation of self-composed paragraphs
Point out the different speech conventions 7
Review the steps in writing and delivering a speech
Determine the importance of speech features that aid or
interfere in the delivery of a message
Compose a speech applying all the needed conventions
Deliver a self-composed speech

may enhance the sub-competencies


Grade Level Standards: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of literature and other
text types for a deeper appreciation of World literature, including Philippine literature.

Express permission, obligation and
Recall what modals are
1 prohibition using modals 8
Discuss the uses of each modal
Cite the differences between permission, obligation and
Express permission, obligation and prohibition using modals in
a dialogue
2 Use conditionals in expressing arguments Explain what a conditional sentence is 8
Distinguish the types of conditionals
Give examples of arguments using conditionals
Write an editorial of argumentation employing effective use of
Employ the appropriate communicative styles
for various situations ( intimate, casual, Define and describe the different communicative styles
3 conversational, consultative, frozen) 8
Use appropriate communicative style in a given situation

Simulate different situations applying appropriate

communicative styles
Make connections between texts to particular Identify the distinguished features/elements of a particular
social issues, concerns, or dispositions in real text
4 life. 8
Analyze how an element specific to a genre contributes to
the development of its theme
Explain how a selection may be influenced by a culture,
history, environment and other factors
Craft a detailed analysis of the connection between a text and
a particular social issue
Analyze literature as a means of
understanding unchanging values in the
VUCA ( volatile, uncertain, complex,
5 ambiguous ) world Describe the characteristics of literature 10
Prsent the characteristics
a discourse on the of literature
role to theinVUCA
of literature world the
VUCA world
6 Differentiate biases from prejudices Recall the meaning of bias and prejudice 8
Enumerate the types of bias
Review news reports, film or documentaries for possible biases
or prjudices
Present a report on the forms of biases and prejudices that
Determine the relevance and the truthfulness proliferate inside and outside the country
7 of the ideas presented in the material viewed Distinguish between fact and opinion 8
Identify types of fallacies
Analyze the word choice and tone to determine the relevance
the relevanceof the
andideas presented
truthfulness shown by the materials
being viewed.
Evaluate an advertisement/campaign using relevance and
Make a report ason
relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented in an oral or written discourse about current issues
8 Judge the validity of the evidence listened to State what a valid evidence is 8
Relate the
the four types ofofvalidity
importance sources in establisihing the validity of
Review a the validity
scientific of reports
paper heard
assessing the evidence the authors
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, used
9 soundness of author’s reasoning, and the Recognize the relevance and worth of an idea presented
effectiveness of the presentation
Enumerate the steps
Assess the value of thetosound
effective presentation
reasoning in achieving the
author's purpose of his/her presentation
React to lay value judgment on critical issues
that demand sound analysis and call for Craft a Rubric for evaluating a presentation
10 prompt actions Define value judgments 8
Recognize faulty logics
Extract various stands from a variety of sources on a certain
issue affecting the country
Compare and contrast the ideas gathered.
Write a reaction paper on a critical issue affecting the country

*You may enhance the sub-competencies


Grade Level Standards: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of literature and other text types for a deeper apprecia
literature, including Philippine literature.


Use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc. in
1 everyday conversations and exchanges

Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc.
2 on the understanding of a text

Appraise the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a material viewed to achieve the
3 writer's purpose
Compare and contrast the contents of the material viewed with outside sources of information
4 in terms of accessibility and effectiveness

5 Employ analytical listening in problem solving

Evaluate and make judgements about a range of text using a set of criteria e.g. comparing
6 arguments on the same topic, critiquing a short story

7 Evaluate spoken texts using given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion, correctness

8 Observe the language of research,campaigns and advocacies

Identify key structural elements e.g.: • Exposition - Statement of position,
• Arguments, • Restatement of positions and
language features of an argumentative text e.g.: • modal verbs:
should, must, might and modal adverbs: usually,probably,etc.; •
attitudes expressed through evaluative language; •
conjunctions or connectives to link ideas: because, therefore,on the other hand,etc.;
• declarative statements; • rhetorical
9 questions

10 Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion

10 Formulate claim of fact, policy and value

Write an exposition or discussion on a familiar issue to include key structural elements and
11 language features

12 Deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on an issue employing the techniques in public speaking

13 Compose texts which include multimodal elements

14 Compose an argumentative essay

15 Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing techniques

16 Compose an independent critique of a chosen selection

Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:

- structuralist/formalist -
moralist - Marxist
- feminist
- historical - reader-
17 response

18 Distinguish technical terms used in research

19 Give technical and operational definitions

20 Give expanded definitions of words

21 Observe correct grammar in making definition

22 Compose a research report on relevant social issue

*You may enhance the sub-competencies


understanding of literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of World


State what news reports, speeches, informative talks and panel

discussions are

Source out information from a news report, speech,
informative talk and panel discussion

Make sense of the information sourced out from a news

report, speech, informative talk and panel discussion
Simulate everyday conversations or exchanges using
information from news reports, speeches, informative talks,
panel discussions, etc. i

Enumerate and identify the use of each of the different types

of textual aids
Demonstrate how a textual aid facilitates the understanding of
a text
Use the appropriate textual aid to facilitate the understanding
of a text
Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers,
titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a
text by extracting the meat of the material

Discuss the importance of the unity of plot, setting and

charaterization in a material viewed in achieving the
Discover the writer's purpose in writing a text
Make a text review appraising the unity of plot, setting and
characterization in a material viewed to achieve the writer's

Identify the outside sources of information

Gather relevant information on a chosen topic using outside
Create a detailed comparison and contrast of the contents of
the material viewed with outside sources of information in
terms of accessibility and effectiveness

Define analytical listening 8

Analyze a news broadcast or a text listened to
Present a situation that uses analytical listening to solve a

Explain the process of evaluating a certain the text 9

Design a set of criteria in evaluating a text
Apply the set of criteria in evaluating the text
Present an evaluation of selected texts using a set of criteria
Define spoken text 8
Present example of spoken texts
Make sense of spoken texts using a set of criteria

Present an evaluation of spoken texts using a set of criteria

Discuss register and how it relates to different types of texts
Differentiate research, campaign and advocacy in terms of
content and the language used
Analyze and apply the language used for research, campaigns
and advocacies

Create a commentary about the language used in a research,

campaign, or advocacy viewed

Define key structural elements such as exposition, arguments,

restatement of positions, etc. Define language
features of an argumentative text, such as, modal verbs,
conjunctions, declarative statements, etc.

Explain the language features of an argumentative text, such
as, modal verbs, conjunctions, declarative statements, etc.
Define passiveargumentative
Differentiate voice text and declarative statements
Explain an
argumentative text and passive voice
Construct sentences in passive voice
Use declarative sentences and
rhetorical questions in an argumentative text

Express what opinion is

Recognize statements showing opinions or assertions
Construct statements expressing opinions or assertions
Formulate statements of opinion or assertions in a debate on a
particilar national issue
Identify claims explicitly and implicitly made in a written text. 8
Create a statement of something that has existed, exists, or will
Prepare three claims (fact, policy and value) with the issue of
social media and bullying.

Identify the unique structural elements and language features

of an expository text
Elaborate a familiar issue in an expository manner of discussion

Outline an expository composition using the guidelines


Write an exposition or discussion on a familiar issue to include

key structural elements and language features.
Explain the types and importance of public speaking 8
Recognize the traits of effective public speaking
Model public speaking techniques through bit plays
Devise a structure for a public speech
Deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on an issue employing
the techniques
Identify in public elements
the multimodal speaking commonly used in texts
Point outthe
Evaluate theappropriacy
elements usedelements
multimodal in texts used in a
content work
Create the multimodal
a simple multimodalelements
content presented in a content
Describe the characteristics of an argumentative essay 7
Explain the elements and conventions of an argumentative
Construct an outline for an argumentative essay

Compose an argumentative essay based on the outline

constructed, and on the guidelines/rubric provided

Identify the functions of presenting information, persuasion,

and argumentation in a written work
Discuss a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative
writing techniques

Write an informative/persuasive, argumentatuve text using a

variety ofwriting techniques

Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative

techniques in a written work

Define a critique 7
Compare and contrast critique and criticism
Follow the steps in writing a critique
Evaluate an article critique

Compose an article critique of a chosen selection

Define structuralism/formalism, moralism, Marxism, feminism

and historicism.

Differentiate/compare the different literary approaches 7

Provide examples of novels, moralism, Marxism,
short stories feminism
or movies that and
the principles of structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist,
Write a critique
feminist of a novel,approach
and/or historical short story or movie following any
of the discussed literary approaches.
Identify the technical terms used in research
Explain the use of technical terms in research
Distinguish technical terms used in research
Define technical definition 5
Explain operational definition
Construct examples of technical and operational definitions
Create a glossary giving both the technical and operational
defitinion of terms
Review the steps in formulating the definition of a word. 6
Discuss the format of expanded definition of words

Give examples of expanded definitions using the format


Create an expanded definition of words using the format given.

Recall the parts of a definition

Cite examples of definition
Formulate the definition of a word
Construct definition of selected words observing correct
Identify and describe the parts of a research report 3
Critique a sample of a research report on a relevant issue
Follow the steps in writing a research report
Compose a research report on a relevant social isssue


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