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Submitted by

1. Akash Thakur (1901061008)

2. Amit Dhiman (1901061011)
3. Rishav Verma (1901061044)
4. Rohan (1901061045)


Supervised by
Er. Chetan Sharma
Assistant Professor


March-June, 2023

S. No. Title Page No.

1. Introduction

2. Literature Survey

3. Problem Identification

4. Objective

5. Facilities Required

6. Methodology

7. Conclusion
Project-II Synopsis March-June, 2023


A traction lift, also known as an electric elevator, is a type of vertical transportation system commonly
found in buildings with multiple floors. It is designed to move people and goods between different levels
of a building efficiently and safely.The basic components of a traction lift include an elevator car or cab,
a hoisting system, and a control system. The elevator car is the enclosed platform that carries passengers
or cargo. It is supported by a system of steel cables or ropes called hoists, which are attached to an
electric motor located in the machine room or above the elevator shaft.The electric motor, usually
located in the machine room, drives the hoisting system. It controls the movement of the elevator by
controlling the speed and direction of the motor. The motor is powered by electricity, typically three-
phase AC power.Traction lifts can be classified into two main types based on the mechanism used for
moving the elevator car: geared and gearless traction systems. Geared traction systems use a gearbox
between the motor and the hoisting system to adjust the speed and torque, while gearless traction systems
directly couple the motor to the hoisting system, eliminating the need for a gearbox. Gearless traction
lifts are generally more efficient and require less maintenance than geared traction lifts.

The control system of a traction lift manages the operation and safety features of the elevator. It includes
buttons or a control panel inside the elevator car for selecting the desired floor, as well as hall call buttons
on each floor to request an elevator. Safety features such as door sensors, emergency stop buttons, and
overspeed governors are also integrated into the control system to ensure passenger safety.Traction lifts
have become the standard choice for vertical transportation in modern buildings due to their efficiency,
smooth operation, and ability to handle heavy loads. They offer reliable and convenient transportation
for occupants, and advancements in technology have made them increasingly safe and energy-efficient.

J.N. Government Engineering College, Sundernagar

Project-II Synopsis March-June, 2023


“Design and 1927 - The Year That Set the Direction of Traction Lift Engineering for a Century” Jaakko
Kalliomaki. The later part of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century was a period of fast development
in the building and industrial sectors. As construction techniques improved and buildings got taller, so did the
demand for higher lift travels. The USA had assumed a leading position in the construction of tall buildings,
and it was only logical that the Americans were also in the forefront of lift engineering. A key paradigm shift
was the transition from drum lifts to traction lifts, which changed the lift industry as profoundly as the
invention of the safety gear a half-century earlier. The transition to traction lifts had an impact on the way lifts
were engineered and there was a need to raise awareness of these new engineering principles. A book by F.
Hymans and A. H. Hellborn “Der neuzeitliche Aufzug mit Treibscheibenantrieb” (The modern elevator with
traction sheave drive) rose to the occasion and became a cornerstone for lift engineering for decades. The book
is not without shortcomings though. As the writers were working for Otis, revealing the full extent of their
knowledge was not necessarily within their interest. One can speculate that the motivations of two Otis
employees to write a book in German was not just raise the general level of knowledge, but also to advertise
the state of American engineering and to gain wider acceptance to their engineering principles to help the sales
of Otis products overseas.Already prior to the publication of Der neuzeitliche Aufzug, the benefits of traction
lifts had been seen in Germany. To study some of the key engineering problems, a doctoral dissertation was
launched in the Technical University of Karlsruhe. One of the supervisors was Dr. G. Benoit, who was an
influential figure in the German lift association at the time. This dissertation by H. Donandt was published at
the same time as Der neuzeitliche Aufzug and addressed some of the same topics as Hellborn and Hymans,
but without the ulterior motives of a commercial nature. Donandt’s publication has had much less recognition
than his American counterpart but some of his conclusions have had long lasting implications. In the
introduction of Der neuzeitliche Aufzug it is mentioned that traction sheave lifts were first introduced in the
American market circa 1890, but at that time they could not compete with drum type lifts due to the double
wrap construction and lower market needs [1]. In an earlier article by Hellborn it is mentioned that “full-wrap
traction” had been used in New York skyscrapers for years and that “half-wrap traction” (single wrap) had
been found in England for a long time.The year 1919 is also referenced as a turning point from drum type to
traction type lifts.In his dissertation Donandt is making references to earlier publications concerning Koepe
hoist . The Koepe hoists are used in the mining industry and are also based on the traction sheave principle.
The Koepe hoist had been patented in many European countries in 1887 however, the traction sheaves with
wood and leather inserts used in Koepe hoists made the design unfeasible for lift applications.

Although a lot of proprietary experimental data must have been available in 1927, a theoretical basis was
needed quantify the traction capacity. This was the problem that Hymans, Hellborn and Donandt set out to
resolve1 . Attention was especially paid to the single wrap configuration where traction is not so abundantly
available, and to the relatively novel undercut rope groove design. The most well-known of the three authors
is undoubtedly Frederick (Fred) Hymans and his biography is well covered in two articles by Gibson. Here it
suffices to say that Hymans made an extensive career in OTIS and American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME), published two books in addition to the Der neuzeitliche Aufzug, wrote several articles published in
ASME Transactions and within OTIS internally and participated actively in overall technical discourse during
the first part of 20th century. Less is known about Hymans’ co-writer Axel Hellborn. Based on Gray he appears
to have only made a short career in OTIS, but it is worthwhile to notice that the article that predates Der
neuzeitliche Aufzug was written solely by Hellborn, albeit he gives credit to Hymans in one footnote. Later –
after the Second World War - Hellborn was contracted by the Finland Industry Delegation War Compensation
(Soteva) to rationalize industrial production across multiple companies (incl. KONE), to improve Finland’s
ability to meet its obligations to the Soviet Union , but there are no records of his involvement in lift
engineering since Der neuzeitliche Aufzug.

J.N. Government Engineering College, Sundernagar

Project-II Synopsis March-June, 2023

Development of prototype machine brake and car safety gear testers for traction lift systems Albert” T
PK Lam ,Andy CT Kong, Jeff H. This paper presents the design and experimental findings for the proof-
of-concept prototype machine brake and car safety gear testers with the aid of sensors for monitoring the
real-time variations of brake lining temperature, brake solenoid current, vibrational patterns of brake arms
and safety gear to detect symptoms of abnormalities. The prototype serves as a trial for demonstrating an
alternative faster means to monitor and test emergency safety devices, supplementing the current trade
practice on overhaul maintenance works twice a year as per manufacturers’ guidelines. The machine brake
tester is capable of detecting abnormality in the braking system by monitoring the temperature of the brake
linings, the current through the brake solenoids, the action of the brake arms after the current is energised
and de-energised, and most important the acceleration patterns of the brake arms which can give hints on
the health of the brake plunger and the spring. The proposed “braking energy” with other raw data could
give a simple benchmarking parameter for maintenance staff to quickly find out whether there is any fault
with the braking system because it is unreasonable to expect maintenance technicians manually and visually
do further analyses of the acceleration patterns on site. For improving the current traditional testing method
on the safety gears with less mechanical pressure on both the jaws of the gears and the guide rails, the
method of no-load rated speed manual triggering of the overspeed governor could be considered, so that
no test weight and no adjustment of the rated speed are needed to facilitate more safety gear tests to verify
its functionality on a more frequent basis. The prototype has shown a good application potential as a quick
monitoring alternative to existing and new traction lift systems in order to further enhance the efficiency
of safety inspection for continual health check purposes. However, more on-site tests are certainly required
to verify the prototype system is accurate enough to be relied on. Further improvements on the prototype
such as an integrated assembly of sensors, the increase in the sampling frequency of the six accelerometers,
and an automatic generation of processed data are certainly necessary.

J.N. Government Engineering College, Sundernagar

Project-II Synopsis March-June, 2023


A Traction Lift, also known as an electric traction elevator, is a type of elevator system commonly used
to move people and goods between different places efficiently and safely. It operates by using electric
motors to move the elevator car up and down vertically along guide rails. As we know, there are a lot of
Traction Lifts that are available in the market and they are performing desired work effectively but their
initial coat and operating cost both are very high. This is major problem which arrives when a person go
to market in order to buy a traction lift. Even when a person want a taction lift for household purpose he
cannot afford it easily as its initial cost will we very high .So our major focus in this project is to make
a low cost Traction Lift, having all required qualities in it and also have all required safety features, so
that every person can afford it.

With this project We are aiming to solve this problem of high initial and operational cost of Traction
Lift and We are aiming to transport people or goods vertically between different floors of a building in
a safe, efficient and comfortable manner, ensuring the safety of passengers.We are also ensuring the
reliability of the Lift and that’s why we are using components which are made up of good and tough
material which can withstand the desired amount of load which we have specified in our project. As we
know nowadays Traction Lifts become very useful in our life as they help us to save our time by allowing
us to get things done in less amount of time, So their reach to every person is very important.

Ultimately the aim of development of any low cost Traction Lift should be to operate with minimum
energy, cost effective, environment friendly, can be operated with ease and can be deployed at any place
where it is needed. This will subsequently help the people to perform their desired work with this
Traction Lift in less amount of time and of course will help in the economic growth of the country.

J.N. Government Engineering College, Sundernagar

Project-II Synopsis March-June, 2023


The objectives of the project work are:

➢ The utmost priority is to ensure the safety of passengers using the lift. The design should
incorporate safety features such as emergency brakes, and smooth operation to prevent accidents
or injuries.
➢ The lift should efficiently transport passengers and goods between floors in a timely manner.
The design should consider factors such as speed, acceleration, and deceleration to optimize
travel time.
➢ The fabrication of the lift should utilize high-quality materials and components to ensure
durability and long-term reliability. Regular maintenance and inspections should be feasible to
keep the lift in proper working condition.
➢ The design should strive for energy-efficient operation, minimizing power consumption without
compromising performance.
➢ Overall, the objective of the design and fabrication of a traction lift is to create a reliable, safe,
and efficient transportation system that enhances the functionality, accessibility, and comfort of
a building.


The following facilities are required for the execution of the project:
1. Electric Hoist Machine.
2. Bearings.
3. Iron Rods having cross section of (3 * 2.5) inches.
4. Seat Belt.
5. Nut and Bolts.
6. Electric Wire.
7. Clamps.
8. Welding Equipments.
9. Iron Pipe of diameter 2.5 centimeter.
10. Grinding equipments.

J.N. Government Engineering College, Sundernagar

Project-II Synopsis March-June, 2023










In conclusion, the design and fabrication of the traction lift have been successfully accomplished,
resulting in a reliable and efficient vertical transportation solution. The project followed a
comprehensive design process, considering factors such as load capacity, speed, safety features, and
space constraints. The fabrication phase involved skilled technicians and engineers who constructed and
assembled the various components with strict adherence to safety standards and functional requirements.
Rigorous testing procedures were conducted to validate the lift's performance and safety, and any
identified issues were addressed and resolved. The completed traction lift is ready for installation and
integration into the target building or facility, contributing to improved vertical transportation and

J.N. Government Engineering College, Sundernagar

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