Nuclear Weapons

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Is the use of nuclear weapons ever justified?

Personally, I believe that the use of nuclear weapons is never justified

due to its various long-causing irreparable side-effects that it has on
plants, humans, animals, and many more. When using nuclear
weapons, there are huge risks of climate disruption with devastating
consequences, the world could fall under a nuclear winter, it could be
subject to deadly global starvation as a result of loss in agriculture, it
could have terrible effects of global warming and many more. For
example, since the United States bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for
many years, trees, grass, and flowers were not able to grow in
Hiroshima. This was because of the bomb’s radiation effects. The bomb,
which had an explosion equal to about 12.5 kilotons of TNT, destroyed
five square miles of the city's center and resulted in the deaths of an
estimated 120,000 people right after the explosion. Many people were
instantly killed by the explosion, while others later died from radiation
and burns. That was all from 1 nuclear bomb. Many innocent people
died, vegetation was severely impacted and the whole city was basically
leveled. This perfectly demonstrates the negative effects of nuclear
weapons. As Albert Einstein once said, "I know not with what weapons
World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with
sticks and stones.” Here he recognizes how the weapons used in World
War III will be so powerful that it will reset the world as a whole. I
believe that the United States, Russia, North Korea and all the other
countries developing nuclear weapons should stop and instead put their
time and money into other weapons that won't have the same negative
impacts on the world and won't ruin millions of people’s lives.

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