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Learning Experience 3: Do you brush your hair?

3.- Unscramble the phrases to make questions about the time

Activity 1: Expressing our daily routine we do the activities.

1.- Complete the activities. Then identify the verb.

Get dressed - comb your hair- take off your shoes- put on deodorant-
brush your teeth– clip your nails- put on your shoes- wash your face
2.-Read the examples and then make true sentences about you.

4.-Now answer the questions in pairs:

I get dressed before I
comb my hair.
I comb my hair after
I get dressed.
Marca con una “X” donde creas conveniente. Responde con honestidad las
Al desarrollar la actividad: No Sí, pero Sí Sí puedo y muy
necesito bien.
1 ¿Puedo responder
preguntas acerca de mi
rutina en inglés?
2 ¿Puedo elaborar
oraciones sobre rutinas
en inglés?
3 ¿Expreso oralmente el
tema y propósito del
audio escuchado?

You can do it!

How did you feel doing the activity?

What is the topic of the conversation?

______________________________________________ What did you learn today?

What is the purpose of the audio?

What was difficult for you?

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