2021 F.3 Final Exam ANS

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Final Examination 2020/21

Marking Scheme
Form Three Name:____________________
Time allowed: 1 hour 15 mins Class: F.3_____ ( )
Paper Total: 75 marks
Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (15 marks)
Choose the best answer for each question.
Put a for the best option of each question.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A     
B  
C     
D   

Section B: Fill in the Blanks (10 marks)

Fill in each blank with suitable word(s).
(1) CuS (6) calcium oxide/quicklime

(2) (NH4)2SO4 (7) acidic

Zn(OH)2 (8) ionic


(4) Iron(III) carbonate (9) duplet

Lead(II) nitrate (10) concentrated hydrochloric acid


Section C: Structured Questions (50 marks)


(a) It gives bluish green flame in flame test. [1]

(b) Carbon dioxide[1]

(c) To ensure all the sulphuric acid has been used up // To ensure excess powdered malachite has
been added. [1]

(d) By filtration[1] (Not accept: filter paper)

(e) Dip a glass rod to the solution and take it out of the solution. If the immersed end of the glass
rod turns cloudy [1], the solution is saturated.

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(f) To remove water soluble impurities [1]and prevent the loss of products as copper(II) sulphate
is soluble in water. [1]

(g) Dry by using filter paper / oven. [1]


(a) Atom contains same number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons.

(b) Elements b,c and d [1]

(c) [1]

(d) It makes computer chips. [1]

(e) d and h // potassium and fluorine [1]

(f) They have stable electronic arrangement // They have octet structure. (Not accept : They are

(g) Element h should be stored in paraffin oil [1] to prevent reaction with air // it reacts with air
readily or vigorously.[1] (Not accept: It reacts with air)

(h) Add both metals into water. [1]

Element h melts into silvery ball // moves quickly on water surface with hissing sound //
burns with lilac flame while element f has no observable change. [1] This shows that element
h is more reactive than f.

(NOT accept using dilute acid as potassium reacts explosively with acid.)

(i) This is wrong as graphite is a non-metal which can conduct electricity. [1]




(a) Ionic bonds [1] and covalent bonds[1]

(b) Dissolve both samples in distilled water. [1]

Then add excess dilute nitric acid, followed by silver nitrate solution. [1]

Only ammonium chloride solution forms white precipitates. [1]

(c) Sublimation is a physical change because no new substances are formed. [1]

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(a) The limewater turns cloudy because insoluble calcium carbonate is formed. [1] When carbon
dioxide is bubbled in excess, calcium carbonate reacts with carbon dioxide and water to form
calcium hydrogencarbonate which is soluble in water. [1]

(b) Sodium and lithium belong to Group I and sodium is below lithium. [1]The reactivity of
Group I elements increases down the group [1]

(c) The relative atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the relative isotopic
masses of all the isotopes of that element. [1]


(a) Element Atomic number Electronic arrangement

of atom
W 7 (i) 2,5
X (ii) 13 2,8,3
Y 17 (iii)2,8,7
Z 20 (iv)2,8,82

(b) Two atoms of element W share (outermost) electrons in order to obtain stable electronic
arrangement. [1]

(c) Aluminum has a lower density (Not accept: lighter than )which makes it suitable for
overhead power cables. [1]

(d) (i) Electrolysis [1]of concentrated of sodium chloride solution gives element Y at the positive
terminal [1]

(ii)Element X turns moist blue litmus paper red and then white [1] because chlorine is acidic
[1] and has bleaching properties. [1]

(e) (i) colourless gas bubbles are given out. [1]

(ii)calcium + hydrochloric acid → calcium chloride + hydrogen[1]

(f) (i)


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Cl Cl



(g) Each atom Z loses / transfers two electrons to each W atom to form ionic bond. [1]


(a) Isotopes are different atoms of the same element with same number of protons but different
number of neutrons. [1]

(b) Let x% be the relative abundance of 20Ne.

20x% + 21 x 0.3% + 22 (1-0.3%-x%) = 20.19[1]

x= 90.35

y= 100-90.35-0.3 % = 9.35% [1]

(c) Period no. of Ne = 2[1] because it has two occupied electron shells. [1]


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