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Sy HKDSE CHEMISTRY ee ‘BOOK 18 MICROSCOPIC WORLD I 8. CHAN UNIT 5 ATOMIC STRUCTURE 1. Elerrent “Stable Mz An element is a ure, ce which canpot bs broken damp iniaepribing simpler by Stemical . Element can be divided into 3 groups 1) Metals, e.g. copper, silver, H, <= Molecule (eam) 2) g. oxygen, carbon, nitrogen 3) _Semi-metals (metalloids) e.g. boron, silicon. Hoe oxygen t Classification of elements: Properties Metals (Usually____ shiny Appearance Melting pointy High > bore. Low < love |___ Boiling point Electrical conductivity/ Good Poor Thermal conductivity \(except_graphite __) Malleability/ Malleable __ and__ductile [Usually brittle in solid state Ductility Sh db ah Mechanical properties |_Hard _and_ Strong Soft and Brittle (except diamond _) 2. Atom, molecule and ion Video: Basic Atomic Structure: PAwAmn\ Atom —- the smallest part of an element which has the properties of that element, Molecule --- the smallest part of an element or compound exist alone under ordinary conditions and still retain the ordinary chemical properties of that element or compounds. E.g. water, iodine and oxygen. Ton —- an atom or group of atoms having an electrical charge. Eg. Na‘, Cl, O*, SO.*, NOx, CO*. (Simple ion = ion from a single atom, Polyatomic ion = ion from a group of atoms) Anatom consist of three kinds of subatomic particles:__proton electron and neutron. Relative mass Position in the atom Inside the nucleus 1/1840 [Inside the nucleus 4 (Outside the nucleus {7 Sub-atomic Symbol] Relative charge particles +1 Proton P Electron € a 0 Neutron a For an atom is electrically neutral, the number of protons! atom should be __equal to that op electrons. Video: Atomie Number, Mass Number and Net Charge: ‘Atomic number (Z)—- number of __protons in an atom of the element, Mass number (A) —- number of __protons _ and__neutrons in an atom of the element, Number of electrons in neutral atom = atomic number Full atomic symbol mass number = _number of protons + number of neutrons. atomic number = number of protons Ezencive | = number of electrons _ of a neutral atom Lin te following table: 1 4 uz ye Pe Sn P) a | ino. of protons 2 50 a | no. of electrons 2 ea 0 | no. of neutrons 2 a al . Isotopes ‘Video: What are Isotopes? https:/www. youtube, com/watch?v=EboWeWmhsPs Isotopes are different atoms of the same element, with the same number of __protons (and electrons) but different numbers of __neutrons : Isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties because __ chemical properties depend on the number of outermost shell electrons Isotopes of the same element have the different __physical properties _—rbecause _they have. different masses : fle rehid. mem. 4 fe 2h E.g. Chlorine: C1 cI Carbon: Rg. ue Hydrogen: ___'H 2H 5. Relative atomic mass . >H Relative isotopic mass of an isotope of an element = the mass of the atom on the !2C = 12.000 scale. Relative isotopic mass = mass number. Relative atomic mass of an element = weighted average of the relative isotopic masses of its natural isotopes on the !2C = 12.000 00 scale. [Relative atomic mass= ___average of mass of an atom of the element Exeniod 1. Indium has two naturally occurring isotopes: indium-113 and indium-115. The relative atomic mass of indium is 114.8. Calculate the percentage abundance of each isotope. Lot the relative abundance of indium-113 and Relative atomic mass of indium = 114.8 = 9. xy + 115 x (100 - y) = — “ indium-115 be y% and (100 ~ y1% respectively. 13y + 11 500 - 115y 100 (1) ++ the percentage abundance of indium-113 is 10.0% while that of indium-118 is 90.0%. 2, Boron consists of two isotopes: T0B and ""B, The relative atomic mass of boron is 10.8. Calculate the relative abundance of the isotopes. " et the relative abundance of 8 isotope and "B isotope bey and (100 ~ yjx, "pectin 10xy+ 11x 100-y) ly, etative atomic mass of boron = 108=—————q99 1080 = 10 + 1 100 - 1ly y = 200 . the relative abundance of the ‘98 isotope is 20.0%. G. Electronic arrangement’ of am aborts ‘The electronic arrangement of an atom is the __distribution __of electrons in the various shells ofthe atom. ‘The maximum number of electrons in certain electron shell = _2n?__where nis the shell number, ‘Shell Number(n) _ | Maximum number of electrons 1 2 2 8 3 18 4 32 For potassium and calcium, the electronic configurations are not 2,8,9 for K and 2,8,10 for Ca. Instead, it is 2,8,8,1 for K and 2,8,8,2 for Ca. Electron Diagram Besides using notation, electronie configuration of atom an atom can also represented by symbol of the atom. Nucleus--- represented by the symbol of the atom Electron shells--- concentric circles Electrons--- dots or crosses (Exercise Draw the electronic diagrams of following atoms: 1. Helium 2. Oxygen 3. Chlorine 4, Potassium ® Bhe electronic arremgements of first 20 elements {” Atomic number Elements Symbol _| Electronic arrangement Hydrogen H 1 Helium He 2 Beryllium Boron 23 Carbon 2,4 Nitrogen 25 Oxygen 2,6 Fluorine 2,7 Neon 2,8 Magnesium Mg ‘Aluminium’ Al Dm Si Phosphorus P ‘Sulphur Ss Chlorine cl 28,7 2,88 Calcium Ca 2,8,8,2 Sgmbols for other useful elements Atomic number Elements Symbol 22 Titanium Ti 24 Chromium Cr 25 Manganese Mn 26 Iron Fe 27 Cobalt Co 28 Nickel Ni 29 Copper Cu 30 Zine Zn 35. Bromine Br 47 Silver Ag 50 Tin 53 Todine~ 78 Platinum 9 Gold 80 Mercury Textbook: p.30-33 Q. 22, Q.25, Q.26, Q.27, Q30 [ADDITIONAL NOTE | Aan atom consists of three types of subatomic particles — protons, neutrons, and electrons Particle symbol Relative mass Relative charge Position in atom Preton Pp l 4H in nudeus ‘Neutron, n 1 0 in nucleus 1 Electron € cae A spinning around ee nucleus In a neutral atom, number of protons = number of electrons Protons and neutrons form the nucleus of an atom. Electrons move around the nucleus electron cloud ~ > B protons and neutons “SY O P= Prion ina nucleus n= neutron FT ERTERAIVE Farrmene * 7 HKDSE CHEMISTRY BOOK 18 MICROSCOPIC WORLD | s.cuan _- UNIT 6 PERIODIC TABLE 1. Periodic Gable (Video: In periodic table, elements are arranged in order of ____inereasing atomic number ___= The vertical column in periodic table is called __group The horizontal row in periodic table is called __period _. are found on the left-hand side of periodic table. _Non-metals are found on the right of the periodic table. Semi-metals are found near the zig-zag line. ‘Elements in the same group have, similar chemical properties because they have the same number of outermost shell electrons : Physical properties of elements change across a period. Eg, 1) From left to right, size of atoms ___decrease __. 2) Melting point___ increases from Group I to Group IV and then __decreases from Group IV to Group 0. ‘Some groups have special names: (Group number Name I Alkali metals 0 ‘Alkaline earth metals Halogens Noble gases ‘The elements in between the main groups are collectively called ____transition metals 2. Properties of element in bhe save group 1. Group I element — alkali metals / (Video: https://www. v=" miitvsiCPe ) : 4) Elements: Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potasium (K), Rubidium (Rb), Caesium (Cs), b) They are all __soft__ and can cut with a knife, ; ©) They have __ low densities Lithium, sodium, potassium float on the water, 4) They all have relatively _low _ melting points and boiling point when compared with other ©) They are all __ reactive __ metals and must be stored in paraffin oil from reacting with air. 1) They all react vigorously with water to give __hydrogen_gasandan__alkaline solution 2) They all react with non-metals to form compounds called __salts _. Meta ‘0 prevent them h) The reactivity increase down the group. 2. Group II element --- alkaline earth metals (Video: https:/ ) Element: Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca). b) They are all __low densities. ©) They all have relatively __low __ melting point and boiling points when compared with other meal 4) They are all reactive metals and react readily with dilute hydrochloric acid to give hydrogen gas . ©) They are all react with non-metals to form compounds called salts. ) Thereactivity increase __ down the group. 3. Group VII elements — halogens (Video: ) a) Elements: Fluorine (F), Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Iodine (1). b) They are __& and __smelly ; ©) Theyare fairly soluble in water. 4) Their melting point and boiling points __ increase __down the group. ©) They are coloured. Halogen Colour State | Fluorine Pale yellow Gas | Chlorine Yellowish green Gas | Bromine Orange Liquid | Todine Black Solid 1) On adding sodium sulphite solution, aqueous solutions of halogens all turn to colourless. 8) Thereactivity decreases down the group. 4. Group 0 — noble gases (Video: Element: Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar). They are very __stable (unreactive). ‘The stability of noble gases can be explained by the __octet rule. The rule states that an atom is stable if it has eight electrons (_octet_ structure) in their outermost shells. The helium atom is also stable because it has one electron shell, which is completely filled with two electrons duplet structure). 3. Predicting chemical properties of an unfeamiliae element’ Exonied 1. Rubidium (Rb) and potassium belong to the same group in the Periodic Table. The relative atomic mass of rubidium is larger than that of potassium. a) Explain whether rubidium is more reactive than potassium. b) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between rubidium and water. (State symbols should be given.) ©) Suggest how rubidium can be stored safely in the laboratory. 4) Suggest ONE safety precaution for handling rubidium in the laboratory. (5 Marks) el HKDSE CHEMISTRY e BOOK 18 MICROSCOPIC WORLD I a.cuan UNIT 7 CHEMICAL BONDS 1 Conductors, Electrolytes amd Hon-Conducters Substances can be classified into three groups according to how they conduct electricity. + Conductors — substances which conduct electricity bu are not chemically changed during electrical conduction. « Electrolytes — substances which conduct eletcity in molten state or aqueous solution but notin solid state, and are decomposed during the conduction. + Non-conductors — substances which do not conduct electricity in solid, molten state or aqueous solution. 4} These categories of substances behave differently because different types of forces exist between their particles. The forces holding the particles together are called chemical bonds in chemical terms. Banton dd are oll be 7 toy o6ta_9.a me Electrolytes ee om 4 Electrolytes are usually compounds o' 4 Inthe solid form, electrolytes consist of ions (charged atoms or groups of atoms) held together by strong attraction and are not free to move. & When electrolytes are molten, the ions become mobile (free to move). 2. Inigectbion of coloured ions (Video: ) % Zine chloride is a compound made up of a metal (zine) and a non-metal (chlorine), Iti an electrolyte. “Light bulb lights up as there is __mobile ion 2 Cl atoms will join together to form Ck. Chis tosie!! 73 = Experiment 1: Migration ‘of Cu* and Cr07* ions ‘What isthe observation of the experiment? / Green ___ colour appears around the cathode (negative electrode). Orange __ colour appears around the anode (positive electrode) - What ions are responsible for the green and orange colour? The copper (Il) ion is responsible for the ereen colour, The dichromate jon is responsible for the orange colour. ~~ What happens to the ions when a current is Passed through the solution? ‘The copper ion move toward the anode and the dichromate ion move toward the cathode. Explain why the colours will deepen gradually asthe current continues to flow, More copper ion and dichromate ion more towards the anode and cathode, Then the colour will more. deepen, Experiment 2: The experimental set-up shown below is used to study the migration of ions, pone ny pean lost an apr apenas esate se sbioocaner |. Explain the observation and deduce whether eli power supply Hexaevanoferrate(I ions move towards clip Q and io Ll) ions move towards clip P. forming a blue compound. Thus. clip Q is connected to the positive terminal of the power supp! Por Qis connected to the positive terminal ofthe ly. 2. Why is the filter paper moistened with sodium sulphate solution? [emakes the experiment complete in short Detiod of time 3. Ienie bond In order to attain the stable noble gas configuration, metals trend to ___lose electrons to form cations (positive ions) while non-metals tend to ___gain electrons to form anions _ (negative ions). [An ionic bond is the strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions] An ionic bond is formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom (or group of atoms) to another. cation 31m] quien nanewetal © tT in ue \* sodium atom chlorine ator ‘sodium jon’ chloride ion fess the electron diagram of we SUS 2. Potassium oxide 2d) 26 + 1] (OT ARs D. Maggesium sulppide TED K20 (4. Calcium nitride bh 25 de iy eyper MyS CoN 5. Sogjun hydride 6. Boron chloride 4 Magnesium ‘Aluminium. Mg” on __ion Calciumion == Fe® =—_Iron(il) ion Zine jon Agr Silver ion Fe ——_Iron({l)ion Hydrogen Copperill) Nay Ammonium Pb® —_Lead(ll) ion ion Cur Copperiiyion Peace je charge icaatis aa ote Fluoride ion Oxide fon itride ion 7 a "Chloride ion S “Sulphide ion 7 Pepe ian Bromide ion SO, __Sulphite fon Sulphate ion Carbonate ion lodide ion Noy Nitrite ion NO; Nitrate ion — OH Hydroxide ion Heo, Mos Hso- Milos €r,0;2 Dichromate ion aubonate ion Mino, Petmangona (1) Most of the elements in Groups I, II and II have ions with charge equal to their group numbers. (+1, +2 and +3) (2) Most of the elements in Groups V, VI and VII have ions with charges equal to their group number minus eight. (-3, -2 and -1) (3) If the metal can form more than one value of charge, E.g. copper can form Cut & cu Name the cation as: copper (I copper (II) (a) Simple anions have names ending in ~ide. (6) Polyatomic anions containing oxygen often have names ending in -ate or ~ite, -ate : with more oxygen -ite : with less oxygen Eg. SO” _sulphate Nos _ S03” sulphite NO —. © Allionic compounds are neutral, so the number of positive charges must equal to the number of negative charges. Name the following compounds: (a) canon) @Fech (3) Fewos), Calcium nitrate Iron (Il) chloride Iron (Il) nitrate (@AnOs (s) Cuo (©) Cu0 Aluminium oxide Cupper (II) oxide Cupper (1) oxide “0 nfs oF 2.Give the ionic formula of the following compounds: ({) Potassium oxide |(2) Magnesium nitrate |) Copper (1) nitrate | K0 Mg(NOs)2 CuNOs Al (4) Calcium hydroxide (5) Iron (III) sulphate (6) Aluminium sulphide Ca(OH) | Fe2(SOa)3 AbS3 5. Inetellie bond Ina piece of metal, the outermost shell electrons of each atom are not held tightly to the nucleus, They are free to move randomly and we can, regard the mobile electrons as a ‘sea’ of electrons. The outermost shell electrons are said to be delocalized. [Metallic bond is the electrostatic attraction between the free electrons and the metal ions. ICAL QUESTIO! Textbook: p.106-109 Q. 25, Q.27, Q. 30, Q.31 HKDSE CHEMISTRY BOOK 18 MICROSCOPIC WORLD I aan UNITS COVALENT BONDING oomeation of Coveilenté bonds ae htt een ) Vii rent bond is formed when one or more pairs of outermost shell electrons are shared between two Acoval atoms. [i covalent bond is the stzone. direstionelelectrostatic:forsesiof attraction between the,shared electrons and the two positive For example: Chlorine gas Chlorine Molecular Formula: _Ch__ ‘Structural Formula: _CI—Ci__ _/lone pas of electrons 2,8,7 28.7 = a, 22. xx 22, » chlorine molecule rch + °C — xcce Bond pair electrons: The pair of electrons shared between two atoms. Lone pair electrons: The pair of electrons in the outermost shell that is not involved in bonding. Molecular formula: The chemical formula which shows the actual number of each kind of atoms in one molecule of the substance. Ch Structural formula: The formula which shows how the constituent atoms are joined up in one molecule of the substance. > cle For example: Oxygen gas seston + ©) . (} ~~ (Be } 26 26 2828 oxygen molecule 303 + 263363 For example: Nitrogen gas ‘ammonia molecule (a-N-#) H For example: Water OOO — EW water molecule (H-0-#) rample: Carbon dioxide For OOO - GB) carbon dio: xide molecule (O=C=0) Complete the following table with molecular formulae, 01 itermost shells only) and structural formulae of the fol cut ¢lectron diagrams (showing electrons in the llowing substances, ‘Molecular Formula Electron Diagram Structural Formula Pudrogen fluoride, soy HF liom tetnchlvide Phephrc tread, nd sticks represent bonds. alls represent ators 2 Ball-and-Stick Model : siving a beer idea of how cose together different toms aren moe Space-Filling Models: No sticks, Molecule of nonmetal —Hydiogen(H—H) Cerne (CIC Oxygen (O=0) | unite 3. GOW OM BD ee ae "1 ee ee Seed EE ee oy oe 4 i e ° ® . a a) 2 ewe e 3. Naming and predicting the formulae of covalent’ corrpounds 1. Give the name of the first non-metal in the chemical formula. Then add the name of the second non-metal, changing the ending of its name to ~ide. 2. There are some common covalent compounds with two different non-metals. The numbers) of ‘occurrence of the identical element(s) can be indicated by using prefixes such as: mono = one di=two tri= three tetra = four Eg. CO - carbon monoxide CO2 — carbon dioxide N204 ~ dinitrogen tetraoxide SCl2~ sulphur dichloride 3, Some covalent compounds generally called by Common Name: CHa NH3 1,0 Methane Ammonia Water "aing the formulae of covalent compounds Pred 7 a Compound formed | Compound formed Compound formed from carbon and | from phosphorus icon i sulphur and hydrogen chlorine oof lectons c 8 P H Si a recsedtoatzinthe | 4 2 3 1 4 1 nearest noble g8s | electronic structure. Determine the no. of 4 2 3 1 | vomsinamolecule | C +s ry 5 ma by cross-multiplying the umber. on Se | Ps Hs | sir Ch Combine the symbols and simplify the ratio cS PH SiCle if necessary. Exercise Complete the following table with names and molecular formulae of the covalent compounds, | Name Molecular Formula_ Name Molecular Formula cho) methane Diehlsride ove CHy HF ammonia | Paybrgen Haare NA, SOs sulphur dioxide Swi trait 30, NO nitrogen dioxide Mibogn fide, No, N204 dinitrogen trioxide Dirtboyor temonde N,0; 7 valent bond in which both electrons come from the same atom, ‘A dative covalent bond is a type of covalent ‘Occurrence of Dative Covalent Bonding Set “© One atom having a lone pair of electrons (LP) | Electron 38 —— ost shell to accept the ron-Pait Acceptor 4 A second particle having a vacant site in its outermost STS" Example: Dative Covalent Bon: Ammonium ion NHi* N28 2 Hoe H +" can be used to represent dative covalent bond. © Tail: Donor © Head: Acceptor Hydronium (Hydroxonium) ion HO" a a 6 os, : ay [6] — lap CG) Hydrogen on ee | Electron-Pair __Acceptor_ ‘Water molecule Electron-Pair _ Donor _ ds ¢ + BR ee a Bon H-O1y H if 4 grercise jete the following table with electron diagrams (showing electrons in the outermost shells only) and el formulae of the following substances, ruc Epenical Formula Electron Structural Formula BF:NH> | 0s | L J 5. Predicting ushether ionic or covellent compound is formed Particles present positive metal ions and a ‘sea’ of co metal > metallic bonding ———> delecalised electrons ——————_ @.g. magnesium molecules, | element | | | e.g. hydrogen | —* non-metal » covalent bonding ‘a network of covalent bonds linking atoms Serre {graphite and diamond) | {shite aed amon discrete atoms eee Particles present ‘oppositely charged non-metal L, + —+ covalent bonding — non-metal 4 a network of covalent = bbonds linking atoms e.g. silicon dioxide 6. Formula tnass and Relative tnclecular ass ~ Formula mass of a compound is the sum of the relative atomic masses (RAM) of all atoms in one formula unit of the compound. € (The compounds can be ionic or covalent.) + Relative molecular mass is the formula mass for a molecule. For an element or a compound existing as discrete molecules, the relative molecular mass (RAM) is the sum of the relative atomic masses of all the atoms which make up one molecule. ~ Both Formula Mass and Relative Molecular Mass have NO UNITS. Exenmplh Chemical | Atoms in 1 ] Element/Compound | Formula/ | Molecule/ | RAM Ce a Formula Unit | Formula Unit cone ™ 2N N=140 | Na | Na=230 230 Sodium chloride Nac ta | ci=3ss +355 S85 1c 1x 120 Carbon tetrachloride Cle 4a eassss = 1840

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