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-Performance Test: This test sets the best possible performance expectation under a

given configuration of infrastructure. It also highlights early in the testing

process if
any changes need to be made before the application goes into production.

-Load Test: This test is basically used for testing the system under the top load
it was
designed to operate under.

-Stress Test: This test is an attempt to break the system by overwhelming its

Test Plan: consists of all actions and components you need to execute your
performace test script

Test Plan:
- Thread Group (Users) -> set of threads executing the same scenario
- Samplers (config elements e.g. http requests)
- Listener (displays output for the load test e.g. graphs)

Blazemeter generates a test script which can be useed to exported into JMeter

-Thread Group:
Number of threads: number of users
Ramp-Up Period: How long it takes for all the users to be on the website
Loop count: Repeat the flow


-View Results Tree:

Interaction between server and JMeter

Checks to ensure Test have passed or failed
response code 200 -> Success
Response code 201 -> Error

-Aggregate Report:

Samples: Number of clicks of the specific requests from all users

Average: Average time for the number of clicks divided by the number of users to
give the average response from a request
Minimum: minimum time taken by a user to get a response
Maximum: maximum time taken by a user to get a response
Error %: the percentage of failed users
Throughput: The number of request that are processed per time unit by the server
(e.g. 72.3/sec meaning the server can handle 72 requests per second).
the greater the throughput, the better
90%, 95%, 99%: The maximum time in those percentage of users who took the longest
to get a response from the request

developers are able top tune the performace to increase the number of requests for
the server to handle with a specific amount of users

-Graph Results: tests against the response time

Deviation: deviation should remain low and stay in a constant line, if the
deviation increase upwards then there is inconsistancy within the data.
Throughput: When number of users are increasing the average response time also

throughput should not be decreasing and deviation should not be increasing

Average: the average time for the average response from a request. Deviation should
always be below the Average

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