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Units 1-3 1 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. @ My father bought a new suit at a bargain / discount. It was 10% off the original price. There are some great places to stay on a/ the west coast of Corfu. John always pays for his shopping by receipt / credit card. I can’t believe they've run out of bread at the buicher’s / baker's! What did you think of a / the food when you went to Mexico? The police flew over the city in a hovercraft / helicopter looking for the escaped criminal. meacgc The best way to see zebras and giraffes is to go on a eruise / safari in Africa Td love to act in the theatre, so I'm doing a course in drama / drawing. My professor / coach at the sports club is great. I'm really improving at tennis. j It’s cold outside - you should put on a necklace / scarf. (10 marks) 8 h i Complete the sentences with A, B or C. 1 Lalways cn clothes in the shop before I buy them. Atry Bwear Chave 2. Rosemary her driving test yesterday, but didn’t pass. Amade Bwent C took 3 Do you your homework at the same time every day? Atake Bmake Co 4, When he got home, Sam off his clothes and had a shower. Aput Bmade C took 5 Ifyou work with a computer, you should a break every hour. Ado Bmake Ctake 6 As soon as these old jeans ‘out I'm going to buy a new pair, Atake Bwear Cdo 7 Hurry up and dressed! The train leaves in one hour! Ado Bmake Cget 8 I'm an interesting course on the history of rock music. ‘Amaking Bdoing —C going (8 marks) apa Progress test 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 3 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous. a Danny usually (take) the bus to work, but today he (go) by bike. b Erica (travel) across India at the moment and she (not have) a phone with her, so we (not know) exactly where she is. ¢ What you (read) when I (walk) in? Was it a good book? 4 Timand Brian (not play) tennis. Look, they (sit) over there relaxing in the garden! e Yesterday, my neighbour (come) over to my house for dinner and (bring) me a bunch of flowers. (12 marks) 4 Complete the sentences with A, B, C or D. iy up early every day, even at weekends. Aget Beets Cisgetting Dare getting 2. The twins football when I saw them this morning. Aplay Boplayed C were playing —_D was playing 3 What was your sister at the wedding? Awear Bwears Cwore D wearing 4 When Sophie home last night, she went straight to bed. Aarrives Bisarriving Carrived —_D was arriving 5 My husband chocolate, but I love it! Adon't like Bdoesn'tlike Cisn’tliking _D aren't liking 6 We see Philippa these days - once or twice a year, that’s all. Asometimes Boften Cnever _D hardly ever 7 The toothpaste in the bathroom cupboard ~ can you find it? Ausually are bare usually Cusuallyis Dis usually 8 Sue has beautiful dresses, I'm sure she'll lend you one. Aany Blots Csome D much 9 Please don’t give me chips, I’m not very hungry. Amany Balot| Cmuch D number 10 Do you have time free this weekend? Asome Bmany Cseveral Da few (10 marks) 5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. a Were there many people at the festival? (lot) at the festival? b At the end of the film, several people started to cry. (number) At the end of the film, © [can only play a few tunes on the guitar. (many) on the guitar. 4 There aren’t many biscuits left in the packet. (few) left in the packet. e I don't have a lot of money with me. (much) I (10 marks) Units 4-6 1 Match the words below with the correct group a-j garden paw bat flat brillant ear romance hit basketball bedroom a hoof claw b thriller horror © rugby football d mouth eye © fantastic amazing f stick racket 8 kitchen lounge h patio balcony i house bungalow i kick throw (5 marks) 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the past simple, Present perfect or past perfect. al (live) in this house since June. I really like it here. b Andy didn’t buy the book because he (read) it before. Are you saying that you (not do) your homework yet? It's midnight! d We (take) lots of photographs at the wedding. Do you want to see them? € Iwas so tired that I went straight to bed after the film (nist). ( marks) 3 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences, Mary hasn't been to Australia yet / already but she plans to go there soon. Josephine celebrated with friends after / before she had passed her exams. ‘My brother is more intelligent than / that everyone in our family. ‘Who is the worse / worst swimmer in your class? Sam has just / already tried windsurfing, He did it two years ago and doesn't want to do it again! ‘My father has worked for the same company since / for thirty years. ‘Are you happier / more happier now that you've moved house? T haven't been on a picnic since / for I was ten years old! After / Before she had played tennis, Donna had a shower. Have you ever / yet been on a cruise? (10 marks) naoee a eee ajay Progress test 2 photocopiable © Oxford University Press 4 complete the sentences by adding suffixes or negative prefixes to the words in bt s in brackets. (expensive) restaurant so we can easily afford to go ther re a isan Heidi lives in a very (fashion) part of town wit ith great sh > ce film we sav was so (hore) that fell aseep! aan § sunbathing in Sweden in January is (possible). or pis story was SO (amaze) that I don’t believe it was true. you're such an (imagine) writer that you could do it professionall What a (wonder) day - it feels good to be alive! . hn The weather has been very (pleasant) this week, with rain every day This chair is 80. (comfort) that I could sit in it for hours. J Not everyone thinks history is an (interest) subject, but I love it. (10 marks) 5, choose the correct answer, A,B, Cor D. interesting people I've ever met. Cmuch _D the most the front door open when he set off for school. 1 Darren is one of ‘Amore B most didn't realise that he 2 Jack Aleaves Bhasleft Chadleft Deft 3 Where at the weekend? sadid you go Bhave you been Chad you gone have you gone 4. It’s the last minute of the match and my team has scored! They got the goal a moment ago! iAever Byet Calready —D just rve had this watch . sAsince July Bsince three months C for last week D for 1998 than my daughter. 6 My sonis Aaslazy Brmorelazier Cllaziest__D lazier 7 festival in my country takes place in Apri ‘Sige’ BThebigss, CoTheDiggest| D.Bigiee 3 when I got there, the boys everything. There was nothing left for me. Aate Bhaveeaten eat Dhad eaten wondered what it’s like to be an astronaut? B You ever have C Have you ever Have ever you A You have ever newspaper yesterday because I was too busy. 10 1 read a Adoesn't Badidn’t Chadn’t hasn't (10 marks) Complete the newspaper reports with the verbs below in the correct form. row save take do a give play win score hit cut th last night, Chelsea @ Arsenal. Both teams In an exciting football match the Arsenal goalkeeper (3) Q), three goals, but in the last minute, a penalty. In tennis, Wilson is the new champion after he @ the final at Wimbledon. the ball past his opponent, then © is On match point, he (5) racket into the crowd because he was so happy: Results of a recent survey show that nowadays more people (7) they (8) up sport. Many people (9) even more (10) up smoking alread} (10 marks) _ exercise and down on junk food and for the nation’s health. é Progress test 2 _—— y. It’s good news Nh Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Units 7-19 1 For 1-10 choose the Correct answer, A, 1 BorC. ‘Does this belong to yout’ ‘No, Ahis Bher C them 2 ‘Thate this film? ‘so Aare Bhate Cito Could you pass Ame Bmy Cmine ‘Tlove your new carpet’ “Yes. I's a Anice Bnew C green ‘Tve been to Paris.’ ‘Really? : ANor havel. BI haven't. € $011 have. ‘Are these your seats?" ‘No, these are : Aus Bour Cours “We aren't feeling tired at all’ ‘Neither : AamI Bfeltl C dot 8 Sally wore a long A beautiful B blue C cotton 9 I met one of Amine B your C theirs 10 It’s a Chinese _ handkerchief, Aold Blovely C silk (10 marks) it doesn’t. I's we.’ bag, please? big Turkish carpet Italian dress. friends in the shopping centre earlier. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or gerund of the verbs in brackets. a We've arranged (have) dinner at half past eight. b Don't you mind (get) up so early every dayr © You shouldn’t be worried about (tart) your new job. d_ I'm looking forward to (meet) your mum! fe. wish I was better at (swim) (5 marks) 3 Choose the correct modal verb to complete each sentence, You mustn’t / don’t have to swim in the sea near here, It’s You mustn't / needn’t bring a towel, we can lend you one, a very dangerous, Y " c I'm not sure what to do this evening, I may / can sta 4 e y at home and watch TY, * this evening. He isn't feeling well, and I can’t get to work David might not / could not come to the cinema late Thave to / ought to buy a new bike, Mine is broken (5 marks) al Progress test 3 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 4 Complete the sentences with the most Suitable future form, a The night train to Glasgow (depart) from tt pb Where's Pete? He isn’t usually late, 1 think I where he is. c Ican’t meet you in town today. 1 a. I've already decided what I e ‘I’mleaving now. ‘OK, I (5 marks) 5 Rewrite sentences a-e using the passive form, latform 4 at 8 pm. ~~ (phone) him and find out (have) lunch with my sister at midday, Gay) to Paula when I see her. 7 (see) you at the gym later, a They grow tropical flowers at the garden centre, ‘Tropical flowers Hb b They speak Spanish in many countries. ote na ; Spanis| ~ ~ in many countries. c Someone broke the window last night. The window .. last night, a They will build a new bridge over the river, “ Anew bridge - over the river. When did they find the dinosaur bones in the sand? When in the sand? (5 marks) 6 Read the text and for 1-10 choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D. It's difficult to say exactly when the guitar was (1) that are similar to guitars have been (2) However, many historians believe that (3) strings, appeared in the fifteenth century. If you are interested in (4) how to play the instrument in the traditional Spanish way, lessons (5) held at the College of Music, starting next Tuesday. ‘The two teachers, Adam Jones and Ana Teran, ate both famous guitarists. Adam performs Musical instruments for at least four thousand years, first real Spanish guitar, with six in concerts all over the world, and so (6) Ana. You (7) book in advance for these lessons as there aren't many places available. Anyone who ® booked will not be allowed to join, However, don't worry if you don’t get a place. We hope (9) further classes in the future. In fact, on May 10°, we (0) a guitar course for beginners at the college. 1 Ainvent —_ B invented C inventing D invents 2 Aplay B playing Cplayed to play 3.Aa B the Cany D some 4 Alearn —Blearned Ctolean — Dilearning 5 Aare B were Cwill D will be 6 Ais B does Chas Ddo 7 Aneedn't — B mustn't C could D ought to 8 Adoesn't B didn’t Chasn't ‘Daren’ 9 Astarting — Bstart Ctostart —_Dstarted 10 Ahold Bareholding Careheld Dare hold (20 marks) Units 11-14 1 Complete the sentences with A,B, Cor D. 1 We won't win the match we all try much harder. Aif Bunless Cthat Dthan 2. Jack didn’t have any money when he was young. Auseto Bused Cusedto Duse 3 I'm staying at home this weekend in order save money. Athat Bso Cfor Dto 4 Joe Kelly to be quiet. Asaid Btold spoke —D says 5 We worked really hard we could go home early. Asothat Binorder Ctothat D for 6 The boys worked as the girls. Abardas — Bharderthan Chard than _D harder as 7 Do you feel like going to the cinema a film? Atoseeing Bforsee Ctosee _D for seeing 8 What do if Susie wins the race? Ayou will Bdid you Cwillyou —D do you 9 Amy asked what on TV last night. Awehad watched B did we watch C had we watched —_D we have watched 10 If Josephine work hard, she won't pass the test. Adoesn't Bdidn't. won't D wouldn't (10 marks) Complete these conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. a Ifyou (freeze) water, it becomes ice. b If I were you, I (go) on holiday. c What Carrie (do) if she fails the test? d_ Ifyou don’t wash the car, I {not give) you any pocket money, e We (not use) so much electricity if you switched off the lights more often, f Jessica would do better at school if she (work) a bit harder, g We won't know what happens unless we (watch) the end of the movie! h Ifwe {not leave) soon, we'll miss the flight, iq i How much money you (earn) if you took that job? j. My father {not come) unless you tell him it’s important, (20 marks) 3 4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the sam: i ae werd 1 as the first. Write no more than a Jason plays football better than anyone else in his family. Jason is simon fs the fastest runner in my school football player in his family Nobody in my school cc Ruth doesn’t speak French as fluently as Harry. Simon. Harry speaks French 4. Caroline drives more slowly than Sue. Ruth, Caroline doesn’t drive e Henry is the best swimmer in my class. Sue. Henry swims eS in my cla: (10 marks) class, Rewrite sentences a-e using reported speech. a ‘Ididn’t steal the purse,’ said the boy. The boy said “I'm going dancing later,’ said my sister. My sister said c ‘Have you spoken to your teacher?” asked Emily. Emily asked us “Where are you going to university?” asked Matt. Matt asked me “Don't make so much noise!’ said their father. ‘Their father told (10 marks) c o For 1-10, choose the best answer, A, B, C or D. ‘The government has blamed the disaster climate change. Aon Bin Cat Dior 2 Tinsist paying for dinner! Aat Bfor Con Dabout 3. Please turn the light when you leave the room. Aoff Bup Coutof D from 4 Amy has given eating cakes because she’s on a diet. Aover Bin Cup Daway 5 Do you feel nervous the exam tomorrow? Aof Babout Cfor Don 6 There's no need to be frightened most spiders. Aof Bover Cfrom Dat 7 Could you pick my sunglasses? There they are on the table. Aoff Bover Cup Don 8 Amy doesn’t believe ghosts, hon | 6Bin =Cat §= Dior 9. We're hoping nice weather for out trip tomorrow. Afrom Bto Cat D for 10 The car’s almost run of petrol. Is there a garage near here? Aup Bover Coff Dout (10 marks) Progress Test 1 1a discount ae eins © credit card baker's ing in e the get up f helicopter safari Ito bea h drama ar i coach st next | seat 2 |. | ny SC 6B 7C 8B 3 a takes, is going ving b is travelling, doesn't have didn't don’t know ° ee © were... reading, walkeg dn't use aren't playing, are sitting h as he ur ort © came, brought 4 1A 20 3D 4c 55 6D 7D 8C 9A oa 5 a Were there a lot of people at the festival? b At the end of the film, a ‘umber of people started to cry. © I cant play many tunes on the guitar, 4 There are (only) a few biscuits left in the packet, I don't have much money with me. Progress Test 2 1a paw b romance ¢ basketball d ear e. brilliant f bat 8 bedroom h garden i flat i hit a have lived > had read © haven't done @ took © (had) finished et er that worst read a b ¢ a e © fot Pppiet & since tet jer inexpensiv 4 8 ashionable iD A Papossible amazing f imaginative gg wonderful t ‘unpleasant » Comfortable interesting ‘p20 3A 4D SA 5p 7c 8D 9C 10B 1 played 2. scored 3 saved 4 won 5 hit 6 threw ; 7 are doing / do / are taking / take 8. are taking 9. are cutting 10 have given Progress Test 3 11A 2C 3B 4A 5B 6C 7A 8B 9B 10C a tohave b getting © starting 4 meeting © swimming @ mustn't > needn't © may 4d might not © have to a departs > will phone © am having d e aM going to say Will see are grown is spoken ‘was broken will be built were the dinosaur bones found 6 1B 2C 3B ap 5p 6B 7D 8C 9c wR wane Progress Test 4 1 1B 2A 3D 4B sq 6A 7C 8C 9A WA 20a freeze b would go © will... do d won't give e wouldn't use £ worked 8 watch h dont leave i would ... earn j won't come 3 a the best D runs faster than more fluently than das quickly / fast as e better than 4 a (that) he didirt steal / hadn't stolen the purse b (that) she was going dancing later € if we had spoken to our teacher d_ where I was / am going to university © them not to make so much noise 5 1A 2C 3A 4C 5B 6A 7C 8B 9D WD

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