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v=Wr7Fc4cmyPU - DevOps interview warmup question

Prashant Tiwari
2 weeks ago (edited)
I went from doing manual testing for 4 years to DevOps Engineer job with 115%
salary raise all with just 7-8 months of self study. I followed following path in
the order mentioned:

1. Linux(CentOS 7) - learned all basic things needed and then kept learning more
with others which I learned down the line. for e.g I didn't learn about DNS,
nslookup until I worked with Route53 resolver. I had basic idea but there are lots
of things which I kept learning along with other things.

2. Python - Learned enough so that I can write a python script to read/write from a
file, send http requests, CRUD requests for REST API etc.

3. Ansible - Ad-hoc from command line, playbook, roles and maybe basic
understanding/difference between Ansible, galaxy and Tower.

4. Jenkins - Jenkins installation, creating jobs, creating pipeline, playing with

stages in pipeline, trying out a stage of pipeline in docker container.

5. Git - I started this later coz before I had enough basic knowledge to commit
and push the code but here I learned more about branching, merge conflicts, rebase.
I learned all this coz I failed in couple of interview due to lack of git

6. CI/CD pipeline - I learned the automating 2 flows with CI/CD pipeline

a. commit a code -> triggers the Jenkins pipeline -> pipeline stage 1 (fetch a
simple java code from git) -> stage 2 (build code with Ant and save artifact as jar
file) -> stage 3 (test code with junit) -> End of pipeline if every stages Passed.
b. commit a code -> triggers the Jenkins pipeline -> installs Ansible on server
-> Run ansible playbook -> playbooks fetches html file from git -> installs HTTPD
server -> moves the html file to location /var/www/html -> starts and enable the
server -> pipeline ends when result of a CURL command for the http://localhost:80
url is 200 OK.

7. AWS cloud - Basic stuff

8 Terraform to automate provisioning of cloud resources.

FINALLY GOT THE JOB at this position after learning above things.

NOW Learning DOCKER AND K8 after getting the DevOps job from testing job. Also, My
job is 100% remote so it is a added bonus. I have worked with docker before for e.g
using Jenkins image in docker rather then installing Jenkins from scratch on my
CentOS 7 server. is my personal website. You can get contact details

of mine on the website if wanted to know more about my journey.


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