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Table of Contents
Chapter one.....................................................................................................................................................4
1, introduction.............................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of CBE................................................................................................................................4
1.2 General objective of CBE.......................................................................................................................6
1.3 Objective of Community Based Training Program (CBTP)....................................................................6
1.3.1 General Objective of CBTP..............................................................................................................6
1.3.2 Specific Objective of CBTP..............................................................................................................6
1.4 Significance of the Study.......................................................................................................................7
1.5 Challenges faced during CBTP...............................................................................................................7
1.6 The Strength of the CBTP.......................................................................................................................7
1.7 Delimitation...........................................................................................................................................8
1.8 Bodies Involved In Mobilizing the Activities..........................................................................................8
1.9 Ethical considerations............................................................................................................................8
Chapter two.....................................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Methodology and design used during data collection...........................................................................9
2.2 procedures............................................................................................................................................9
Chapter three..................................................................................................................................................9
Data analysis and interpretation.....................................................................................................................9
3.1 Background of buyo kechema...............................................................................................................9
3.1.1 Economic Activity.........................................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Educational Status........................................................................................................................10
3.1.3 Marital Status...............................................................................................................................11
3.1.4.Language Spoken in buyo kechema..............................................................................................11
3.1.5 Religion of buyo kechema Society ...............................................................................................11

Chapter four:.................................................................................................................................................13
summary, conclusion, recommendation and action plan..............................................................................13
4.1 summary..............................................................................................................................................13
4.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................14
4.3. Action plan..........................................................................................................................................14
4.4. Recommendation...............................................................................................................................14

First of all, we would like to acknowledge both the CBE coordinators and the head
of our department for their assistance that they give for us in our working time,
which is important for us to achieve our ultimate objectives in the study.
Above all, we are indebted and beholden to our supervisors Mr. Ashenafi and Mis.
Yedenekush for them cooperation and giving a constructive comments and advices
as well as for initiation to being with us during our study by giving us general
guidance and direction or supervision on how we interact with the society that we
are dealing with.
In addition to this we didn’t forget the contribution of the Seka(buyo kechema)
community Officials for their cooperation starting from keeping our materials up to
giving the information about their background regarding the community overview
and the areal boundary of the town.
Finally, we would like to appreciate our respondents for their willingness to give
the information about their societal background and important data that exists in
their community.

Community based education (CBE) is means of achieving the educational

relevance to community needs and consist of learning activity that use the
community oriented education programmed to solve the problem in the society.
The community in different portion of the country has a number of problems. Thus
the main objective of (CBTP I) was to investigate the problems in community of
Jimma. The study was conducted on selected community of seka chekorsa woreda
the buyo kechema kebele which is found 13 km from Jimma town. It has been done
with the help of community based training program (CBTP) where students have
got a problem solving skills in the accomplishment of their under graduate studies.
Community based training program (CBTP) is a process by which problems of the
society is identified and resolved by different means .The data was collected using
the structural questionnaire survey from house to house and general to observe
and identify community problem.
Chapter one

1, introduction

1.1 Background of CBE

CBE is a short abbreviation of the term community-based education. The well
renowned slogan of Jimma University “we are in the community” inspired the
campus to prepare extensive projects like CBTP which primarily benefits the
community and creates a learning opportunity for students through practical
application of their theoretical knowledge. Community based education is an
educational philosophy that aimed at developing the future professionals with
problem identification and solving skills with positive attitude to serve the society.
Community based education (CBE) is a way of identifying community problem
remedy for developing possible action plan for identified problem and means of
achieving educational relevance to community-oriented problem. It consists
learning activity that use the community extensively as learning environment in
which students, teachers and member of community and other concerned body
actively participate throughout educational experience.
Community based training program helps students to learn more about the
society’s culture, religion, values and tradition. It also creates among participant
students to see social structure, political system, economic status and legal affairs
of the people. Moreover, the university (JU) developed CBTP because
participating in it helps to build efficient students by making the students learn how
to collect data and how to analyze and interpret the collected data. The other reason
for the university to give more attention for CBTP is while conducting it students
will be able to figure out the problem of the society and seek out possible solution.
Generally, CBE is an educational philosophy that aimed at developing future
professional with: -
 Problem identification
 Solving skill with positive attitude to serve the community
Strategies of CBE are; CBTP, TTP, SRP and DTTP.

1. CBTP: Community based team training program starts from year one until C2
for medical students which is sequential and spiral form. Each phase has
specifically defined educational objective.

2. TTP: Team training program is the part of CBE that is offered for senior
graduating class of students including medical interns and other health
professionals. During TTP graduating class students will be assigned together in
different health centers; assessing problems of the particular community and
diagnose health and health related problems, plan together, conducting
interventions and evaluate whether the problem is improved or not according to
the plan

3. SRP: Students research project is a project that can be carried on by the

graduating students independently as a requirement of graduation

4. DTTP: Refers to developmental team training program meant for post

graduates or master students in which they are assigned in a certain community
and carry out developmental activities by identifying key problem and solving
the problem by mobilizing and involving the community in the area

1.2 General objective of CBE

Produce competent professional who responsive to the field needs of the
community through development approach and conceder to improve the live hood
of society by employing the community and stake holders in community
Produce professionals who are socially accountable & ensure lifelong in the
community through integrating training service and research in the community.
1.3 Objective of Community Based Training Program (CBTP)
CBTP has its own general objective and specific objectives.
General objective of CBTP is to access and analysis the major factor that
affects the community.

1.3.1 General Objective of CBTP

 To observe community and identifying their problem by conducting
socio-demographic survey
 To work with the community with great convection
 To encourage and develop the habit of working cooperative by team.

1.3.2 Specific Objective of CBTP

 To take a plan of action to solve at least one of the prioritized
community problem.
 Encourage the member of community to develop their own traditional
culture, value, believes, customs and their past history.
 To appreciate the culture of working on their own identity and
 Examining identifying and prioritizing the problem of the community

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study has different purpose for community and for student. Because the
student and the community were shared so many kinds of experience in the study.
For example:-
 It helps the student to understand and know about the community well.
 It enhances the student knowledge how to collect, analysis, and
interpreting the collected data.
 It improves problem solving capacity of the students.
 It contributes the mutual understanding and sprit of team work between
group members.
 It helps the students to know the existing problem in the community and
putdown in the possible solution to solve the problem.
1.5 Challenges faced during CBTP
There are many limitations & challenges during this program in the study area. We
are challenged in many ways during the time of our journey and at the time of
work. These contests influence us from the program perfect implementation are:
 Communication barrier (way of approaching the society) People (the
society) consider us (the students) as political information gatherers.
 Some people don’t tell the exact value on questions. There is shortage of
necessary documented background information about the study area.
 Their belief that it is only beneficiary for students. Their lack of feedback
from concerned body.
 Unwillingness of the officials to tell the exact information due to different
attitude and answering the questions positively
 The kebele officials absense in hours.
 Students are ashamed communicating to us.
1.6 The Strength of the CBTP
As strength for the success of our mission we get different facility from different
sectors and individuals that enables us to identify the problem. Among those
facilities: Transportation services. CBTP materials such as: basic needs like: food
and water. Presence of orientation providing agent. Also the group works
1.7 Delimitation
Our study is delimited in Oromia region, Jimma zone, seka woreda buyo kechema
kebele. To identifying the problem of the society and find the solution of their
problem in the following year listed in our action plan.
1.8 Bodies Involved In Mobilizing the Activities
Different bodies have taken part in the data collection materials supplement, in
giving advice and in mobilizing us to the total implementation of our activities.
These bodies were:
 CBE office- in giving orientation about how to act by giving us ,
transportation and other necessary things.
 Supervisors: they did a great contribution in giving advice and ordering us
what to do, and finding possible solution and new idea to the difficulties
faced us during our work
 Kebele administration and the community: the Kebele administration has
also helped us by giving general information about the boundary and
facilities found the community area.
 School directors and teachers:they gave us many information about students
and their parents behavior and students academic performance.

1.9 Ethical considerations

 Official letter from Community Based Education office of Jimma University
was sent to the kebele. Then based on the letter written consent was obtained
from kebele before the commencement of data collection and verbal consent
was obtained from each respondent. Permission of the Kebele leaders was
secured through Subjects was clearly told about the benefits and harms of
participating in the study through a two-way communication. Consent of
subjects was secured before the initiation of data collection and subjects were
assured about the confidentiality of the information they gave. To maintain
confidentiality the names of subjects were not registered on the questionnaire.
 During the time of our study we faced with different conducts. Among those:
some people are impolite to tell us the true information , besides they refuse to
tell their name by assuming our work as one aspect of political agenda. In
contrast some people gave respect for us with positives reaction they gave us a
seat in their house and treated us well.

Chapter two

2.1 Methodology and design used during data collection

There are different types of data collection methods. Among those methods of data
collection highly we use the qualitative methodology because our aim is to get
primary data and original information from the society.
Among the qualitative methods specifically we use observation, interview and
close ended question for data collection because there is specific question given by
our supervisor. All data we collect is from the society of buyo kechema kebele and
different government officials
2.2 procedures
 The questionnaires are prepared by us.
Next these questionnaires are personally addressed to the participants.
Consequently the data are gathered from the participants.
 Finally, the data is well analyzed and made sense for the action plan development in phase

Chapter three
Data analysis and interpretation

3.1 Background of buyo kechema

Our study area is buyo kechema kebele which is one of the kebeles that found in
seka wereda.. The town bounded by different neighbor towns for instance some of
the neighbor towns are kofe kebele in east, handode allaga and gibe boso in west,
doyo bikila in north, kusaro dabo gibe dabo yahiya in south.
All part of the town is covered by green plants such as, chat, avocado, and other
forests. This town is 13 km far from Jimma and 310km from Addis ababa.
According to the information that we have got from the kebele officials the total
number of the population of buyo kechema kebele is approximately to 8947
population.Buyo kechema kebele has temperate(wionadega)climate condition with
an altitude of 1817m above sea level.

3.1.1 Economic Activity

The major economic activity of buyo kechema kebele was dominated by traditional
agriculture which is mostly produces cereal crops like maize,teff,sorgum and
different plantation like coffee,abukado, khat and other friuts and vegetables like
orange,banana,mango,tomato potato . And agriculture is the main eonomice
activity of the society.
3.1.2 Educational Status
It is obvious that education is a means for the development of the politics, social
values, cultural and economy of one society. As we have inquired and gathered
information from kechema primary school.
The diagrammatical representation of number of male and female students that are
attending the elementary school in specifically is shown as the following with
their total number of male and female.
Sex Number
Male 242
Female 207
Total 449

The diagrammatical representation of number of male and female staff that are
found in the kechema elementary school is shown as the following with their total

Sex Number

Male 8

Female 24

Total 32

3.1.3 Marital Status

The majority of family head is married and living with their family.
3.1.4.Language Spoken in seka
Language is a means of communication that is used to transfer messages from
people to people and also transferring cultural background, history of one person,
value, way, of life and different customs from generation to generation.All most all
of buyo kechema kebele society mainily use Afan oromo as theirfirst language
due to all of the population of seka wereda were Oromo nation and the strategic
location of the town is in the Oromo region and it’s also there official language and
all of students in kecehma elementary school under take their education by Afan
Oromo and they use amharic as second language in this wereda.
3.1.5 Religion of seka(buyo kechema) Society
Religion is the way of expressing the unity of one society and it is expressed as
social glue. Religion has also its own contribution in the social, cultural and
political interaction of one society.It also helps to increase the habit of helping
each other, especially poor and disable peoples exist in their locality are helped by
the mean of praying to the God (by the means of religion ).
The Majority of these kebele societies are Islam (Muslim follower) and there are
around 11 mesjids, therefore Muslim religion is the most dominated one.
Orthodox, are also somehow available in this society and there is 1 church , they
are living together peacefully and respectfully by the culture of tolerance exist in
this community.

3.2 major problems prevailing in the community

Accordingly we have planned to solve some problems of the community of this
kebele.Among the problems:

-drug addiction

-students loss of confidence

-Lack of resources in library

-Environmental and cultural factors

-Economical problems of students and parents

-Infrastructure problem

-peer pressure

-Lack of educational psychology in teaching learning process

-In the school there is no security and there is punishment problem

-hiding of persons with disability

Chapter four:
summary, conclusion, recommendation and action plan

4.1 summary
CBTP, Community Based Training Program, is a branch of community-based
education (CBE) uniquely practiced in Jimma University. This program
benefited both the students and the society. CBTP help the students to gain
practical knowledge other than the academic one. Community based training
program is one of the problem-solving techniques that designed to benefit the
community and students. CBTP phase I consists an important procedure which
is a great input for CBTP phase II in identification of the community’s problem
and ordering it. CBTP have been developed for the purpose of improving
communities’ problem by

 Direct observation and collection of data from the community

 Organize and analyze the collected data and
 Presentation of the organized and analyzed data for future intervention
Generally, CBTP for its more important program carried out by preparation of
training program for the community and demonstration site for new technologies
in comfortable place and/or situation

4.2 Conclusion
To conclude our idea we, group one members found many problems which highly
hinder the activity of the people in taking part on the development attempts of
buyo kechema kebele.
Finally, we prepared an action plan on CBTP phase 2. An action plan that we
prepared to solve at least one of the societal problem is not only by our group
members. For the success of this action plan that we have planned on CBTP phase
2 needs the active involvements of members of the community of buyo kechema
kebel, the members of our groups,school teachers ,school manager and kebele
4.3. Action plan
As we explain earlier the people of seka(buyo kechema)kebele have many
problems .our main intention of this study is to identify problems and to give

The action plan we are going to follow is:-

-giving counseling service

-awareness creation in the community

-teaching about the side effect of the addiction

-Creating awareness especially on children

-telling them to have a discussion wirh their parents teachers

-giving training

We have seen different problems of the people of seka town. Identifying problem
alone is not useful until some solutions are forwarded for the problem. Some
problem can be solved easily while others are very difficult for us. Therefore, we
will try to solve some problems and informing other problem to concerned body.
We believe some of the changes will come to reality in phase two.

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