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Environmental Technology

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Treatment of galvanic effluent through

electrocoagulation process: Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni removal
and reuse of sludge generated as inorganic

Bruno Matheus Favero, Ana Carolina Favero, Daniela Coelho da Silva,

Patricia Hubner, Fernanda Siqueira Souza & Janice Botelho Souza Hamm

To cite this article: Bruno Matheus Favero, Ana Carolina Favero, Daniela Coelho da Silva, Patricia
Hubner, Fernanda Siqueira Souza & Janice Botelho Souza Hamm (2021): Treatment of galvanic
effluent through electrocoagulation process: Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni removal and reuse of sludge generated
as inorganic pigment, Environmental Technology, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1916089

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Published online: 21 Apr 2021.

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Treatment of galvanic effluent through electrocoagulation process: Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni

removal and reuse of sludge generated as inorganic pigment
Bruno Matheus Faveroa, Ana Carolina Faveroa, Daniela Coelho da Silvab, Patricia Hubnerc, Fernanda
Siqueira Souzaa and Janice Botelho Souza Hamma
Master in Environmental Impact Assessment, La Salle University, Canoas, Brazil; bLaboratory of Soil Analysis, Federal University of Rio Grande
do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; cAnalytical Centre of Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,


Galvanic effluents are composed of a wide range of heavy metals, requiring adequate treatment to Received 26 September 2020
remove these contaminants and to meet the limits established by environmental agencies. Accepted 5 April 2021
Considering this aspect, the present study had as main objectives: (i) to evaluate the efficiency
of the electrocoagulation (EC) in the treatment of a galvanic effluent, with the purpose of Electrocoagulation; iron
removing total Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni and (ii) reuse the sludge generated for inorganic pigment electrodes; inorganic
production. EC tests were carried out through factorial design 23 with triplicate central point. pigment; sludge reuse;
pH (3, 7, 11), reaction time (15, 22.5 and 30 min) and current density (10, 17.5 and 25 mA/cm2) heavy metals removal
were the control variables. Under ideal experimental conditions (pH 7.00; t = 22.5 min and DC =
17.5 mA/cm2) were removed 96.94% of Mn, 97.63% of Cu and 99.99% of total Cr and Ni,
allowing to meet the limits provided in CONAMA Resolution 430/2011. The production of
inorganic pigments from a mixture of 10% sludge (generated in the ideal experimental
condition) and Al2O3 and TiO2 proved to be technically viable. It was obtained 8.27 g of a
brown inorganic pigment, composed mainly of Al1.82Cr0.18O3, Ca0.999(Ti0.805Fe0.201)O2.899 and
Fe2.18O4Ti0.42. Therefore, the results obtained demonstrate that EC is an effective technique in
galvanic effluents treatment. The sludge generated in this process showed to be appropriated
to be reused in inorganic pigment production and could be considered as an alternative to
reduce the environmental impact related to electroplating process.

CONTACT Bruno Matheus Favero Master in Environmental Impact Assessment, La Salle University, Victor Barreto Ave., 2288,
Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul 92010-000, Brazil
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Introduction Overall reaction:

Electroplating is an industrial process characterized on 4Fe(s) + 10H2 O(l) + O2(g)  4Fe(OH)3(s) + 4H2(g) (8)
the deposition of a fine layer of one metal on another
metal or material through electrolytic process, to
After the formation of Fe(OH)2 and Fe(OH)3 coagu-
provide the surface of the manufactured product with
lants (through mechanisms I and II), the successive
various properties and attributes, such as corrosion pro-
stages of destabilization of contaminants, suspending
tection, enhanced surface hardness, colour, aesthetics
particles and breaking of emulsions begin; and the
and value addition [1,2]. This activity involves alkaline
aggregation of the destabilized phases to form flocs
cleaning, acid pickling, plating, and rinsing and as such
[14], allowing heavy metals removal.
generate large volume of untreated wastewater [3,4].
EC process inherits the advantages of classic chemical
Due to its composition, that include a wide variety of
coagulation (CC) and overcomes many key problems in
heavy metals [5], electroplating wastewater is con-
its practical application such as large sludge production
sidered extremely toxic.
and high operating cost [15]. According to Govindan
With greater quantities of wastewater being pro-
et al. [16], the EC process does not require the addition
duced, and increasingly stringent regulations governing
of chemicals and is characterized by the ease operation,
wastewater discharge, there is a growing need for more
short reactive retention time and low operational cost,
efficient and cost effective methods to remove heavy
being considered an economic treatment when com-
metals [6]. In this context, electrocoagulation (EC) has
pared to CC, according to the studies by Bayramoglu
been identified in recent studies as a promising tech-
et al. [17] and Akbal and Camci [18]. Bayramoglu et al.
nique for removing heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu,
[17] carried out the treatment of a textile wastewater
Fe, Ni and Zn, contained in effluents from different
through EC (with iron electrodes) and CC (using FeCl3.-
sources [7–11]. EC method is based on the application
6H2O and Fe2(SO4)3.7H2O coagulants) with costs of
of a potential difference in the sacrifice electrodes,
0.25 $/m3 (EC) and 0.67 and 0.75 $/m3 (CC). Akbal and
which favours anode oxidation reactions (metallic ion
Camci [18] identified that the operating costs of a
dissolution into the aqueous medium) and cathode
metal plating effluent treatment through EC (with iron
reduction (formation of OH− ions and H2 gas). For iron
electrodes) and CC (using FeCl3 coagulant) were,
electrodes, reactions that occur at the anode and
respectively, US$ 0.59/m3 and US$ 0.86/m3.
cathode can develop through two mechanisms,
Despite the benefits of the EC technique, there are
described in Equations (1)–(8) [12,13].
several key parameters that influence the performance
Mechanism I:
of this process efficiency in removing metal ions [19].
According to Hakizimana et al. [20], operating conditions
− (such as current, operation time, wastewater pH, alka-
Fe(s)  Fe2+
(aq) + 2e (1)
linity, conductivity, among others) affect EC effective-
− ness, and should be considered when applying this
(aq) + 2OH(aq)  Fe(OH)2(s)
Fe2+ (2)
process. The analysis of the interactions between the
Cathode: operational parameters has been carried out through
experimental design methodologies, to discover an
2H2 O(l) + 2e−  2OH−
(aq) + H2(g) (3) optimum operating condition with a minimum
number of tests [8]. In this context, factorial design of
Overall reaction:
experiments has been extensively used to process devel-
Fe(s) + 2H2 O(l)  Fe(OH)2(s) + H2(g) (4) opment and optimization because it allows the simul-
taneous analysis of the effects of many process
Mechanism II: variables at different levels as well as their interactions
Anode: [21]. Recent studies have applied experimental design
− methodologies to real or artificial industrial effluents
4Fe(s)  4Fe2+
(aq) + 8e (5)
treatment, either through electrocoagulation [22–24]
or through other techniques, such as adsorption/bio-
(aq) + 10H2 O(l) + O2(g)  4Fe(OH)3(s) + 8H(aq)
4Fe2+ (6) sorption [25–27].
The sludge generated after the treatment of galvanic
effluents through EC process is classified as a Class I
8H+ −
(aq) + 8e  4H2(g) (7) hazardous waste, according to NBR 10004 [28], which
prevents its direct disposal in the environment. As a

result, it is necessary to dispose this sludge in licensed Experimental conditions of the EC tests were estab-
landfills, generating extra costs for industries and lished through factorial design 23 with triplicate central
making it impossible to reuse the metals contained point. Control variables were pH (3, 7 and 11), reaction
therein. An alternative for the reuse of galvanic sludge time (t) (15, 22.5 and 30 min) and current density (DC)
is the production of inorganic pigments, substances (10, 17.5 and 25 mA/cm2), chosen according to the adap-
that develop colour in organic solids such as ceramics tation of the methodology proposed by El-Taweel et al.
and glazes, and are usually a complex mixture of [34], Khan et al. [35] and Vignesh et al. [6], respectively. 1
oxides, and relatively low-cost [29]. Studies have mol/L H2SO4 (Neon) and 1 mol/L NaOH (Dinamica) were
shown that the use of galvanic sludge in the production used to initial pH adjustment. The response variables
of inorganic pigments is feasible, obtaining pigments obtained were the removal percentages of total Cr, Cu,
with a pattern similar to the industrial one [30,31]. Mn and Ni, determined after the analysis of treated
Further research required for EC treatment process effluent samples. Pareto graphs were obtained using
involve more extensive studies in the fields of process Statistica® 10.0 software. Statistical validation of the
optimization, modelling, scale up and process inte- results was performed through ANOVA test (95% confi-
gration, in order to prove the reliability of this technol- dence level).
ogy for efficient large scale wastewater treatment [19].
The efficiency of the EC technique in the treatment of Determination of total Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni
galvanic effluents has been demonstrated in recent concentrations
studies [9,32,33]. However, few studies address in the lit- Total Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni concentrations in raw and
erature the simultaneous removal of Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni treated effluent were determined through the 3120 B
from a real and concentrated galvanic effluent, using method (ICP – Plasma Inductively Coupled), using an
the EC method (with iron electrodes), as well as the optical emission spectrometer with inductively coupled
proposition of an alternative for the reuse of solid plasma (Agilent, 710 Axial) and nitric-perchloric diges-
waste generated in the EC process. In this context, the tion of the samples [36], with HClO4 (Moderna) and
present study had as main objectives: (i) to evaluate HNO3 (Anidrol). Removal percentages were calculated
the efficiency of the EC process in the treatment of a gal- according to Equation (9).
vanic effluent, in order to remove total Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni and
[Ci ] − [Cf ]
(ii) reusing the sludge generated in the EC process as an Removal(%) = × 100 (9)
[Ci ]
inorganic pigment.
where [Ci] is the initial concentration and [Cf] represents
the final concentration of the chemical element in the
Materials and methods sample.
Production of inorganic pigments
Raw galvanic effluent evaluated in this study was gener- Inorganic pigment was produced in brown colour, using
ated from chrome plating spent baths, performed by a 10% galvanic sludge (obtained in the ideal treatment
metal-mechanic industry located in the south of Brazil. condition). The sludge was previously oven dried
The effluent was kept in a closed plastic gallon (15 L), (Quimis, model Q-314.D242), at 150°C, for a period of
at room temperature (9–15°C) during the tests. 12 h. Drying temperature was based on the method-
ology presented by Jose et al. [37]. 44.1% of Al2O3 and
45.9% of TiO2 were added to the sludge, according to
Electrocoagulation tests (EC) and experimental
an adaptation of the methodology proposed by Un
et al. [38]. The mixture was homogenized with the
Electrocoagulation tests (EC) were carried out at room addition of a small volume of distilled water and after
temperature, using 950 mL of raw effluent and an EC calcined in an oven (Quimis, model Q318M21) at 1100°
system that consisted of a DC source (0–25 V and 0–5 C for 2 h, according to the adaptation of the method-
A) (MMECL, 6028), a reactor (15-cm diameter, 14 cm ology of Sangwong et al. [39]. After cooling, the calcined
height), four iron electrodes (dimensions 7.3 × 0.3 × material was pulverized and analysed through X-ray
7.5 cm) and a magnetic stirrer (Fisatom, 752 A). diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy
Effluent pH and conductivity were monitored (before (SEM) techniques.
and after each EC test) using a pH meter (Hanna, HI The test for colour fixing was performed according to
8424) and a conductivity meter (Oakton, WD-35607- the methodology proposed by Un et al. [38], through the
10), previously calibrated. mixture of transparent glaze (Vitro 150°, Acrilex) and the

Table 1. Characterization of raw galvanic effluent. galvanic sludge and pigment was observed by SEM tech-
Parameter Raw effluent nique, from the cross section and surface obtained in a
Al (mg/L) 16.29 scanning electron microscope (Phenom World, PRO X).
As (mg/L) <2.00
Ba (mg/L) 4.48
Cd (mg/L) 0.47
Ca (mg/L) 336.77 Results and discussion
Pb (mg/L) 2.15
Co (mg/L) 1.51 Characterization of raw effluent
Cu (mg/L) 25.29
Conductivity (mS/cm) 12.54
Cr (mg/L) 4989.42
The results obtained after raw effluent characterization
S (mg/L) 177.92 are shown in Table 1.
Fe (mg/L) 3085.79 Raw galvanic effluent presented high concentrations
P (mg/L) 6.33
Mg (mg/L) 283.48 of total Cr (4989.42 mg/L), Ni (3560.09 mg/L) and Fe
Mn (mg/L) 130.65 (3085.79 mg/L). Other chemical elements (such as Al,
Ni (mg/L) 3560.09
pH 2.70 Ca, Cu, S, Mg, Mn, Na and Zn) were also identified in con-
K (mg/L) 4.95 siderable concentrations in the aqueous medium,
Se (mg/L) <4.00
Na (mg/L) 448.88 demonstrating the high polluting load of the analysed
V (mg/L) <0.20 effluent.
Zn (mg/L) 14.21

Electrocoagulation tests (EC)

pigment produced, in a proportion of 5% wt. The
mixture was applied on a tile and remained at rest for Figure 1 shows the removal percentages obtained for
24 h, for drying at room temperature. After this period, total Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni after the EC tests.
the tile was dried at 150 °C for 30 min. High removal percentages were obtained for all
metals analysed, with removals ranging from 86.92%
to 99.99% for total Cr, 87.05% to 97.63% for Cu,
Characterization of galvanic sludge and inorganic 79.27% to 96.94% for Mn and 87.11% to 99.99% for Ni.
pigment The similarity between total Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni removal
Galvanic sludge and the inorganic pigment produced percentages, observed in the tests 9, 10 and 11 (triplicate
were analysed through XRD technique, using a diffract- central point), indicate that the pure error related to the
ometer (X’Pert Philips, MDP) with a CuKα radiation EC tests was low.
source (λ = 1,542 Å). Diffractograms were obtained in Since the maximum removal percentages were
the range of 5–75° in 2θ, with a step of 0.05°/1 s. obtained in different EC tests (no. 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 for
Match!® v. software was used to confirm the total Cr; no. 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 for Cu, Mn and Ni),
diffraction peaks and the crystalline structures observed. pH = 7.00, t = 22.5 min and DC = 17.5 mA/cm2 was con-
The experimental results were compared to the crystal- sidered as the ideal experimental condition (which cor-
lographic information cards available in the Crystallogra- responds to tests 9, 10 and 11). This experimental
phy Open Database [40]. The morphology of the condition operates at neutral pH and requires a lower

Figure 1. Removal percentages obtained after EC tests.


Figure 2. Pareto charts for (a) total Cr; (b) Cu; (c) Mn; (d) Ni.

volume of chemicals to pH adjustment. In addition, as values were increased. For total Cr removal, none of
the reaction time (t) and current density (DC) applied the variables evaluated was significant.
to tests 9, 10 and 11 are intermediate, it is possible to The results obtained were similar to those observed
reduce costs related to electricity consumption. by Al Aji et al. [41], Bhagawan et al. [42] and Xu et al.
[15]. Al Aji et al. [41] evaluated the efficiency of the EC
Statistical analysis on total Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni process in heavy metals removal, using iron electrodes.
removal percentages The authors noted that removal efficiencies increase
The statistical analysis of Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni removal per- generally at high pH values, because the majority of
centages was performed using Pareto charts, presented iron complexes (coagulants) are formed at these pH
in Figure 2 (considering a 95% confidence level). values. Percentages of Mn removal of approximately
Pareto chart of Ni indicates that all the variables eval- 8% were obtained at pH 3.00, 22% at pH 5.68 and
uated and pHxt, pHxDC, txDC interactions were signifi- above 75% at pH 8.95 ([Mn]initial = 150 mg/L; DC = 25
cant. pH was the variable that most affected Ni mA/cm2; t = 45 min). Bhagawan et al. [42] evaluated
removal. pHxt and pHxDC interactions showed a nega- the treatment of a metal plating wastewater through
tive effect and txDC interaction had a positive effect, EC, for Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn removal. The authors
indicating that the highest percentages of Ni removal observed that metal removal efficiency increased with
were obtained at high pH values and at lower t and the increase in pH, with maximum removal percentages
DC. Pareto charts of Cu and Mn indicate that only pH of Ni (96.4%) and Cu (97.5%) obtained at pH 8 (t = 30
was significant in the removal of these metals, with min; applied voltage = 8 V). Xu et al. [15] identified that
high removal percentages obtained when initial pH high pH values facilitates Mn (II) removal. When the

initial pH increased from 4 to 7, Mn (II) concentration presents different species in equilibrium depending on
decreased from 203.3 to 166.5 mg/L after 60 min of the pH [44]. When EC is performed with iron electrodes,
the EC treatment. monomeric species, Fe(OH)3 and polymeric hydroxy
complexes can be formed [45], which act to a greater
Influence of control variables on Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni or lesser extent in the removal of metal ions.
removal efficiencies According to predominance zone diagram for Fe2
The discussions presented in this topic are based on the and Fe3+, proposed by Garcia-Segura et al. [44], Fe
results obtained after the EC tests (shown in Figure 1), (OH)2 precipitates at pH > 5.5 and is in equilibrium
carried out at pH 3 and 11; t = 15 and 30 min; DC = 10 with Fe2+(up to pH 9.5) e Fe(OH)+(pH 9.5–11.4), while
and 25 mA/cm2. Results related to the ideal experimen- Fe(OH)3 coagulates since pH > 1.0 and is in equilibrium
tal condition (tests 9–11 – triplicate of the central point) with Fe(OH)2+(pH 2.0–3.8), Fe(OH)+2 (pH 3.8–6.2) and Fe
were not included in this discussion. (OH)−4 (from pH 9.6). Fe(OH)3 is the unique species
present in solution in the range of pH between 6.2 and
Effect of initial pH. In the analysis of the initial pH 9.6 [44]. At pH 11 (where the highest removal rates of
influence were considered each pair of EC tests, carried Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni occurred), Fe(OH)2, Fe(OH)+, Fe(OH)3
out with pH variation (3 and 11) and keeping the par- and Fe(OH)− 4 are present. This suggests that metals
ameters t (15 or 30 min) and DC (10 or 25 mA/cm2) con- removal occurred mainly by the action of the coagulants
stant. Figure 3 shows the comparisons between the Fe(OH)2 and Fe(OH)3, since species such as Fe(OH)− 4
removal percentages obtained for Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni in present poor coagulative activity [44].
each pair of EC tests. During the EC tests, changes in the solution pH were
The comparison between tests 1 and 2 (a), 3 and 4 (b), observed. Figure 4 shows pH variations of the effluent
5 and 6 (c), 7 and 8 (d) indicates that the highest removal samples, observed before and after the EC tests.
percentages of Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni were obtained at pH 11 Moderate increases in the initial pH values of the
(tests 2, 4, 6 and 8). pH is one of the important factors in samples were observed in all EC tests. In acidic initial
affecting the performance of electrochemical process pH (tests 1, 3, 5 and 7) the most significant variation
[43], and is related to the coagulant in solution, that was observed in test 7 (performed with 25 mA/cm2 for

Figure 3. Comparison between EC tests performed under the same experimental conditions (t and DC) and with pH variation (3 and
11). (a) Tests 1 and 2 (t = 15 min; DC = 10 mA/cm2); (b) 3 and 4 (t = 30 min; DC = 10 mA/cm2); (c) 5 and 6 (t = 15 min; DC = 25 mA/cm2);
(d) 7 and 8 (t = 30 min; DC = 25 mA/cm2).

Figure 4. Initial and final pH values measured before and after EC tests.

30 min), where the pH increased from 3 to 4.55 at the pair of EC tests performed with DC variation (10 and
end of treatment. In basic pH (tests 2, 4, 6 and 8), the 25 mA/cm2) and keeping the pH (3 or 11) and t (15 or
sample related to test 8 (25 mA/cm2; 30 min) showed 30 min) constant, as Figure 5.
the greatest variation between initial and final pH Comparing the results obtained for each pair of EC
(from pH 11 to 12.02). In neutral pH (tests 9–11), the tests (Figure 5), removal percentages of Cr, Cu, Mn and
average of the final pH values was 7.59 ± 0.07. Ni are very similar at 10 and 25 mA/cm2. Cr maximum
According to Mansoorian et al. [46], changes in the pH removal was obtained in tests 6 and 8 (performed at
value during the EC process are influenced by the type/ 10 mA/cm2). For Cu, Mn and Ni, maximum removals
material of the electrode used and the initial pH of the were obtained in both evaluated DCs (tests 2, 4, 6, 8).
effluent. In this sense, the use of iron electrodes The effect of reaction time was analysed based on
implies an increase (to a greater or lesser degree) of each pair of EC tests, carried out with variation of t (15
the initial acid pH values (pH <7), due to the evolution and 30 min) and maintaining the parameters pH (3 or
of H2 gas and generation of OH− ions at the cathodes 11) and DC (10 or 25 mA/cm2) constant. Figure 6
[47,48]. At initial alkaline pH (pH> 8), the final pH does shows these results.
not change markedly because the generated OH− ions The results obtained for the pairs of EC tests 1 and 3 (a);
at the cathodes are consumed by the generated Fe3+ 5 and 7 (c) (Figure 6) shows that, the longer the reaction
ions at the anode, forming Fe(OH)3 flocs [47]. In time, the greater the removal percentage achieved (with
neutral medium there are small increases in the initial the exception of Mn, which showed a removal of 79.27%
pH, also caused by the production of OH− ions at the after 30 min of EC versus 83.48% after 15 min of treatment
cathode and by the buffering capacity of that pH [49]. (in tests 1 and 3, performed at pH 3 and 10 mA/cm2)).
The most significant pH elevations obtained at the However, in tests 2 and 4 (b); 6 and 7 (d) (performed at
highest DC value indicate that probably the generation pH 11, 10 and 25 mA/cm2, respectively), identical
of OH− ions in the cathodes was higher than the concen- removal percentages were observed after 15 and 30
tration consumed by the iron ions to form coagulating min of treatment, indicating that the increase in t
agents, as pointed out in the studies by Mollah et al. values was not significant for Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni removal.
[50] and Vepsäläinen et al. [51]. Moderate elevations of According to Al-Qodah and Al-Shannag [19], in the EC
the initial pH with increasing values of DC were also process, the concentration of the produced coagulant
identified in the study by Lekhlif et al. [52]. from the anode increases with time, favouring metals
removal. The same occurs with DC increase, that
Effect of current density and reaction time. Current implies a greater iron release from the anodes, providing
density is an important EC parameter that directly deter- a greater production of coagulants in the aqueous
mines both coagulant dosage and bubble generation medium and, consequently, a superior removal of con-
rates [53]. This parameter is directly related to the reac- taminants. However, the system can reach the
tion time, since the duration of electrolysis affects the maximum removal point at lower t and DC values, so
amount of released iron in a system and determines that at higher values than the ideal t and DC, the
the amount of produced Fe3+ [54]. In the analysis of removal efficiency of pollutants remains constant (as
the current density influence were considered each was observed in the present study), because the

Figure 5. Comparison between EC tests carried out under the same experimental conditions (pH and t) and with DC variation (10 and 25
mA/cm2). (a) Tests 1 and 5 (pH 3; t = 15 min); (b) 2 and 6 (pH 11; t = 15 min); (c) 3 and 7 (pH 3; t = 30 min); (d) 4 and 8 (pH 11; t = 30 min).

Figure 6. Comparison between EC tests performed under the same experimental conditions (pH and DC) and with variation of t (15
and 30 min). (a) Tests 1 and 3 (pH 3; DC = 10 mA/cm2); (b) 2 and 4 (pH 11; DC = 10 mA/cm2); (c) 5 and 7 (pH 3; DC = 25 mA/cm2); (d) 6
and 8 (pH 11; DC = 25 mA/cm2).

Figure 7. Initial and final conductivity values measured before and after EC tests.

medium contains sufficient quantity of coagulants flocs to that needed to adjust the acidic (pH 3) and neutral
available for pollutant removal. [19] (pH 7) pH, which justifies the greater presence of ions
in solution, and consequently, in a high conductivity,
Considerations about the conductivity evolution observed in alkaline pH.
during EC tests The increase in final conductivity observed in test 8
The evolution of the initial and final conductivity during (pH 11; 25 mA/cm2; 30 min) may be also related to the
the EC tests is shown in Figure 7. increase in iron release rate from the anodes, provided
Reductions between the initial and final conductivity by the high DC applied to the system. Similar results
values were observed in tests 1, 3, 5, 7, conducted at pH to those obtained in this study were verified by Zarei
3 and performed with different DC and t values (10 and et al. [55] and Afsharnia and Saeidi [56].
25 mA/cm2; 15 and 30 min, respectively) and in exper-
iments 9, 10, 11, related to the triplicate central point Characterization of treated effluent
(pH 7; 17.5 mA/cm2; 22.5 min). In the tests carried out Table 2 shows the results obtained after the characteriz-
in acid pH, the greatest reduction in the conductivity ation of treated effluent in the ideal EC condition (pH
value occurred in test 1 (from 12.48 to 10.00 mS/cm), 7.00; t = 22.5 min; DC = 17.5 mA/cm2). This results were
while in the tests related to the triplicate central point, compared to the maximum limits established in Brazilian
an average variation of 12.33 ± 0.17–11.43 ± 0.11 mS/ legislation (CONAMA Resolution 430/2011) [57], for
cm was observed. In contrast, tests 2, 4, 6 and 8, industrial effluents discharge into water bodies.
carried out at pH 11 and performed at different DC Results indicate that EC was efficient in removing
and t values (10 and 25 mA/cm2; 15 and 30 min, respect- most of the metals and/or chemical elements originally
ively), presented elevations between initial and final contained in effluent. In the optimal treatment con-
conductivity values. Among these tests, the most pro- dition, it was possible to meet the maximum concen-
nounced increase occurred after the execution of test trations for the discharge of effluents into the aquatic
8 (from 11.67 to 17.03 mS/cm). environment (established in Brazilian legislation) for
Conductivity is a parameter directly proportional to most of the elements evaluated, with the exception of
the presence of ions in solution. Therefore, declines As, Pb, Mn and Se. An alternative for the removal of
between the initial and final conductivity values this chemical elements is the combination of the EC
observed in acidic and neutral pH can be attributed to process with chemical precipitation, since Pb and Mn
the decrease in the amount of ions in the aqueous precipitate in the hydroxide form at high pH values
medium. Regarding the increase in conductivity at [58–60]. Removal of residual As and Se can also be per-
basic pH, the effect of adding NaOH to the aqueous formed through chemical precipitation, with sulphides
medium (for initial pH adjustment) should be con- addition. Considering that this chemical elements are
sidered, since NaOH added to the effluent supplies present in reduced concentrations in the treated
ions to the solution, through its dissociation. Adjusting effluent (<0.20 to <4.00 mg/L), the complementary treat-
the original effluent pH (pH 2.70) to alkaline pH (pH ment cost would be low, since it would require a lower
11) demands a higher volume of NaOH when compared volume of chemicals for pH adjustment.

Table 2. Characterization of treated effluent and maximum some diffraction peaks of reduced intensity. The low crys-
limits established in CONAMA Resolution 430/11. tallinity seems to be a specific characteristic of galvanic
Maximum sludge from real or synthetic effluents, being described
Raw Treated effluent CONAMA Resolution in other studies, such as those by Chen et al. [62], Li
Parameter effluent (Tests 9, 10 and 11) 430/2011 et al. [63] and Xia et al. [64]. Despite this aspect, it was
Al (mg/L) 16.29 1.37 ± 0.67 n.e. possible to identify characteristic diffraction peaks of
As (mg/L) <2.00 <2.00 ± 0.00 0.50
Ba (mg/L) 4.48 0.87 ± 0.25 5.00 Fe2O3 (2θ = 11.35°, 14.90°, 18.20°, 23.85°, 26.03°, 34.11°,
Cd (mg/L) 0.47 <0.20 ± 0.00 0.20 53.96°, 62.80° and 71.40°), Fe3O4 (2θ = 30.40°, 36.06°,
Ca (mg/L) 336.77 265.31 ± 106.77 n.e.
Pb (mg/L) 2.15 <2.00 ± 0.00 0.50 37.97°, 44.06°, 54.47° and 63.92°) and Fe2(CrO4)3.3H2O)
Co (mg/L) 1.51 <0.40 ± 0.00 n.e. (2θ = 12.32°, 28.11° and 58.00°). These compounds had
Cu (mg/L) 25.29 <0.60 ± 0.00 1.00 tetragonal, cubic and monoclinic structures, respectively,
Conductivity 12.54 11.43 ± 0.11 n.e.
(mS/cm) and were indexed to the crystallographic information
Cr (mg/L) 4989.42 <0.40 ± 0.00 n.e. cards COD 1528612, 9002323 and 2106426 [40].
S (mg/L) 177.92 139.58 ± 63.14 n.e.
Fe (mg/L) 3085.79 <4.00 ± 0.00 15.00 The presence of iron compounds in the sludge
P (mg/L) 6.33 2.51 ± 3.48 n.e. sample is justified by its high initial concentration in
Mg (mg/L) 283.48 139.79 ± 2.36 n.e.
Mn (mg/L) 130.65 <4.00 ± 0.00 1.00 raw effluent (3085.79 mg/L), by the removal percentage
Ni (mg/L) 3560.09 0.45 ± 0.09 2.00 obtained under ideal treatment conditions (99.87%) and
pH 2.70 7.59 ± 0.07 5.00–9.00
K (mg/L) 4.95 26.06 ± 3.37 n.e.
due to the iron released from the anodes during EC.
Se (mg/L) <4.00 <4.00 ± 0.00 0.30 Moreover, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 compounds have often
Na (mg/L) 448.88 1934.16 ± 66.07 n.e. been identified in diffractograms related to sludge
V (mg/L) <0.20 <0.20 ± 0.00 n.e.
Zn (mg/L) 14.21 < 2.00 ± 0.00 5.00 obtained after treating effluents from different sources
n.e., Not specified. through EC with iron electrodes, as in the studies by
Aytac and Un [65], Hafez et al. [66] and Fu et al. [67].
Characterization of the sludge generated From the reactions of Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 formation
In the ideal treatment condition (tests 9, 10 and 11) an (Equations (10) and (11)) suggested by Moreno-Casillas
average mass of 12.67 ± 0.35 g of galvanic sludge was [68] and Aytac and Un [65], it can be inferred that Fe
obtained. The precipitate was subsequently analysed (OH)3 and Fe(OH)2 acted as coagulants in the removal
through XRD and SEM techniques, according to of metals contained in the galvanic effluent evaluated
Figures 8 and 9. in this study.
SEM images indicate that the surface of the galvanic 2Fe(OH)3  Fe2 O3 + 3H2 O (10)
sludge obtained in the ideal treatment condition has
varying sizes of flak-shaped aggregates. The sludge par- 2Fe(OH)3 + Fe(OH)2  Fe3 O4 + 4H2 O (11)
ticles were irregular indicating its amorphous nature
[35]. A similar sludge aspect was observed in the study
performed by Hamdan and El-Naas [61], who carried Production of inorganic pigments
out the treatment of brackish groundwater through EC 8.27 g of brown inorganic pigment were obtained from
with iron electrodes. 10 g of the mixture of Al2O3, TiO2 and galvanic sludge
The galvanic sludge generated under EC ideal con- (with loss of 17.25% of the material after calcination).
dition showed low crystallinity, with the presence of Preliminary tests carried out with the mixture of

Figure 8. SEM images of the galvanic sludge generated in tests 9, 10 and 11. (a) 245X; (b) 500X; (c) 2000X magnification.

Figure 9. Diffractogram obtained for the galvanic sludge sample generated in the ideal treatment condition.

Figure 10. SEM images of the inorganic pigment (10% galvanic sludge + Al2O3, TiO2). (a) 500X; (b) 2000X; (c) 6500X magnification.

pigment and transparent glaze indicated good adhesion The inorganic pigment produced from the mixture of
of the pigment to a tile, remaining intact even after suc- oxides and 10% of galvanic sludge presented aggregates
cessive washes. Figure 10 shows the micrographs with irregular spherical morphology (Figure 10a) and par-
obtained for the inorganic pigment produced. ticles with grain size distribution below 10 µm (Figure 10c).

Figure 11. Diffractogram obtained for the inorganic pigment produced from the mixture of Al2O3, TiO2 and 10% of galvanic sludge.

The morphology of the pigment containing 10% galvanic Disclosure statement

sludge is different from that found in pure-based pig-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
ments, which have a spherical structure. According to
Milanez et al. [69], this occurs due to the micronization
process to which the industrial pigment is submitted. Funding
The pigment containing 10% of galvanic sludge was
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aper-
grinded after calcination only with mortar and pistil,
feiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES) -
which may have contributed to the irregular morphology Finance Code 001.
observed in the micrographs. Figure 11 shows the diffrac-
togram obtained for the inorganic pigment.
The inorganic pigment produced with 10% of galva- References
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