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A Method of Evaluating FACTS Device Impact on

Voltage Flicker in the EAF Supply System

Yuriy Varetsky Volodymyr Konoval Zbigniew Hanzelka
Dept. of Power Engineering & Control Dept. of Power Engineering & Control Dept. of Power Electronics & Energy Control
Systems Systems Systems
Lviv Polytechnic National University Lviv Polytechnic National University AGH University of Science and Technology
Lviv, Ukraine Lviv, Ukraine Krakow, Poland hanzel

Abstract — FACTS devices are widely used in world practice RMS voltage changes for a 60 W incandescent lamp as a
to compensate for voltage fluctuations caused by the operation of function of the frequency of their occurrence are shown in
an electric arc furnace (EAF) in a power system. The spectrum of Fig.1. The above dependences make it possible to determine
voltage fluctuations depends on the design and operating the irritability border for the average person under regular
conditions of the EAF, as well as the characteristics of the power rectangular voltage changes, but periodic changes are rarely
supply system. At the design stage, of considerable interest are observed in the practice of operating industrial consumers.
methods for assessing the predicted decrease in voltage
fluctuations when using the selected compensator for the
particular EAF. This article presents the principles of modeling
the impact of a FACTS device with a known compensation delay
on the level of voltage fluctuations in the EAF power supply
system. The index ΔU10 is used as the equivalent level of voltage
fluctuations in the compared applications. This method made it
possible to use relatively simple models of EAF, FACTS and
power supply system to the adequate comparative evaluating the
effect of compensation devices on voltage fluctuations in the EAF
power system. Fig.1. Limits of the maximum amplitudes of rectangular changes of the
voltage RMS values vs the their frequency of occurrence [2]
Keywords — arc furnace, supply system, FACTS device, flicker
severity, modeling. To evaluate susceptibility of irregular voltage fluctuations
in European and American countries, the Pst index is used.
I. INTRODUCTION This index characterizes voltage flicker over a 10-minute time
Random or repeated changes in the load on the power grid interval. The value of the Pst index equal to 1.0 represents the
cause voltage fluctuations at the adjacent buses. The frequency level of flicker perception when 50% of people feel flickering a
of voltage changes, their magnitudes and duration are the main 60-watt incandescent lamp. The flicker sensitivity curve in
characteristics of the voltage fluctuations, which are used for Fig.1 displays regular rectangular voltage changes, which can
evaluating the voltage fluctuations in the consumer grids. The be normalized to an Pst index value of 1.0.
most sensitive to voltage fluctuations are lamps where the
voltage fluctuations cause flickering the luminous flux. To calculate the index Pst , a special device called a
Different people perceive the flicker of the light flux flickermeter is used. The IEC standard [1] defines the basic
differently. However, empirical analysis showed that the requirements for the functional and design characteristics of a
human eye is most sensitive to voltage fluctuations in the flicker measuring device.
frequency range of 6-10 Hz.
In order to evaluate the severity of a voltage flicker
During the operation of the EAF, three main successive
caused by random fluctuating loads, in Japan and some Asian
stages are distinguished: bore down, melt down and refining.
The most severe EAF current fluctuations are observed within countries an index ΔU10 is generally used. A flicker severity
bore down stage, when the arc burns between the electrodes index ΔU10 is the equivalent RMS value of the voltage
and the unmelted scrap. Due to the unstable nature of the arc changes weighted by the frequency characteristics of the
behavior, current and reactive power fluctuations of the EAF human eye visual sensitivity which gives a measurement in
are stochastic and are characterized by a certain frequency every minute. Frequency components of the original voltage
spectrum. Fluctuations in the reactive power of an EAF cause
fluctuations are obtained by Fourier transformation within
a voltage flicker, the magnitude of which depends on the
0.05 to 30 Hz. The following equation is used for the index
power supply system capacity. For voltage flicker monitoring
several methodologies are used and described in current ΔU10 calculating:
standards [1-3].

The flicker tolerance depends on the amplitude and
frequency of the RMS voltage changes, as well as on the shape
ΔU10 =  (a
n =1
n ⋅ ΔU n ) 2 , (1)

of their envelope. The dependencies of permissible rectangular

978-1-7281-7461-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: SWANSEA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on June 19,2023 at 12:07:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
where n - frequency component number; ΔU n - RMS voltage reducing fluctuations in this frequency range compared to
SVC [5].
change component at the frequency f n ; an - weighting
coefficient for the frequency f n . As an integral response characteristic of a FACTS device
the transfer function G( s) = e − sτ is commonly used. Suppose,
The visual sensitivity curve, as illustrated in Fig. 2, based
the load reactive power contains a regular harmonic
on empirical experiments and used for determining the
weighting coefficients. fluctuation ΔQω with an angular frequency of ω :

QL (t ) = Q0 + sin(ωt ) (2)
and compensation device reactive power has a delay τ :
QC (t ) = Q0 + sin(ωt − ωτ) (3)
Then the residual uncompensated system reactive power
fluctuations are as follows:
Fig. 2. Frequency response of the human eye visual sensitivity [1]
ωτ ωτ
QS (t ) = QL (t ) − QC (t ) = ΔQω sin( ) ⋅ cos(ωt − ) (4)
To compare above PQ indices for AC EAF power supply 2 2
systems the CIGRE C4.07/CIRED joint working group The fluctuation reduction factor for the frequency of ω can be
recommended a value of 3.69 for conversion Pst to ΔU10 [4]. obtained as the following ratio:
Rω = = 2 sin( ) = 2 ⋅ 1 − cos ωτ (5)
In the past decade, flexible AC transmission systems ΔQω / 2 2
(FACTS) have been widely used in power systems. They are
designed using capacitors, reactors and power electronic The factor Rω increases with increasing ω and τ , and
devices. In power systems, they implement the functions of becomes equal to one at a specific critical frequency. For
serial or shunt compensation, as well as voltage phase shift instance, with τ = 0 .02 s, the critical compensation frequency
control. Most often, industrial networks use FACTS devices is 8.3 Hz. In this case, the compensator will cause the voltage
such as SVC or STATCOM [5-7]. flicker to grow for fluctuation frequencies higher than the
critical one. It is obvious, the critical frequency is inversely
The SVC for industrial applications is a parallel
proportional to the compensation delay time.
connected thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) and passive filter
group (FC). Changing the SCV reactive power is provided III. EAF SUPPLY SYSTEM UNDER STUDY
through control of the TCR current [5].
The EAF power supply system outline under study is
The STATCOM consists of an controllable rectifier, presented in Fig. 3. The power system step-down transformer
connected to the AC power system bus through a matching T1 is connected to a 400 kV bus. Short-circuit capacity on the
transformer, and a capacitor bank in the DC circuit. Using full bus reaches 9,200 MVA in conditions of the system maximum
controlled semiconductor devices in the rectifier circuit power flow.
provides a high dynamics of the reactive power control. The
reactive power flow of a STATCOM is controlled by adequate
changing the voltage at the rectifier AC terminals. In the case
when this voltage is higher than the voltage on the system bus,
the reactive power is supplied to the AC grid. When it
becomes less than the bus voltage, the reactive power is
consumed from the AC grid. There are several control
strategies of STATCOM to keep its required reactive power
input [6,7].
The Control of SVC is carried out to reduce the
fluctuations in the total reactive power consumed by the unit
SVC+EAF. Therefore, the smaller the delay of SVC response
to the measured value of the EAF reactive power or current,
the higher its efficiency for reducing flicker. It is well known
from practice that SVC, due to its physical nature, practically
completely compensates for voltage fluctuations at
frequencies up to about 4...6 Hz, but at higher frequencies its Fig.3. Outline of the EAF power supply system
efficiency decreases. A lot of studies have shown that
STATCOM is a more effective compensation device of

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The EAF unit consisting of a reactor R, furnace Neglecting the system resistances the model arc resistance
transformer FT of 115 MVA and an arc furnace, is connected as a function of time can be expressed as:
to the 30 kV bus. Two transformers (T2) of 75 MVA are
connected to the 110 kV bus and supply the EAF unit.
U S2 ⋅ xL
The one-line diagram of the tested system is illustrated in rL (t ) = − ( x + xL ) 2 , (7)
Q (t )
Fig. 4. Let xS , xТ1 , rТ1 , xR , xТ 2 , rТ 2 , xFT , rFT and xSC , rSC
represent the reactances and resistances of the supply system,
transformer T1, reactor, transformers T2, furnace transformer where x = xS + xT1 + xT 2 , xL = xR + xFT + xSC - the equivalent
FT and furnace secondary circuit SC, respectively. The reactances relative to the bus 2 in Fig. 4.
variable resistance rL presents an arc and reactance xk is an Having the arc resistance time function, we can calculate
equivalent of the compensation device. the corresponding time function of the EAF current I (t ) .
Changes in the voltage module on the power system bus
m ∈1, 2 can be calculated using the following formula:

U m (t ) = mod(U S − Z m I (t )) (8)

Fig.4. One-line diagram of the supply system where - Z m = rm + jxm - total system impedance at the bus
m ∈1, 2 in the Fig. 4, and the complex values are indicated as
A. Modeling arc resistance fluctuations Modeling the time-varying operating conditions has been
Many factors affect the value of the equivalent arc carried out by the DAKAR software [9, 10].
resistance during the furnace operation, resulting in the EAF B. Evaluating voltage flicker
active and reactive power stochastic behavior. In the presented
Since electric furnaces of various designs and capacities
arc resistance model, an approach was adopted, using the
have different patterns of power consumption changes, they
stochastic characteristic of the reactive power changes.
cause different levels of voltage flicker in the same supply
The behavior of the EAF reactive power Q(t ) over a one system. To determine the effect of the compensating device on
second time interval can be approximated as follows: reducing the flicker severity we used the method of evaluating
the voltage flicker based on the index ΔU10 for an interval of
one second. According to the assumptions made for the model,
Q(t ) = Qav + 0,5  ΔQ
n =1
n sin( 2 πf n t − ϕn ) , (6) voltage fluctuations in the supply system are caused only by
changes in the arc resistance in the equivalent circuit in Fig. 4.
where Qav - mean value of reactive power for a time interval; It is well known that any FACTS device with correctly selected
power almost completely compensates for voltage fluctuations
ΔQn - reactive power change for a frequency f n . at frequencies below 1 Hz. Therefore, to compare the effect of
The mean value of the reactive power Qav and the change various FACTS devices on the flicker severity in the power
in reactive power ΔQn vary stochastically in successive time supply system, it is reasonable to use only the components of
voltage fluctuations within 1...25 Hz.
intervals. These values are generated for each time interval
using the normal probability distribution function, similar
to [8]. The mean values of the reactive power changes ΔQn , C. Modeling SVC
depending on the frequency of their occurrence ν on the Changing the reactive power of the SVC is carried out by
selected interval of one second, are characterized by the Fig. 5 controlling the TCR current to provide the required total
and were calculated based on the results of measurements in a reactive power of its components TCR+FC. Physically, the
tested supply system (Fig. 3). The rating of the EAF TCR phase current can be controlled from zero to the rated
transformer FT is a base value. value in each half-cycle according to the firing angle of the
thyristor valve. As seen in Fig. 6.a, SVC is modelled by a
capacitive reactance xk whose value changes in each half
cycle in accordance with compensation requirements. The
minimum compensation delay in a single-phase circuit is
τ = 5 ms. This is the time from the moment the load reactive
current iLb is measured until the moment the TCR can be
switched, as illustrated in Fig. 6.b. Referring to Fig. 6.a, the
SVC reactance under complete compensation with a time
delay τ may be expressed:
Fig. 5. Frequency distribution of reactive power fluctuation amplitudes

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( rL (t − τ)) 2 delay τ was taken to be 0.01 s. Flicker severity indices for the
xk (t ) = + xL (9) comparative operating conditions are presented in Fig. 8.b.
xL When using the SVC, one can see about twice reducing voltage
If an equivalent time delay τ is defined for STATCOM, flicker severity.
the compensating reactance can be calculated using a similar

a b
Fig. 6. SVC and EAF equivalent circuit (a) and circuit voltage and currents (b)


Fig. 8. Voltage at the bus 110 kV (a) and the flicker severity index ΔU10 (b)
The developed algorithm was implemented in DAKAR
without SVC and with SVC.
software [9]. Using the software, various operating conditions
of the EAF were simulated. Figure 7 shows the simulated
fluctuations in the arc resistance, current, active and reactive CONCLUSIONS
power ( rL , I FT , P, Q ) in the tested power system when the A simple computer model of the EAF supply system which
EAF transformer provides the highest secondary voltage on the includes the FACTS device has been developed. It provides
arc. computationally efficient and flexible method that can be used
to comparatively analyze the FACTS impact on voltage flicker
based on statistical characteristics of the EAF reactive power
fluctuations and the equivalent parameters of the FACTS
device. The presented modeling approach may be used to
evaluate the impact of alternative devices on voltage flicker
alleviation in industrial grids.
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