Methane Emissions of Stored Manure From Dairy Cows Fed Conventional or Brown Midrib Corn Silage

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J. Dairy Sci.

Crown Copyright © 2019. Published by FASS Inc. and Elsevier Inc. on behalf
of the American Dairy Science Association®. All rights reserved.

Methane emissions of stored manure from dairy cows

fed conventional or brown midrib corn silage
C. Benchaar* and F. Hassanat
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke Research and Development Centre, 2000 College Street, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1M 0C8

ABSTRACT tion (83%) and to a lesser extent from manure manage-

ment (17%). These emissions represent 48% of total
The objective of this study was to examine the effects greenhouse emissions of the Canadian agriculture (En-
of feeding conventional corn silage (CCS) or brown mid- vironment Canada, 2015a). Since these emissions are
rib corn silage (BMCS) to dairy cows on CH4 emissions the major contributor to agricultural CH4 emissions,
from stored manure. Eight lactating cows were fed (ad several nutritional strategies have been put forward
libitum) a total mixed ration (forage:​concentrate ratio to mitigate enteric CH4 production from dairy cows
65:35; dry matter basis) containing 59% (dry matter (Beauchemin et al., 2009; Benchaar et al., 2014; van
basis) of either CCS or BMCS. Feces and urine were Gastelen et al., 2015). However, the effect of these
collected from each cow and mixed with residual sludge strategies on CH4 emission of manure needs to be as-
obtained from a manure storage structure. Manure was sessed to ensure that reducing enteric CH4 emissions
incubated for 17 wk at 20°C under anaerobic conditions would not be counterbalanced by increased CH4 emis-
(O2-free N2) in 500-mL glass bottles. Methane emis- sion from manure management. Studies investigating
sions and changes in chemical composition of the ma- the effect of enteric CH4 mitigation strategies on CH4
nure were monitored during the incubation period. The emissions from stored manure are scarce.
total amount of feces and urine excreted was higher According to IPCC (2006), CH4 emission factor (kg
for cows fed BMCS than for cows fed CCS [8.6 vs. 6.5 of CH4/cow per year) of manure management depends
kg/d of volatile solids (VS)]. Manure from cows fed on quantity of volatile solids (VS) excreted and maxi-
BMCS emitted more CH4 than manure from cows fed mum CH4-producing capacity of manure VS (B0). Diets
CCS (173 vs. 146 L/kg of VS) throughout the incuba- of dairy cow have a direct effect on the amount and de-
tion period. Similarly, VS and neutral detergent fiber gradability of excreted VS (Doreau et al., 2014; Møller
losses throughout incubation were higher for manure et al., 2014; Massé et al., 2016; Hassanat and Benchaar,
from cows fed BMCS versus cows fed CCS (37.6 vs. 2019). Forages are the main component in dairy cow
30.6% and 46.2 vs. 31.2%, respectively). Manure NH3 diets. Forage digestibility is affected by several factors,
concentration (79% of total manure N) was not affected but mainly by the content and ruminal degradability of
by corn silage cultivar. Results of this study show that fiber. For instance, brown midrib corn silage (BMCS)
using a more digestible corn silage cultivar (BMCS vs. is characterized by lower lignin concentration and
CCS) may increase the contribution of manure to CH4 higher ruminal degradability of fiber, compared with
emissions, and may offset gain achieved by reducing conventional corn silage (CCS). Feeding more digest-
enteric CH4 emissions. ible forages can influence the amount and the chemical
Key words: manure, methane emission, brown midrib composition (NDF, ADL, and total N concentrations)
corn silage of VS of manure.
In a recent study, Hassanat et al. (2017) observed
INTRODUCTION that cows fed BMCS had similar enteric CH4 emissions
(g/d) as cows fed CCS, but DMI and milk yield were
Methane emissions from Canadian agriculture (1.2 higher for cows consuming BMCS than for cows fed
Mt of CH4/yr) originate mostly from enteric fermenta- CCS. Consequently, CH4 production expressed on a
DMI or milk production basis was reduced. However,
an increase in DMI may result in an increase in VS
excretion, which is associated with higher CH4 emission
Received April 17, 2019.
Accepted July 5, 2019. of manure (IPCC 2006). To the best of our knowledge,
*Corresponding author: chaouki.benchaar@​canada​.ca only 3 studies (Møller et al., 2014; Massé et al., 2016;


Hassanat and Benchaar, 2019) have investigated the Feces and Urine Collection
effect of dietary forage source on CH4 emission of ma-
nure. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the Total collection of feces and urine was performed over
effect of replacing CCS with BMCS in the diet on CH4 2 consecutive days by fitting cows with harnesses and
emissions of stored manure from dairy cows. tubes allowing the collection of feces and urine sepa-
rately. Total urine was collected into reinforced plastic
containers, whereas feces was collected from reinforced
MATERIALS AND METHODS plastic mats placed behind the cow. Feces and urine
were weighed daily, sampled (4% of the amount ex-
This study was conducted at the Sherbrooke Re- creted), mixed based on the daily excreted feces:​urine
search and Development Centre (Sherbrooke, Quebec, ratio (on a fresh weight basis), and then pooled over the
Canada). Animal procedures were conducted under the 2 collection days for each cow. Sub-samples were taken
approval of the local Institutional Animal Care Com- and stored at −20°C. They were subsequently freeze-
mittee and were in accordance with the guidelines of dried and ground to pass a 1-mm screen using a Wiley
the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC, 2009). mill (standard model 4, Thomas Scientific, Swedesboro,
NJ) for later determination of DM, VS, NDF, ADF,
Cows, Experimental Design, and Diets ADL, and total N concentrations.

The study used 8 multiparous lactating Holstein in a Anaerobic Incubation of Manure

completely randomized design. At the start of the trial,
average DIM, BW, and milk yield (mean ± SD) of cows The mixture of feces and urine of each cow was mixed
was 138 ± 16 d, 684 ± 76.5 kg, and 35 ± 7.6 kg/d, manually on a fresh weight basis (1:1) with psychro-
respectively. During the trial, cows were housed in in- philic residual sludge obtained from a manure storage
dividual tiestalls, had free access to water, and were structure at the dairy operation of the Sherbrooke Re-
fed (ad libitum; 5% orts on an as-fed basis) a TMR search and Development Centre. The residual sludge
(65:35, forage:​concentrate ratio; on a DM basis) based had a pH of 7.38 and was composed (on a DM basis)
on either CCS or BMCS (59% of dietary DM). Chemi- of 82.1% VS, 43.3% NDF, and 3.4% total N. In this
cal composition of the 2 silages and diets (ingredient study, the mixture of feces, urine, and residual sludge
and chemical) is shown in Table 1. Cows were allowed 2 was identified as manure.
wk of adaptation to experimental diets as described in The pH of the manure was measured immediately
Hassanat et al. (2017). and a representative sample (50 g) was diluted (1:1)

Table 1. Chemical composition of diets and corn silage conventional and brown midrib cultivars (adapted
from Hassanat et al., 2017)

Diet1 Silage1
Item (% of DM, unless
otherwise noted) CCS BMCS   CCS BMCS
  Conventional corn silage 58.8 —   — —
  Brown midrib corn silage — 58.7   — —
  Timothy hay, chopped 6.6 6.6   — —
 Concentrates2 34.6 34.8   — —
Chemical composition          
 OM 94.1 94.4   96.5 96.6
 CP 15.9 15.5   5.54 6.54
 NDF 35.1 35.1   34.3 34.4
 ADF 19.7 19.8   20.1 20.1
  ADL (% of NDF) 6.32 5.53   7.90 6.13
 Starch 16.5 17.0   26.9 28.3
  Ether extract 2.69 2.76   2.38 2.49
  Gross energy (Mcal/kg of DM) 4.36 4.37   4.37 4.38
CCS = conventional corn silage; BMCS = brown midrib corn silage.
Contained (on DM basis) 17.3% soybean meal (48% solvent extracted), 10.6% corn gluten feed, 2.1% corn
grain (ground), 1.8% soybean hulls, 1.6% mineral and vitamin supplement, 0.7% calcium carbonate, and 0.5%
potassium carbonate.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 11, 2019


with water, subsampled (15 mL), and frozen at −20°C concentrations. Losses of VS and NDF after 17 wk of
immediately for later determination of VFA concentra- anaerobic incubation were calculated as the difference
tions. The manure was also sampled for subsequent between VS and NDF contents at the beginning and at
determination of DM, VS, and NDF contents. The the end of the incubation period.
manure was transferred under anaerobic conditions
(O2-free N2) into 500-mL glass bottles (6 replicates/ Fermentation Characteristics of Manure
cow; 250 g in each bottle), sealed with butyl rubber
stoppers and aluminum seals (Wheaton, Millville, NJ), Manure from each bottle was sampled under anaero-
and incubated at 20°C for 17 wk in a controlled en- bic weekly up to wk 10 and then on wk 12, 14, and 17 of
vironment chamber. Of the 6 replicates, 3 replicates incubation. Bottle contents were homogenized by swirl-
were used for gas production measurements, whereas ing, sampled (3.5 g/bottle) using a peristaltic pump
3 other replicates were used for determining fermenta- (Accu-Jet, BRAND, Wertheim, Germany) and plastic
tion characteristics of manure (pH and VFA concen- tubing under continuous purging with O2-free N2, and
trations). Blank bottles (n = 3) containing residual then pooled across replicates. The pH was measured
sludge (250 g) were treated similarly for measurement immediately and a subsample (5 mL) was stored at
of gas production. Thus, in total, 51 bottles were used −20°C for later determination of VFA concentrations.
in this study. Manure was incubated for 17 wk at 20°C On wk 17 of incubation, a subsample (5 mL) of manure
to simulate the period of the year (late spring, summer, was acidified to pH 2 with 50% sulfuric acid and frozen
and early fall) in Canada during which the monthly at −20°C for later determination of NH3 concentrations.
average temperature of the manure storage structure
is 20°C (Massé et al., 2016). Beyond this period (early Chemical Analyses
spring or late fall), temperature would be considerably
lower than 20°C and CH4 production from stored ma- Dry matter content was determined by drying sam-
nure would decline substantially. ples in a vacuum oven at 100°C overnight (AOAC, 2005;
method 934.01). Ash content was determined by incin-
Gas Production Measurement eration at 550°C overnight in a muffle furnace (AOAC
International, 2005; method 942.05) and the VS con-
Gas pressure in the bottle headspace was measured tent was calculated as the difference between 100 and
daily using a digital pressure gauge (0–15 psi ± 0.05%; the percentage of ash. Total N was determined using
Ashcroft 2089, Ashcroft Inc., Stratford, CT) and the the macro-Kjeldahl procedure (AOAC International,
volume of gas produced was calculated according to the 2005; method 954.01). The concentration of NDF was
following equation: determined as described by Van Soest et al. (1991). The
ADF and ADL contents were determined according to
P1 V1 = P2 V2, AOAC International (2005; method 973.18). The NDF,
ADF, and ADL procedures were adapted for use in an
where P1 = atmospheric pressure, V1 = volume of gas Ankom200 Fiber Analyzer (Ankom Technology Corp.,
produced at atmospheric pressure, P2 = pressure of gas Fairport, NY). Analysis of VFA was performed using
measured at specific incubation day, and V2 = volume a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization
of headspace of the bottle. detector and auto-injector (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk,
Headspace gas was sampled using a syringe connected CT) fitted with DB-FFAP column (30 m × 0.53 mm ×
to the pressure gauge by a sampling valve. The collect- 1 µm; J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA) with He as the car-
ed gas sample was then forced into 6-mL screw-capped rier gas. The gas flow in the column was fixed at 5 mL/
vacuum vials (Labco Ltd., Lampeter, UK) covered with min, oven temperature was fixed at 135°C, and total
a rubber septum (National Scientific, Rockwood, TN) run time was 8 min. Injector and detector temperatures
for measurement of CH4 concentration. Gas pressure in were 200 and 250°C, respectively. Gas flows at the de-
the bottle head space was then reduced to room pres- tector were 45 and 450 mL/min for H2 and air, respec-
sure by leaving the sampling syringe opened for 2 min. tively. Ammonia was determined as in Weatherburn
Methane production from blanks was not subtracted (1967). Analysis of CH4 and CO2 was performed using
from gas produced from the experimental bottles. GC (490 Micro GC, Agilent Technologies, Amstelveen,
After 17 wk of anaerobic incubation, bottles (n = 3) North Holland, the Netherlands) equipped with a 10
used for gas production measurements were weighed, m PPQ column (Agilent Technologies) and a thermal
their contents pooled, and sub-samples were frozen at conductivity detector. Column temperature was fixed
−20°C for later determination of DM, VS, and NDF at 70°C, while injector and detector temperatures were

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 11, 2019


fixed at 110 and 70°C, respectively. The column was the fiber fraction was lower (P = 0.04) in the mixture
operated at a carrier gas (He) pressure of 138 kPa, of feces and urine from cows BMCS (9.0% of NDF)
with elution time of 1 min. Calibration was done using compared with the mixture from cows fed CCS (10.4%
standard gas mixtures containing different proportions of NDF). This difference is due to the lower lignin con-
of CH4. centration in BMCS compared with CCS (5.5 vs 6.3%
of NDF) because fiber digestibility was not affected by
Statistical Analyses replacing CCS by BMCS in the diet (Hassanat et al.,
Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of
SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) and the statisti- Fermentation Characteristics of Incubated Manure
cal model included diet as a fixed effect, and cow was
the experimental unit. Data of CH4 production were Interaction between dietary treatment and incuba-
summarized by week. Data of CH4 production and tion week was significant (P < 0.01) only for manure
manure pH were analyzed as repeated measures using pH. Indeed, manure of cows fed BMCS had lower pH on
the same model with the addition of week and week × wk 2 of incubation (6.94 vs. 7.16; P = 0.01) and higher
diet interactions as fixed effects. The appropriate co- pH on wk 14 of incubation (7.98 vs. 7.79; P = 0.02)
variance structure used for repeated-measures analyses compared with manure of cows fed CCS (Figure 1).
was chosen to achieve lowest Akaike, corrected Akaike, Overall, manure pH averaged 7.70 (Table 3). This pH
and Bayesian information criterion values. Cow within sustains growth and activity of acidogen, acetogen, and
treatment was the subject of the repeated measures. methanogen populations in stored manure (Angelidaki
The appropriate covariance structure was specific for et al., 2003; Pind et al., 2003). Concentration of total
each variable measured in repeated measures. Signifi- VFA tended to be higher (P = 0.07) in manure of cows
cant effects of treatments were declared at P ≤ 0.05 fed BMCS compared with manure of cows fed CCS
and tendencies were declared at 0.05 < P ≤ 0.10. (55.4 vs. 41.8 mM). In contrast, acetate concertation in
manure was not affected by corn silage cultivar in the
diet and averaged 33.5 mM (Table 3). Concentrations
of propionate and other minor VFA were higher (P ≤
0.03) in manure of cows fed BMCS compared with cows
Chemical Composition of the Mixture
fed CCS.
of Feces and Urine
At the end of the incubation period, NH3 concentra-
The effect of feeding cows CCS or BMC on the amount tion of manure was not affected by replacing CCS with
excreted and chemical composition of the mixture of BMCS in the diet and averaged 79% of total N (Table
feces and urine is presented in Table 2. Cows fed BMCS 4). Up to 85% of manure N can be in the form of NH3
excreted 31% more (P < 0.01) VS than cows fed CCS after an extended period of storage (Petersen, 2018).
(8.6 vs. 6.5 kg). This is mainly due to an increase (1.7
kg/d) in OM intake and no change in OM digestibility Methane Production of Manure
(average of 71.3%) when cows were fed BMCS versus
CCS as reported in Hassanat et al. (2017). The lower Methane production (L/kg of VS) of manure through-
lignin concentration in BMCS compared with CCS is out the 17 wk of anaerobic incubation is presented
the main reason explaining the increase in OM intake
when cows were fed BMCS versus CCS. In agreement, a Table 2. Volatile solids and composition of the mixture of feces and
meta-analysis by Ferraretto and Shaver (2015) showed urine from lactating cows fed diets based on conventional corn silage
that feeding cows BMCS versus CCS increases DMI (CCS) or brown midrib corn silage (BMCS)
without changing OM digestibility. An increase in DMI Diet
without change in OM digestibility would result in an
increase in the amount of VS excreted. Other studies Item CCS BMCS SEM P-value
reported a positive relationship between OM intake and Volatile solids        
VS excretion (Hassanat et al., 2013; Massé et al., 2016;  kg/d 6.54 8.55 0.324 <0.01
Appuhamy et al., 2018).   % of DM 86.4 86.3 0.17 0.71
Concentrations of VS, NDF, ADF, and total N in   NDF (% DM) 51.8 51.8 0.62 0.99
feces and urine mixture were not affected by the dietary   ADF (% DM) 27.1 26.1 0.49 0.22
treatment and averaged 86, 52, 27, and 5.4% on a DM   ADL (% NDF) 10.38 8.95 0.384 0.04
  Total N (% DM) 5.52 5.25 0.176 0.32
basis, respectively (Table 2). Lignin concentration in

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 11, 2019


Table 3. Fermentation characteristics of manure from lactating cows

fed diets based on conventional corn silage (CCS) or brown midrib
corn silage (BMCS)


Item CCS BMCS SEM P-value

pH 7.67 7.72 0.07 0.13
Total VFA (mM) 41.8 55.4 4.37 0.07
Acetate (mM) 29.6 37.3 3.63 0.18
Propionate (mM) 9.7 14.2 1.08 0.01
Minor VFA1 (mM) 2.59 3.89 0.307 0.03
Minor VFA include iso-butyrate, butyrate, iso-valerate, valerate, and

Under similar experimental conditions, Hassanat and

Benchaar (2019) observed higher maximal CH4 produc-
Figure 1. Changes in pH of incubated manure from lactating cows tion potential (L/kg of VS) associated with lower lignin
fed diets based on conventional corn silage (▲) or brown midrib corn concentration in manure of cows fed corn silage-based
silage (□). Error bars indicate SEM. diets compared with red clover silage-based diets. Ac-
cording to Triolo et al. (2011) and Kafle and Chen
(2016), a strong negative relationship (R2 = 0.91 and
in Figure 2. A significant interaction (P < 0.01) was 0.85, respectively) exists between lignin concentration
observed between corn silage cultivar and incubation in manure and CH4 emissions. Results of this study
week. Methane production started from the onset of in- clearly show the effect of the diet on manure VS chemi-
cubation. From the onset of incubation up to wk 4, CH4 cal composition, and its consequent effect on CH4 pro-
production of manure was not affected by corn silage duction of manure.
cultivar. However, from wk 5 to 17, manure from cows The IPCC (2006) suggested a default value (240 ±
fed BMCS produced more CH4 (P ≤ 0.04) than manure 36 L/kg of VS) of maximal CH4-producing capacity of
from cows fed CCS. Peak of CH4 production of manure manure to calculate CH4 emissions of manure of dairy
was observed at wk 5 of incubation: 19.4 and 25.1 L/kg cows in North America. However, this approach does
of VS for cows fed CCS and BMCS, respectively (data not take into consideration changes in the chemical
not shown). composition of manure VS as affected by the type of
After 17 wk of incubation, manure from cows fed diet fed to dairy cows. Values of maximal CH4 produc-
BMCS produced 19% more CH4 (P = 0.01) than ma- tion potential of manure reported in this study (146 and
nure from cows fed CCS (173 vs. 146 L/kg of VS; Table 173 L/kg of VS) are within the range of values (85–197
4). This is principally due to lower lignin concentration L/kg of VS) observed in previous studies (Massé et
in manure from cows fed BMCS compared with manure al., 2016; Hassanat and Benchaar, 2019) under similar
from cows fed CCS, which allowed more extensive fiber experimental conditions (17 wk of anaerobic incuba-
degradation during anaerobic incubation of manure. tion; 20°C).

Table 4. Methane emissions, volatile solid (VS) and NDF losses, and NH3 concentration of incubated manure
from lactating cows fed diets based on conventional corn silage (CCS) or brown midrib corn silage (BMCS)


Item CCS BMCS SEM P-value

  Maximal production (L/kg of VS) 146 173 5.4 0.01
  Emissions (g/d)1 128 198 9.20 <0.01
  VS loss (%) 30.6 37.6 1.26 0.01
  NDF loss (%) 31.2 46.2 2.79 0.01
 mM 240 227 5.5 0.17
  % of N 78.9 79.3 1.55 0.87
Calculated according to equation 10.23 (IPCC, 2006) using VS excretion (Table 2), CH4 maximal produc-
tion (L/kg of VS) of manure from cows, and the CH4 conversion factor as suggested by Environment Canada

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 11, 2019


Degradation of VS and NDF (i.e., VS and NDF

losses) during incubation (Table 4) was more extensive
(P < 0.01) in manure from cows fed BMCS compared
with manure from cows fed CCS diet (38 and 46 ver-
sus 31 and 31%, respectively). This is consistent with
differences in CH4 emissions observed between manure
from cows fed BMCS compared with cows fed CCS.
In agreement, Aguerre et al. (2012) and Hassanat and
Benchaar (2019) reported up to 33% VS losses of stored
manure. Niu et al. (2017) also reported 40% carbon
loss from manure stored for 29 wk. Maximum methane
production potential expressed on kilogram of degraded
VS basis averaged 467 L/kg of VS and were not affected
by corn silage cultivar. This value is within the range
of values (450–850 L/kg of VS degraded) estimated by
Figure 2. Methane emissions of incubated manure from lactating
cows fed diets based on conventional corn silage (▲) or brown midrib Lory et al. (2010).
corn silage (□). Error bars indicate SEM.

Daily manure CH4 emissions (Table 4) were calculat- Results of this study show that manure contribution
ed with equation 10.23 of the IPCC (2006) as follows: to CH4 emissions may increase when more digestible
forages are used in dairy cow diets. Compared with
manure CH4 emission = VS × B0 × 0.67 × MCF, CCS, feeding BMCS to dairy cows increased VS excre-
tion (kg/d) and maximal methane production (L/kg
where manure CH4 emission is the daily manure CH4 of VS) when manure was incubated under anaerobic
emission per cow (g/d), VS is the quantity (kg/cow per conditions for 17 wk. Therefore, it is necessary to assess
d) of VS reported in Table 2, B0 is the maximal CH4 CH4 emissions from stored manure when dietary CH4
production potential (L/kg of VS) reported in Table mitigation options are suggested to ensure reductions
4, 0.67 is the conversion factor of L of CH4 to g of in enteric CH4 do not increase CH4 emissions from
CH4, and MCF is the methane conversion factor (0.2) stored manure. In this case, strategies to reduce or
for liquid manure suggested by Environment Canada eliminate CH4 emissions from stored manure should be
(2015b). considered.
Manure from cows fed BMCS produced 55% more
(P < 0.01) CH4 than manure from cows fed CCS (198 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
vs. 128 g/d; Table 4). The higher daily manure CH4
emissions from of cows fed BMCS diet compared with The authors express their appreciation to L. Croteau
emissions from cows fed CCS are due to the higher and S. Provencher (technical assistance) and the barn
VS excretion (kg/d) and the higher maximal CH4 crew (care of animals) from the Sherbrooke Research
production (L/kg of VS) for cows fed BMCS versus and Development Centre (Agriculture and Agri-Food
cows fed CCS. In our previous study (Hassanat et al., Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada). The authors acknowl-
2017), enteric CH4 emission of cows fed BMCS and or edge funding support of Agriculture and Agri-Food
CCS were 470 and 483 g/d, respectively. Thus, total Canada.
CH4 emissions (sum of enteric and manure emissions)
were 668 and 611 g/d for cows fed BMCS and CCS, REFERENCES
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 11, 2019

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