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Bus Reservation


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Bus Reservation



Online Bus Booking System is Web Based application, That works with in centralised network,
It Provides facility to reserved seats, different type of enquiry which need an instant and quick
reservation. Buses may be used for scheduled bus transport, scheduled coach transport, school
transport, private hire, or tourism; promotional buses may be used for political campaigns and
others are privately operated for a wide range of purposes, including rock and pop band tour
vehicles. One of the main aim of this project is to help the people for booking their travelling
tickets of bus with an easy and user friendly interface. The traveler can trace their Bus and can
book their seats and also they can find the route easily and can make payments. The registration
to the Bus Booking System is totally free so that any person can be registered and they can
book their bus seats or can make reservations. The customer can view the bus details and they
can search by specific date.

One of the main aim of this project is to help the people for booking their travelling tickets of
bus with an easy and user friendly interface. The traveler can trace their Bus and can book their
seats and also they can find the route easily and can make payments. The registration to the Bus
Booking System is totally free so that any person can be registered and they can book their bus
seats or can make reservations. The customer can view the bus details and they can search by
specific date.

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System analysis is the process of collecting and interpreting facts, understanding
problems and using the information to suggest improvements on the system. This will
help to understand the existing system and determine how computers make its operation
more effective. The aim of this analysis is to collect the detailed information on the
system and the feasibility study of the proposed system. This analysis focuses on the
flow of the system module by module and the efficiency of each. To design the
proposed system we need the exact processing logic as well as the extended features of
the existing system such as reliability, consistency, storage capacity etc. This report will
discuss the advantages and drawbacks/disadvantages of the existing system and the
modifications and enhancements can be done. This analysis will concentrate on the
information gathering for the efficient, user friendly and reliable system, which will
carry forward the features of the existing system.


Requirements analysis results in the specification of software’s operational
characteristics, indicates software’s interface with other system elements, and
establishes constraints that software must meet. Requirements analysis allows you to
elaborate on basic requirements established during the inception, elicitation, and
negotiation tasks that are part of Requirements engineering.

The requirement gathering can be done by following ways.

 Telephonic Interview.
 Site visit.
 Website visit.
 Questionnaire.

For this project I have used Interview method, Site visit and Questionnaire.

 Conduct an interview with the Manager.

 Visit the Service Centre and analyse the services provided.

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 Conduct an interview with the agents.

 Conduct an interview with the Employees.


Existing system is a manual one in which users are maintaining books to store the
information like bus details, route details, purchases, service details and accounts for
every month. It is very difficult to maintain historical data. The Customers wants to go
to Bus centre in order for knowing the availability of bus. Boarding points allocation is
manual, which is more time consuming. This application allows users to book bus
tickets from anywhere and anytime. users who are interested in inquiring about the bus
type, tickets price, available seats, facility of the bus etc. have to walk to the booking
office. This creates a lot of time waste for the users..The following are the
disadvantages of the existing system

 It is difficult to maintain important information in books.

 More manual hours need to generate required reports.
 It is tedious to manage historical data which needs much space to keep all the
previous year’s data.
 User data and Vehicle details are written manually.
 Keeping backup of data is very difficult.
 The manually handled system is time consuming.
 Data security is not assured.
 Large number of manpower is required.
 Updating information is difficult.
 Searching of the details of a bus is difficult.


The proposed system is a new system which is helpful to both employees as well as
the users. This system provides help to the users as they can inquire about the bus
model, its ticket price, available Seats, facility of the bus etc. and they don’t need to
walk to the office. There are login and password service for employee and regular
customers to use this system.

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This application allows users to book bus tickets from anywhere and anytime. The user
can easily book their tickets and cancel tickets. The user can view all the details of the
website, bus, and drive. The user can also view the details of the journey and the details
of the journey timings.

Advantages of proposed system:

1. Data storage is fast

It takes very less time to store the data.
2. Updation of data is fast
Since the updating is done by the software, we can update the data easily.
3. It require less man power
Software reduces the number of human activities and therefore we can reduce
the number of humans.
4. Searching of particular bus is very easy
We can find the details of the savings schemes very easily by developing the
5. Easy maintenance of records
Because of good security and easy updating, record maintenance is easy.
6. Validation is easy
7. Easy back up
We can take the back up of the details and therefore we can avoid the tension
of losing the data. That makes it more secure.


Feasibility study is made to see if the project on completion will serve the purpose of
the organization for the amount of work, effort and the time that spent on it. Feasibility
study lets the developer foresee the future of the project and the usefulness. Feasibility
study is a test of the system proposed regarding its workability, impact on the
organization, ability to meet the needs and effective use of resources. Thus when a new
project is proposed, it normally goes through a feasibility study before it’s approved for
development. The document provide the feasibility of the project that is being designed
and lists various areas that were considered very carefully during the feasibility study
of this project such as technical, economical and behavioural feasibilities. The proposed
system is theoretically investigated to check the feasibility and found that they are more

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reliable and reliable in the cases given below. There are three aspects in the feasibility
study portion of the preliminary investigation.

 Technical Feasibility
 Economical Feasibility
 Behavioural Feasibility
 Legal Feasibility

The proposed system must be evaluated from a technical point of view first, and if
technical feasible their impact on the organization must be assessed. If compatible, the
operational system can be devised. Then they must be tested for economic feasibility.
Technical feasibility study deals with the hardware as well as software requirements.
The scope was whether the work for the project is done with the current equipments
and the existing software technology has to be examined in the feasibility study. The
outcome was found to be positive. This evaluation determines whether the technology
needed for the proposed system is available or not.

 Can the work for the project be done with current software technology?
 Can the system be upgraded if developed?

This is concerned with specifying software that will successfully satisfy the user
requirement. The technical needs of the system may include:

Front-end and back-end selection

The aspects of our study included the following factors.

Front-end selection:

 Flexibility.
 Robustness
 Platform independent.
 Easy to debug and maintain.
 Front end must support some popular back end like Ms Access.

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According to the above stated features we selected ASP.NET as the front-end for
developing our project.

Back-end Selection:

 Multiple user support.

 Efficient data handling.
 Provide inherent features for security.
 Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.
 Popularity.
 Operating System compatible.
 Easy to implant with the Front-end.

According to above stated features I selected SQL Server 2012 as the backend. The
technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. It is
essential that the process of analysis and definition be conducted in parallel with an
assessment to technical feasibility. It centres on the existing computer system
(hardware, software etc.) and to what extent it can support the proposed system.


Economic justification is generally the “Bottom Line” consideration for most systems.
Economic justification includes a broad range of concerns that includes cost benefit
analysis. The developing system must be justified by cost and benefit.

Possible system benefits,

1. Benefits from contributions of Printing and Calculations tasks.

Improved accuracy in asks.
Reduction in cost and effort of printing and calculation tasks.
Greatly increased speed in calculating and printing, etc.
2. Benefits from contributions to record-keeping task.
Complete and systematic keeping of records.
Improved security in record storage.
Improved portability of records, etc.
3. Benefits from contributions to record searching task.
Faster retrieval of records.
Improved ability to access and change data in data bases, etc.
4. Benefits from contributions to analysis capability.

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5. Ability to perform complex, simultaneous tasks quickly.

Reduction of need for work force in process and resource control.

Improved ability to maintain continuous monitoring of tasks, etc.

Possible system costs,

1. Procurement costs.
Consulting costs.
Actual equipment purchase and installation costs, etc.
2. Start-up costs.
Cost of operating system software.
Cost of communications equipment installation (Internet), etc.
3. Project related costs.
Cost of applications software purchased.
Cost of development management, etc.
4. Ongoing costs.
System maintenance costs (hardware and costs etc).
Rental costs (Electricity and Internet Charges etc).

The proposed system will replace the cost and man power involved in the existing
system. Thus the project is economically feasible.


Proposed project would be beneficial only if it can be turned into information system
that will meet the organization's operational requirements. One of the main problems
faced during development of new system is getting acceptance from user. Even if a
system is technically and economically feasible but the user of the system are resistant
to use it then there is no use. In this stage the following issues are considered.
 Is the proposed system user-friendly

 Is there sufficient support for the project from the management and users

 Will the proposed system cause harm

 Will it produce poorer result in any area

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This website will not produce any illegal problems and it is not harmful for your
machine (Hardware & Software). It will not create or spread virus and it will not violate
any government cyber rules and regulations. So the system is legally feasible.


System requirements are expressed in a software requirement document. The Software
requirement specification (SRS) is the official statement of what is required of the
system developers. This requirement document includes the requirements definition
and the requirement specification. The software requirement document is not a design
document. It should set out what the system should do without specifying how it should
be done. The requirement set out in this document is complete and consistent. The
software specification document satisfies the following:-

 It specifies the external system behaviour.

 It specifies constraints on the implementation.
 It is easy to change.
 It serves as reference tool for system maintainers.
 It record forethought about the life cycle of the system.
 It characterizes acceptable response to undesired events.


An actor is someone or something that interacts with the system. An actor is he/she
what uses the system. An actor exchanges information with the system. Asking certain
questions as detailed below can identify the actors of the system.

Actors are:
1. Admin
2. Users

The following questions will need to identify the actors.

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1. Who will use the main functionality of the system? Administrator,


2. Who will lead support from the system and do their daily Administrator,
tasks? Users.

3. Which hardware devices does the system need to handle? Tablet,

Mobile phone, etc

4. With which other systems, does this system need to Database

5. Who was interest in the result produced by the system? Administrator,


A use cases represents the functionality of an actor. It is defined as a set of actions
performed by a system, which yields an observable result. An ellipse containing its
name inside the ellipse or below it represents it. It is placed inside the system boundary
and connected to an actor with an association. This shows how the use cases and the
actor interact.

To find out the use cases, ask the following questions to each of the actors:

 Which functions does the actor require from the system? What does the actor
need to do?
 Does the actor need to read, create, destroy, modify or store some kind of
information in the system?
 Could the actor’s daily work be simplified or made more efficient by adding
new functions to the system?

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Use case identification:

Use case for the actor Administrator

Administrator requires the following

1 Which functions does the functionalities from the system such as Add
Administrator require from the , Add Service men, profile management,
system? What does the Administrator payment confirmation, Vehicle details etc.
need to do?

2 Does the Administrator need to read, Yes. Administrator need to create, view and
create, destroy, modify or store some edit the data if require.
kind of information in the system?

3 Could the Administrator work be Yes, the system can reduce his/her work.
simplified by adding new functions to
the system?

1. What are the functions that Administrator want to perform?

 Login
 Add bus
 Update bus details
 Add bus schedule
 View booking report
 View bus details
 Add boarding points
 Logout

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Use case for the actor Users

Users requires the following functionalities

1 Which functions do the Users require from the system such as Registration, search
from the system? What does the user buses, select bus, choose boarding points, add
need to do? new passangers etc.

2 Does the User need to read, create, Yes. User need to create, view and edit the data
destroy, modify or store some kind of if require.
information in the system?

3 Could the User work be simplified by Yes, the system can reduce his/her work.
adding new functions to the system?

What are the functions that User want to perform?

 User Registration
 Login
 Search buses
 Select bus
 Select seats
 Select boarding points
 Add new passengers
 Confirm booking
 View booking report
 Make payment

Use case diagrams model behaviour within a system and helps the developers
understand of what the user require. The stick man represents what’s called an actor.
Use case diagram can be useful for getting an overall view of the system and clarifying
that can do and more importantly, what they can’t do. Use case diagrams consist of
use cases and actors, and show the interaction between the use cases and actors.

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 The purpose is to show the interaction between the use case and actor.
 To represent the system requirements from the users perspective.
 An actor could be the end user of the system or an external system.

Use case diagram

A use case is description of set of sequence of actions. Graphically it is rendered as an
ellipse with solid line including only its name. Use case diagram is a behavioural
diagram that shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationship. It is association
between the use cases and actor. An actor represents a real world object. Primary
actor - sender, secondary actor – receiver.


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Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities
and actions, with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified
Modelling Language, activity diagrams are intended to model both computational and
organisational processes. Activity diagrams show the overall flow of control.

Activity diagrams are constructed from a limited number of shapes, connected with
arrows. The most important shape types:

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 rounded rectangles represent actions; Bus Reservation
 diamonds represent decisions;
 bars represent the start (split) or end (join) of concurrent activities;
 a black circle represents the start (initial state) of the workflow;
 an encircled black circle represents the end (final state).

Arrows run from the start towards the end and represent the order in which activities

Hence they can be regarded as a form of flowchart. Typical flowchart techniques lack
constructs for expressing concurrency, however the join and split symbols in activity
diagrams only resolve this for simple cases; the meaning of the model is not clear when
they are arbitrarily combined with decisions or loops.


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System sequence diagrams are visual summaries of the individual use cases.
All systems are treated as a black box; the diagram places emphasis on events that cross
the system boundary from actors to systems. A system sequence diagram should be
done for the main success scenario of the use case, and frequent or complex alternative
A system sequence diagram should specify and show the following:
 External actors
 Messages (methods) invoked by these actors
 Return values (if any) associated with previous messages
 Indication of any loops or iteration area

Professionals, in developing a project, often use system sequence diagrams to illustrate

how certain tasks are done between users and the system. These tasks may include
repetitive, simple, or complex tasks. The purpose is to illustrate the use case in a visual
format. In order to construct a system sequence diagram, you need to be familiar with
the unified modelling language (UML). These models show the logic behind the actors
(people who affect the system) and the system in performing the task. Reading a
sequence diagram begins at the top with the actor(s) or the system(s) (which is located
at the top of the page). Under each actor or system there are long dotted line called
lifelines, which are attached to them. Actions are performed with lines that extend
between these lifelines. When an action line is connected to a lifeline it shows the
interaction between the actor or system. Messages will often appear at the top or bottom
of a system sequence diagram to illustrate the action in detail. For example, the actor
could request to login, this would be represented by login (username, password). After
each action is performed, the response or next action is located under the previous one.
As you read down the lines you will see in detail how certain actions are performed in
the system.

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Admin Database User

Login (user name, password)

Add bus

View route details

View booking report

View bus details report

Update bus details

Add bus schedule

Add boarding points


User registration

Search bus

Select bus

Choose seat

Select boarding points

Make payment

Add new passenger details

Logout Confirm booking


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The hardware required for the application depends on the following:

 Determining size and capacity requirements

 Computer evaluation and measurements
 Financial factors
 Maintenance and support.

Processor : Intel Core i3

Ram : 4 GB

Keyboard : entry level quiet key keyboard, ps/2

Mouse : PS/2, 2 button with scroll

Monitor : 15 inch monitor

HDD : 40 GB


The software required for the application depends on the following factors:

 The flexibility of the software

 Software contracts
 Limitation of the software

Technology used : .net core framework 4.5.1

IDE : visual studio 2019

Front end : with c# code behind

Back end : MSSQL server 2012

Platform : windows 10

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Design is a meaningful engineering representation of something that is to be built. It is
an iterative process through which requirements are translated in to a blueprint for
constructing the software. The goal of the design phase is to plan a solution of the
problem specified by the requirements document.

Major activities during the design phase are:

 Data Base Design

 Architectural Design
 Interface Design
 Modular Design


A database is collections of inter related data stored with minimum redundancy to serve
many users quickly and efficiently. In database design data independence, accuracy,
privacy, and security are given higher priority. Database design is an integrated
approach to file design. This activity deals with the design of the physical database.
All entries and attributes have been identified while creating the database. The database
design deals with the grouping of data into number of tables so as to reduce the
duplication of data, minimize storage space, and retrieve the data efficiently.

Guidelines for designing a database:

 Design a relational schema so that it is easy to explain its meaning. Do not

combine attributed from multiple entity and relationship types into a single
 Design the database schema so that no insertion, deletion or modification
anomalies are present in the relation.
 As far as possible, avoid placing attributes in a base relation whose values may
frequently be null.
 Design relation schemas so that they can be joined with equality conditions on
attributes that are either primary keys or foreign keys in a way that no spurious
tuples are generated.

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 Ease of use
 Data independence
 Accuracy and integrity
 Avoiding inordinate delays
 Recovery from failure
 Privacy and security.


A data flow diagram is a graphical technique that depicts data flow and
transforms that are applied as data move from input to output. The DFD is used to
represent increasing information flow and functional details. A Level 0 DFD also called
a fundamental system model or context model represents the entire software elements
as a single bubble with input and output indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows
respectively. Additional process and information flow parts are represented in next
level i.e., Level 1 DFD. Each of the processes represented at level 1 are sub functions
of overall system depicted in the context model.

Data flow diagram symbol:

Source/Destination of Data

Data flow


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Level 0: Context Level

Level 1

Admin Login Admin Request


2 Response


Users process
0.2 Response

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Level 2: Admin

Bus details BusId

Add bus BusMaster

Route details RouteId

View route details RouteDetails

Booking report View booking Bo BookingId BookingMaster

Bus report BusId
View bus report BusMaster


update details BusId BusMaster

View update details

Bus schedule scheduleId

Add bus schedule ScheduleMast
Boarding points
Add boarding PickupStand

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Level 2: User

Registration regId
User registration Registration

Search Bus BusId

Search bus BusMaster

Select Bus Choose bus Bo BusId BusMaster

Choose seat BusId

Select seat BusMaster


Boarding points StandId

Select boarding PickupStand

Payment BookingId
Make payment BookingMaster

Passenger details BookingId

Add new passenger BookingMaster
Booking BookingMaster
Add boarding

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An entity-relationship diagram is a data modeling technique that creates a
graphical representation of the entities, and relationship between entities, within an
information system.

There are three basic elements in ER models:

 Entities are the “things” about which we seek information

 Attributes are the data we collect about entities.
 Relationships provided the structure needed to draw information
from multiple entities.

E-R Diagram Symbols:




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Table 1: BusMaster

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

BusId Int Primary key id of the bus.

BusNo Varchar(50) Not null number of bus

BusType varchar(50) Not null Bus Type

TotalSeat Int Not null Total Seat

SeatColumn Int Not null Seat Columns

SeatRow Int Not null Seat Row

BookedSeat Int Not null Booked Seats

AvailableSeats Int Not null Available seats

BusName varchar(50) Not null Name of bus

Table 2: Registration

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

regId Int Primary key Registration Id of
Fname Varchar(50) Not null First Name of user

Lname Varchar(50) Not null Last name of user

EmailId Varchar(50) Not null Email

Address Varchar(50) Not null Address of user

City Varchar(50) Not null City of user
Pincode Varchar(50) Not null Pincode

Contact Varchar(50) Not null Contact details

Password Varchar(50) Not null Password of user

CreateDate datetime Not null Created date

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Table 3: BookingMaster

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

BookingId Int Primary key Id

regId Int Foreign key Registration id of user

BusId Int Foreign key Id of bus

Fname Varchar(50) Not null First name

Lname Varchar(50) Not null Last name

Email Varchar(50) Not null Email

Contact Varchar(50) Foreign key User contact details

City Varchar(50) Not null City

SeatNo nvarchar(50) Not null Seat number

TravelDate Varchar(50) Not null Date of travel

Origin Varchar(50) Not null Origin of traveling

Destination Varchar(50) Not null Destination

BoardingId Int Not null Id of boarding point

Fare Decimal(18,2) Not null Fare price

PNRNo Varchar(50) Not null PNR number

ScheduleId Int Not null Schedule of bus

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Table 4: CardDetails

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

CardId Int Primary key Id

UserId Int Foreign key User id

CardType Varchar(20) Not null Card type

BankName Varchar(50) Not null Bank name

CVVNo Varchar(10) Not null Cvv number

CardNo nvarchar( 100) Not null Card number

Total amount Decimal(18,2) Not null Total amount

CreatedBy Int Not null Created by

Table 5: CityDetails

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

CityId Int Primary key Id

CityName Varchar(50) Not null Name of city

Table 6: PickUpStand

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

StandId Int Primary key Id

RouteId Int Foreign key Route id

PlaceName Varchar(50) Not null Place name

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PlaceTime Varchar(50) Not null Place time

BusId Int Foreign key Id of bus

Table 7: PNRDetails

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

PNRDetailsId bigint Primary key PNR details

PNRNo Varchar(50) Not null PNR number

TotalAmount Decimal(18,2) Not null Total amount

TotalTickets Int Not null Datetime

CreatedBy Int Not null Created by

Table 8: RouteDetails

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

RouteId Int Primary key Id

Origin Varchar(50) Not null Origin of route

Destination Varchar(50) Not null Destination

CreatedDate datetime Not null Created date

BusId Int Foreign key Id of bus

Table 9: ScheduleMaster

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description

ScheduleId Int Not null Id

BusId Int Foreign key Id of bus

Date Varchar(50) Not null Date

Fare Decimal(18,2) Not null Fare price

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EstimatedTime Varchar(50) Not null Estimated time

ArrivalTime Varchar(50) Not null Arriving time

DepartureTime Varchar(50) Not null Departure time

RouteId Int Foreign key Id of route

BookedSeats Int Not null Booked seats

AvailableSeats Int Not null Available seats


The hierarchical diagram is a technique for representing the modules of a system as a
hierarchy and for documenting each module. It was used to develop requirements,
construct the design, and support implementation of an expert system to demonstrate
and verify the system. Structure charts can be used to display several types of

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Bus reservation

Admin User

Add bus Search bus

View route details Select bus

View book report

Choose seat

View bus details report

Select boarding points

Update details

Add bus schedule Make payment

Add boarding points

Add new passengers

Confirm booking

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An interface design elements for the software tell how information flows into and out
of the system and how it is communicated among the components as part of the


Input design is the link between the information system and users and those steps that
are necessary to put transaction data into a usable form for processing data entry.
Instructing the computer to read data from a written printed document can active the
activity of putting data into the computer for processing or it can occur by keying data
directly into the system. The design of input focusing on controlling the errors, avoid
delay, and keeping the process simple. System analyst decides the following input
design details

 What data to input?

 What medium to use?

 How the data is arranged and coded?

In my project named Car Spa, I tried to include the following design constrains provided
in the software engineering.

Avoid scattering of fields in the forms

In all forms of the software the textboxes (which provided to input some data), label
(which label the text boxes), combo box (list a set of values) etc all are arranged in a
neat and well format. It provides a simple look to the pages. The buttons are placed at
the bottom of the page and easily accessible to the user. The menus are arranged below
the heading and at a minimum level of menus are arranged with pages. Menu provides
the continuity to the pages.

User only needs to enter a minimum amount of data

All forms contain a minimum amount data, but most essentials. No page provides or
wanted bulky of data. It provides more easiness to the user. It creates more the software
to the end user. Also the operation continues by single click.

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Avoid confusion in the forms

All forms have a well defined menus and each menu name indicate its purpose. So the
user can easily access various forms without confusion. Each form and its sub forms
are well labelled. So the user can easily identify the forms and work on that.

The following are the input forms present in this project:

 Add bus
 Add bus schedule
 User Registration
 Add boarding points
 Select bus
 Choose seat
 Select boarding point
 Make payment
 Add new passengers
 Confirm booking


Designing computer should proceed in well thought out manner. The term output means
any information produced by the information system weather printed or displayed.
Output design is a process that involves designing necessary output that have to be used
by various users according to requirement. The efficient intelligent output design
should remove the system relationship with the users and help in decision making.

When designing the output, system analyst must accomplish the following:

 Determine the information present.

 Decide whether to print, display the information and select output medium.

 Arrange information in acceptable format.

In my project, the outputs are in the form of reports. They are well format and it
provides the output in a correct and neat format.

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The following are the output forms present in this project:

 View route details

 View booking report
 View bus details report
 View update details
 Search bus

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4.1.1 core Framework

ASP.NET Core (previously named .NET Core) is a free and open-source, managed
computer software framework for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. It
is a cross-platform successor to ASP.NET Core Framework. The project is primarily
developed by Microsoft employees by way of the ASP.NET Foundation, and released
under the MIT License.

.NET supports four cross-platform scenarios: ASP.NET Core web apps; command-line
apps; libraries; and Universal Windows Platform apps.

ASP.NET Core Framework supports use of NuGet packages. The two main
components of .NET are CoreCLR and CoreFX, which are comparable to the Common
Language Runtime (CLR) and the Framework Class Library (FCL) of the .NET
Framework's Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) implementation.

ASP.NET Core Framework is used to create server applications that run on Windows,
Linux and Mac. Developers can write applications and libraries in VB.NET, C# and F#
in both runtimes.The ASP.NET Core runtime,provides basic services for internet-
connected apps, such as web apps, IoT apps, and mobile backends. The desktop
runtime. Provides basic ASP.NET Core Framework gives you a choice of languages,
integrated development environments (IDEs), and other for Windows
desktop apps, including Windows Forms and WPF.

ASP.NET Core provides the following benefits:

 A unified story for building web UI and web APIs.

 Architected for testability.
 Razor Pages makes coding page-focused scenarios easier and more productive.
 Blazor lets you use C# in the browser alongside JavaScript. Share server-side and
client-side app logic all written with .NET.
 Ability to develop and run on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
 Open-source and community-focused.
 Integration of modern, client-side frameworks and development workflows.

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 Support for hosting Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services using RPC.

 A cloud-ready, environment-based configuration system.

 Built-in dependency injection.

 A lightweight, high-performance, and modular HTTP request pipeline.

 Ability to host on the following:

 Kestrel
 HTTP.sys
 Nginx
 Apache
 Docker
 Tooling that simplifies modern web development.

C# Language

C# is an object-oriented programming language from Microsoft that aims to combine the

computing power of C++ with the programming ease of Visual Basic. C# is based on
C++ and contains features similar to those of Java. C# is designed to work with
Microsoft's .Net platform. Microsoft's aim is to facilitate the exchange of information and
services over the Web, and to enable developers to build highly portable applications. C#
simplifies programming through its use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) which allow access to a programming object or
method without requiring the programmer to write additional code for each step. Because
programmers can build on existing code, rather than repeatedly duplicating it, C# is
expected to make it faster and less expensive to get new products and services to market.

Main Features of C#:

a. Modern

b. Object Oriented

c. Type Safed.

d. Interoperability

e. Scalable and Updateable

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C# is a modern, type safe programming language, object oriented language that enables
programmers too quickly and easily build solutions for the Microsoft .NET platforms.


SQL Server 2012

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed

by Microsoft. As a database, it is a software product whose primary function is to store
and retrieve data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same
computer or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet).
SQL Server 2012 adds certain features to SQL Server.

Features of SQL Server 2012:

a. Build Flexible and Reliable Data-Driven Applications

b. Enable Dynamic Web Sites

c. Create Reports Faster

d. Simplify Deployment and Servicing


The input to the coding phase is the design document. During coding phase, modules
identified in the design document are coded according to the module specification.
Objectives of coding phase are, to transform design into code and unit test the code.

Coding Guidelines

 Code should be easy to understand.

 Don’t take pride in cryptic code.
 Code should be well documented.
 Comments should be present.
 Functions should be small.
 Do not use Go-to statement.
 Do not use the same variable for multiple purposes.

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<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/BusBookingMaster.Master"
AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Home.aspx.cs"
Inherits="BusBookingProject.Home" %>
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width: 20px;
margin-left: -2.5px;
text-align: center;
padding: 10px 0;
top: 1px;

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offset-2" style="margin-left:30%">

<div class="panel panel-default">

<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Search For Available Buses</h3>
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<div id="divMessage" runat="server" />
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12">
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Text="From" Font-Bold="true"></asp:Label>
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Text="To" Font-Bold="true"></asp:Label>
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class="form-control input-sm floatlabel" runat="server">

<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12">
<div class="form-group">
<asp:Label ID="lblDate" runat="server"
Text="Travel Date" Font-Bold="true"></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDate" runat="server"
placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY Format" class="form-control input-sm
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12">
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For software that is newly developed, primary importance is given to testing the system.
It is the last opportunity for the developer to detect the possible errors in the software
before handing over it to the customer. Testing is the processes by which the developer
will generate a set of data, which gives the maximum probability of finding all types of
errors that can occur in the software.

The various steps in testing the system can be listed as below:

1. Running the program to identify any errors that might have occurred while
feeding the program into the system.

2. Applying the screen formats to regulate users to extend, so that the screens are
comprehensible to the user.

3. Presenting the formats to the administration for the purpose of obtaining

approval and checking if any modification has to be done. Obtaining feedbacks
from users and analyzing the scope for improvement.

4. Checking the data accessibility from the data server and whether any
improvement is needed or not.

5. The following are the types of Testing:

 Unit Testing
 Integration Testing
 System Testing

 Validation Testing


Unit testing is carried out to screen wise, each screen being identified as an
object. Attention is diverted to individual modules, independently to one another to
locate in coding and logic.

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In unit testing,
 Module interface is tested to ensure that information properly flows into and out
of the program under test.
 Local data structures are examined to ensure that data stored temporarily
maintains its integrity during all steps in algorithm execution.
 Boundary condition is tested to ensure that the module operates properly at
boundaries established to limit or restrict processing.
 All independent paths through the control structures are executed to ensure that
all statements in the module have been executed at least once.
 Error handling paths are also tested.

Login form

No. Test scenario Expected result Observed result Result

1. Enter wrong user Display login form Message Pass

name and password again with invalid displayed.

2. Enter correct user Display login form Message Pass

name and wrong again with invalid displayed.
password message.

3. Enter correct user Administrator or user Login successful Pass

name and correct can login to the is returned
password of system.
administrator or user.

4. Press login button Display warning Warning Pass

without filling the message to fill the message
user name and details. displayed

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User registration form

Test Scenario Expected Result Observed Result Result

Display the Form loaded
1. Form displayed. registration form. Pass

Enter the name in integers. Display an invalid Invalid message

2. message. displayed. Pass

Enter the mobile number in Display an invalid Invalid message

3. characters. message. displayed. Pass

Enter the mobile number Display an invalid Invalid message

4. more than and less than 10 message. displayed. Pass
Click the submit button Display a warning Warning message
5. without filling the details. message to fill the displayed. Pass
Click on submit button with Accept the details. Registration
6. filled fields. successfully done. Pass

Click cancel button Clear all fields to All fields cleared.

7. blank. Pass

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Add bus

No. Test scenario Expected result Observed result Result

1. Form displayed Display form with all Form loaded with Pass
controls. all controls.

2. Click save button Display warning Warning message Pass

without data message to fill the displayed.

3. Click save button with Display message saved Message Pass

data success fully and clear displayed and all
the fields fields cleared

4. Click clear button Clear all fields to blank All fields cleared Pass

5. Click close button Exit the form Exited Pass


Integration testing is a symmetric technique for constructing the program

structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with
interfacing. Unit tested module were taken and a single program structure was built that
has been dictated by and tested in small segments, where errors were easy to locate and
rectify. Each database or table manipulation operation was written as single program
was tested again with numerous test data to check for its functionality.

No. Input/procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1. Check the value pass Appropriate Same as Pass
between different operations of expected.
forms are appropriate different forms.

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System testing is used test the entire system (Integration of the all modules). It
also tests to find the discrepancies between the system and the original objective,
current specification and system documentation. The entire system is checked to correct
deviation to achieve correctness.

No. Input/procedure Expected Actual Pass/Fail

Result Result

1. Check whether All operations Same as Pass

indented output is are carried out expected.
obtained. properly.


At the conclusion of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a

package, interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected and a final series of
software tests begins validation test has been conducted one of the two possible
conditions exists. One is the function or performance characteristics confirm to
specification and are accepted and the other is deviation from specification is uncovered
and a deficiency list is created.

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System implementation is the stage where the theoretical design is turned into a
working system. The system can be implemented only after through testing is done and
if it if found to work according to specifications. The following methods were

 Testing developed programs with updating.

 Correction of errors identified.
 Creating the tables of the system with actual data.
 Making necessary changes with actual data.
 Doing a parallel run of the system to find out any errors identified and to correct
 Training of user personnel’s.

The implementation method used to implement Industrial weighing bridge is

Parallel Run. That is, the new system will work parallel to the existing system. The new
system will replace the existing system completely.
Industrial weighing bridge is developed as a web application, as usual some web
development technologies are used in the implementation of the project. The language
selected to program this software is C#.NET. The reason for selecting this language is
a simple and powerful language that especially developed to create web application.
Technologies used in the development of the software are:

 Language : C#.NET Core

 Database : SQL Server 2012
 Web Server : Google Chrome
 Development tool : Visual Studio 2019
 Operating System : Windows 10

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Online Bus Booking System is Web Based application, That works with in centralised
network, It Provides facility to reserved seats, different type of enquiry which need an
instant and quick reservation. Buses may be used for scheduled bus transport, scheduled
coach transport, school transport, private hire, or tourism; promotional buses may be
used for political campaigns and others are privately operated for a wide range of
purposes, including rock and pop band tour vehicles. One of the main aim of this project
is to help the people for booking their travelling tickets of bus with an easy and user
friendly interface. The traveler can trace their Bus and can book their seats and also
they can find the route easily and can make payments. The registration to the Bus
Booking System is totally free so that any person can be registered and they can book
their bus seats or can make reservations. The customer can view the bus details and
they can search by specific date.

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 Software engineering 5th edition by Roger S Pressman, McGraw-Hill

publication 1987.

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Home Page

Bus details report

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Add bus

Route details

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Booking report

User login

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Search bus

User registration

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Seat details

Booking report

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