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Niche german philosopher

We constantly edit our memory to cope

(sobrellevar) with the reality of our decision?

For example

One day you cheated on your spouse and you feel

super bad about it so you start changing your memory
to make your mistakes more justifiable.
We need falsificaciones of our reality to help our

For example we invented

things that we consider as
something natural and real
but they are just inventions
like humans rights
(derechos humanos) they
don't really exist we invented them for trying to have a
better coexistence with others.

What do you invent to make a better existence for


According to Niche our real motivations for doing things

are hidden (escondidos) or in our subconscious and
supposedly our real motivations for doing things are
manifested in our dreams as suppressed (suprimido)

Have you seen something in your dreams

about-yourself you didn't like?
Fame: Fama
We don't say it but most of us would like
to be famous.
Fame according to psychology FAME is
something people look for because they
suffered neglect from their parents.

Psychology expresses that FAME is basically a desired for

attention we didn't receive from our childhood so partially when
say:......I would like to be a youtuber o movie star,,,,,we are revealing
neglect but we don't really want to be famous; because fame
normally it is massively stressing because now everybody is
judging what you say what you do where you do. Basically
every-thing in your life is judged. Why would you like that in your life?

Psychology proposes a solution… teach society to be more

empathetic, more listening and more gentle then ever-body would not
feel the void that makes you aspire for this nonsense that fame is.
Find the errors

My mom is going to take some classes for learning


My father has worked for years in the same companies

I will go on vacation next week

My son drank water because he was thirsty

I can to do whatever I put on my mind

If I had much money I buy a new house

I have spoken to many people around the world

I should to try to help my family more

I didn't study yesterday for the test

I am like my brother because we are twins

Traduce esto sin perder su carácter es decir si
dice gordito sería fatty no gordo o sea no fat

Estoy harta porque no puedo lograr

mis objetivos no importa que tanto lo
intento no puedo; me siento un
fracaso y es que mi jefe es un
mamón y no me da chanza de hacer
lo que me gusta pero pues la vida
sigue no hay de otra

Mi casa esta hecha un desmadre

despues de las fiesta y para acabarla
me tumbaron mi cartera en el metro
y no tengo ni un quinto para para el
mes ojala que me llegue mi
quincena el fin porque sino me las
voy a ver negras
Harta…….fed up.
La vida sigue…….life keeps going.
No hay de otra……. It is what it is.

Ni un quinto…….non even a nickel
Quicena…….my check
Voy a ver negras…….I will have a
I am scared of people who say I don't
kill because it is a sin or I don't steal
because I might go to hell. Why am I
scared?...because instead of deciding not
to do something incorrect as killing by his
own critical thinking he or she decides not
to do something only because an institution
as his or her religion says that killing it is
wrong. This causes a moral crisis in
people, because one day they will wake up
and say to themselves “why I don't robb? Why am I not a corrupted person?
Because my religion says it is wrong”?. And in that precise moment people
feel tempted to do something fundamentally wrong because they never had a
good reason for doing it in the first place, they never thought about it.

My advice is to reflect and analyse why you do what you do and why you
don't do what you don't do, such as killing, and build strong personal
beliefs to sustain those convictions.

I like the differentiation that exists in english

between The words responsibility and
accountability. I like it because the words
responsibility people tend to interpret it
differently but accountability means being
responsible for your actions or something
that was your responsibility. The word I love
is being responsible. People like to live in
anonymity using social media to speak
their ideas to say whatever they want but without really confronting the
impacts of their words.
Why do I hate this? Because it just makes things stuck(las cosas se estancan)
because isn't the dialectic formed by a thesis and antithesis to later get and
synthesis? I mean to progress in our critical thinking, empathy and
comprehension of problems we need dialogue. I need to talk to someone and
then listen to a different point of view and then together get a better and wider
(mas amplia) perspective. I hate these talks hidden in social media or gossip
because they are just monologues with the appearance of conversation.
350 mins

Kabul……...pais de afganistan
Back-benchers……... diputado sin cargo oficial en el
gobierno o la oposición
Withdrawal western troops……...retirar tropas de
paises occidentales como EUA
Grappling ……...encuentros armados
talibanTake over……...control del taliban
Amnesty……...perdon politico
Allow……...dejar o permitir
Shot dead……...disparados hasta la muerte
Correct the corrections
I have think of quitting my job

Were you at the party?

I think in my problems

I have alot of fear to die

I drank a lot at the party

I am very hungry

Yesterday I could clean-up my house

I will be able after I finish my degree

She makes awesome cakes

I label people based on………

I reflect on………

counter productive………

I em-bottle my-self………

I am about to………

I am suppos-ed to………

I turn a blind eye on ………

What are you supposed to………?

What do you reflect on………?

What do you consider is counterproductive…..?

How do you label people………?

Why do you embottle-yourself………?

What do you turn blind eye on…...?

What are you about to finish……..?

Si la palabra es gordito traduce lo como gordito y
no como gordo fat>gordo fatty> gordito

Sospecho que cuando yo hago algo que es malo hago

como que eso no es malo y me olvido de las cosas malas
que hice: sin embargo me he dado cuenta de esto en mi
personalidad y estoy trabajando en ello. El psicoanálisis dice
que los deseos que no aceptamos sino que los reprimimos
no se eliminan sino que se van al subconsciente y regresan
como síntomas o fantasmas de navidades pasadas como en
el cuento de Scrooge.

Tengo amigos bien chidos y bien chafas. Algunos son ninis

y otros están bien dedicados a sus trabajos o estudios. Mis
amigos ninis la mayoría son gorditos gorditos y es que se
atascan cada vez que comen.
Y normalmente por que no hacen nada de su vida es difícil
para ellos llegar a fin de mes. Mis otros amigos administran
su dinero, hacen presupuestos y claro tiene más dinero para
salir a dar la vuelta. De cualquier manera de los dos tipos de
amigos saco cosas buenas porque aprendo de sus fallos y
de sus éxitos
Present perfect….I have worked much
Present continuous…..I am waiting my mom

Present simple…...I like to learn languages

Future going to …. My bro is going to vivit canada

Future will…………...I will go to my house

Past ………...I went to cinema

future+ing…….I will be watching tv today all day

Inventa phrases con todos estos tiempos y pon algo mal y tu compañero
tiene que identificar que está mal


My wife has gone to the doctor because she is

sick……...cambiale algo para que este mal

My wife have gone to the doctor because she is sickness


Sensitive to disgust………..facil de senit asco
Get rid of it………..desacherce
Tuberculosis screening………..
In ruins………..


TAKE THE PISS……..bromear


BUMMER ……….decepcion


PIG OUT……..atascarse

Get around////salir a apasear


Tie the knot…...get married

Couch potato…… nini loser

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