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Youne (Th) Reavers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classics and specially-written stories for learners of English. nF JN Younes (i) Reavers The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics, There are three series, each catering for a different age group; ‘Young ELI Readers, Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated. to capture the essence of the stories and plots. White Teck Londo Rete actives ond poom by Jane Cadwallader usted by Gite Pal ELI Readers. Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoi, Grazia Ancilani, Daniele Garbugla (Art Director) Graphic Design Sergio Elise Ei Design Department Ditetia Brut Production Manager Francesco Copano” Typeset in 14 1-20 pt Monotype Ptantin Schaolbook © 2012 EL srl P.O Box 6 62019 Recanati MC - Italy ‘1 «39071750701 - F +39 071477851, info@elionline com ‘comm wouveelonlinecom Printed in aly by Teenostampa Recanct Feria 3 onan ISBN 97888 536.0713 Fist edton: March 2012 “em © ESC scr corate niente ppeuad Frost sooynatcamunbennta aaa te cuamiepniosres nt wis, ee G Yours (Wh Reavers Retald, activities and poem by Jane Cadwallader Ue Came Uve NOU Erel ty Pane Tetley PICTURE DICTIONARY Genicoc: White Fang Pera ern story of a wolf named White 5 Fang and his (to) bark. Rac esi cd Perea) aaa ter cage GO ¢ criminal (to) fight fang forest eee) & gold (to) howl One day his mother went to look for food. She was half wolf and half dog and she was very good at finding food. But the little wolf was tired of waiting and he was hungry! He went down to the river to look for her. ®2 long time ago, in an icy cold forest in the north of Canada there lived a little grey wolf. Life was very difficult but the little grey wolf was happy. ‘There were some Indians by the river. He barked and showed his teeth but they just laughed. ‘Look at his white teeth! Let’s call him White Fang,’ said an Indian called Grey Beaver. Grey Beaver took White Fang to his village. White Fang was very cold and hungry and he wanted his mother. He saw a strange thing on the ground. It looked like the sun! He smelled it and OOOOOOOW, his nose hurt! The Indians laughed at him, ‘That's fire!’ said Grey Beaver. White Fang became a sleddog. But the other dogs hated him because he was different. White Fang learned to fight them. He learned to be the quickest, the cleverest, the fiercest and the most dangerous. No-one was kind to White Fang so White Fang was kind to no-one. eo i % va v White Fang went to Fort Yukon with Grey Beaver. Many men went to Fort Yukon to look for gold. Grey Beaver wasn’t kind and he often hit White Fang but he wasn’t cruel. Then, Grey Beaver sold White Fang to Beauty Smith. Beauty Smith was cruel. Very cruel! White Fang wanted to go back to the forest, or to Grey Beaver or anywhere ... but he couldn’t. eRe Ree ECCT e RnR) Perel eet Tre WSs ora Gere cere ReteMen Ce Conn ct Chats este) Uttam Oe CBS ESa ete noni Crem Mace elope telets oatet Cremer een eed Sweetest Genes Scott bought White Fang from Beauty Smith and took him to his cabin. Scott tried to touch White Fang but he bit him. ‘He’s a wolf and he will never learn to be with people; peace RG crest Cen Rca Peete ‘Then it was time for Scott to stop looking for gold and go home to California. One day he packed his bags and left. White Fang howled and howled from inside the cabin. He didn’t want Scott to leave! In Scott’s house there was another dog .... a female dog called Collie. Collie did not like White Fang because he was three quarters wolf and at first she tried to keep him away from the family. 18 Slowly the family started to like White Fang and White Fang started to like the family. Even Collie started to be friendlier! One day Scott was reading the newspaper. He read some news to his father. ‘Listen ... a Blertetoceremeereettetel fiers Clim tecmectcctelscBicern pee R MSMR ecaterced tn) ciate Bia erre Pa COrm errr ri Hall into prison father. I hope he doesn’t come to look for you’. Scott’s dad laughed, ‘Don’t worry Rieleltas WCB ro eR ST ReelCoew rte e ne 20 A That night White Fang was sleeping downstairs in the front hall when he heard a noise. He woke up. He smelt something strange and then ... suddenly he saw a man he didn’t know going up ria White Fang quickly jumped up at the man and bit his leg. The man kicked White Fang and shouted loudly but White Fang held on. The man began to fall down the stairs. White Fang fell down the stairs with him. 22 Pee oa eon aa curitt Poteet Rcn erty cri BRC Ce CCN Rianne ko ay Reece tes cnc item cr) Pe tmea ie Cccrcme its cata Pxy ‘The doctor came to see White Fang. ‘I’m afraid he has a bad cut on his back and two badly broken legs, he may not live, said the doctor. Alll the family were very sad. But White Fang was strong and Scott’s family looked after him well. In his dreams, White Fang saw his mother, Grey Beaver and Beauty Smith, Before he met Scott his life had been terrible, with fighting and people hitting him and not having enough to eat. But now White Fang had a family and he was loved. Slowly he got better. One day Scott said to White Fang, ‘Come with me., I want to show you something’. White Fang’s legs were still weak but he followed Scott outside. And there was Collie with ... six small puppies. Two of them were all grey. White Fang was a father! >) 3 The Story of White Fang White Fang was a wild wolf From the north country Hovwling in the icy wind AHOOOO000 Running through the forest. Free! White Fang fought the other dogs He was fierce as fierce can be Hotoling, angry, he remembered AHOOOO00o0 Running through the forest. Free! White Fang found in the end A good home and a family Howling, happy, he did not miss AHOO00000 Rumning through the forest. Free! (@) - WH cctivity poses ww GD Who are the main characters in the story? Scott Collie Beauty Smith Grey Beaver Jim Hall White Fang ' (3 dD 3 White Fang _ oe © Fill the gaps with the names from activity 1. You can use them more than once. White Fang was a wolf. He lived in the north of Canada, One day an indian, ___—_—_took him to his village to be a sleddog. sold _ was a cruel and lazy man. —— fight other dogs to make money. ____ rescued zB ___ took __to California. There _ met another dog, _ “and saved ’s family from a dangerous criminal, In the end lived happily ever after with his new family, ©} Match the sentences to make the poem. Vale UN ie hs 3 th: a White Fang was in the icy wind From ee awild wolf Howling the north country ‘Ahoooo. Running through the forest. Free! White Fang He was fierce Howling, angry, Ahoooo. Running through as fierce can be he remembered fought the other dogs the forest. Free! White Fang found in the end he did not miss and a family A good home Howling, happy, Ahoooo. Running through the forest. Free! Write the answers in the crossword (use © Use the clues to invent your own sentences. the picture dictionary). You can use the verbs in the box (don’t forget to put them into the past). 5. Clues Across 1 A place with lots of trees. 2 Asmall house made of wood. 3 We use this to buy and sell things. joe ' 4 This connects your head to your body. 2-28 fight 5 A yellow mineral used for jewellery cae cae wane Clues Down 3 jump up at 1 Dangerous animals are kept here. 4 | fall down 2A-2C - 4C 2 An angry dog does this. 5 eee 3 A long pointed tooth. 2A-1A 4 Apperson who breaks the law, 6 nae —_——— | have fi 5 A type of food we get from animals. 7 Bu 30 31 Adjectives to describe character, weather, the Draw a picture of the character you like world around us, body and face, home, time most and the one you like least in the story. Greet a arate Say why. Present, past, past continuous, present perfect Wi, may Jack London ‘Comparatives and superlatives (1876-1916) wasan Adverbs ‘American witer and Look like journalist who wanted Prepositions people to think about others. He wrote two stories from the point of view of a wolf and explored how they see their world and Young ELI Reade humans. White Fang is one ofthese 5 Name fetal) Name eee He Moilanen arene ee D.Gullemant, Hooray for the Hokdays D.Guilemant, Sopies Dream JL Codwalladr, any Fatt and the Yow Sting Tlike best because 1. Cedwalladr, Gravy Fit and the Pate 5 Cadwalader, Granny Fut and che Ball Tike _ least because bere LE Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of OZ J. Cadwallader, PB3 and Coco the Clown J. Cadwallader, PB3 and che Vegerables J. Cadwallader, PB3 and the Jacket Do you like the story? Draw yo 3 Li y Ww your face. My name is oars: eae) The Camas Glee. } pest ei J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and the Meerkats . 7 Hl 4, Buenos Airs. 5T Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and che Emperor Penguins Ae Piave theo Thave been drawing “I Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and the Bekon Tree ‘ all my life, ever since err, Peer Pan )) = like the story ee ees ye ~) Tdidn’t have a TV. Stage 4 ‘sy =I quite like the story enjoy most of all J. London, White Fang fe) Ht ei ree se I Cadwallader, Hary and the Sports Competition = dont ie he story, cng) tee ye cen cand my kids in the P. Bellini, The Secret Passage illustrations that L. Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 32 Tereate. R Kipling, The Jungle Book story. story PICTURE DICTIONARY White Fang ” indian judge meat money ba a Som ~ a= neck (to) pack — ~ (to) pat. sled village

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