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1. Differences between benign and malignant tumors
2. Cellular features of malignancy
3. Anaplasia
4. Hamartoma, Choristoma
5. Teratoma
6. Chemical carcinogens
7. Biologic carcinogens
8. Oncogenic Viruses---- 4 viruses causing tumors in humans
9. Tumor suppressor genes
10. P53, RB gene
11. 4 tumors caused by viruses
12. Differences between initiators and promoters
13. Common sites of origin of certain tumors eg. Adenoma,
adenocarcinoma,squamous carcinoma, melanoma
14. APC gene
15. DNA repair genes
16. Mechanism of Metastasis
17. Pathways of tumor spread
18. Angiogenesis
19. Para neoplastic syndrome- -4 tumors causing PNS
20. Lab diagnosis of cancer
21. FNAC
22. Pap smear & Bethesda system of reporting
23. Tumor markers-- 4 tumor markers
24. 4 modern aids in diagnosis of cancers
25. Frozen section
26. 5 common cancers in men and 5 in women

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