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Getting to know you In not more than 250 words, please describe yourself as a person.

. What are your strengths and areas of improvement? Describe any event / situation in your life which has impacted / influenced you significantly. I am a fun loving, down to earth person. I LOVE life and I believe in spreading smiles wherever I go. One word that would define me would be passionate. I give my hundred percent to whatever work is assigned to me and go beyond the objective of task for a greater learning. I was only trainee among aspirants from top notch colleges like IITs and NITs who was offered a pre placement offer by GS Engineering & Construction testifies the statement. I also believe I have creative bent of mind. I love making handmade cards, creative gifts and selfconceptualized videos on special occasions of loved ones. I have also utilized this art in my professional front wherein I created a video for welcome of New Employees which has been incorporated as official video by the HR department. I have realized that there are few areas in my personal front where I need to improve upon. I joke a lot with my near ones and at times I cross the line and end up hurting them. After my graduation, my joining was delayed by10 months, due to recession. This wasnt only my plight but many of my batch mates were also unfortunate to have been in the same situation. With no confirmation form our recruiters, a couple of my friends gave up. Whereas I saw this as an opportunity in disguise. I knew that God has something better in store for me and I need to find it out. Rather than indulging in self-pity and dismay, I explored an altogether new career in Educorp Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. It was my perseverance that did not let me down and I gained a valuable experience that has moulded me into a person I am today. Those few months changed my perception about many things in life. It helped me grow as a person. This entire episode taught me that it is the Attitude of an individual that matters at the end of the day and the optimism that I had helped me emerge out gracefully from a situation where-in I knew many people had easily given up.

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What is your single largest achievement so far? Why do you consider it to be your largest achievement? I developed a passion for marketing during my engineering days during various events and it was taken to another level during my work with Educorp Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. It was an organization in its nascent stage and there was a lot of exposure I got working with them. I was the core part of business development team. I formed branding strategies, gave seminars in various colleges in and near Chandigarh and later as the project manager, I organized the flagship event of Educorp with the budget of Rs 25 lakh. The reason I consider it my biggest achievement is that this was the first and foremost big budget project that I had got my hands on. Being just a mere beginner in the market, I was quite skeptical weather I would be able to make it happen or not. Weather I will be able to meet my own expectations or not. Having faced many hurdles in the beginning, I knew I had to prove my mettle and I was ready to bust my butt to achieve it. The event went off very well and my hard work was appreciated by one and all.

Have you ever adopted a non-traditional approach to manage a project / situation or to solve a problem? Briefly describe the project / situation of the problem, the approach and the outcome. We, a group of five were given a marketing project to analyze book-buying behavior of consumers. I wanted to go beyond the concept of online survey and make an in-depth research by visiting book-stores and libraries. I had to motivate each member to do so as it was not required according to the project guidelines. I took initiative by conceptualizing the survey and marketing it online in a unique way by providing free e-books to whosoever filled the survey. I created a unique e-mail to persuade people to fill the survey. The idea was very well accepted and we generated a record number of applicants for our survey within few days. This motivated the team to take the project to another level. We went to

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book-stores nearby, talked to owners and conducted a survey among the book-buyers. We carried an I-Pad along with us for people to fill the survey as this created a curiosity among people to use an I-Pad and it was also in sync with one of our objective of the survey to save paper. This was the first time I researched on consumer behavior and had a great learning. The project was very much appreciated by our teacher and this motivated me to go one step further and I have shared my concept with a well known company called Flipkart which started as an online book-selling organization. I offered them to conduct a research on online buying by consumers in Mumbai.

In Your Student Life Or Professional Career So Far, Please Cite Any Innovative / Creative Initiative Taken By You, Which Have Given You A Sense Of Accomplishment. My joining with GS Engineering & Construction as Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) was followed by a 7-day induction program. It comprised of an overview of the company and the functioning of various departments. We attended presentations by senior members who explained us the procedures followed in the departments. After the completion of training, I very strongly felt that there was a scope for improvement in the training program. I approached to the HR Executive of the company and gave my suggestions. I drafted a mail to the senior management suggesting that training program should also include presentations by immediate seniors recruited previous year so that they can share their experiences and the type of work they have done. This would make the program more interesting and participative. The management was not very open for the change but I took the initiative for the next year, I along with few other GETs prepared presentations for the new batch. I also prepared a video of about half an hour displaying the healthy work-culture of the company. The whole concept was very much appreciated by the new batch and the video has been incorporated as the official welcome video of GS E&C. As a gesture I along with other participants in the program were also invited for a lunch with C.E.O of the company

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