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 Simple reflex agents: These agents are the most basic type

of AI agent. They take input from the environment and

respond with an action based solely on the current percept.

 Model-based reflex agents: These agents are similar to

simple reflex agents, but they also have an internal model
of the environment. This model helps the agent to make
more informed decisions based on past experience.

 Goal-based agents: These agents have a specific goal or

objective that they are trying to achieve. They take input
from the environment and decide on an action based on
their current goal.

 Utility-based agents: These agents make decisions based

on a set of criteria, or utilities. They assign values to
different outcomes and choose the action that maximizes
the expected utility.

 Learning agents: These agents are capable of learning

from their experiences. They use machine learning
algorithms to improve their performance over time.
There are many types of environments that can be used in AI to test and evaluate
agent performance. Here are a few common types:

 Fully observable environments: In this type of environment, the agent

can observe the entire state of the environment at each time step.
 Partially observable environments: In this type of environment, the
agent can only observe a portion of the environment's state. This often
requires the agent to maintain an internal state representation.
 Deterministic environments: In this type of environment, the outcome of
each action is fully determined by the current state of the environment.
 Stochastic environments: In this type of environment, the outcome of
each action has some degree of randomness or uncertainty.
 Episodic environments: In this type of environment, the agent's
interaction with the environment is broken up into discrete episodes,
where each episode has a clear start and end point.
 Continuous environments: In this type of environment, the agent's
interaction with the environment is continuous, and there is no clear
distinction between episodes.
 Static environments: In this type of environment, the environment does
not change over time.
 Dynamic environments: In this type of environment, the environment
changes over time in response to the actions of the agent or external
 Discrete environments: In this type of environment, the agent's actions
and the environment's state are represented by discrete variables.
 Continuous environments: In this type of environment, the agent's
actions and the environment's state are represented by continuous

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