Short Test Upper 6

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Short test-unit 6


1 Choose the correct answers.

1 The telephone is usually regarded to be / have been invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
2 The manual must be / must be being read thoroughly before starting the machine.
3 The president is currently being predicted winning/to win a second term in office.
4 We have now got used to being asked / be asked to open our bags.
5 The guard couldn't remember being interviewed / to be interviewed by the police at all.
6 Before its deadly effects were known, smoking would be looked at / was looked upon as
being cool.
7 There are known to be / being poachers in the National Park, but it is difficult to catch
8 It used to be / was being thought that drinking water from this well would make you live
9 The burglars' footprints may to have been / have been washed away by the rain.
10 Most crop circles are thought having been made / to have been made as a joke.
11 My classmates admitted being / to have been frightened by the noise this morning.
12 Last week most of the fans refused to be / being put off by the heavy rain.
13 My instructions must being / be carried out precisely at all times.
14 The priests are believed to have conducted / conduct religious rituals here in the 10th
15 The doorman is now suspected to have been bribed / to bribe to let the underage students
into the club.

Mark __/15

2 Complete the sentences with appropriate passive forms. Use the words in brackets.

1 Many people _________________________________ into the sea before the ship sank.
(now, think, jump)
2 Today the removal of trams from British cities ___________________________ a mistake.
(sometimes, feel, be)
3 It __________________________________ that pigs are ‘dirty’ animals because of their
liking for mud. (still, widely, believe)
4 You ________________________________ by lightning walking out in that storm
yesterday! (could, kill)
5 At the start of the last century most women _____________________________ at home.
(expect, stay)
6 It ___________________________________ really bad luck to spill salt. (use to, consider)
7 The accident _____________________________ a failure of the brakes. (suspect, cause)
8 The Spartans believed in their children ______________________________________
from a young age. (physically, challenge)
9 It was hoped that young people _______________________________ houses through a
government scheme. (would, help, buy)
10 The Romans __________________________________ their wine mixed with water.
(say, drink)

Mark __/10


1 Choose the correct answers.

1 Most things my mother cooks lack flavour. They are disgusting / tasteless / unpleasant.
2 I should have cooked the vegetables a little longer. They‘re too peppery / chewy /
3 This cake has become stale / bitter / stodgy. It’s been in the cupboard for a week.
4 I hate it when he starts to spill the beans / go pear-shaped / butter you up because he
needs something.
5 If you cook steak for too long, it may be greasy / juicy / tough.
6 When you cook chips in oil that isn't hot enough, they absorb a lot of the oil and are too
greasy / crispy / disgusting.
7 I can't stand stodgy / stale / bland food. I prefer light and healthy dishes like fish and
8 Don't be full of beans / a couch potato / a pie in the sky! Come to the park with us.
9 This chicken still looks crumbly / raw / crispy in places. You'll need to put it back in the
10 When my father cooks, the dishes have so much more flavour than my mother's bland /
raw / tough food.

Mark __/10
Use of English

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Indian curries are often full of chillies and very hot and ____.
a smoky b spicy c sticky
2 The food at the hostel was really _____. It was boring and tasteless.
a bland b smooth c tough
3 Rice is believed ____ originated in China.
a having b that it c to have
4 I really can’t stand ____ at.
a to be laughed b laughed c being laughed
5 Our day out began well but soon went ____ Everything went wrong!
a pear-shaped b to a pie in the sky c in a nutshell
6 Check the use-____ date before cooking what’s in the tin.
a for b by c to
7 The sauce has been ______ with flour.
a thickened b thicken c thickness
8 This meat is very _____. It just melts in your mouth and is very easy to eat.

a tender b chewy c crumbly

9 The chef’s cooking is thought ____ inspired by North African recipes.
a being b that it is c to be
10 Tim refuses ____ waiting.
a to be kept b being kept c be kept

Mark __/10

Total ___/45

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