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Inspiration from “Jamil Azzaini” as an Entrepreneur

1. The first inspiration is “Never Give Up”

He is such a great example of from Zero to Hero. He never give up to reach his dream even if he
was born from a poor family in the middle of the jungle in Lampung Selatan. Because of his discipline and
perseverance he succeed to continue his Education in IPB. This is the real lesson that we can learn from
him that no matter where you from or what kind of family do you born in, the one who must struggle to
reach your dream is you yourself. Besides that, we learn that Education is the most powerful way to
empower yourself.
2. The second inspiration is “Dare To Take a Risk”
There is nothing Impossible as long as you want to try and dare to take a risk. He teaches us
about to be patience and strong to face all problem then “No matter how hard your life to reach your
dream you must dare to take the risk and responsibility to all your decision. As what Mr. Jamil Azzaini did,
he left his family and go to Bogor for his education. His life was not easy back then, but he continue to
strive. His financial situation was not good. He struggle to survive. Even he lived in a Mosque or in his
friend’s dormitory to economize his daily expenses.
However, this was his turning point to be an Entrepreneur. He started his small business, it was a
small scale book selling. He distributed the books to many classes. And the business was growing and
promising. Then he wanted to try another challenge he wanted to scale up his business. So he started his
computer business in his Campus IPB at the beginning 90.
Then he took another brave decision. He got married when he was still in the third semester of his study
in IPB. To support his family financial, he and his wife started to open a catering business and they
succeeded to scale up the business.
For his great achievement, he then co-found an NGO focusing on Zakat, Infaq, and charity named
Dompet Dhuafa (DD), under his leadership he brought Dompet Dhuafa well recognized Nationally and
Internationally. The other lesson that we can learn from him in this pace of his life is he decided to
continue his study for his post graduate majoring management in IPB. After leading Dompet Dhuafa for
11 years until DD well recognized by the world, but then he take another risk. He decided to leave
Dompet Dhuafa move to the next stage of his life.

3. The third inspiration is “Noble Succeed : Be the Path of Other People’s Success(Sukses Mulia)”
He comes from a small and poor village or in the middle of the jungle, exactly in South Lampung. So he
knows how hard to have that kind of struggle. After all of his success story about being an entrepreneur,
he decided to be a Motivational Speaker, he is also known as a lecturer, Personal and Leadership
Development Trainer, and an author of many best seller book especially about self-development book.
He wants to give a social impact to others. He declare himself as “Inspirator Sukses Mulia”. He wants to
share his insight to the young generation. So he build his own trainer academy. He wants to create
another great trainer through “Akademi Trainer”. He also has community website
with his friends he wants to build “Noble Succeed(Sukses Mulia)” civilization through some communities
that he built in many provinces in Indonesia. The community is named “Komunitas Suskses Mulia”
As an author and motivator Mr. Jamil Azzaini has been inspiring and recognized in National and
International. He is one of my teacher when I was in Sekolah Guru Indonesia Dompet Dhuafa. The most
memorable thing for me is when he invites me to his book launching, the title of his book is “The
Tribute”. And his unforgettable advice to me is “If you want to be success don’t be success only for
yourself, but be the path of other people success”. His words has really changed my life.

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