Hidaka 1979

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Powder Technology, 24 (1979) 159 - 166 159

@ Ekevier Sequoia S-A., Lausanne -Printed in the Netherlands

Ekactionation and Particle Size Analysis of Fine Powders by Micro Sieve


Department of Chemical Engineering. Doshisha University. Kyoto 602 (Japan)
(Received Se,ltember 30.1979)

SUMMARY The main reasons why the sieving process

has been little used for fine powders are the
Wet sieving of fine powders, usually con- following:
sidered the sub-sieve region, is discussed. (1) as the sieve opening is finer, its accuracy
The main trouble in a wet sieving operation is not satisfactory.
is resistance due to surface tension of the (2) it is difficult to make fine particles pass
dispersing medium passing through the rapidly through the sieve aperture.
sieve; this is the main reason why wet sieving However, since the electroformed sieve,
of fine powders is difficult. A basic concept which has uniform apertures, has been devel-
in the design of wet sieving equipment is oped, it has increased the possibiliw of
shown. sieving fine powders. The existing problem is
Fine powders are fractionated rapidly by how to accelerate the velocity of fine particles
using the sieving equipment which consists through the sieve.
of ultrasonic vibrator, electromagnetic vibra- In the sieving of fine powders, a wet sieving
tor, and reciprocating pump. Quantitative process should be used because dispersion of
data on the particle size analysis of fine pow- the fine particles in liquid is easier. The wet
ders in the size range 45 - 5pm are given and sieving process has already been widely used
compared with those obtained by other for fractionating the particles whose particle
methods. size is coarser than about 50pm. In this size
range, it is very rare to experience any &oubIes
in the operation; but in a finer size range, an
INTRODUCTION especially highly skilled technique is required
in order to make fine particles pass through
In various industrial processes, achieving the sieve.
the improvement of quality of products by In this paper, basic concept on the wet
utilizing improved scientific techniques, high- sieving technique of fine powders and particle
ly technical problems, where it is difficult to size analysis of fine powders with the micro
achieve desired results by using the existing sieve is discussed_
techniques for fractionating powders, are in-
In particular, the accurate fractionation of BASIC CONCEPT ON WET SIEVING OF FINE
fine powders is of interest in the manufactur- POWDERS
ing of speciai powder products and the anal-
yzing of powders. The greatest advantage in wet sieving is the
Usually, a water elutriation or sedimenta- fact that fine particles are in good dispersion
tion process has been used for such purposes, in liquid where electrostatic and other agglom-
but the accuracy is not satisfactory_ In order erating forces can be reduced. However, the
to fractionate fine powders accurately, it is following difficult problems arise along with
necessary to establish the technique of sieving utilizing liquid as dispersing medium:
for fine powders because the sieving is a most (1) resistance to fluid flow of sieve consider-
effective method in size classification methods. ably increases.

(2) resistance due to surface tension of fluid TABLE 1

through sieve arises. Specification of micro sieve

(3) fine particles on the sieve cause resistance

to fluid flow. Dimension of Mesh Wire diameter Void fraction
Thus it is necessary to investigate a quanti- sieve aperture d E
tative relationship between these resistances (Pm) !m)
and the aperture dimensions of the sieve. 53 250 48.6 0.271
45 350 27.6 0.383
a) Resistance to fluid flow of sieue 32 500 18.8 0.397
Resistance to fluid flow of sieve has been 25 635 15.0 0.391
investigated in detail by Armour and Cannon 20 750 13.9 0.347
16 1000 9.4 0.397
[l] , and the following equation is proposed 10 1270 10.0 0.250
by treating the sieve as a very thin packed bed. 5 1500 11.9 0.091

4P,= f (y=“, - (L/D) (1)

where 4P, is pressure drop through the sieve;

f is friction factor (f = 8_61/Re + 0.52); p is
fluid density; U is fluid velocity; and E is void
fraction of the sieve; Re = pu/pa’D, p is a
fluid viscosity; D is the aperture dimension 5
of sieve; a is surface area per unit volume Fig. 2. Droplet formed under the sieve surface.
of sieve wire; and L is fiuid path length.
One of the authors, Miwa, investigated the
resi.&mce to fluid flow of various sieves and
pointed out that the calculated values horn b) Resistance due to surface iension
eqn. (1) agree well with the experimental In wet sieving, the suspension flows out
values [ 2]_ from a sieve aperture under gravity with drop-
In the experimental work described in this Iet formation as shown in Fig. 2. Therefore,
paper, an electroformed micro sieve is used as a pressure difference 4P arises between the
described in Fig. 1 and Table 1. The calculated inside and the outside of droplet. When the
suspension flows out from the sieve aperture,
work must be done in order to increase the
surface area of the droplets against this pres-
sure difference_ Then the resistance due to-
surface tension can be represented by 4P and
it is necessary to know this pressure differ-
ence when the liquid film formed on the sieve
Fig. 1. The micro sieve.
surface is broken.
Now, when the main radius of curvature of
value from eqn. (l), for a micro sieve, is the droplet, R, is assumed to be half the sieve
shown in Table 2_ As is evident from the table, aperture, i.e. R = l/2 D, this pressure differ-
for a small velocity of fluid through the sieve, ence, AP, is given by the following equation
the resistance to fluid flow of the sieve does based on the Laplace equation_
not affect the sieving operation. However, AP = 20/R = 40-/O (2)
in a range finer than 10 pm, the resistance
increases noticeably. where (Tis a surface tension.

Resistance to fluid Row of micro sieve (for U = 1 cm/set.)

Dimension of sieve aperture @m) 53 45 32 25 20 16 10 5

Pressure difference APr (cm HaO) 2.2 1.3 1.7 2.2 3.6 3.5 8.9 120.2

Fig. 3. Experimental apparatus for the measurement

of resistance &Je to surface tension.

Fig_ 5. Relationship between AP and the dimensions

of the sieve aperture.

factant solution (a = 30.76 dyne/cm). Surface

tension of liquid used is determined by the
JoIy balance.
Fig. 4. Liquid film formed on the sieve surface. In this experiment surface tension acts on
both the inside and the outside of the liquid
film formed on the sieve as shown in Fig_ 4.
Measurement of resistance due to surface Therefore eqn. (2) is rewritten as follows:
AP = So/D (3)
To experimentally confirm eqn. (2) which
expresses the relationship between AP and D, The measured values are shown on a
the pressure difference, AP, of many sieves logarithmic graph in Fig. 5 with the calcu-
with various aperture dimensions was mea- lated values from eqn. (3) and it is found that
sured by using an experimental apparatus as they lie almost on a straight line and the slope
shown in Fig. 3. A sieve of 20 mm i-d. and of the line is -1. From this fact, it is confirmed
30 mm height is attached to the top of a com- that the relationship between D and AP is
pression tube. To form a liquid film on the correctly shown by the equation AP = ka/D
sieve, liquid is spread thinly over it using a similar to eqn. (3). However, the measured
small brush. Then air in the compression tube values are smaller than the calculated values.
is compressed by slowly elevating a water The main reasons are the following three: (1)
tank, and the liquid film formed on the sieve shape of the sieve aperture is square; when a
is expanded by compressed air as shown in liquid film is expanded, its shape is not spher-
Fig. 4. To measure pressure in the tube, a dia- ical, therefore stress concentrations arise at
phragm gauge using an eIectricaI resistance specific points. (2) contamination of the sieve
strain gauge is employed. When the liquid film surface. (3) the assumption that the radius of
formed on the sieve surface is expanded and main curvature of droplet is half the sieve
is suddenly broken, the pressure in the tube aperture dimension.
suddenly drops. The maximum pressure, P, is From the experiment described above, it is
measured_ThendYisthedifferencebetween found thatresislzmce due to surface tension
P, and atmospheric pressure P,. of fluid flow through a micro sieve or a woven
The sieves used in this experiment are micro sieve, which has a square hole and plain weave,
sieves and ones of plain weave made of stain- can be estimated by the following equation:
less steel. The dimensions of the sieve aper- AP = 1.20/D; this measured value is approxi-
ture are determined by measuring the en- mately one third of the calculated value from
larged image from a projector. The liquid used eqn. (3) based on the Laplace equation. It was
is distilIed water (u = 72-6 dyne/cm) and sur- also found that resistance due to surface ten-

sion is larger than resistance to fluid flow this sieve are fluidized and particles finer than
through the sieve. the sieve aperture are exhausted out of the
Eventually, in order to efficiently sieve fine equipment. Amplitude of particles and medi-
powders, the sieving equipment must satisfy um, when ultrasonic vibration is applied to
the following conditions: the particles in liquid, is given by the follow-
(1) to promote the passing of fine particles ing equation derived by Brant [3] _
through the sieve aperture, the velocity of
the dispersing medium through the sieve must s-p,-D,2-fs
be high. Fine particles pass through the sieve (4)
rapidly with a dispersing medium.
(2) to reduce the resistance due to surface where X,, and X, are the amplitudes of parti-
tension, as described above, the sieve surface cles and medium respectively; pP is particle
must be immersed in a fluid in order to pre- density; D, is particle size; pa is viscosity of
vent resistance due to surface tension. air; f, is frequency of ultrasonic vibration.
(3) to reduce the resistance due to fine parti- The ratio X,/X, calculated by eqn. (4) is
cles on the sieve, the particles should be fluid- shown in Fig. ‘7. It is found that as particle
ized while sieving_ size becomes coarser, the vibration of parti-
cles becomes inactive, therefore a? entire
set of sieves is vibrated by using an electro-
EXPERIMENTAL magnetic vibrator_

Sieuing equipment for fine powders

The sieving equipment for fine powders is
shown in Fig. 6. This equipment consists of

Far!icle size Dp (pm)

Fig. 7. Relationship between frequency of ultrasonic

wave and vibration of particles_

One or a stack of several micro sieves are

tightly mounted on an ultrasonic vibrator_ An
O-ring is used to obtain a liquid-tight seal.
First of all, the dispersing medium is put
Fig. 6. Sieving equipmentfor fine powders. into the micro sieve and vibration is acti-
vated. Then a 2 - 3% suspension of the ma-
terial to be sieved is poured into the hop-
an ultrasonic vibrator, electromagnetic vibra- per_ The dispersing medium used is methanol,
tor and reciprocating pump. Ultrasonic vibra- and the diameter of the micro sieve is 75 mm.
tion is used for dispersion of fine powders on Specification of the equipment used is as
the micro sieve and accelerating the sieving follows:
rate. In order to prevent fine particles from Ultrasonic vibrator; frequency 20,28,40 kHz,
precipitating on the micro sieve and to increase output 0 - 30 W
the velocity of suspension through the sieve, Electiomagnetic vibrator; frequency 60 Hz,
a reciprocating pump is used. Since alternate output 220 w;
pressure and vacuum is applied to the micro Reciprocating pump; capacity 0 - 500 cc/min
sieve by the reciprocating pump, particles on at 12 r.p.m.


Effect of ultrasonic and electromagnetic vi-

bration on sieving rate
Using one of the micro sieves whose open-
ing is 16 I.rrnor 20 pm, 3 g of silicon carbide
is sieved to investigate the effects of each vi-
bration on sieving rate. The particle size
distribution of silicon carbide used is shown
Particle size 4 CMm ) in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Particle size distribution of silicon carbide_ Effects of frequency and intensity of ultra-
sonic vibmtionr
The relationship between the residue on
the micro sieve and sieving time is shown in
Figs. 9 and IO where frequency of ultrasonic
vibration is 20, 28 and 40 kHz respectively,
and the effect of intensity is shown in Fig. 11.
As is evident from these figures, sieving rate
is accelerated by ultrasonic vibration, but the
degree of acceleration is not affected very
much by frequency.
A ztn~bo6;;)3$0 The micro sieve can be damaged by cavita-
Sreving time(Sec_)
tion and impinging of particles accelerated by
Fig. 9. Effect of frequency of ultrasonic wave on ultrasonic vibration to sieve surface. In parti-
sieving rate. (Silicon carbide (* lOOO), micro sieve, cular, impinging of pa&i&es on to the sieve
16 pm, K = centrifugal effect of electromagnetic
surface visibly damages the micro sieve.
It has been reported by Neppiras and Noltingk
[4] that the impact force of particles
accelerated by ultrasonic vibration decreases
remarkably when the frequency becomes
higher than about 30 kHz. Therefore about
40 kHz is a suitable frequency for applying
to sieving when using an electroformed sieve
such as a micro sieve, and the intensity of
ultrasonic vibration required about 0.45
Sieving time( 52-C) W/cma.
Fig. 10. Effect of frequency of ultrasonic wave on

sieving rate. (SilicoE carbide (_’ 1200), micro sieve, Effect of electromagnetic vibration:
20 W)- Effect of intensity on the sieving rate is
shown in Fig. 12. Centrifugal effect of vibra-

P.. -K-2.51
o K _ i.L5
OK =0.90

Sieving time ( Sec.)

Sieving time(Sec.)
Fig. 11. Effect of intensity of ultrasonic wave on
sieving rate. (Silicon carbide (+ 1200), micro sieve, Fig. 12. Effect of intensity of electromagnetic vibra-
16 ~4. tion. (Silicon carbide (_” 1000) micro sieve, 16 pm).

tion R is varied by changing the amplitude of

electromagnetic vibration at constant frequen-
cy (60 Hz). It is found that the sieving action
is promoted by electromagnetic vibration and
as a larger centrifugal effect R is achieved,
the sieving rate is accelerated.

Figure 13 shows particle size distribution

of silicon carbide powder which can pass
through a 20 pm micro sieve at each sieving
Fig. 13. Particle size distribution of Sic which can pass
cycle. As shown in Fig. 7 particle size of sili-
through 20 pm micro sieve at each sieving cycIe.
con carbide (= 1000) is distributed over a nar-
row size range; a large amount of so called dif-
ficult particles for sieving, whose size ranges
from 0.750 to D (where D is the sieve osen-
ing), is included. However, it was found that
almost a.lIfiner particles than the sieve open-
ing passed through the sieve within 4 min. A
smah amount of partLies coarser than the
sieve opening passes through the sieve at the
end of the sieving operation as the shape of
the silicon carbide particles is irregular_ When
Sreving tlme(Sec.)
the weight of sampIe is excessive, the sieving
Fig. 14. Effect of sample weights on sieving rate. rate decreases suddemy as shown in Fig. 14.

Fractionation and particle size analysis

A stack of five micro sieves, whose openings
are 5,8,10,16, and 20 m respectively, was
mounted on the equipment and particle size
analysis was made. Materials used were sihca
beads whose shape was spherical, silicon car-
bide (R 800) which had narrow size distribu-
tion and irregular shape and sintered alumina
(AI&s) powder which had wide size distri-
bution end irregular shape.
Particle size i&oJ m 1 Sieving conditions were as foiIows. The
Fig. 15. Particle size distribution of silica beads frac- dispersing medium was ethanol, centrifugal
tionated by using the micro sieve. effect K was 2.5 and frequency of the ultra-

The accuracy of micro sieve analysis (silicon carbide (_” 800))

Particle size Measured values R (X) R OR c-v.

(Crm) (%) (%) (%)
Run=1 2 3 4

45 0.07 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.03 30

82 O-14 0.21 0.27 0.18 0.20 0.36 0.66 27.4
20 25.33 27.07 25.06 27.90 26.34 26.64 1.36 5.2
16 35.00 34.26 35.23 33.13 34.40 61.04 0.97 2.8
10 37.13 35.49 37.11 36.96 36.67 97.71 0.88 2.4

g Average of the measured values (R)

c+; Standard deviation
C-V.; Coefficient of variation_

0 Andreasen p~pet -Lo-


Fig. 16. Particle size distribution of silicon carbide Fig. 17. Particle size distribution of sintered alumina.
(-_ 800).

sonic wave was 40 kHz. Sample weights: is shown in Tables 3 and 4, which shows that
silica beads, 2 g, silicon carbide and sir&red it is accurate enough for practical usage.
alumina, 3 g. The sieving time was 15 min.
To confirm the sharpness of separation on CONCLUSIONS
this sieving method, particle size distribution
of silica beads retained on each micro sieve In order that efficient sieving of fine pow-
was determined by microscopy and the results ders usually considered to be in the subsieve
are shown in Fig. 15. As is evident from the region, is achieved, the wet sieving process
figure, it is found that a high degree of sepa- should be used and the sieving equipment
ration of fine particles is achieved within 15 must satisfy the following conditions:
_min. Particle size distribution obtained by (1) to promote the passage of fine powders
this sieving method is shown in Figs. 16 and through the sieve aperture the velocity of
17 compared to those obtained by other dispersing medium through the sieve must
methods. The accuracy of this sieving method be high.

The accuracy of micro sieve analysis (sintered alumina)
Particle size Measured values R (%) R *R c-v.

(cun) (XI &L (%I (%I

Run=1 2 3 4

20 43.69 44.34 43.95 43.36 43.84 43.84 0.414 0.90

16 4-83 4.40 5.33 5-21 4.94 48.78 O-412 8.34
10 15.63 i5.97 15.78 16.05 15.86 64.64 0.189 1.20
8 2.77 2.55 2.13 2.26 2.43 67.07 0.288 11.85
5 8.20 9.69 7.82 8-44 8.54 75.61 0.810 9.47

E; Average of the measured values (R)

uR ; Standard deviation
C.V.; Coefficient of variation.

(2) to reduce resistance due to surface tension This sieving method is useful for obtaining
of the dispersing medium the sieve zxrface a small amount of particles of narrow size
must be immersed in a fluid. distribution.
(3) to reduce resistance due to fine particles
on the sieve, these particles should be fluid-
ized while sieving. REFERENCES
Fine particles in size range 45 - 5 pm are
sieved rapidly by using the sieving equipment 1 J. C. Armoar and J. N. Cannon, A.I.Ch.E. Journal,
based on this concept. The pa.rticIe size dis- 14 (1968) 415.
2 S. Miwa, Furuiwake-Dokuhon, Sangyogijutsu
tribution obtained by this sieT*ingmethod
Center, Tokyo, 2nd edn., (1974) p_ 218.
agrees well with the distribution obtained by 3 0. Brandt, Trans. Faraday Sot.. 32 (1936) 1101.
Andreasen pipette and photosedimentation 4 E. A_ Neppiras and B. E. Noltingk, fioc. Phys.
and the accuracy is shown to be good. Sot. 64b (1951) 1032.

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