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Centro Cultural Sampedrano

Calidad Educativa, Cultura y Servicio

Welcome Movie Proposal

Lic. Omar Dagoberto Cerella

Lic. Juana Velásquez

Academic Principal

Lic. Miriam Carranza

Vice Principal

Teacher in Charge: Mr. Rivera, Israel

February 8th, 2023

Dear Mr. Cerella:

Receive a cordial greeting, we are addressing you in order to present our proposal for the
Welcome Movie.
Welcome Movie is a new activity proposed as a replacement for the old Welcome Party.
This is to start generating funds as seed capital for our process as Seniors 2023.

Activity Proposal Welcome Movie

This activity is scheduled for February 10th of the current year. In this activity, we plan on
taking junior-high and high-school student body to Las Acacias gallery to watch a movie.
The event´s cost will be L.35.00 which will include the movie and the right to attend the
movie day with color clothes always under the institution´s dress code.
Movies to watch:

• Junior-high: Spiderman into the Spiderverse

• High school: Batman Begins


In the next section, you will be able to read the schedule for the movies. We are requesting
you for permission to use both locations (Las Acacias Gallery and Auditorium 2) during the
time in the schedule below, included 10 minutes before and after that time to install our tools.

7th Grade and 8th Grade: 8:45 - 10:45 (Las Acacias Gallery)
9th Grade: 9:50-11:50 (Auditorium 2)
10th Grade and 11th Grade: 12:35-2:55 (Las Acacias Gallery)

Location Time Grades

8:45-10:45 7th & 8th

Las Acacias
12:35-2:55 10th & 11th

Auditorium 2 9:50-11:50 9th

Recess Schedules

Because the movies are around 2 hours long, we had to make some minor changes in the
recess that will be applied the day of the event (February 10th):

Break Lunch
7th Grade and 8th Grade: 8:00 - 8:30 7th Grade and 8th Grade: 11:00-11:40
10th Grade: 8:40 - 9:10 10th Grade and 11th Grade: 11:50-12:30
9th Grade and 11th Grade: 9:15-9:45 9th Grade: 12:45-1:25

Break Lunch
8:00 - 8:30 7th & 8th 11:00 - 11:40 7th & 8th
8:40 - 9:10 10th 11:50 - 12:30 10th & 11th
9:15 - 9:45 9th & 11th 12:45 - 1:25 9th

Sales Proposal

We request the right to offer food service, as well as the right to use the kitchen for their
preparation, all for Seniors 2023´s benefit.

Products for Sale:

• Hot dogs (L.35.00)
• Popcorn (L.20.00)

Request to eat our products inside Gallery: For the grades that are going to watch the
movie in Las Acacias Gallery, we request permission for them to eat the products we will sell
(that part is explained below), inside the Gallery. We will emphasize in the importance of
putting the trash in its place, and we, as Seniors 2023, are compromised to clean the place
after each of the two movies that will take place in Las Acacias Gallery.

Dressing Code for Seniors

We request you permission to use the following Dressing Code (Seniors Only):
- Blue Shirt (Always following the dressing code of the institution.)
- Jeans (Not Ripped).
- With girls being able to use basic make-up and small earrings (with the same rules for make-
up as a normal color day).
- Always bringing our carnet.
Price Analysis
Products Estimated Cost per Unit Price per Unit Profit per Unit
Hot Dogs L11.81 L35.00 L23.19
Popcorns L7.50 L20.00 L12.50
Move L0.00 L35.00 L35.00
Soda L2.80 L6.00 L3.20

Cost per Total Price per Total
Products Estimated Units Unit Cost Unit Total Estimated Sales Profit
Hot Dogs 450 L11.81 L5,314.50 L35.00 L15,750.00 L10,435.50
Popcorns 200 L7.50 L1,500.00 L20.00 L4,000.00 L2,500.00
Movie 600 L0.00 L0.00 L35.00 L21,000.00 L21,000.00
Soda 500 L2.80 L1,400.00 L6.00 L3,000.00 L1,600.00
Total - - L8,214.50 - L43,750.00 L35,535.50

Mr. Rivera Israel Allan Antunez

Teacher in charge Informatics Seniors Manager

Arleth Aldana Andrea Álvarez

Business Administration Seniors Accounting Seniors Manager

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