Seniros Day 7 of March

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yee Peebles World of work ESE Training and workshops 1 sac Tatung ia company providing raining for otherbusineter. Lok tthe oures He Training offers and ck the ones that you Hd lteresting. Compare widiapatae und exphlavrythe course tues you 2. Matches (1-4) wth hele detons (AD). 1 an author A someone who talks ata public event 2 aspeaker B someone who helps people to improve at a sport, skill 3 awrainer or school subject # aconeultant someone who advices people on a particular subject D someone who writes books or articles 3. Read this pro about the owner of &C and the gaps wih the obs in nercse2. {BC sa tong cone tony fe sonora ond ‘poles amtepmert nthe worsoce.# ‘asad n Od nats nnby Janet Cov -eret ton epetecadtocter and a. Shenre couse awoiabope Io companies ond erates 46002 ‘ehebs anes pace OreCTe icucs Se sorctres gvescnetooresoxors en heptane a va emat 4 Reade five sentences rom emails sent fo J4C Training Which requests can J&C help with? 1 Lyantto study busines Engh, but can travel Oto 2 Ourunivesity department needs some I taining. Can you help? 3 Lwanttogivea speech at my brother’ wedding. 4 Tilike some help with writings novel 5 Our company woud ike sme information on tean-buing weekends ‘Thepresent simple is used to talkabout: ‘© permanent situations @ Whatdo you dor ‘Ac Tima sales rep. [work for a company that supplies computer software. ‘+ habits and frequency of activities @ Doyou often travel abroad? A Yes Lg to taly two or three times a month. “+ timetables (witha time expression) Q@ Whendoes your train leave? Ay Mleaves at 14:45. ‘Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 "What. your company - (produce) cleetrcal appliances (make) 2 “How many people you (employ) ‘We. 1,200 employees! (have) a4 you your goods abroad (export) “Yes, we da We all over Europe: (ship) 4 How often you staff menting (have) “Onceor wrice month, We them every week: (not hold) 5 ‘Whattime: themeetings (sat) ‘they ueunly a1 11 dclock (begin) 6: Peta youvwith your work? (help) “Yes, she does, but she ________a lot of time: (not have) Adverbs and expressions of frequency We often use these adverbs of frequency with the present simple: always usually often sometimes rarely never Adverbs of frequency usually go: + before most verbs She often prepares Power Point presentations. «after the vetb be He ismever late. ‘We also use expressions such as once a week, twice a month, every Monday, ‘on Thursdays. These usually go atthe end ofthe sentence. We have a staff meeting every Monday / on Mondays / once a week. 2. Putthe words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 meetings / month / we / every / have / two 2 December / bonus / always /in /gets /a/he 3 rarely / complaints / we / receive /any 4 produce/ catalogue / year /every / new /we/a 5 she /schedule / behind /is//never HOW OFTEN ... {do you plan your day's activities? 1 2 doyouseen eight hours night? HOWTO INTERPRET 3 THE SCORE: 4 paw in Sawremts este ae you on ments? rose pen eee ‘ebed at you ave in danger of reretecien veo {foes hates ake 5 do youspend more than an hour on lunch? aimee see * ie © doyousce your tends st woshends? Pattie aya or pers ing the west? Pepe ent wh ox oH eo sors during the —— Ee aienlareaptiee ls talnales? Sota rae mene 11-20: You at 9 dayermla wp item idee] inten inanom cae 10 doyeustaigh in normal wor dy? Tt tags youre - and maybe forthe people ound yt ora ay feast ha {do you find ime to relax during the day? Personal and professional details Meeting people ere are some phrases you can use when you greet somebody. Choose the best response (A-G) foreach phrase (1-6). id nig Nyc RCs il i Nt 1 Hela fm Lothar Mater aC Nom not 2 fcuseme Are you Linda Gorden? NE. ene ee you, Mi i 3 Hela Me Leonid Howes ox? Dow ou dlr Me 4 fcueme iryourname own? Pes callme Peer 5 Hi George Ncetosceyouagan, Yew ts @ Pearediomeetyouiriahman. G Ncetoweeyoutoa Work in pairsto check your answers. Then practise saying the greetings and. responses, In which of the situations in exercise 1 are the people meeting for the first time? 7 ‘Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. It’sareal pleasure to workwithher Nice to meet you, lan. Do you know her? May lintroduce myself? My bossis in Sydney. She's in Singapore, too. fan Hello, (1) ty ncme's tan ‘and | work in the Asia-Pacific division. Henry (2) My name's Henry aand this is my colleague, Sarah. Sarah Hello, lan. Do you work in the Sydney office? Tan No,not atthe moment. (3). But 'm based in Singapore. Henry Look! There's Michelle over there. She's based somewhere in Asia. can't remember where exactly. (4) Ian _Yes, we'reon the same projectthis year. (—_ Henry Ab, lucky you. She'seally beautiful - and clever oo. Ian Yes, know. (6) Sarah Well, think Illleave youboysto discuss... work Henry Oh, Sarah, you're not jealous, are you? Sarah No, Imnot... Michelle, how lovely it isto see you again.

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