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Introduction was established so that people in Norway would have an easy way to look up and
compare different actual mortgage interest rates from different local banks. User-reported
interests form the basis of the service. From there, can let you know if the interest
rate you're receiving from your bank is competitive, or if there is a better option where you
can save tens of thousands of kroner annually. In this assignment, requires our
professional competencies and expertise in creating a new business model for one of the
existing services and introducing a new business model, along with a new service, to boost
revenue, become profitable, and grow into other markets. In this assignment, we will provide
advice and use our understanding of e-commerce to assist the company in expanding into new
markets. In this project, we will apply e-commerce theories, concepts, themes, and models
that may be useful to the organization.

2. Eight Key Elements of the Business Model

A business model is a framework for the value creation process of an organization. Business
potential is reduced to its core by business models. A business model provides fundamental
answers to questions about the issue you'll address, the approach you'll take to address it, and
the potential for growth within a particular market. In addition to offering a general overview
of the business model, these canvases help companies visualize and evaluate their strategy.
This includes revising the model as the business develops to account for market changes, new
revenue streams, or business expansions.

Figure 1
2.1 Value proposition
The project team members must be able to add value or give clients a reason to choose above their competitors in order to increase engagement. It mostly happens through
the accumulation of a set of advantages related to the delivery of services or goods that meet
the needs of the particular consumer segment. should offer services that are simple
to use, available through any form of technology, and understandable to customers who are
not well-versed in the banking sector. It would be an advantage to have their own service
landline where customers can directly call them if there are any confusion about the website.

2.2 Revenue model

The concept of revenue streams must be understood in the context of financing the process of
promoting innovation in relation to the business model canvas. In this case
generates money through a partnership with Lendo and other banks. We propose that these
marketing ideas should be used in generating revenue:

2.2.1 Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing might be beneficial in Affiliate marketing is defined as a type
of marketing in which firms pay a commission ranging from 4% to 20% to websites that bring
customers to their website. Customers that visit via affiliate websites frequently
click on advertising that take them to the advertiser's website, which can be profitable for The advertisers will then pay an affiliate fee. Either as a percentage of the
customer's total spend on the site or as a per-click fee. This will assist the organization in
becoming profitable and expanding into new markets.

2.2.2 Pricing strategy

The idea behind a pricing strategy is that a company has a strategy for determining how much
to charge for its services. Dynamic pricing and bundling are two of the numerous pricing
techniques that are most pertinent for When a product's price changes in response
to various factors, this is known as dynamic pricing. conditions such as customer demand and
supplier position. is making money in this instance by charging the banks rather
than the client. allows customers to distinguish between loans and interest rates
from various banks. This falls under the heading of customer intimacy, where creating close
relationships with customers is the major objective. There are no fees associated with using
the service, and they provide free mortgage-related material. Building trusting relationships
with clients is essential for gaining repeat business. The consumer feels connected and safe,
which increases their likelihood of using the service again and referring it to others.

2.3 Market strategy

By developing a strategy, you can be confident that you're appealing to the proper
demographics with pertinent information. The more time you invest in developing a precise
approach, the more sales possibilities you'll generate. Your business objectives, including who
your ideal clients are and how you plan to reach them, are outlined in your marketing strategy.
It is your strategy and the roadmap for the marketing activities you will carry out over the
ensuing months and years to expand your company.

2.3.1 Business to Business

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